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FAIRMOUNT PARK The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races j at Fairmount Park Wednesday Paid 0.58 for COLUNSVILLE, ILL., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1934-Fairmount Park 1 mile. Thirty fourth and last day. Fairmount Jockey Club. Summer meeting « f 34 days. Waite Stall Gate used. Weather Clear. . Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission, A. G Westcn, Stewards, J. T. Ireland and R. A. Leigh. Judges, R. A. Leigh, Jr., C. C. Campau and C. Abbo. Starter, W. Snyder. Racine Secretary. R. A. Leigh Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 3:30 p. nv.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate* horse, date, -track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pound* ; ***10 pounds. QQtCAfl FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Cay Werld, Oct. 14, 1S33 — 1:T 1—3— 119. SiSm Yd Purs* ,48°- 3-year-«4* and "pwird. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, J«ily-4-34-F.P 5; tnird is- ,ourthf j1f ciaimine price, 09. Index Horses Eqt a VtPfSt %, % 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners Bqui». Oddi Strt ••tTTWlGROSE wb6109 6 1 1*1* 1* 1« ManifoldH F Davitt 103100 91215 MONDE w 6 109 2 2 41 5* 3* 2i TildenR Nugent Stable 1212 100 91342STATECRAFT wb4 114 7 5 5* 3» 2» 3i CreeseR C R Allen 1351100 94478 CHANTESUTA w 4 109 5 4 3 41 4« 4i BogskiW V Anzelmo 814-100 S7631 THE NILE ■ 5 109 3 6 2* 2* 5 51 EdwdsD Mrs I Seybold 1718 100 99275 DOREEN PRINCESS w 5 110 8 8 6 7* 7 64 SykesD J Loeffler f3444 100 97639 SLIP KNOT w 3 104 1 7 8 6» 64 74 FryeJW P Hatcher 3198 100 91279 SUPERCHARGE wb 4 109 11 12 12 12 8 8 AnrsonA C Rufi 1565 100 97695 DR. LOUIS HAMANw 6 111 10 9 7 81 9» 9M CooperRG W A Miller 1246 100 98211 HARTFORD GIRL w 4 109 9 10 9". 9 104 10" WilsonL Mrs E E Watson f 98148sMORVIM wb 3 104 12 11 11llH 111 11» MillerG S J Molay 1096 100 96646 MA w 3 104 4 3 10* 101 12 12 MarnezP J OSullivan f tMutuel field. Time, :23. -AVA. 1:12-* Track fast. , fj MBTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING 0DD8 WIGROSE .06 .52 .96 103—199 76—100 48—100 MONDE 9.18 7.84 359—100 292—100 STATECRAFT 6.90 245—100 Winner— B. m, by Wigstone— Spanish Rose, by Spanish Prince II. trained by J. Dreyer; bred by Mrs. J. Dreyer. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:31$. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. WIGROSE easily outclassed his field from the start and was well in hand in the final stages. MONDE, in close quarters rounding the far turn, finished well when straightened out, but was no match for the winner. STATECRAFT moved -nto contention when taken to the outside for the final drive and weakened in the final strides. CHANTESUTA showed a good effort. THE NILE weakened in the last quarter. SUPERCHARGE, fractious at the barrier, was placed on the outside for the start and broke slowly. MORVIM showed nothing. Scratched— 97937Kite, 114; 94783 Honohina, 114; 97632 Patrick, 114; 98276 High Pockets, 114: 97352 Kelso. 114; 98212 George. 109. Overweight — Doreen Princess. 1 pound. QQBrfll SECOND RACE— I Mile. Irish Pal, Sept. 14, 1927— 1:38%— 2— 90. Purse 00. 3-r?VL year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; sesond, 5; third, 5; July-4-34-F.P fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horse* BqtAWtlISt % % % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Bquir. Odds Strt 98281KING FARO w 3 109 4 1 2" 4* 31 2* 1» MillerG L Doriott 150100 98340 BROWN FOLLY w 3 104 9 6 42 3i 21 3* 2* FrveJW C Troutt 647-100 97497 REX REGENT w 4 114 7 7 5" 61 6* 4» 31 WilsonL H H Chopin 755 100 98275 CRASH wb 8 114 2 2 11 ll ll 1* 4i TildenR J OSullivan 2567 100 98340 CLAFLAG wb 3 110 3 11 7* 51 41 51 5* WhalenO J F Clark Jr 1547 100 98215 SHASTA CHARM w 7 109 8 4 101 9* 8 81 6* MartinezP H C Rumage 905 100 98343 JUDGE G. wb 3 109 11212 7 71 71 T CooperRG Miss D Ward t 1011 100 98343 MY CHARLOTTE w 4 110 10 9 9 103 102 9s 8i SvkesD Aberdeen Stable 3432 100 97999 SHIFT w 9 114 12 5 61 2 5 6* 91 ManifoldH C Lemons 1312 100 98276 OLD PILL w 10 114 5 8 ll1 ll4 11" 10* 10* EdwardsD H Holmes t 98276 ROCKHURST wb 3 109 11 10 8 12 12 12 11 AndersonA Summit View Stable 4936 100 • 97999 DOCRLE SHUFFLE w 4 109 6 3 3» 8" 91 11* 12 CreeseR E O Dupuy t tMutuel field. Time, :24, :475s- 1:13%, 1:40%. Track fast. . M MUTTJELS PAID , , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KING FARO .00 .36 .70 150—100 68—100 35—100 BROWN POLLY 5.58 4.76 179—100 138—100 REX REGENT 4.48 124—100 Winner— Br. g, by King Bruce— Jane C, by Dick Finncll trained by L. Doriott; bred by Mr. J. R. Devereaux. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST-3.04. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start g« od and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KliG hARO. restrained while saving ground, came through on the inside on the stretch turn and, withstanding a long drive, outlasted BROWN POLLY. The latter moved up with a rush, went wide into the siretch, recovered quickly and might have been best in another stride. REX REGENT went to the outside in the stretch. CRASH took the lead at once, but tired when ureed in the final stages. CLAFLAG had no mishaps. SHASTA CHARM could not reach contention. SHIFT quit badly in the last quarter. Scratched-98343Patricia McKeon, 109; 98146 Top Cloud, 114; 98343 Donup, 114; 98281 Miss Chilla, 109; 97772 Raga Fern, 109; 98215 Marechal, 114. Overweight— Brown Polly, 3 pounds; Claflag, 1; My Charlotte, 1. qOETAO THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. Irish Pal, Sept. 14, 1927— 1:38%— 2— 90. Purse 00. 3-*JO*3"and year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; July-4-34-F.P fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses Kq t A Wt 11St fc % *«Sti Fin Jockeys Owners BguiT. Odds Strt 98343PRATE wb 9 113 2 4 41 41 3k 11 1« ManifoldH C R Allen 127 100 98278 REDINS w 3 112 7 9?? 4 24 2* JulianG W G Newton 351 100 98211 LOVELY AMELIA w 3 107 11 7 81 82 61 31 31! MartinJ Mrs E Davis 1576 100 98281 SENATOR MIKE wb 3 109 5 1 ll 1* ll 4* 4" AnrsonA Summit View Stable f 1892 100 98282 BAG O ROSES wb 5 108 1 5 2*1 2* 21 51 51 TildenR Mrs J Dreyer 1195 100 98147 SOLUS wb 7 113 4 2 51 51 71 T Ol WilsonL C Nye 1598 100 98210 UNCLE HENRY wb 6 113 3 3 31 31 5* 61 7* CreeseR C N Finch 3230 100 98277 MUTUAL FRIEND wb 7 11? 9 8 6* 6 8* 8i 81 MillerG J C Ellis 2441 100 98282 ANADNAB * 6 113 8 6 9* 9* 9s 9* 9J EdwdsD Mrs G W Norris t 98146 MERILEE Z. wb 4 110 12 11 12 12 12 12 10* SykesD Aberdeen Stable + 98277ROSY DREAMS w 3 105110 10 11* 11* ll4 10* 11* CooperRG E Robinowitz 4480 100 98282 LADY SWEET wb 6 108 6 12 10* 10* 10* ll1 12 FryeJW B Brosky 1312 100 tMutuel field. Time, 3344, :48. 1:13%. 1:41. Track fast. , tt HUTUEM PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PRATE .54 .94 .76 127—100 47—100 38—100 REDINS 3.36 3.36 68—100 68—100 LOVELY AMELIA 7.10 255—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Touch Me Not — Twaddle, by Broomstick trained by M. Allen; bred by Greentree Stable. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:35. AT POST— 1J minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PRATE kept close to the inside while close to the early pace, was put to a drive reaching the stretch turn, slipped through on the inside when urged and, continuing gamely, outlasted REDINS. The latter, away slowly and racing wide, finished with a rush and might have been best in another stride. LOVELY AMELIA, closing resolutely on the outside, could not reach the leaders, but easily disposed of SENATOR MIKE. The latter, away fast and hustled into the lead, weakened when challenged. BAG O ROSES and UNCLE HENRY faltered in the drive. SOLUS had no excuses. MERILEE Z., ROSY DREAMS and LADY SWEET were awav slowly. Scratched— 98282 Santa Cruz, 103; 97701 Aquatis, 108, 98276 Marie Miles, 108; 98147 Bearcry, 113; 97348 Bay Angon. 113; 98147 Race Extra, 113. Overweight — Redins, 4 pounds; Lovely Amelia, 4; Senator Mike, 1; Merilee Z., 2; Rosy Dreams, 2j. QOerfkO FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Gay World. Oct. 14, 1933—1:11—3—119. . . *V?V« Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, July-4-34-F.P 5. tnird 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00. Index Dorses EqlA WllISt % "j Str Kin Jocka-ys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 98344**ALKALI wb 6 110 9 4 l1 ll ll 11 MartinezP E Robinowitz 100 100 98278*M1NNEQUA w 3 104 2 5 3k 3i 21 21 BogskiW F Sowell 1187100 98146 THREAT wb 4 111 7 6 51 4" 51 S* MillerG B Parke 1578100 97217VLADIMIR wb 7 106 5 1 61 51 31 41 ManifoldH Mrs E B Shipp 1249100 98146MAXIMUM wb 6 115 1 10 10 10 10 5* TildenR M D Livingston 2436 100 976323HIGH COMPLEXION w 4 105110 2 21 21 41 6* CooperRG Mrs E E Watson 4890 100 98346JUDGE DIXON wb 7 111 6 3 41 61 6 71 FryeJW C Troutt 1896 100 98275 BEST MAN wb 7 115 3 8 71 7» 71 8i WilsonL A McEndree 903100 98342AUF WIF.DERSEHN wb 4 111 4 7 8* 81 81 91 HnswthC B F Miller 1585 100 98212*DEE TEES w 4 105 8 9 91 9 9 10 EdwardsD H L Piatt 1133 100 Time, :23, :47J/S. 1:13%. Track fast. 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ALKALI .00 .56 .12 100—100 78—100 56—100 MINNEQUA 7.52 5.50 276—100 175—100 THREAT 6.38 219-100 Winner- Ch. g, by Slipalong— Ruth Price, by St. Swithins trained by G. F. Jenkins; bred by Messrs. Leeeeel and cpe k. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:04J. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ALKALI, showing gnod speed from the start, disposed of HIGH COMPLEXION turning into the stretch and held MINNEQUA sale under mild urging. The latter, in close attendance of the early pace, responded gamely when called on in the final drive, but was unable to overtake the winner. THREAT saved ground early, came to the outside for the final stages and outgamed VLADIMIR in the last strides. The latter dropped back soon after the Mart, came to the inside for the stretch run and faltered near the end under urging. HIGH COMPLEXION was used up forcine the pace. BEST MAN and DEE TEES had no excuses. Scratched-98212 Terry Lass. 105; 98275Elecy. 101; 97217 Jack Collins, 108; 98277 Roycrolter, 108; 97411 Sun Male, 104; |98OO0Title Star. 106; 98146 Primer, 111; 98278 Macks Pal, 99. Overweight— High Complexion. 2 pounds. Corrected weight — Threat, 111. QeCTA/l FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile out of chute. Gay World, Oct. 14, 1933—1:11—8—119. , , jJVJ* Independence Day Handicao. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net" value to July 4-34-F.P wjnner S700. second j2co; third, 5; fourth, 5. Index Horses EqtA WtlTSt «4 Ntr Fir. Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds 8tr 980803RIZLA w 4 105 6 2 5* 3" 31 1" CreeseR E E Major 264 100 98279=PAT C. wb 5 114 4 1 1*1*1? 21 CooperRG G Gorbet 291100 98408GALAPAN wb 5 104 1 5 31 41 41 31 WilsonL J C James 1005 100 98279W1SE EDDIE wb 5 109 7 4 21 2 21 41 TildenR J Oros 1320 100 98150PORTCODINE wb 6 107 2 6 7 7* 6* 51 ManifoldH J D Mikel 557 100 97415 HILDUR PRINCE w 3 105 3 7 6 61 51 6l MillerG O A Simmons 4896 100 97700MY IDEAL wb 6 103 8 3 4» 5 T 7" EdwardsD D Christian 1156 100 96226WHISK1NG wb 5 113 5 8 8 8 8 8 MartinezP J H Tate . 758-100 Time, :23. :46%. 1:12%. Track fast. , MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— . RIZLA .28 .16 .42 264—100 108—100 71—109 PAT C 4.02 3.44 101—109 72—188 GALAPAN 4.16 108—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Justice F.— Lydia B., by Sir Martin trained by E. E. Major; bred by Mr. A. B. Gordon | . WENT TO POST— 4:33J. AT POST— 3* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. RIZLA, always close but bearing out on the turns, came wide -in the stretch, responded- gamely and, though bearing out throughout the stretch run, was able to outgame PAT C. at the end. The latter, showing speed from the start while slightly restrained, was aroused turning into the stretch, shook off WISE EDDIE, but could not shake off the winner. GALAPAN. fractious at the barner, raced on the inside throtichout and was going gamely at the end. WISE EDDIE weakened in the drive. PORTCODINE finished in close quarters. The others had no excuses. Overweight — Galapan, 3 pounds ; Hildur Prince, 2. QCCCACr SIXTH RACE— I Mile. Irish Fal, Sept. 14, 7927— 1:38%— 2— 99. Purse 00. 3-year-Yrlr.r?3 old* »n l upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 5; third, 5; July-434-F.P fourthr l. Claiming price, 00. MM Horse* Bot A Wt FPS; V« ,» "4 Ml Fin Jockeys Owners EtjalT Odds Btrt 98281DUNNY BOY wb 5 107 1 2 21 1* 1« 1 1* MartinezP J Oros 289 100 98281 ABE FURST w 5 112 5 8 31 3* 2i 2* 21 BogskiW W T Groves 1018-100 98215:J*LITTLE MARCELLE w 5 100 3 1 1 2* 3 3* 3 EdwardsD A Bellegarde 1145 100 98210*TRAPLOU wb 3 102 7 3 5* 61 44 4* 4* MoonR H C Rumage 2480 100 98345*DR. PARRISH wb 8 112 4 7 10* 10* 7k 61 5i MillerG P Hatcher 1186 100 98152 CANTERON w4112 2 6 41 4* 5« 5i 6* MooreV L C Bond +807100 9828rDEFERRED wb 5 1Q9 9 9 9* 9* 10* 9* 71 SykesD D Christian 261100 98345M ACK MURPHY wb 6 112 8 4 81 8* 91 81 81 AndersonA I E Burnett 1895100 98407 ROYAL ROCK w 6 112 11 5 6* 5* 61 71 9« ManifoldH Mrs E E Watson t 98210 WORLD TRAVELLERwb 3 107 6 10 71 7 81 10s 10* TildenR Mrs J M Nugent t 98214 DODIODO wb 4 112 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 FryeJW L Dilger 1161 100 +Mutuel field. . Time, :24. :48. 1:13%, 1:41. Track fast. . MUTUELS PAID . , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . DUNNY BOY .78 .74 .22 289—100 137—100 111—100 ABE FURST 10.84 9.18 442—100 359—100 LITTLE MARCELLE 6.60 230—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Dunlin — Parade, by Trap Rock trained by J. Oros; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:06. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. DUNNY BOY, racing in his best form, came through on the rail on the back stretch, shook off LITTLE MARCELLE and held ABE FURST safe. The latter went around LITTLE MARCELLE on the far turn, was hard ridden through the stretch, but was not good enough. LITTLE MARCELLE finished gamely. TRAP-LOU had no mishaps. DEFERRED showed nothins. The others were not factors. Scratched -98281 Allegretto, 107; 97285 Bag o Gold, 107. Overweight — Little Marcelle, 3 pounds ; Deferred, 2. QOET/Vf* SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Ironsides, June 21, 1930— 1:41%.— 5— 106. *Jand*J*J9 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, July-4 34 F.P 5; third. 5; fourth, 0. Claiming price, 00; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each . 00 to 00. indu Horses BitA WtlISt 4 Vt % •»» Fin Jockeys Owners BnuW. Odds Strt 98408 BENEFIT wb 5 112 2 1 1* 1* 1* 14 11 JulianG R B Prout +910 100 98346*BARCARDI SWEEP wb 5 110 8 6 8* 71 61 3* 2* WilsonL S Davis 998 100 98345SURLY w 6 107 3 3 2* 2* 2i 21 31 TildenR Mrs J Nueent 128*5 100 97848SOUTHLAND TOY w 7 107 7 2 3k 6* 51 51 41 EdwardsD J M Hubbard 322 100 98280*WAIT NOT w 4 100 5 5 4k 3* 41 41 51 MoonR R T Watts t 98410*WHO WIN wb 7 107 4 9 ll1 9* 81 81 61 MartinezP E Robinowitz 911 100 98407 MORAL MISS w 3 104 12 7 64 51 31 61 7* MillerG J C Ellis 1945 100 98346*ANAVAH wb 5 96 6 11 9* 81 71 7» 84 GriffinM E Smith * 98280**MARY BANE wb 5 106 9 4 54 4 9* 9* 9* ManifoldH C N Finch 351 100 98346 SOUTHLAND BELLE w 7 105 1 10 101 101 11* 11* 101 CooperRG Mrs W Phillips 5320 100 98410*NORA D. w 8 109 11 12 12 111 10* 10s 11* AndersonA B Hirschberg 742 100 97634 KAVALRY JACK wb 4 112 10 8 7k 12 12 12 12 SykesD Mrs E Kohler 1876 100 tMutuel field. Time, :23%. :47*4. itOfo, 1:40%, 1:45. Track fast. r—%and MUTUELS PAID , OFF1CIAI BOOKING ODDb . BENEFIT Field 0.20 .40 .86 910—100 370—100 243—109 BARCARDI SWEEP 16.84 6.14 442—100 207—186 SURLY 6.08 204—108 Winner — Br. g, by McGee — They Shall Not P:;ss, by Fayette trained by R. Michon; bred by Mr. C. W. Moore. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:37J. AT POST— 5* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. BENEFIT showed good speed from the start, was taken in hand on the back stretch and, hard urged entering the stretch, swerved badly, but outlasted BARCARDI SWEEP. The latter came through on the inside on the stretch turn, but was unable to find room in the final strides. SURLY tired. SOUTHLAND TOY came again in the drive. WAIT NOT had no mishaps. MORAL MISS went wide in the stretch. MARY BANE quit after five-eighths. Scratched— 97142 iGreenwald. 110: 98215 Mayetta, 100; 98411 John Mill, 110. Overweight — Benefit, 3 pounds ; Moral Miss, 4. Corrected weight — Barcardi Sweep, 110; Moral Miss, 100 ; • ■ EIGHTH RACE FAIRMOUNT— 1 1-8 Miles Number Win S3 Place tt Show Winner 1 SBIBEJEI SHO-DS ][2] Second 2 ■BUB ■□-SSI Third 3 ■□.313 Final Time: DhEKl ■■ Off Time: QMIH1/? The numbers preceding the names of the horses entered in the race indicate the order in which they finished. ■0 Northern Water D Blind Hills EH Bob Weidel W] Belen B Wild Laurel BO Brown Admiral KJ Luck Piece flD Captain Logan H3 Mary McCarthy El River Lee U Drastic Water EH Morocco WB Probationer IE Animator HI Black Flash B Boston Common Q Adrian SCRATCHED— Bob Weidel, Brown Admiral, Mary McCarthy, Morocco, Black Flash NINTH RACE DECLARED OFF.