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1st Detroit Purse 800 2YearOlds Maidens Special Weights Mile Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse Track Wt Time AgeTnday Price 97339 1 Brabble Dot 103 101 112 97484 8 Julia GrantDct 107 l02sy 112X 97339 9 Miss Toro Det Il4 102 112 96259 7 Hcrondcth Jam 108 101 112 97403 10 Shady PastJam 118 101 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeTod ay Price 2 Chifally 115 4 Hymarque 112 97208 5 Dark Vive Det 110 102 115 93441 6 Busy Storm 112 B J Thuring entry Hcrendeth Shady Past Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 Falr mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown In Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year Brabble 1 1 O Chf 2 M by Mad Hatter Regret by Broomstick BroomstickJune June 19 Det 58108hv LJ Trainer JiA Healey Owner C V Whitney Date Trie Uis Time Con odds Wt St Sir FinJockej IMCllce Sis Host Company CompanyJual534Det Jual534Det jj 101 ft 95 114 1 7 51 2 RobtsonA1 Maid 11 AppleFterll4DVictoryll4Dozana 114 Junl2344Det 101 gd 14 103 1 4 31 31 RoseG1 Allw 6 AirSqronl07PHdred 106Up aUp09 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 2 Oil 150 150Julia Julia Grant X 1 1 9 Br f 2 M by General Grant Dame Thunder by Meelick MeelickJune June 16 Det 38 36ft JJ JJJ J Trainer C H Ferguson Owner A L Ferguson Jual834Dct f l02sy 41 107 4 1 V 2 GbucciS4 1200 8 RcdRod 110Brindle 113LaCherie HO 1934 record 1 0 1 0 100 100Bliss f Bliss Toro 1 O B f 2 M by Toro Miss Jemima by Black Toney ToneyJune June 19 Det 12 52hv JL JLJ J Trainer C Van Dusen Owner Dixiana DixianaJual534Dct Jual534Dct 1 101 ft 7 114 11 8 621 6Ji WoolfG1 Maid 11 ApplcFterll4BrabbIell4DVictory 114 1934 record 1 1lierendeth lierendeth 119 Br V2 M Galetian Finita by St James JamesJune June 19 Det 12 56hv Trainer J Zoeller Owner B J Thuring ThuringMay3134IBeI May3134IBeI 59 ft 25 102 8 7 8 7 HunterJ4 2000 8 Distractg110Barcarlell4BkFcncell7 May2834Bel 4 4vc vc 52 ft lOe 109 10 f 711 5 SmithD1 2000 10 Ogle 112 Fake 109 Distracting 112 Mayl834Bcl 4iwc 53 ft 50 102 7 6 6 6 HunteiJ1 3250 7 ExhibU110GornDreaml02Moisson 110 May 3342Jam 100 sy 5 103 5 5 51 520 HunterJ 1500 5 MissFirefly 112Synod 115Query 110 May 134Jam 1 100 ft 20 1082 6 6Ji 5 HunterJ2 2500 8 Grnstonell3Migrate 118Distrting 113 Ape 734Bow 4 49 gd 10 11211 8 89i 81 PorterE Maid 11 Aperitif 112Legume 115Barbarian 115 1934 record 6 6Shady Shady Past 1 19 Bf 2 M by St James Shady Lady by Black Toney ToneyJune June 19 Det 12 56hv Trainer J Zoeller Owner B J Thuring ThuringJual634Det Jual634Det f 101 ft 11M02 6 6 64i 7i PetrellaP9 1500 11 Piping Hot 104Lan 105GoIdSweep 107 107Jure Jure 834 Bel f we 59 ft 6e 106 13 7 101 131 MeadeD 2000 14 AnacrnllOGalFarley lllJWerrg 109 109May2234JBel May2234JBel 4 4wc wc 53 ft 7e 10613 7 8 131 HunterJ12 1500 17 BackFcnce 114Fake lllCardaman ill illMayll34rJam Mayll34rJam 101 ft 15 108 1 3 31 3V HunterJ 1500 10 ChdEycsll6P ytudell6StrgoTimesll3 ytudell6StrgoTimesll3May May 734Jam 102 ft 4 110 3 3 41 4 JluntcrJ 1500 6 JeanneS115bistrgllOStgeTimes 115 115May234Jam May234Jam 100 It 4 1081 2 2i 2MlunterJ1 1500 10 TorreS116Gammon 116tDictatoriai 111 3 5 7i GilbertJ1 Maid 10 WiseSterllSLySablellSGnDrm 113 ApdO34Bow 48 ft 19 104 5 3 41 41 JacobsJ 1500 11 RusticJoell2MissFircnyl09EvFr 108 1934 record 9 0 1 1 S 250 Lier M by Jock Agnes Dale by Hinsdale HinsdaleTrainer LierJune June 16 Det 12 54ft Trainer WE Charles Owner W E Charles Jun 134Kal 4f 35 ft 3110 115 4J BurlcyF Allw 7 ImperialJack 115Cyclass 112Maco 115 May30344KaI 41 f 54 ft 27 108 6 BurleyF Allw 6 0saClarkl05WdDTghterll2Neon 110 May2634Kal 4 f 55 ft lie 116 513 BurleyF Maid 6 WildDterll3ImperialBobll6Maco 116 Mayl834Beu 4 f 56 ft 185 JIl5 5 EnnisG 1250 9 Vango 115 Ingress 113 Hervala 109 Mayl534Beu 4 102 hy 8 llli 81 EhnisG Allw 8 MissDcIba 108Ingress 116BWalsh 114 May 734HOa4 f 57 ft 6e 114 2k FnnisG Allw 7 BWalshll4 EIdredLU4 GayJohn 115 Apc5034HO a4 f 59ft 245 118 7 MillsJ Maid 8 LeoB 118Panoramic 115BWaIsh 118 1934 record 70 1 0 35 Chifally 1 I E B g 2M by Chilhowee Stefally by Stefan the Great Trainer M W Buck Owner P T Chinn First start 1 EnsignLL 1 O B f 2 M by Hydromel Martinique by Blue Ensign June 20 Det 58 l03ft LL 1 Trainer C W Damon Owner Elmtree Stable First start Bark Vive 1 1 Pv B g2 M by Herodot or Traumer Sun Vive by Sun Briar BriarJune June 20 Det 38 36ft L ° Trainer J Whyte Owner W S Kilmer KilmerJunl334Det Junl334Det 1 100 ft 45 1106 4 4i 7i MattioliJ8 Allw 11 RonSoIdrllOFtSprgsll5WPign 115 May22r34Vdb44f 55 ft 4 107 2 1 li 2 DghertyF2 Allw 5 StMoritzllOLittIeDhl09Marylch 109 Mayl934Wdb4 f 53 ft 15 1081 7 5 5 51 MorsonR Allw 8 OuraganllOFgnLady 1131 Victory 109 Uaj 3344Pim 4 f i6 m 18 113 31 6i 6la KsingcrC1 Allw 7 MterGderll4iMadgll2Douceur llli 1934 record 4 0 1 0 100 100Busy Busy Storm 119 Ch 2 M by Busy American Great Storm by Creat Britain BritainJune June 8 Det 38 36ft A Trainer G Leeds Owner J Freedman FreedmanApclS34AD ApclS34AD 42 f 38 by 77 115 2 8 9l 10 MannJ2 2000 10 AnacreonllSCkWagonllSRadtor 113 1934 record 1