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WASHINGTON PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Washington Park Wednesday Paid 2250 for 2 HOMEWOOD ILL WEDNESDAY JUNE 20 1934 Washington Park 1 18 miles Twentyfourth day Washington Park Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 27 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGcrald Stewards C B Head and R M Kwoitzer Judges W H Shelley F Dunne and E A Heman Starter H Morrissey Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QTfJAQ FIRST RACE 73 Mile out of chute Burning Up June 17 1932 123 4 110 winnerJune2034Was IT Purse 5800 3yearolds and upward Illinois owned Claiming Net value to winner June2034Was 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib Iballowed allowed for each 100 to 1200 Index florsea EqtA WtrPSt Str Kin Joekeys Owners Kquir Oddi Strt 97121 I SAY w 5 110 7 1 3l 3l 2l 15 lk ArcaroE Albert Sabath 242100 24210097389BATTLING 97389BATTLING GIRL w 4 108 6 2 6k 44 3 34 2l NachelJ G Henze 861100 861100971173BABOO 971173BABOO w 6 110 2 3 1 II I1 2l 3 KingT W A Mikel 311100 31110097389ONDOTT 97389ONDOTT WB 4 113 1 7 7 6k 6s 45 44 WeitzelD Mrs J B Partridge 443100 97041 TRANSCALL w 3 103 4 6 4l 54 54 6 5l WestropeJ Coldstrcam Stud Stable 441100 44110097387THIEF 97387THIEF GERONIMO w 3 101 5 5 5 7 7 7 6 StrongJ Mrs R Lynch 6115100 97391 FRENCH KNIGHT WB 4 115 3 4 21 21 4 5 7 BagurH F Umbdenstock 2113100 2113100Time Time 12325 47 112 125 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS I SAY 684 432 320 242 100 116 100 60 100 100BATTLING BATTLING GIRL 1 968 428 334 100 114 100 100BABOO BABOO 266 33 100 100Winner Winner B m by Dis Done Aloft by Peter Pan trained by B S Michell bred by Mr W S Dudley Winner entered to be claimed for 51500 51500WENT WENT TO POST 220 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameI I SAY away fast but saved off the pace worked her way to the front and withstanding severe pressure in the final eighth outlasted BATTLING GIRL The latter unable to keep uji and forced to race wide all the way also withstood a long and hard drive and was wearing down the winner BABOO saved ground all the way and fought it out resolutely ONDOTT away slowly and taken back repeatedly closed with a rush and under a better judged ride might have won TRANSCALL was hard ridden after threeeighths and had no mishaps FRENCH KNIGHT forced the pace under mild restraint and failed to respond to hard urging Overweight urgingOverweight Chief Geronimo 1 pound QTfiAQ SECOND RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3year 125June2034Was J olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 June2034Was third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners EtjulT Odds Str 1 973255TINY KITTY w3102 96 lh I4 I5 1s LambC Audlcy Farm Stable 88100 96709DONNA BETTINA w 3 97 23 64 3J 2s 2s KingJ C Nelson 579100 gSIOB THEOREM w 3 107 10 10 10 1C4 53 35 BremmerD H C McConnell McConnellw 538100 97117TAM w 4 105 1 1 25 4J 4 4s KeesterP J Emery Emeryw 3722100 97115MARKS GIRL GIRLCORROON w w3101 3 101 4 4 4WB3107 34 2k 33 52 StrongJ Chappel Bros BrosVB 2114100 CORROON WB3107 VB 3 107 6 8 8w 81 54 64 64 BalaskiL Mrs M Rieser Rieservn 4348100 97330DONACARE w vn 3 3103 103 3 9 9ws 91 8 81 7 DobsonJ J J Coushlin 1468 100 96266 BEECH TREE ws 3 1055 5 2 7J 71 75 84 MartinTP W F Axton 13635100 97330DONCELLITA 97330DONCELLITABROADSIE w 3 102J11 11 11 11 95 94 PolkF Miss A Morgan fBROADSIE t BROADSIE w 3 105 8 7 5 6410 10 ArcaroE Running W Ranch Stable 3321100 332110097263OSCALOOSA 97263OSCALOOSA w 4 100 75 45 9 Cut dn HankaW H F Whitlow 4348100 4348100tMutucl tMutucl field Time 234 474 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TINY KITTY 376 306 228 88 100 53 100 14 100 DONNA 100DONNA BETTINA 404 322 102 100 61 100 THEOREM 100THEOREM 334 67 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by St Henry Kitten by Plaudit trained by J F Patterson bred by Audley Farm and Mr L A Moselcy Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 25Qi AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingTINY TINY KITTY much the best closed a big gap in the first quarter and drawing out on the stretch turn maintained good speed and won handily DONNA BETTINA a factor after a quarter held on wail THEOREM was far back to the stretch then closed with a rush TAM quickest to start was on the inside all tlie way dropped back on the stretch turn and did not respond MARKS GIRL tired BEECH TREE fractious at the post but away fast failed to keep up OSCALOOSA was close up when cut down downOverweight Overweight Marks Girl 4 pounds Donacare 1 Beech Tree 3 DoncelHta 22 Broadsie 3 QrT fk THIRD RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3year v 50June2034Was 4 9 JVF olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 June2034Was fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtFPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Efjulr Odds Strt 97285JANNAN WB 7 110 4 3 397263TLAG 3 31 I1 P5 KeesterP C E Davison 97263TLAG TIME WB 7 107 1 2 2 2 21 21 KingT W A Mikel 97253 CROWNED HEAD WB 6 112 5 8 74 6l 6l 3 BurgerN R Cochran 5142 100 97327 DROLE POLLY w 3 103 84 lk 14 34 4 WestropeJ T C Worden 356100 356100972645CURB 972645CURB BIT WB 4 107 27 8 75 71 55 KingJ L Tiffany 355100 35510086760TRANSFORMATION 86760TRANSFORMATION WB 6 107 6 6 54 5 5k 64 BagurH E Schwartz 6704100 670410094853FORT 94853FORT WORTH w 9 107 7 5 44 44 45 75 HankaW Mrs G Keeton 1781100 97326 WAYWARD LAD w 4 112 3 1 6 8 8 8 HarbortO M S Skaggs 1832100 1832100Time Time 23j 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ANNAN 1008 512 458 404 100 156 100 129 100 100FLAG FLAG TIME 410 318 105 100 59 100 100CROWNED CROWNED HEAD 2136 968 100 100Winner Winner B g by Sweep Lassair by Ormondale trained by C E Davison bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 322 AT POST U minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingANNAN ANNAN a factor from the start bore over badly interfering with FLAG TIME and DROLE POLLY when taking the lead in the stretch and won ridden out FLAG TIME saved ground early but met interfer ¬ ence in the stretch and tired in the closing sixteenth CROWNED HEAD away slowly raced wide all the way then closed a big gap in the stretch DROLE POLLY placed in front on the outside crossed over when clear on the stretch turn and forced back in the stretch was in a tangle thereafter CURB BIT fractious and away slowly was cut off by WAYWARD LAD on the far turn FORT WORTH quit QrTfJ f FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Purse 800 3year 125June2034Was J4OJL olds and upward Mafdens Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 June2034Was third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1009 Index Horses EqtA WUlSt 14 Str Fin Jockey EquiT Odds Strt 97118WILD TURKEY WB 3 102 78 55 25 I4 14 KineJ Brentwood Stable Stablewa 850100 97194 SHERRON wa 3 107 6 9 94 94 44 2 CorbettC Rookwood Farm Stable Stablew 648100 97330 JASCHA w 3 108 4 5 35 31 34 31 HardyL J H Manheimer Manheimerw 1592100 94181CAROLINE H w 3 102 8 6 65 4k 55 44 HankaW H Oots 313100 97264 BROTHER BEN W 4 111 3 3 4l 8 61 55 MannJ B Endovina 1720100 961032JANE HASTINGS w 3 104 22 15 1 2k 6l KeesterP Chicago Stable 160100 160100WB 97325 DUSTY LANE WB 3 107 9 7 8J 65 1s T ArcaroE S Peabody 1191100 97327KENTUCKY DOLL w 3 97 5 10 10 10 94 8 MorganA Mrs F W GiHiland 21055100 21055100w 87232 OMAR K w 3 111 510 4 74 71 8l 94 PrimroseC Mrs M Chakoski 63366100 63366100WB 97330 NO NO WB 3 107 1 1 24 53 10 10 KacalaJ H Herendeen 12414100 12414100Time Time 22 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WILD TURKEY 1900 844 538 850 100 322 100 169 100 100SHERRON SHERRON 744 472 272 100 136 100 100JASCHA JASCHA 1136 468 100 100Winner Winner B f by Hourless Martin Bird by Sir Martin trained by D S Gordon bred by Tennessee Breeders Association Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 352 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingWILD WILD TURKEY away slowly took the lead with a rush but had to be hard urged to hold SHERRON The latter far out of it for half a mile came through on the inside in the stretch and outlasted JASCHA The latter a strong factor from the start had to race wide but held on well CAROLINE H moved up on the turn but was in close quarters in the stretch BROTHER BEN was forced back on the far turn JANE HASTINGS tired after showing early speed DUSTY LANE was far back all the way NO NO showed speed speedOverweight Overweight Jascha 1 pound Brother Ben 1 Jane Hastings 2 Omar K 2j 2jCorrected Corrected weight No No 107 Qr7 O FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Judge Leer Oct 7 1933 105 2 109 Purse 800 fourthJune2034Was J 4 OJjfaf 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth June2034Was 525 Claiming price 2500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 250 to 2000 Index Horses EqtA WtlPSt Va Str Fin Jockeys EqulT Odds Strt 94884POMPOUS GENIE w 112 1 1 21 2J 24 14 ArcaroE J B Partridge 315 100 10097262BERT 97262BERT REID w 110 5 2 14 14 1 21 WestropeJ T C Worden 182100 97328 BEGINNERS BAIT WB 110 43 31 3s 31 34 SmithJ E R Bradley 357100 97390 CHIEF EVERGREEN WB 106 6 6 51 41 44 4 KacalaJ W F Axton 5569100 556910097328SPICATE 97328SPICATE w 105 3 5 66 5l 5 KeesterP L M Severson 536100 53610096960LAST 96960LAST SERVANT WB 105 24 45 55 6 6 KingT J D Mikel 1124100 1124100Time Time 23 47 100 107 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS POMPOUS GENIE 830 332 250 315 100 66 100 25 100 100BERT BERT REID 300 230 50 100 15 100 100BEGINNERS BEGINNERS BAIT 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Genie Pompano Girl by Sweep trained by J B Cartridge bred by Mr C T Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 420 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingPOMPOUS POMPOUS GENIE rank at the post but away fast was restrained when unable to outrun BERT REID then responded to strong urging in the final threesixteenths and won under hard urging BERT REID went to the inside on the turn and while unable to withstand the winner held on well BEGINNERS BAIT swerved repeatedly and held on gamely CHIEF EVERGREEN was on the inside after a quarter SPICATE dropped far out of it Qr7f O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Bedight Oct 14 1933 111 3 110 Ivanhoe Handicap 200June2034Was v VfJL VfJLL L Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 200 June2034Was third 75 fourth 25 EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odda Strt 97329 PRINCESS CAMELIA WB 5 105 3 2 297266CHANCE 35 3J 24 lk CorbettC Mrs J Marsch Marsch4s 1904100 1904100J 97266CHANCE LINE WB 3 105 2 1 197329EVERGOLD 4s I1 14 2 = 5 ArcaroE J E Widener 236100 236100Shandon 97329EVERGOLD WB 5 109 1 6 6 51 31 3 BalaskiL Shandon Farm Stabl Stabla 168100 168100Milky 97329 WISE DAUGHTER w 3 104 4 4 14 2k 44 44 PichonL Milky Way Farm StabU 1002100 1002100Everglade 96882 DARTLE WB 3 108 5 55 5 5l 6 6 54 CassardJ Everglade Stable 391100 391100Audley 83720 MISS PATIENCE WB WB3104J6 3 104J 6 3 25 45 5l 6 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 1689100 1689100Time Time 23 47 111 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRINCESS CAMELIA 4008 1068 316 1904 100 434 100 58 100 100CHANCE CHANCE LINE 510 294 155 100 47 100 100EVERGOLD EVERGOLD 228 14 100 100Winner Winner Gr m by Roval Canopy Sunmelia by Sun Briar trained by J McPherson bred by Mr K N Gilpin GilpinWENT WENT TO POST 451 AT POST 6J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same samePRINCESS PRINCESS CAMELIA rank at the post but quick to get going and saved off the pace saved ground entering the stretch and going to the outside wore down CHANCE LINE in a hard drive The latter saved for fivesixteenths took command and withstood a long and hard drive but was not good enough EVERGOLD dropped far out of it then went to the outside entering the stertch WISE DAUGHTER tired badly in the stretch DARTLE was outrun MISS PATIENCE dropped out of it on the stretch turn turnOverweight Overweight Miss Patience 2 pounds Qryf A SEVENTH RACE 78 Mile out of chute Burning Up June 17 1932 123 4 J OJLTC 110 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Illinois owned Claiming Net value to June2034Was forless winner 600 second 125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1200 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt U J4 Sir Fin Jockeys EquiY Odds Strt 96957NIGHT JASMINE w 4 108 7 1 I1 I1 2J lk 15 KingT J D Mikel 97389HEIRESS97387HYMAN 97389HEIRESS WB4108 2 5 4 41 31 3s 2k KineJ Albert Sabath 97387HYMAN WSB6110 4 2 35 25 lk 21 3s HankaW Superior Stable 97472 MARTIE FLYNN w 9 115 3 7 55 51 5s 45 45 ArcaroE S Peabody 97041rSALUT DAMOUR WB 4 113 66 64 7 6s 6 55 BagurH Peconic Stable 435100 97325 MISS FLIP w 3 102 1 3 25 3l 4 51 6 HarbortO Blue Ridge Stable 1546100 154610097472BALDERDASH 97472BALDERDASH WB 5 107 5 4 7 6k 7 7 7 KeesterP P H Krick Son 6259100 6259100Time Time 23 47J 112 125 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD3 1 100HEIRESS NIGHT JASMINE 780 386 300 290 100 93 100 50 100 100HYMAN HEIRESS 398 318 99 100 59 100 HYMAN 336 68 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Sand Mole Shades of Night by Luke McLuke trained by J D Mikel bred by Keeneland Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST523i AT MST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameNIGHT NIGHT JASMINE hustled into command saved ground after threesixteenths briefly gave way to HYMAN and outlasted HEIRESS The latter eased back when in close quarters soon after the start and rated off the pace saved ground in the stretch and closed resolutely HYMAN restrained for half a mile worked his way into a short lead but was not good enough MARTIE FLYNN could not eet uo SALUT DAMOUR was outrun MISS FLIP quit EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles Montanaro June 26 1929 150 4 95 Pursa June2034Was i oni S80 ° 3yearods and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second 5125 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 index Horses Bqt A Yt ITS Vt A = 54 Str Kin Joc BqulT Odd Strt 97331HAPPY LAD w w7110 7 110 3 4 41 3k 25 I1 Tl Keest Keest97331ROYAL KeesterP J F Vaughn 424100 97331ROYAL TREASURE w 4 110 4 3 3l 44 34 2 2 KineJ G Ury 292100 97326 PILLAGE w w4110 5 5 51 5 48 31 3l KacalaJ J Walsh 672100 97475 CARDINAL JACK w 4 115 6 6 7 7 6 5J 4 HarbortO J Newman 6194100 97472 KUVERA WB 5 115 1 1 14 I4 lk 4l 54 GroosP Running W Ranch Stable 206100 97044 SUBTLETY w 5 110 22 24 24 5l 6s 6 BagurH P Reilly 938100 84395 GULLY JUMPER WB 6 115 7 7 65 64 7 7 7 WestropeJ J R Allen 1666100 1666100Time Time 24 48 113 140 153 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 HAPPY 100ROYAL LAD 1048 504 320 424 100 152 100 60 100 69109PILLAGE ROYAL TREASURE 472 338 136100 69109 PILLAGE 524 162 108 Winner 108Winner B g by Ladkin Blissful by Broomstick trained by J P Waite bred by Searineton Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 552J AT POST minute minuteStart Start drivingHAPPY good and slow Won handily second and third driving HAPPY LAD well ridden and strongly restrained for fiveeighths worked his way into the lead swerved to the inside after reaching the final eighth and won handily ROYAL TREASURE restrained for seven eighths held on gamely under mild pressure PILLAGE raced wide but finished resolutely CARDINAL JACK closed a big gap in the stretch KUVERA was used making the up pace and quit badlv in th q y n th9 th9Corrected stretch SUBTLETY was done after fivceighths Corrected weight Kuvera 115 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT WASHINGTON PARK Wednesday 3 Races 9910 5 Racesy 17746 8 Races 29894