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JOCKEYS INJURED I PEL h W Taylors Condition Serious After i Dayton Fall J Cavens Collar ¬ bone Broken Horse Killed DAYTON Ohio June 20 P Clous Hell Diver under a change in riders R Cooper for Roderick suddenly recovered his best form and outran thebesC field of the card practically throughout rat the Fair Grounds this afternoon in winning the fifth race with much to spare Favorable conditions prevailed and the attendance was above the average for a midweek day A serious accident marred the first race in which one horse was killed and two riders were seriously injured The field rac ¬ ing to the first turn was closely bunched and a jam followed near the turn Busy Office with jockey J Cavens up stumbled and fell for want of racing room MrsR Trents Sanity following directly behind collided with Busy Office as he fell knock ¬ ing him into the inner fence fenceThe The top railing of the fence went com ¬ pletely through the body of Sanity and he died instantly A portion of the wood pierced the hip of the veteran jockey Bill Taylor and he was rushed to the hospital in a serious condition Jockey J Cavens sus ¬ tained a broken collarbone and his mount Busy Office suffered head injuries injuriesThe The official statement of judge Nuckols follows followsHolding Holding any rider to blame for the mis ¬ hap would be difficult I believe tenhorse fields are too large for this track trackFrom From the press stand it appeared as if jockey F Burley was responsible for the accident cutting over too sharply on his field with Found Golden X escaped the early interference and went on to annex the first race with much to spare for his maiden success Princess Elsie wore down Starkist the pacemaker during the stretch test of the second secondSaving Saving ground in the run home Hervala just got up in the last few yards of the third race All Play had the most speed throughout in the fourth winning with much to spare