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PRINCESS CAMELIA WINS Marsch Colorbearer Surprise Win ¬ ner of Ivanhoe Handicap Skill of Jockey Charles Corbett Big Factor in Success of Locally Owned Mare HOMEWOOD 111 June 20 The good Royal Canopy mare Princess Camelia one of the fastest of her sex was a surprise win ¬ ner of the Ivanhoe Handicap which featured a most attractive midweek program of the Washington Park Jockey Club at Washing ¬ ton Park this afternoon afternoonCharging Charging down with an undeniable chal ¬ lenge in the stretch Princess Camelia snatched victory from Chance Line in the final strides and it was a victory that re ¬ warded her backers with odds of better than 19 to 1 Evergold choice in the bet ¬ ting which found Chance Line next in de ¬ mand finished third two and onehalf lengths back and six before Wise Daughter Dartle and Miss Patience completed the field Astride the winner which races under the cardinal and gold silks of Mrs John Marsch of Chicago the veteran Charles Corbett rode with all his skill and his clever han ¬ dling of the fiveyearold was a big factor in her success successA A rank post actor clever manipulation was necessary for Corbett to get here away to a fast start Chance Line began with her but they went only a short distance in front before Wise Daughter and Miss Pa ¬ tience had them headed Satisfied to let the two young fillies have the leading places Corbett and E Arcaro on Chance Line rated their mounts along Arcaro was the first to move and rushing the Widener threeyearold to the front on the stretch turn brought him to the final quarter showing the way by a clear margin On the stretch turn Corbett saved ground with the Marsch mare and after straightening her up on a course outside the others near the last furlong set sail for the leader As she gradually overtook the leader Evergold which had followed well back to the stretch turn was beginning to gain ground but his rush was too late and Princess Camelia swept to victory in the final strides stridesSPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR CONTESTS CONTESTSA A fast pace was sustained throughout the winner running in 111 within twofifths of a second of the fastest timeof the meet ¬ ing to the credit of Chance Line Along with the surprise and close finish in the feature the large midweek crowd saw other contests close in spectacular fashion fashionBack Back racing after a long layoff I Say now five years old scored the first win since her threeyearold season when she led six of the less fashionable platers to the judges in the seveneighths race that opened the entertainment The successful Dis Done mare carrying Albert Sabaths colors and ridden by Arcaro had to work hard for the Continued on thirtieth page PRINCESS CAMELIA WIN WINContinued Continued from first page win vhich was achieved by only a head Battling Girl failing by that small margin after a game try Baboo also quit being a factor in the final drive but carried off minor honors He was only a short length back of Battling Girl at the close where Ondott astride which the promising young ¬ ster D Weitzel rode a badly judged race was fourth Ondott was swiftly cutting down the margins of the leaders as the race closed closedJ J F Patterson saddled another winner for the Audley Farm when Tiny Kitty ad ¬ ministered a decisive sort of trouncing to the large band that opposed her over six furlongs in the second race This was for older maidens in the lower claiming bracket and the winner so quickly asserted her su ¬ periority that the race was as good as over before the horses came into the stretch Tiny Kitty went to the post at oddson Drawing out into a long lead on the 9 stretch turn Tiny Kitty came on to win by five lengths and apparently with some ¬ thing in reserve Donna Bettina was clearly best of the others accounting for second three lengths before Theorem vhich raced from a good distance back to head Tarn and Marks Girl in the final strides for third award awardAnnan Annan one of the more dependable vet ¬ erans in C E Davisons stable finished in front in the third race The sevenyearold winner somewhat of a confirmed rail run ¬ ner erased possible trouble by crowding Drole Polly and Flag Time as P Keester hustled him to the front entering the stretch and he ambled along well in the van thereafter The race engaging eight was decided over threequarters Flag Time rac ¬ ing into second place with Crowned Head third The latter closed in whirlwind fash ¬ ion and after sweeping past Drole Polly missed second by a neck neckThe The Brcntwood Stables Wild Turkey and apprentice J King was the winning com ¬ bination in the fourth race also for older maidens with the threequarters distance prevailing The Brentwood representative a Tennesseebred threeyearold daughter of Hourless and Martinbird sprinted into a lead of four lengths with a rush entering the stretch then loafed but the diminutive yet clever King brought out enough of an effort for her to win by a little more than a length Charging down the inside in the stretch Sherron outfinished Pascha by a nose for second with Caroline H which had some the worst of the luck a fast running fourth fourthJane Jane Hastings which was installed a short priced choice was unable to hold the lead after showing the way for a trifle more than four furlongs and faltering badly finished sixth among the ten contestants contestantsIn In his first start since the Aurora meet ¬ ing Pompous Genie performing under J B Partridges colors came through with the best effort of his career to defeat Bert Reid Beginners Bait and three other plater juveniles in the fifth race The race was one of five and onehalf furlongs and run ¬ ning the distance in the creditable time of 107 the victor a gelded son of Genie and Pompano Girl won by a length and one half Beginners Bait was beaten two lengths for second place placeThe The three leaders had the contest between them throughout After causing a short de ¬ lay at the start the winner left the stalls in front but was soon forced into second place by Bert Reid whosepace he followed to the stretch where his winning drive was soon under way An even performance was shown by Beginners Bait