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3rd Churchill Out of Chute Purse 600 3YearOIds Claiming Mile Don Leon May 19 1931 1 11 3 105 105NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 2 Ibs Nonwinners since Anril 28 Weight 112 Ibs P Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Pric 93771 8Noreda CI 113 112 100 1000 93932 10Bartering Kate Trp 104 110 102X 1200 93986 1 Hoosiers Pride CI 112 113 112 1200 93820 4 Chirac CD 108il14 110 1000 90123 6 Rolanda M Lat 110 116 107X 1200 90094 7Wise Dream Lat 100 117 102 1200 Index ClaimNo Post rBest at Distant Wt Claim No Pos Horst TrackWt Tim AgeToday Price 93821 2 Little Joyce CD 102 114 105X 1000 92989 3 Solid American CI 116 113 105 1000 93875 5 Miss Actuary ActuaryM M CD 104 117 105 1000 93875 9 Yankee Waters DP 109 114 107 1200 JTorcdn 1 00 3 y Noah Red Head by King Gorin GorinMav Mav 4 CD 3838ft Trainer L Smoke Owner R L Baker BakerDate Date Trie UIs Time Con Odds Wt St i Sir FinJockey PPClrceSts Best Company CompanyMay May 134CD 6i f 119 ft 37 95 7 8 610 6s GarrcttL8 1200 11 SJacketll3GYiLadyl03TOmond 113 Sep 533CI 5jff 107 gd 25 111 3 4 551 5i GarnerW Alhv 9 BrnTonoylllJgeLeorll2RidgoBld 111 Aug2933CI 5ifl08 ft 15 11311 3 34 11 SouthG11 Maid 12 MngFairll3JliaIrnell3ByRcjce 113 Aug2633CI 3 111 ft 7 113 5 1 lk 21 MoranW Maid 12 TryFair 116BoomsPal 116 Crude 116 Augl933JCI 5 113 ft 8 113 4 1 2 4i MoranW1 Maid 12 Whiskme 116Crudcll6JAmcrican 116 Aug 833CI 5ifl08gd 8i 115 4 2 3s 3 SouthG Maid 10 LongBitllSNNancy 115JuliaIrene 115 JuL3133CI 5i f 109 ft 175 115 7 5 8H 7 SouthG10 Maid 10 Abby 115 Wise Dream 116 w wntf ntf 115 Starts 1st 2nd 8rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd WOHN 1933 record 6 1 1 1 600 1934 record 1 Bartering Kate X 1 09 B 3 by Boot to Boot Blackeyed Kathleen by Black Servant ServantMav Mav 2 CD 38 38v v 42ft f 1 Trainer G Rlley Owner G Riley RileyM M 434KD 1124 ft 61 105 6 7 510 51 RuderL 2000 7 SpshWayllOBritBble 105SBud 105 105Apc28347CD Apc28347CD 1 138 ft 7i 102 3 7 6s 69 MeadeD 2500 8 GParthlOSPaBrmslllBBubble 106 106Mat29345Trp Mat29345Trp ljsl45 ft 9 97 1 2 31 44 GarrettL4 2500 6 RedRoamrll3RoncwdlllWatery 112 112Mar2234Trp Mar2234Trp 2 110 ft 710 104 3 1 14 21 MoadeD4 2000 8 CrauPotl04Herhndoll2Tr Judge 106 Mad7342Hia 3111 ft 175 106 1111 11 SndersW1 1750 7 Ladoganll4Davoc 114LoftyLady 102 102Mad3345Hia Mad3345Hia 111 ft 45 1043 2 21 22 LbergerE3 2000 6 ThoBailiff 110TryFair HOTheron 103 103MaclO342Hia MaclO342Hia 3111 ft 14 10511 3 32 5J WrightWD 2500 6 ThoPelicanillFFlight 106Erebus 103 103Mac Mac 834Hia S 123 ft 1110 106 2 1 lk 24 TlptonA1 2000 8 Toytimel05TryFairlQ7Barkantine 102 1933 record 7 2 0 0 1150 1934 record 16 1 5 3 1275 1275Hoosiers Hoosiers Pride 119 Br 9 3 by Blondin Grandess by Cesarion CesarionMav Mav 4 CiD l248ft Trainer H H Battle Owner F L B Stable v vSee See chart of Saturdays third race May 134 0 11 38 ft 225 115 1 3 34 47lMeadeD 1500 8 RolGoldll5BabyStarel07HaRun 112 112Aug2433CI Aug2433CI 3 112 ft 7 112 2 4 4s 4 SouthG9 1500 8SpStatnll7SunBoyl08GenGlitr 117 117AuglBSyCJ AuglBSyCJ 5 114 ft 135 11810 5 4 11 SouthG1 1300 11 CopaJnll3BBrookll8GciousLady 111 111Aus Aus 133CI 5ifl07ft 75 108 5 4 41 11 SouthG 1000 7 Genipa 108RMajestyl08GdenRay 108 108JuL28333Laf JuL28333Laf 3 Iil5 m 31106 5 3 21 3i SouthG 1200 8 BPatrol 104HickLadl06BlBrook 112 112JuL2633Lat JuL2633Lat 5J f 108 sy 5 115 9 6 510 41 SouthG4 Maid 12DDawn 115CHenryll5Wdlander 115 115Junl3332LF Junl3332LF 101 ft 11 11012 9 9 6 SouthG10 1500 12 BorderPl 102Cabousell2DiadoriuslOr 102Cabousell2DiadoriuslOrMqylSSSCD MqylSSSCD g liOl ft 175 111 8 4 34 33 SouthG10 1500 10 UnTbmll6PrcoStarl06KingFaro 111 1933 record 19 223 f 1235 1934 record 1 0 0 0 15 15Chirac Chirac 1 1 0 B c 3 b Masked Marvel II Leap Year by Peter Quince QuinceApr Apr 29 CD 34 l17ft 1 Trainer G Brooks Owner J Marsch MarschMay May 234CD 3113 ft 21 1081 2 2 23 45 GarnerW 1000 9 PatC 115RRpund 115Balderdash 115 115Sep Sep 633LF 54 f 106 ft 1 110 3 1 14 I1 PoolE8 1200 9Secluded iq6GoforthllOlMdPrince 106 106Aus2833Haw Aus2833Haw 5 fl08ft 6 112 3 1 11 2 PoolE4 1750 12 PfulMarthalilWlanderlOgVmir 105 105Aug2l331Haw Aug2l331Haw 5 f 108 ft 40 110 2 2 11 24 PoolE4 1500 12 Dogmata 114Cloudet 114 WhyNot 110 110Aug Aug SSHaw 5ifl07 ft 62 1133 4 810 10t4 PoolE 3000 12 Poscriptll3DomPIayrll3Abane 104 104Aus Aus 233Haw S f 107 si 90 109 7 8 8n B FoolE Allw 8 LHiglossll2Penncotell5Gyglade 108 108Juo24332LF Juo24332LF 5j f 106 ft 45 115 2 1 69 9 McCsenC1 Maid 11 CldnOill5MIyGUerll5yiGmble 115 115Junl9333LF Junl9333LF g 101 ft 44 116 3 34 481 McCsenC2 Maid 12 Cuirassier 116Legalityll6Adam5te 116 1933 record 7 1 20 825 1934 record 1 0 0 0 15 Rolailda X 107 B f 3 M by Wise Counsellor Easter Shadow by Torchbearer TorchbearerApr Apr 28 C D 34 l16ed Trainer C El Gibson Owner Mrs C E Gibbon GibbonMay May 2342CD 3 112 ft 100 SCRATCHED Post P 7 1000 8 SisZoellOCelorCranel05Valdosta 115 115NovlO332Lat NovlO332Lat 3 115 ft 71101221 31 LoumanH11 1100 12 MissKkyl07 BriltBabyl08LyMaryl03 BriltBabyl08LyMaryl03Km Km 733Lat I10 148 m 91 1085 1 1 1 31 LoumanH 1000 12 GracsLadyl02Garbl04 MIssGohi 107 107No No 333Lat 3 116 ft 16 108 5 3 2 2i RuderL9 1000 12 BosomPal HlGenieJrl TalluIah 108 108Oct3033Lat Oct3033Lat 3115 ft 13fll2934 61 KernW10 Allw 12 MMcDnghl TrVsel JFstor 112 112Oct26332Lat Oct26332Lat 3 115 ft 42f 112 5 4 42J 7 = 5 KernW 1000 12 DnaBnal07MgFairll2LadyMary 112 112Oct Oct 633Det 5i f 107 ft 22f 108 6 10 11 12 PetrellaP Allw 12 Flowery 113BterRoot lllWDrrn 113 113Sepl433 Sepl433 CI 5 fl09 m 9f 108511 II20 RenoT 900 12 LadyPal 109BrirtLass 112Floyery 110 1933 record 10 0 1 2 185 185Wise Wise Dream 1 09 ch f 3 b wise Counsellor Dream Lady by Peace Pennant PennantMav Mav 3 CD 34115ft LU Trainer I Kort Owner I Kort Nov gSSLat 3 115 si 54 100 3 2 41J 101 MillerG10 1000 12 RolGoldllOLitValyl05SlService 103 103Oct24333Lat Oct24333Lat 3 115 gd 20f 110 5 9 12 12 KernW1 Alhv 12 BettyWee 112Flovery 112LadyPal 112 112Oct Oct 6333Det 5i f 107 ft 10 113 2 1 11 3 LandoltC1 Allw 12 Floweryll3BterRoot lllGayJoe 116 116Oct333Det Oct333Det 55 f 106 ft 6 107 6 3 33 5 1 LandoltC5 1250 11 SpdGirl 108SnDoral08FrDuchessl04 108SnDoral08FrDuchessl04SeP2133IDet SeP2133IDet 5iflK9gd 5 109 6 2 41 6J1 FischerR19 1200 10 Atmosphel04CgEventl07iSDora 106 106Sepll33Det Sepll33Det 5 MdQ m 6 104 2 2 2 4iYoungS 1700 5 LadyHobergerl05Kievex 104VoIo 108 108Sep Sep 733Det 5ifl 7ft 61 10712 2 21 31 LandoltC1 Allw 6 GayJoel06LyLightl09SchPePper 106 1933 record 14 1 2 2 825 825Little Little Joyce X 1 0 B f 3 fay Wildair Christophine by Plaudit PlauditMav Mav 1 CD 34 l16ft tvJ Trainer C Hunt Owner C Hunt HuntMay2342CD May2342CD 3 112 Yt 96 102 5 8 7 610 PichonL 1000 8 SisZoellOCelorCranel05Valdosta 115 115Now Now 833Lat 1 ° 149 si 10 109 2 5 1018 II28 CorbettC 1000 12 GreySashl0901dLadyl04GdPolitn 107 107OctSlSSLat OctSlSSLat I10 146 ft 19 107 9 8 810 74 LewisM3 1200 12 McellaH108IndRed HOWhyNot 109 109Octll332Was Octll332Was Jl30 gd 25 1085 9 10 51 34 SmithJ 100012 RoylGoId 104GreySashl06Dozelessl07 104GreySashl06Dozelessl07Oct Oct 2333Was 3 114 1 71 105 9 8 811 9 CorbettC 1200 12 IrishlmgelOSYWterslOSGySash 105 105Sep23332LF Sep23332LF 5Afl09hy 75 108 7 Pulled up CorbettC 1000 11 Goforthl09BServtl05IndnSalut 109 109Sepl533LF Sepl533LF 3116 m 6 108 2 3 21 21 CorbettC 1000 9 GreySashllOIndnRed 108BntRosell2 108BntRosell2Sep Sep 7333LF 5i f l06 ft 96 111 8 8 8 8 AndsonA9 1200 8 Cabouse 112 Albane 112 Transcall 1U 1933 record 27 233 1080 1934 record 1 1Solid Solid American 10 ch 9 3 by Busy American Lady Delhi by Delhi DelhiMav Mav 5 CD 34 l16ft JVJ Trainer A Goldblatt Owner S Furst Mar26 34Trp 1 140 ft 19 10611 11 II19 II33 GarrettL8 1250 11 MdeMiel05HyBellel06PRunyon 108 108MaiSS MaiSS Trp 3111 ft 87 999 9 9a 826 GarrettL9 1000 9 Vishnull4BiesOrphnl04Dornch 114 114Jaal3342Trp Jaal3342Trp 3 113 ft 10 112 9 8 6T 641 SteffenE9 1500 10 IndSaIutcl07ChyTopll4DavidW 108 108Jan Jan 834Trp 1141 ft 235 1107 4 41 5i RuderL1 1500 12 God oWarUORego 109Barkantine 110 Jan434TrP 1139 ft 1910 1072 2 2 2lTiptonA1 1500 6FtyDaysllOPfulMthalOOBCher 109 109Janl343Trp Janl343Trp 1139 ft 81 1106 3 3 39 LitzbgerE3 1500 12 Escadronl07Eydicel05PfulMtha 103 103N N rcll332Lat 1 146 ft 71 110 8 4 31 2 SeaboG 1500 12 RedBasil 105PMarthal08iSSvicel03 1933 record 18 322 2200 1934 record 6 0 1 1 125 Miss Actuary ActuaryMav 1 AFT B f 3 M by Actuary Ponsella by Royal II IIJLJO Mav 1 CD 34 l17ft l17ftM JLJO Trainer E P Humphrey Owner Mrs E P Humphrey estate M y 334CD f 114 ft 77 104 7 7 71 7 BalaskiL8 1000 8 Bdcasterll2IndRedll2MeWave llli 012433 31 3 116 si 163 163Octl433Day 102 10 11 11 1215 HankaW11 1000 12 Red Basil 107 George 115 Kissie 104 Octl433Day g 58 ft 52 52Octl233Day 102 6 CourtneyG 1000 7 SveetHoneyll5StimulavllOCorida 107 i Octl233Day 1KX gd 30 30Oct9332Day 105 9 AlbertsA 800 10 PalJohn 114TwoBrms 114 SgGirl 111 Oct9332Day 6ifl28m 9 9Oct 109 58 BurleyF Maid 9 MnieBellellOHtyFirelOgRegisPy 112 Oct 533Day f 1 1 ft 24 24Oct 105 71 AlbertsA 800 8 AHRed 106ColdSpill 110MnieBelle 113 Oct 3332Day i 102 ft 20 i 111 B PoolW 800 10 CollectionlWDdyPtelWShwman 114 1933 record 6 1934 record 1 Yankee Waters WatersApr 1 A 7 B f 3 by Bostonian Great Waters by Great Britain Apr 27CD34119 sv LvJ I Trainer T B Young Owner Young Bros May 3346CD 3 114 ft ftApE30342Cb 9 107 2 4 510 4s MarinelliJ4 1000 8 Bdcasterll2IndRedll2MeWave 111 ApE30342Cb 1 125 ft ftNOM 82 106 9 4 91 11 MarinlliJ 1000 12 LitCnelly lllSquall 106Santerno 111 NOM 3333Lat 3 114 ft ftOct2333Lat 35 113 4 4 34 54 AllenCE 1500 12 BrtRell5PlfulMthall5CkeSal 108 Oct2333Lat 3 1O5 hy hyOctll332Was 18 1121 5 10 11 111S AllenCE11 1000 12 GySashl06GoforthllOLtleBbles 112 Octll332Was Jl30 gd gdOct233Was 6 104 4 1 41 7 KacalaJ1 100012 RylGold 104GreyShl06LleJoycel08i Oct233Was J 104 d dS 25 103 2 1 I1 24 KacalaJ 1100 12 IrishImagel08GrySshl05BmsPal 106 106El S p22334LF 5i f 107 sy sySep20335LF El 105 4 4 31 5s KacalaJ 1100 9 EvenPlay 115ThomasH100OLady 105 Sep20335LF 5H 108 ft 4 103 322 34 KacalaJ1 1200 7 InPar 108GreySash 109JIn Salute 107 1933 record 29 5 2 4 2635 1934 record 20 0 0 15