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TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE 35c 35cFOLLOW FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY PROSPERITYWINNERS WINNERS WINNERS WINNERSTuesdays Tuesdays Big Commission Horse Given Free to All Readers ReadersPRINCESS PRINCESS A O 6580 WON WONThats Thats the kind of winners you get when you follow the horses in Gold Seal Turf Weekly Day in and day out week in and week out jts the same old story Dp not let 35c stop you from following the livest and best information ever gotten together by a staff of trackmen trackmenNEW NEW ISSUE ON SALE TODAY TODAYMake Make it your business to get this weekly Go at once to your dealer and get a copy of GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY and let us show you how to make money moneyYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS ELEVENTHHOUR PARLAY PARLAYSHOOT SHOOT 1140 WON MARYNELL 960 WON Do you want to get this parlay every day Get your copy of Gold Seal Turf Weekly and turn to page number 5 and learn how to get this parlay every day You owe it to yourself to get advice on these horses Act now nowTODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CODELATONIA LATONIA June85233523 June85233523TODAYS TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY PARLAYLATONIA LATONIA Turf2092033 WASHINGTON Weekly2826926 EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE WASHINGTON March9151910 March9151910GOLD GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W Madison St Suite 1207 Chicago III