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TUESDAYS LAST FAIRMOUNT PARK CHART Q7e 7 SEVENTH RACE 1 116Mies Helens Babe June 16 1928 144 5 111 Larkspur 300June1934FP Purse Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 June1934FP second 65 third 25 fourth 10 Claiming price 500 Bqt A WtllSt A i Str Fin Jockeys 96651LILAC BLOOM WB WB4102 4 102 6 3 I1 14 I2 1s 1 Manifol Manifol963982TENANT ManifoIdH Mrs A K Miller Millerwn7112 250100 963982TENANT WB wn7112 7 112 2 1 34343 22 24 Stullerl StulIerDR Mrs F C McGuire f 561100 97352 MUFFLER w w5109 5 109 11 7 45 5 65 65 35 MillsC T L Patch PatchSw7107 97220 UMBRIAN PRINCESS Sw7107 w 7 107 5 4 82 65 4 45 45 MayerJ E D Slavin 1012100 97220EXTERNAL w 6 107 7 6 7 85 8 72 53 SmithFA J C Ellis EllisJ 1605100 97352 DONUP WB5112 1 2 25 21 22 3s 65 TildcnR J Goedecke Jr 2497100 97220OPEN GO SHUT w 9 110 9 8 51 42 55 55 72 HilemanW B M Stable 2497100t t 97220ANADNAB w6107 811105 7l 75 84 85 MartinezP Mrs G W Norris 5272100 97220 BROWN ADMIRAL WB 7 112 10 9115115 95 9 5 92 RenoT Mrs E E Watson 4910100 97141DR BILLY WB7107 31012 12 II2 104 10 MoonR MoonRw M F Keller 201400 97418 SUGARLAND w 6 107 12 12 61 9 103 II4 II4 DyerJ DyerJWB4107 Richardson Cotton 1674100 97352NEWSHAWK WB4107 4 5 9 10 12 12 12 LoweW E J P C Staehle 4885100 fMutuel field Time 24 48 113 140 147 Track fast J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LILAC BLOOM 700 378 300 250 100 89 100 50 1CO 1COTENANT TENANT Field 490 396 145 100 98 100 MUFFLER 100MUFFLER 100Winner Field 396 98 100 Winner B f by Busy American Miss Hume by Colonel Vennie trained by A K Miljer bred by Mr J B Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 530 AT POST 2 minutes Start drivingLILAC good and slow Won easily second and third driving LILAC BLOOM took command soon after the start shook off DONUP midway of the back stretch and was not menaced thereafter TENANT finishing gamely under stiong urging held MUFFLER safe at the end The latter went wide into the stretch and finished well UMBRIAN PRINCESS was unable to reach the leaders EXTERNAL showed good form DONUP tired in the drive OPEN GO SHUT came wide in the drive DR BILLY showed nothing nothingScratched Scratched 97418Ircdcll 112 97418 Bobs Luck 102 97348 Bay Angon 112 97352 Water Fowl 107 95095 Sunset 112 112Overweight Overweight Open Go Shut 3i pounds