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WASHINGTON PARK NOTES B A Jones sent Culloden to H M Woolfs farm near Kansas City to be turned out The tenyearold mare MixUp a winner of several races this year is to be added to the Jones stable here She started last at Riverside Park ParkJockey Jockey Alcee Richard who had such a close call from more serious injuries when Belle Grier fell with him early in the meet ¬ ing is making such a fast recovery that he may attempt to gallop a few horses within a week or ten days If nothing upsets his program he should resume riding in about two weeks weeksA A mile workout Thursday morning will conclude Mata Haris preparation for Sat ¬ urdays Illinois Oaks Trainer C Van Dusen instructed C E Gross to work her the dis ¬ tance at 144 which should be nothing like a task for the queenly Dixiana filly