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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE KY SATURDAY MAY 5 1934 Churchill Downs 1 mile Seventh day Churchill Downs Inc Spring meeting of 19 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Stewards C F Price T C Bradley C B Head and E Hogg Judges W H Shelley S H McMeeJdn and Si Goodpaster Starter V Hamilton Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 130 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indtcates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds OOOGM FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs Miss Joy May 21 1921 52 2 110 Spring Time coSrrT1 Purse Purse 600 2yearolds Maidens Special weights Net value to winner 450 May534CD second 100 third 35 fourth 15 i Mr Fin Jockeys Owners Eirilr Odds Sir t 93571 ST BERNARD w 116 82 2 11 lm PascumaA E G Shaffer 100100 100100ROSS 1860100STAR ROSS wl6 58 75 65 24 RuderL Shandon Farm Stable 1860100 STAR 2660100EARLY BANNER w 113 1 7 85 T 31 HumphsL T Piatt 2660100 EARLY 620100VERY DAWN WB 113 21 45 34 42 SchutteH H P Headley 620100 VERY WISE w 116 76 35 44 55 PoolE Southland Stable 600100 93727LEELARIOUS 60010093727LEELARIOUS w 116 10 4 Ik2l 64 RichardA Milky Way Farms Stable t390100 SARAHMOND w 113 4 3 61 81 71 RenickS D B Midkiff 6160100 93871 WHERE AWAY WB 116 9 5 55 5 8l McDmtL Milky Wav Farms Stable t 93730 LUCY wall 310 9l 95 94 PichonL Mrs R J Murphy 4970100 93770 POLLY FLAG w 113 6 69 9 10 10 10 CorbeltC Young Bros 3230100 fCoupIcd 3230100fCoupIcd as Milky Way Farms Stable entry entryTime Time 23 4745 54 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID v OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ST 1COROSS BERNARD 400 340 230 100 100 70 100 40 1CO ROSS 100STAR 1060 560 430 100 180 100 STAR 100Winner BANNER 660 230 100 Winner B c by Bull Dog Eacer Cissy by Cicero trained by A B Gordon bred by Coldstream Stud StudWENT WENT TO POST 136 J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving secoifd and third the same sameST ST BERNARD was on the inside after threesixteenths withstood hard urging when racing LEE LARIOUSinto defeat and managed to last R6SS lost cround throughout and closing with a rush barely missed STAR BANNER far out of if early closed a gap EARLY DAWN raced evenly VERY WISE had no mishaps LEELARIOUS tired badly in the stretch WHERE AWAY lost ground OND RACE 6 12 Furlongs Gallant Knight May 16 1931 116 4 112 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 May534CD third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 n r Kuuir Odd tscrt 93723JSANTERNO WB5110 37 7 6s 1 = F RobertsP Mrs J P Keezek 240100 240100w 93372 PLUMAGE w 6 110 75 55 5i 4 25 McDmtL D J McAuliffe 140100 140100w 93320 LYNVETE w 3 102 23 14 14 3 31 PichonL Penn Villa Farm Stable 2820100 93771 ADELAIDE A w 4 110 1 4 4l 21 21 4 CorbeltC C Hunt 270100 270100w 34973 LEFT WING w 3 1031 5 1 25 35 5s 5s MillerG W E Smith 1890100 931 33 SANDY JOE JOESPANISH 35 4 6 = 6s FinnertyR Greenbriar Stud Stable 3790100 SPANISH RED w 4 115 42 6 = 7 7 7 FowlerG A J Ruckman 2400100 2400100Time Time 2334 4 12 4 119 Track j2 nuirjELS PAID f SANTERNO 100PLUMAGE S 680 320 320 240 100 60 100 60 100 100LYNVETE PLUMAGE 300 280 50 100 40 100 LYNVETE 820 310 100 100Wintipr Wintipr B g by Sand MolePrincess Pan by Pagan Pan trained by J P Keezek bred by Keeneland Stud Winner entered lo be claimed for lOQOr WENT TO POST 214 AT POST 1 minutes Start drivingSANTERNO good and slow Won easily second and third driving SANTERNO away slowly and lucky came through on the inside and shaking off ADELAIDE A drew out fast in the final eighth PLUMAGE slow to get going lost ground in the late stages but closed gamely LYNVETE bore out entering the stretch and tired ADELAIDE A saved much ground ift the early stages andi tired after relinquishing the lead LEFT WING tired SANDY JOE ran out entering the stretch Scratched stretchScratched 93821JCounselor Crane 105 93111 Biliies Orphan 105 Overweight Lynvete 2 pounds Left Wing 3 Sandy Joe 3 QOQQ THIRD RACE 6 12 Furloigs Gallant Knight May 16 1931 116J 4 114 Purse Jf V 600 3yearoIds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 May534CD third 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1000 93773 HOOSIERS PRIDE WB 3 104 5 2 2 21 24 1J ri BalaskiL F L B Stable 89764 LADY EVELYN WB 3 100 6 5 593827ROYAL 1i 1 = 2 2 HankaW Brown Hotel Stable 93827ROYAL 3801009332PVALDOSTA SPORT WB 7 113 71 719332PVALDOSTA 4 32 3 3 MillerG A J Stallings 380100 9332PVALDOSTA w 7 115 5 7 53 55 42 44 CorbettC T Piatt 110100 93729 JUST BUCK WB 4 115 3 3 7 6 64 52 51 SchutteH Mrs F Swain 480100 90150 710010090064PROUD BANGOBAR WB 3 108 1 6 34 4i 65 6k HardyL A Deitrich 7100100 90064PROUD PRINCESS w 2640100Time 4 110 44 64 7 7 7 MeyerG I Kort 2640100 Time 233 474 112 119 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HOOSIERS 100LADY PRIDE 1080 600 400 440 100 200 100 100 100 LADY 100ROYAL EVELYN 1740 820 770 100 310 100 ROYAL SPORT 380 90100 Winner 90100Winner Br g by Blondin Grandess by Cesarion trained by H H Battle bred by Mr R Meacham YVinner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 256 AT POST minute minuteSlart Slart drivingHOOSIERS good and slow Won easily second and third driving HOOSIERS PRIDE well ridden and restrained to the final quarter went around LADY EVELYN and drew away The latter brought over sharply early saved ground after an eighth and tired ROYAL SPORT raced wide but closed fast VALDOSTA poorly ridden had to be taken up sharply when ridden up on BANGOBARS heels JUST BUCK could not reach the leader BANGOBAR dropped out of it on the turn Scratched turnScratched 93821 Pantaloons 105 93733 Roberta L 105 105Overweight Overweight Hoosiers Pride 4 pounds Bangobar 3 OQQQT FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Don Leon May 19 1931 111 3 105 C7OCTO Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second Mayo34CD 5100 tnjrd 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 4500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for foreach each 250 to 3500 Str Kir lickfTn 89944ISAIAH wr4111 51 51WB I1 I1 I1 1 KacalaJ E Trotter Trotter2l 180100 93731 LEROS WB 6 115 42 42w 2l 22 21 24 MillerG J C Ellis 470100 93774 PENNCOTE w 3105 3 4 4WB 42 3 3J 35 CorbettC Young Bros 520100 93670MR JOE WB 4 111 1 5 555 44 PoclE C C Van Meter 170100 93S72 17010093S72 BROADSTEP w 3 108 1510100Time 2 3 3k 42 45 5 GarnerW J Marsch 1510100 Time 223 46 111 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFF1CIA BOOKING ODDS ISAIAH 100LEROS 560 380 300 180 100 90 100 50 100 LEROS 100PENNCOTE 520 400 160 100 100 100 PENNCOTE 360 80 100 Winner 100Winner Blk c by High Time Mary Belle by Ballot trained by E Trotter bred by Mr J W Parrish Winner entered to be claimed for 4000 4000WENT WENT TO POST 335 OFF AT ONCE Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameISAIAH ISAIAH hustled into a good lead saved ground after a quarter and held on gamely but tired and but for bumping LEROS might have lost LEROS in hand to the stretch raced wide on the stretch turn and knocked off stride by the winner in the closing seventy yards was unlucky to lose PENNCOTE lacked his customary late speed MR JOE was away slowly BROADSTEP quit Overweight quitOverweight Penncote 2 pounds QOQCQ FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Esseff April 28 1934 144 4 115 Brokers Tip Haridi caP Purse 5800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 MayD34CD second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 5000 i si i hin JiMkpys ownerc EqnlT Odds Strt 90125 GLASTONBURY w 6 103 6 5 51 51 34 2i 1 GarnerW J McPherson 890100 890100WB 93673 GYRO WB 4 107 1 6 6 6 6 41 2 BalaskiL M Goldblatt 260100 260100WB 93673 BIG BEAU WB 5 111 5 3 2 44 41 44 54 3k HphriesL H P Headley 180100 93516 BENDER FIRST WB 3 105 5 1 2425 15 15 45 SchutteH Medina Breeding Farm Sta 730100 93732 HIGH DIVER WB 4 97 4 4 35 3l 25 3 5 HankaW Mrs R J Murphy 1900100 937327GAY 1900100937327GAY JOE 350100Time w3100 2 3 I1 P 55 6 6 FowIerG Mrs K Ramsey 350100 Time 25 492 113 139 145 Track fast 2 MU1UELS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GLASTONBURY 100GYRO 51980 620 320 890 100 210 100 60 100 GYRO 420 300 110 100 50 100 100BIG BIG BEAU 280 40 100 Winner 100Winner B h by Sir Gallahad III Bignonia by Jim Gaffney trained by J McPherson bred by Mr R A Fairbairn Winner entered to be claimed for 5000 5000WENT WENT TO POST 417J AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGLASTONBURY GLASTONBURY close up after fivesixteenths was on the outside in the closing half mile and with standing a long drive withstood the rush of GYRO The latter taken to the outside entering the stretch closed last BIG BEAU probably best finished with a rush when clear near the end BENDER FIRST forced the early pace and fought it out gamely HIGH DIVER was in close quarters near the end GAY JOE quitScratched quit Scratched 93775 Vitamin B 100 Overweight Big Beau 1 pounds Bender First 4 Gay Joe 5 G OCQ SIXTH RACE 1 14 Miles Twenty Grand May 16 1931 201 3 126 Sixtieth tJOtOt Running KENTUCKY DERBY 30000 added 3yearolds Net value to winner May534rCD 28175 and gold trophy second 5000 third 2500 fourth 1000 Index Horsos EntA WfPrSt V 1 Str Fin Jockijs Owners Botilv Odd Strt 93655CAVALCADE w 126 8 11 71 55 31 23 14 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable e 1150100 93565DISCOVERY WB 126 6 4 32 34 1 A 2 BejshakJ A G Vanderbilt 1210100 935S5IAGRARIAN w 126 9 7 104 85 81 51 31 KsingerC Mrs F J Heller 1490100 89300MATA IOMATA HARI WB 121 3 1 1 1 2 34 4 GilbertJ Dixiana Dixianaf5PEACE 630100 93775PEACE f5PEACE CHANCE w 126 2 12 12410 94 6l 54 WrightWD J E Widencr WidencrSSPY 970100 93653SPY SSPY HILL w 126 11 10 91 74 7k T2 64 CoucciS Greentree Stable 3330100 3330100e 93665 5 TIME CLOCK WB 126 1 13 13 11 11s 1210 7 BcllizziD Brookmeade Stable e J 93SS5 5 Whitney1BAZAAR SINGING WOOD w 126 7 5 45 45 45 41 8 JonesR Mrs J H Whitney 2410100 8979DBAZAAR 1BAZAAR w 121 12 9 61 6461 81 9 MeadeD E R Bradley Bradley3SPEEDMORE 510100 93S537SPEEDMORE 3SPEEDMORE w 126 528 94105 105 104 HornF J H Louchheim LouchheimMSGT 11040100 93501SGT MSGT BYRNE WB 126 10 6 2 2l 54 94 II1 RenickS J Simonetti f 93775 5 SIR THOMAS WB 126 4 8 11413 124 II1 12 PascumaA A B Gordon 3620100 93775 5 QUASIMODO ws12613 3 51 121 13 13 13 BurkeJH Mrs B Franzheim t fMutuel FranzheimfMutuel field JCoupIedas Brookmeade Stable entry Time 23 Ajya 112 137 2M Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSBROOKMEADE BROOKMEADE STABLE ENTRY 500 400 320 150 100 100 100 60 1M 1MDISCOVERY DISCOVERY 920 580 350 100 190 100 100AGRARIAN AGRARIAN 500 150 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Lancegaye Hastily by Hurry On trained by R A Smith bred by Mr F W Armstrong ArmstrongWENT WENT TO POST 513 AT POST 8 minutes minutesStart Start drivingCAVALCADE good and slow Won handily second and third driving CAVALCADE stepped back at the start and consequently away slowly was not permitted to make up much ground for half a mile then began moving up leaving the back stretch where he came through between horses and gradually wearing down DISCOVERY drew out for a handy win DISCOVERY away fast and rated close to the pace drew into an easy lead approaching the stretch and held on well but was overmatched AGRARIAN far out of it for seveneighths and slow to respond to pressure closed resolutely MATA HARI away fast and well rated tired after a mile PEACE CHANCE fractious at the post and away slowly lost ground entering the stretch and closed with a rush SPY HILL laced well TIME CLOCK began in a tangle SINGING WOOD quit BAZAAR in hand early failed to respond when strongly urged SGT BYRNE quit quitScratched Scratched 93516Riskulus 126 937752Blue Again 126 93775 Prince Pompey 126 93775 Fogarty 126 93775 Thomasville 126 93673 Howard 126 Continued on nineteenth page CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSContinued Continued from fifteenth page ENTH RACE 78 Mile cut of chute Distinction May 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse 600 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third May534CD 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 3000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 2500 EqtA WtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 93130 376010093674GENERAL COFLIER WB 110 7 4 41 51 41 I1 I1 FinnertyR Greenbrier Stable 3760100 93674GENERAL PARTH WB 113 9 2 61 61 61 4k 2l SchutteH Peconic Stable 200100 93670 ROYAL LEON w 108 3 7 71 71 71 5l 3l HardyL J J Ashe 4600100 460010093824SOUTHLAND 93824SOUTHLAND DUKE w06 2 6 2 2l 21 3 4 MillerG F P Letellier 1730100 93732 SPRING STATION w 110 6 1 11 lk lk 2k 5 CorbcttC A B Gay 510100 93874 FIJI w 1071 5 3 3l 31 51 61 6l ElstonG Young Bros 350100 35010093824SGILBERT 93824SGILBERT ELSTON WB 10 4 8 85 85 8 8 7 BalaskiL M Goldblatt 340100 93823 PLAY HOOKY w 110 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 PoolE Southland Stable 4410100 93824 NORMAN D WB 107 1 5 5 4 3k T 9 WrightWD Albert Sabath 1690100 1690100Time Time 23 47 112 125 track fast 52 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS COFLIER 100GENERAL 7720 2380 1020 3760 100 1090 100 410 100 100ROYAL GENERAL PARTH 500 340 150 100 70 100 ROYAL 100Winner LEON 1480 640 100 Winner Ch c by Cohort True Flier by Pennant trained by J J Dolanjbred by Mr S H Harris Winner entered to be claimed for 3000 3000WENT WENT TO POST 609 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCOFLIER COFLIER never far back and forced to lose ground responded gamely when called upon and wearing down the leaders held GENERAL PARTH safe The latter lost ground but closed strongly ROYAL LEON showed good form SOUTHLAND DUKE forced a good pace SPRING STATION tired under hard Tiding FIJI would have been closer up but for being bothered in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 93824 Visigoth 110 93826 Celiba 95 95Overweight Overweight Fiji 2g pounds Norman D 2 QQQQ1 EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles Dr Clark Oct 20 1921 149 4 119 Purse 100May534CD cVi 5600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 May534CD tnjrd 35 fourth 15 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 100to to 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv Odds Strt 93675JOLD JUDGE WB 4 114 11 I1 I1 I1 I1 I1 SchutteH Peconic Stable 120100 12010090014BATTLING 90014BATTLING GIRL w 4 106 6 2 21 21 21 2 21 RuderL G Henz 900100 93876 BOURBON PRINCE WB 4 112 2 3 31 31 31 4s 31 PoolE F P Letellier 410100 93777 WHYMASK WB 5 1101 3 5 51 5 54 31 4 McDmtL Mrs J A Brause 470100 93777 BRING BACK w 4 105 5 6 6 6 6 6 5l CorbettC Mrs A Gay 1200100 93827 BRUSH DOWN w 5 104 14 4 41 41 4 51 6 BalaskiL R L Baker 730100 Time 24 49 115J 140 153 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID k OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OLD JUDGE 440 320 260 120 100 60 100 30 100 100BATTLING BATTLING GIRL 680 360 240 100 80 100 100BOURBON BOURBON PRINCE 300 50 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Prince of Bourbon Rosina II by Sunflower II trained by E Hayward bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 640 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart drivingOLD Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving OLD JUDGE showing the most speed withstood BATTLING GIRLS challenge and won under pressure groundWHYMASK The latter in hand for threequarters could not overtake the winner BOURBON PRINCE saved ground WHYMASK lost ground ail the way BRUSH DOWN closed a gap BRING BACK was blocked trying to get through on the inside on the far turn turnOverweight Overweight Whymask 2g pounds Bring Back 2 Brush Down 1 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Saturday 3 Races 11040 5 Races 17480 8 Races 36500