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MANY DETROIT IMPROVEMENTS New Clubhouse One of Attraction Added to the Course Mbse Loweristein Arrives With TwentyFivd TwentyFivdHorses Horses Five Property of Mrs John D Hertz DETROIT Mich May 5 With less thari two weeks remaining before the opening of the Detroit racing season the Fair Grounds track which throws open its gates for the spring season of fortyone days Thursday May 17 has taken on a racing atmosphere The track which held its inaugural meet ¬ ing last autumn has undergone many im ¬ provements and although several are yet to be made the plant will be ready in am ¬ ple time for the opening A clubhouse has been built since the fall meeting the first to be held in Michigan since the return of legalized betting and of old English architecture it is one of the most compact and well arranged to be found in the country countryOther Other improvements consist of the en ¬ largement of the grandstand and bleachers the building of a mezzanine floor and an extension and terracing of the lawn in front of the stands Four new stables have been erected which will bring the available stalls past the thou ¬ sand mark The late spring has somewhat retarded the beautification of the center field and gardens However work on this has been going along rapidly for the last several days and when it is completed the horticultural beauties will compare favor ¬ ably with other renowned tracks tracksAs As a preventive against any possibility of a long rainy season affecting the grounds on which the stables are quartered a drain ¬ age system has been installed This also is being laid out in the parking grounds which when complete will furnish space for 10000 automobiles automobilesThe The track proper which was resoiled before the inaugural meeting is in superb condition Last fall track superintendent Norman Miller covered over the track The blanket was removed this spring and 150 or more horses quartered at the track have been clipThe galloping along at a lively clip The Detroit Junior league was granted permission to sell clubhouse tickets for opening day the proceeds of this admission going to the blind home of which the Junior league is the sponsor Reports from this organization state that nearly five thousand tickets have been sold and as there are only limited accommodations in the clubhouse general manager Clarence E Lehr is more or less in a quandary During quandaryDuring the past two weeks many leading stables have checked in at the track one of the strongest being that of Mose Lowen stein who has twentyfive horses in his care Of this number five are the property of Mrs John D Hertz being sons and daugh ¬ ters of Reigh Count which carried the Hertz colors to victory in the 1928 renewal of the Kentucky Derby All named they are Count Arthur chestnut colt by Reigh CounJ i Abbatissa Countess Ann brown filly by Reigh Count Chestie Ann Fan Dancer brown filly by Reigh Count Wild Notes Reigh Stone chestnut colt by Reigh Count Nettie Stone and Eastern Ruler chestnut gelding by Reigh Count Salome II IIFor For A D Lasker he has Brain Coil and Two a Day He is training for his own ac ¬ count My Counsellor Burning Feet Super Purchase May McDonough Gertrude S Our David Royal Lerner Becky Puppett Step ¬ ping High Royal Pepper Sobrant Burkes Man Joe Mac Jean Muffin My Blonde Red Rod and Divide Jockeys Charles Landolt and H Callahan are with the stable stableC C Hyde Smith is training ten horses for W E Irving who races under the nom de course of the Odessa Farm Stable The sta ¬ ble is equally divided between juveniles and seasoned performers and the former brigade consists of Odessa Star bay filly by North Star HI Sarilla Odessa Beau chestnut colt by Hourless Mable Trest Oddesa Clark bay filly by Bunting Linda Clark Oddesa May bay filly by Bunting Diamond Grain and Eddie J bay colt by Prince Pat Black Days The seasoned performers are Muslet Dignified Fair Duchess Canada and Star Brook BrookL L T Whitehill and A A Baroni are the more recent arrivals from Texas White hill brought Bonny Maureen Shasta Star Inheritor and Lear Let The Baroni stable comprises ten head headA A E Silver unloaded Playful Martha In ¬ flate Chagrin Hasty Belle and Eurydice The latter was badly cut down in his last engagement and it will be some time before he Twill be under the saddle saddleThe The locallyowned stable of J N Anhut which wintered here has the fiveyearold Monile and six twoyearolds in training The youngsters are Imperial Betsy Imperial Bob Imperial Jack Imperial Blondy Imper ¬ ial ImperialFive Beauty and Jack Imperial Five horses the property of J D Weil Lexington Ky sportsman arrived from that point They are Bea M Hammil My Goal Ddkas arid Danble B BUpon Upon his arrival from Texas Joe NeaJ trainer of the H A Coulson stable took over Dbriny Johnny San Gaff and Fly Guy which wintered here in charge of Joe Jones Neal unloaded Toy Town Brookhattan Saxon SyntaxAnother Lady and Dr Syntax Another Detroiter who entered the owners ranks is Miss M J Stewart She has the seasoned performera Shake Nawak and Light Nun to carry her silks and the two yearolds Sumadero and Neon The former1 is a daughter of Sun Man and Ara while Neon IB a daughter of Bostonian and Worthy WorthyThe The threeyearolds Jeton B and Suntl alla which haye yet to face the barrier com ¬ prise the small stalile Joe Hicks is trainintf for George LaFlesh