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CONNAUGHT PARK NOTES f Mrs G Boesel who claimed Wrackell at 1 the Blue Bonnets meeting has turned the e plater over to T Sullivan to train trainJ J ORourke who has been employed by v A Armstrongs exercise boy accepted his first mounts when astride Adair Louise and I Tomboy at Connaught Park Wednesday r ORourke a native of Ireland has been a resident of Aylmer Quebec for five years In yearsIn the condition book of Connaught Park k two errors were made There is no gelding g allowance on tracks under the jurisdiction n of the P Q R A and the divisions of the e 400 purses are as follows 310 to winner r 50 to second 30 to third and 10 to fourth fourthAll i All owners and trainers racing on the IB P Q R A have signified their intention to turn over 5 out of every purse for the re ¬ mainder of the meeting in Quebec to their friend former jockey Jimmy Darou who was disabled in a spill at Connaught Park last season The riders at Blue Bonnets collected a purse and presented it to Darou before leaving Montreal MontrealLeo Leo Dandurand manager of the Montreal Jockey Club and who has charge of the mu tuel department at Connaught Park paid a flying visit to Syracuse N Y Tuesday and reports that the track at that point is in fine condition and that everything will be in order for the opening July 4 4J J McClymon trainer for the J Cattarin ich stable distributed condition books for the meeting of the Onandaga Jockey Club at Syracuse N Y and he will accept stable applications from horsemen that intend to ship to that point pointBryan Bryan Steele a former member of starter Marshall Cassidys crew was a visitor at Connaught Steele came from Detroit and plans to remain for the meeting