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CHARLES TOWN ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track fast fastRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight sav ¬ ing time 230 p m use Post Position numbei shown im j mediately before the names of all the j horses appearing in the entries First Race 58 Mile Welch Glade Purse Purse 250 3YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordChrysmute Chrysmute Dec 16 1933 100 2 110 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TratkWt Time AgeToday Price 97507 1 Wandering Jim 6115 500 97644 2 Wise Moilie 3 105X 500 97505 3 Three Grand GrandM M 3105 500 97507 4 Radial 5 110 500 97577 5 First Act 4 110X 500 97505 6 Easter Herald HeraldM M 4 115X 500 97577 7 Dutiful 6 108X 500 97644 8 Bendromel M 3 105 500 500Second Second Race About 78 Mile MilePcnno Pcnno Borough Purse Purse 250 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordThe The Gen June 19 1934 134 6 116 96846 1 Grand Rox 5 115X 500 97311 2 Zebra 6 110X 500 97510 3True John M 4 110X 500 97576 4 Fair Jack 7 115X 500 50097436s 97436s 5 Aldershot 7 li5X 500 50097369s 97369s 6SteeItori 4 110X 500 97646 7 Shere Khan 4115X 500 500Third Third Race About 78 Mile MileCross Cross Lanes Purse Purse 250 3YearOIds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record The Gen June 19 1934 134 6 116 97372 1 Burleigh M 112 500 97508 2 Selfish Gain M 112 500 97574 3 Lady Clagett ClagettM M 107 500 97511 4 Transcribe 115 500 97509 5 Lodorus 107X 500 6 Herods SonM 112 500 97579 7 Baby Chink 107 500 500Fourth Fourth Race About 78 Mile MileIndian Indian Camp Purse Purse 250 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming Track Record RecordThe The Gen June19 1934 134 6 116 97576 1 Consummation 5 112 X 500 97440 2 Nisia 6 113X 700 97437 3 Flageolet 6 113X 700 97579 4 Compromising M 5112 500 97368 5 Flying Start 7 115X 500 50097437s 97437s Holland 4115 500 97579 7 Sambo G 8 115X 500 500Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Hackers Valley Purse Purse 250 3 YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordChrysmute Chrysmute Dec 16 1933 100 2 110 96671 1 Suspicious 5 115X 1000 97306 2 Camphor Ball 11 118X 800 97438 3 Vcritas 3 109X 1000 97168 4 Dixie Bee 3 109X 1000 97309 5 Washout 4115X1000 97577 6 Justa Sunbeam 310910GO 310910GOSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesCrimson Crimson Springs Purse Purse 250 3YcarOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record RecordAiab Aiab June 4 1934 147 6 110 97510 1 Bay WrackM 3 108X 500 97511 2 Dunair 4 114X 500 97650 3 Dark Star 4 109X 500 50097510s 97510s 4 Merry MissM 4 109X 500 97510 5 Evening Chimes ChimesM M 3103 500 97370 6 Lamaria M 3108 500 500Seventh 1 Seventh Race 1 18 Miles MilesGlen Glen Easton Purse Purse 250 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track Record Dark Vision Dec 13 1933 154 4 112 97511 lEaster Medal MedalM M 5108 500 3 97373 2 Miss Catalan 6 108X 500 90667 3 Charley J S 9 113X 500 97578 4 Light Breeze 5 108X 500 97441 5Jambalaya 5 108X 500 97650 6 Concord 6 ll3X 500 97373 7 Armageddon 7 113X 500 n