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WEIGHTS FOR THE 10000 GRANITE STATE HANDICAP SALEM N H June 20 H D Monroe racing secretary of the New Hampshire Breeders Association today announced the weights for the Granite State Handicap the 10000 stake for threeyearolds and over at one mile and a sixteenth which will be the opening day feature at Rockingham Park Saturday Twentyfive nominations were received for the event eventHeading Heading the handicap is C V Whitneys champion Equipoise a nonstarter His burden is 134 pounds seven pounds over the scale The fouryearold Mr Khayyam has been given an impost of 121 pounds and the crippled Burgoo King 116 pounds On the scale Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilts threeyearold Discovery is second to Equi ¬ poise His weight is 112 pounds two pounds under the scale scaleFollowing Following are the Granite State eligibles with weights Bamboula 101 Barn Swal ¬ low 115 Broad Lights 95 Burgoo King 116 Coflier 94 Dark Hope 110 Dark Win ¬ ter 113 Discovery 112 Equipoise 134 Flaming Mamie 92 Flying Watch 92 Jimmy Sutro 92 Kievex 108 Monel 102 Mr Khayyam 121 Piety 92 Round Table 92 Jabot 106 Roustabout 107 Sarada 107 Springsteel 107 Star Fire 96 Sunador 107 Tick On 119 War Letter 93