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I j j ! ■ , . i , . I ! 1 1 MOUNT ROYAL PARK j The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races j I at Mount Royal Park Wednesday Paid 08.40 for j MONTREAL, QUE., WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1934— Mount Royal 1 mile. Fifth day. Back River Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 14 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association, J. G. Reeder. Stewards, E. C. St. Care, M. P., and A. Laberge. Judges, W. J. Morrison, E. W. Ferguson and L. A. Larivee. Starter, W. D. Richey. Racing Secretary, J. G. Reeder. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance ot each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance ot 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QOr-| Cf FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Protractor, July 19, 1933— 1:05%— 7— 120. Purse 00. J/Otlltl 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; July-4-34-M.R second, 8; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horace Eqt A Wt IPSt V* Mr Fin Jo. keys Owner* K.|uir. Odd» Strt 94833 THERMAL w 3 1C6 5 3 21 34 31 11 RallsC Riverdale Stable 260 100 982232MAGGIE LOVE w 5 107 3 8 3 11 l* I* BeecroftS G Foisy 520 100 98354 STAR CREST wi 7 117 6 7 9 61 41 31 LaurinL Mrs B Fisher 820 100 97789 VILLE CREST w 3 100 8 4 11 2« 21 4* HornG R Russell 400 100 98085*SPRING VIOLET w 4 110 1 1 4ii 41 51 51 WatsonG A E Belair 805 100 98084 SWEEPVALE «i 3 107 7 9 81 8a 6* 61 StazsukT M Chaplin 915 100 98085OPTICAL wb 9 117 2 2 51 51 T T HallibnW Mrs C H Conyers 1120-100 98291*ANOKA wb 5 115 9 6 T 9 8 8 FrankP N A Bender 875-100 98223*SOULTAN GIRL w 3 94 4 5 61 7 Fell. Pedenll Mrs H Smith 2960 100 Time, :23$«. :48. 1:08. Track fast. r-—%2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS-— , THERMAL .20 .45 .65 280—100 122— 100 82J— 100 MAGGIE LOVE 4.70 3.95 135—100 97J— 10t STAR CREST 4.15 107— 100 Winner — B. f, by Anmer — Ablaze, by Tony Bonrro trained by J. H. Smith; bred by Mr. J. Heffering. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 2:58. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily ; second and third driving. THERMAL, away fast and rated close to the pace, went to the outside entering the stretch and, wearing down the leaders, drew clear. MAGGIE LOVE raced forwardly throughout. STAR CREST closed a big gap. VILLE CREST tired through the stretch. SPRING VIOLET quit badly. SOULTAN GIRL fell on the stretch turn. S-ratched— 97871 Soph ron, 112; 98084lMasque Mar, 112; 98419 Assyrian Prince, 107; 93295 Le Canedien,-107; 98421 Probate, 112; 98420 Jean Pittston, 117. Overweight — Thermal, 4 pounds : Ville Crest, 1. Corrected weight — Star Crest, 117. QOer -j £* SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. 3- *Oe_f XO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10: second, 0: third. 130; July-4-34-M.R fourth §10. Index Horse* EqtAWtPPSt % % Str Kin Jockeys Owner* E |iii». Odd* Strt 983572BOLINTY wb 4 113 6 3 5,s 31 3s 11 PasseroJ W C Morris 110-100 98295YANKEE DOODLE wb 7 114 5 5 2» 2 11 2* CaseF N K Moody 585 100 983573BLUE JOHN wb 7 114 1 2 l1 l* 21 3* LaurinL J P Macey 290 100 98358 ELLEN D. wb 5 109 3 1 41 4* 4,# 410 MooreET O Viau 280 100 94422 SCARA GLEN wb 3 107 4 6 6 6 6 5k MitchellM G B Dioguardi 1925 100 ORIENTAL LADY w 4 110 2 4 31 5" 51 6 HorvathK J White 4930 100 Time. :23, :47?4. 1:13%. Track fast. , %2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BOLINTY .20 .50 .25 110—100 25-100 12— 100 YANKEE DOODLE 3.00 2.25 50—100 12 J— 100 BLUE JOHN 2.40 20—100 Winner — B. g, by North Star HI. — Beginners Luck, by Black Toney trained by E. F. Morris ; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:25. AT POST— 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BOLINTY, outrun for three-eighths, came through on the inside on the turn and, going to the outside for the drive, wore down the leaders and won gcing away. YANKEE DOODLE raced BLUE JOHN into defeat and continued gamely. BLUE JOHN had early speed. ELLEN D. went evenly. ORIENTAL LADY quit badly after showing early speed. SCARA GLEN dwelt at the start. Overweight — Ellen D., 1 pound; Oriental Lady, 2. — . ~ — ■ i i QOrT-g TJ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. 3-vOtrl 4 year-olds and upward. Maioens. Claiming. Net value to winner 10: second, 0: July-4-34-M.R thirdf j30; fourth, 0. Index Horse* Eqt A Wt PPSt «4 % Ktr Fin Jo keys Owners Equiv. Odd* Str t 98005*V1CKI wb 3 97 8 2 11 1* H 1*1 WatsonG W C Weant 170100 97814 P1LLARITA wb 4 108 7 6 5=1 3* 2k 21 MitchellM G B Dioguardi 490 100 97774 MISS CHRISTIE wb 5 113 5 3 21 21 31 3* MooreET J Coleman 5820 100 97874 WESTYS BUTLER w 3 112 9 5 61 62i 5* 41 Gibson H G R Holden 240100 97553 MAJOR ACCIDENT w 4 113 10 4 4k 51 4» 5» ChinnH S Adams C40 100 97356 DONALD M. wb 3 107 2 10 8 81 71 61 FellowsF R Medtart 895 100 98083 AMERICA B. w 4 113 1 9 9s 95 81 71 PasseroJ J White 2960 100 97069 LITTLE POSSUM wb 4 113 3 1 31 44 6k 8a PeakcH W J Skene 1945100 97292 LAMANTIA wb 3 107 4 8 71 7« 94 9* B.irrillJ S S Parks 3505-100 98007 TING FAN w 7 108 6 7 10 10 10 10 WilsonT B Barker 4715-100 Time. :"?32«=. :4R. 1:1434. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— VICKI .40 .20 .65 170—100 60—100 321-109 PILLARITA 4.10 3.80 105—100 90— IN MISS CHRISTIE 5.80 190—108 Winner— B. f, by Serapis— Yalta, by Vandergrift trained by T. Cummings; bred by Mr. W. C. Weant. Winner entered to be claimed for 00 WENT TO POST— 4:01. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start eood and slow. Won easily ; second and third drivine. VICKI sprinted into the earlv lead, was rated in front and drew awav in the closing eighth. PILLARITA raced MISS CHRISTIE into defeat, but could not reach the winner. MISS CHRISTIE tired in the closing eighth. WESTYS BUTLER closed a big gap in the final quarter. MAJOR ACCIDENT raced evenly. LITTLE POSSUM had earlv speed. DONALD M. closed a gap. Scratched— 97291 Avant. 102: 98083 Fair Charter, 108; 98083 J .lly Gal, 102; 97291 Basilica, 113- 97499 Omarcan. 113; 86631 Bar Queen. 102. QCK1 Q FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3-114. . urse 00. 3- ii *Vi«P year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, *~ 1: third, *~ 0: July-4-34-M.R fourth 0 Index Horses EqtAWtlISt 14 1,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqni*. Odds Strt 98290:IR1SH PEARL wb 5 113 8 4 P 11 11 121 GibsonH G H Newton 745100 98225 EASE IN w 4 108 10 6 31 Si 2* 2i ChinnH S Adams 1490 100 98225 TRANSMIT wb 5 108 2 3 4i 4J 31 31! FatorE C W Zanner 485 100- 97661 GO EASY w 4 110 1 2 6si 61 5k 41 EamesC Mrs R Trent 4220-100 98356 CHILE GOLD w 5 118 6 1 21 21 4* 51 MooreET F Choquette 1940 100 98086 VISA w 4 113 3 5 51 52 61 61 CaseF Mrs A Taney 2120 100 98086*1INTMAGI wb 6 118 9 7 7» 7« T V RallsC C J Wensley 160 100 97862:CLOUDY DAY w 5 113 5 9 95 9B 81 8 PasseroJ J U Gratton 405 100 97862 GOLIDIAN w 4 113 4 8 8" 82 9« 91 PeakeH Mrs F Russell 1860100 948875GEORGE JR. w 5 109 7 10 10 10 10 10 FrankP W C Fox 9105 100 Time. :25. :47. 1:14. Track fast. , 92 MUTUELS PAID , , — OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— IRISH PEARL 6.90 .50 .35 745—100 325-100 1171—100 EASE IN 9.65 6.30 382J— 100 215—100 TRANSMIT 3.70 85—100 Winner— Ch. m, by Prince of Umbria— Ann B.. by Haki trained by G. H. Newton; bred by Mr. G. K. Allen . Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO P0ST-4:32. AT POST-2 minutes. Start eood and slow. Won handily ; second and third driving. IRISH PEARL took the lead at once, was rated in front under light restraint and, drawing away when EASE IN thallensed in the stretch, won handily. TRANSMIT raced close up throughout and had no mishaps. GO EASY closed a gap in the final quarter. VISA, shuffled back at the start, went evenly thereafter MINTMAGI propped at the start S ratched-98292Dress Circle, 112; 98295Dorsays, 113; 98086Thunderdrop, 118; 97858 Vennie H 109: 98356 En Avant, 99; 97421 Dandy Dan, 111. Overweight — Go Easy, 2 pounds; George Jr., 5. QQcTq FIFTH RACE— 58 Mile. Canon Bridge, Aug. 19, 1976-1:00—4—114. Cafe St Jacques 11 jmu? Handicap. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Foaled in Canada. Net value to winner W" 75* July-4-34-M.R second, 5; third, 0; fourth. 0. Index Ooraea EqtAWtPPSt Hl % Ptr Fin Jockeys Owners E.iuit. Odds 8trt 98224 LEO D. wb 110 2 1 11 l4 l4 Is GibsonH L Dandurand 4lTl00 97149WHICHPRIG wb 116 3 3 3* 3s 3» 2 HornG H C Hatch 75100 97703 ROBE wb 104 5 2 21 2*1 21 3» ErwinH G Philip 1960-100 96992 HITTIE w 110 4 6 51 4 47 421 SulloveyM P Delaney 295 100 98224 THE STAFF w 108 7 7 720 7* 61 5" FatorE E Deguire 2920 100 96739 EASTEROAM w 108" 8 5 41 51 51 6* BarberE G Easthope 4615 100 LASHAWAY w 110 6 4 61 6J 720 7* RallsC Riverdale Stable 2115-100 97421JS TONE CHATTER w 109 1 8 8 8 8 8 MooreET A Bullcroft 5205 100 Time. :23. :47?4- 1:81 !£. Track fast. , T"" MUTUE PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS »2 D- • ■ *10-3° 5 3.40 $ 3.10 415-100 70-100 55-1M WHICHPRIG 2.65 2.78 32J-100 35-100 R0BE 5.00 150—109 Winner-Ch. c, by Cudgel— Miss Hogan, by Westy Hocan tiained by C. Robillard; bred by Mr J Cat-taiiinch. WENT TO POST-5:01. AT P0ST-1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Continued on nineteenth page. MOUNT ROYAL PARK Continued from, fifteenth page. LEO D., away in motion, sprinted into a long lead and won with speed in reserve. WHICHPRIG, shuffled back at the start, closed willingly through the stretch under punishment. ROBE forced the pace from the start and weakened in the last quarter mile. HnTIE went evenly from a slow start. THE STAFF made up ground. EASTEROAM tired badly after having early speed. I.ASHAWAY raced greenly. Scratched— 98355 Chauvesouris, 106; Castie, 108. Overweight — The Staff, 2 pounds; Stone Clutter, 4 QOFOA SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Bubola. Aug. 23, 1932—1:43—4—114. Purse 00. 3-tlOJAU year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; July-4-34-M.R fourth, 0. llld«-» Wiil A WtPISI V4 *fr Mr Km «n-fc».y» « vnei t- |in» «M I» Strt 98359 BAIMWAWA wb 3 105 2 2 3* 2* l2 ll 11 MitchellM C Robillard 850 100 983592SQUEEZE PLAY w 6 112 7 3 1* 11 24 2* 24 LaurinL C M Stable 180 100 98229WOOLORAC w 8 116 5 1 21 3a 3* 3* 3l HorvathK C H Neal 505 100 98293 DUG IN wb 4 115 3 5 5* 44 4" 4* 4" HornG P F Stoltz 185 100 98296*KAFFA w 8 106 6 7 61 6* 6* 64 51 FrankP F Chaperon 1160 100 98083 CORSINAX wb 4 112 4 6 4* 5* 54 51 6» MooreET J C Stillman 8230 100 98296 OUR PAL w8 116 147777 7 CaseF W C Weant 1275 100 Time, :24%. :49, 1:14, 1:40J4, 1:47%. Track fast. , 62 MUTUEL8 PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 BAIMWAWA 9.00 .15 .40 850—100 207J— 100 70—100 SQUEEZE PLAY 2.95 2.40 47J— 100 20—100 W00L0RAC 2.80 40—100 Winner — Blk. c, by Abbots Nymph — Dansant, by Hourless trained by C. Robillard; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:33. AT POST— 5$ minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BAIMWAWA, rated close to the pace for the first half mile, took command rounding the turn into the stretch, drew away and outlasted SQUEEZE PLAY at the finish. The latter, away fast, set the early pace under restraint, dropped back entering the stretch, but came on again and was slowly wearing the winner down at the end. WOOLORAC rand forwardly throughout and had no mishaps. DUG IN went evenly. KAFFA was away slowly. Scratched— 98425sBig Business, 112; 98296 Tiaumagne, 109; 98425 Reflecting, 104. Overweight — Baimwawa, 3 pounds. QOCTOi SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Golden Play, Aug. 8, 1931—1:53—4—100. Purse 00. uOtlx 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; July-4-34-M.R fourth, 0. liulej Hwrm* Ki| I A WtPPSl *4 *fr % KM Vii I«m-» -vi. Ownri K«ini? u lil» Htrl 98228 CUPBOARD wb 7 110 1 1 l1 1 l4 14 Is MitchellM W J Skene 200100 98296 BAGGATAWAY w 4 110 2 3 34 4* 41 34 21 MooreET O Viau 525 100 96486 DAVIDS OWN w 4 105 3 2 21 21 24 21 3k ErwinS H D Wiant 6225 100 98229REPLEVIN w 9 105 6 8 7* 7" 61 54 4* WatsonG R Robertson 690 100 983602POPCORN wb 5 110 9 5 41 54 54 41 51 PeakeH Mrs F Russell 190 100 97643MING SUN wb 5 110 5 7 51 31 3» 64 6* WilsonT C A Cranford 870 -100 98296 CHICLERO wb 8 115 8 4 6s 6* 7* 7" T" PasseroJ Mrs 1 O Taylor 2905 100 97730 THE BIGAMIST wb 4 115 4 6 8* 8* 8* 8a 8* ChinnH S Adams 2820 100 98229 ZEAL wb 7 110 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 BarberE G H Newton 4185 100 Time, :25, :49. 1:14%. 1:41%, 1:54%. Track fast. . S3 MUTUELS PAID , ,— -OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD! CUPBOARD .00 .70 .70 200—100 85—100 85—100 BAGGATAWAY 6.25 5.35 212J— 100 1671—10© DAVIDS OWN 13.50 575— IN Winner — Br. g, by Simon Square — Mother Hubbard, by Count Schomberg trained by R. Patterson; bred in England by Sir C. S. Pulley. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 6:10. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CUPBOARD, away fast, was rated along in the lead for five-eighths, drew away rounding the last turn and won with speed in reserve. BAGGATAWAY, always close up throughout, closed well through the stretch and outlasted DAVIDS OWN. The latter forced the pace from the start and weakened slishtly in the last eighth. REPLEVIN, away slowly, closed a big gap. POPCORN met interference while moving up in the back stretch and had no chance thereafter. MING SUN went evenly. Scratched— 98360 Backstep, 110; 98360 Punishment, 110.