1st Arlington, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-05

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ltt Arlington Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Black Helen, % Mile July 3, 1934-:582/5-2-114. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races allowed 4 lbs. Index Post «~Best at Distance-* Wt. Claim Index Post /-Best at Distances Wt Claim No. Pot. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 98244 4 Wise Player... 97970 7 Grand Vay A.P 112 :59% 114. .2500 Was n0 l:03%sy 1 »X 2500 W"* 3 Overthrow Det 113 1:01% 108. . 2000 , own 97970 5 s. c Sand a n Cloud a n Det ♦ no 112 1 1:00% rww in 111.. 2250 x v 1 Byrdine M... 105.. 2000 I 98117 6 Lady Louella. . 94555 2 Happy Dawn A.P1101O0% 109.. 2000 M 105. . 2000 ! Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1933 # Fair mud runner XGood mud runner. ® Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures * or * 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. j Scratches are shown In Past Performances, but in all cases onlv the latest with drawal being indicated. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record tor this and previous y#»ar: Wise Player 11 A Ch. g, 2, by Strolling Player— Heart 0 Gold, by Sir Barton. Julv 3— A.P— 12 :47%ft J--1* Trainer, J. Lowenstein. Owner, F, M. Grabner. Hate Trk Dm. Time Con. Odds. Wt. St. *4 Sir. Fin Jo k«-v V 1 fl fee Sts. Kfst Company Jun30-34*A.P | :58% ft 5 112 6 2 5s 8*1 LandoltC* Allw 10 FortSpgsll2,Tophnl09,CtessBina 112 ! ha 9 34*Was 5i 1 108% si 14-5 116 4 2 3* 7*1 GarnerW* Stks 9 ChfChrokeell9-,GrtHastell4,Sula 114 I Am. 7-34Was 1 1O0 ft 13 5 115 5 1 14 1* BalaskiL* Maid 8 BnHappyll5,BtReidll5,Comdant 115 I Start*. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. It-t. 2nd. 3rd. Won - 1934 record.. 3 1 0 0 $ 600 Sand Clond 111 B. g, 2, by High Cloud— Sandy Land, by Rock View. Julv 2— A.P— 5 8 102% ft A -*--*- Trainer. D. A. Headley. Owner, H. P. Headley. Jun26 34A.P 5* f 1 :12% hy29 10 118 9 9? I" GarnerM* 2500 9 SageGirl llO.Ross 114,FairCountess 105 1 Junl5-34*Det I 1:00% ft 6 11110 4 11 1* SteffenE" 2000 10 Synodll3,01dNick 106,Carmachita 10b i Jim. 7-34Det | :59% ft 7 112 10 7 44 44 TiptonA* 2000 11 ArielCrs 116.Lovito 109,MyBlonde 109 1 Jim. 4-34*Det j 1O0 ft 23 10 110* 5 6 3* 34 DronetL1 2000 7 MgMail 113,GdAimll4,T,ly Yours 113 1 May28 34Det 1 1O0 ft 195 112 9 8 3* 3* LandoltC* Maid 11 W.Pigeonll2,DebsDeIi*tll34,D.Zeni 112 Mayll-34C.D 4i f :54% ft 18 115 12 11 Iff* 8* HphriesL 1200 12 E.Maxwell 110,L.Mickevll2.L CynicllO Mar2134Trp 4 .-47% ft 43 115 8 7 6" 6" JonesR* Maid 9 T.Spathyll5,Beg.Baitll5,Ovstlatell6 Mac 9 34Hia :34% ft 65 114 11 10" 94 JonesR* Maid 12 BrkGiftll4,LtleDahlll,Whizway 111 1934 record.. 10 1 0 2 $ 750 Lady Louella 1 OQ B,k- * 2 by Bistouri— Toucanet, by Vulcain. June 22— Wa =— 3 8 -36ft •*■"« Trainer, L. Meripol. Owner, Glen Errol Stable. , Jun28 34A.P g 100% ft 13 5 110 2 11* 1* ArcaroE* 1500 8 MyBldel05,ChfEvgrnl08,AllBays 108 Jun23-34*Was 54f 109%hy 6 109 1 2 2* 21 ArcaroE1 1500 7 Kissinbugl044, Jewelry 107,M.Excel 105 • Jun.l6-34*Was 5J f 107 ft 5 105* 7 1 11 5* KeesterP* 1500 9 L,tleCynicll0,B,ieEyelO7,MtleB,ks 110 , Jim.l3-34Was 1 1:00% ft 37 -10 104*7 7 4* 3* HughesH* 2000 7 CtsBina 105,MlKrasa 109,Winder 110 1 Jun. 8-34Was 11:01% ft 9-5 103*4 3 24 1" WintersM* 1400 8 QueGato 103, Playmore 109,Trend 109 ■ Jun. 7 34Was 1101% ft 19 10 109 2 2 24 2" BalaskiL1 1200 7 CssBinallO,T.D.Ruthl07,YborCity 103 5 Jim. 1 34Was 1 100% ft 49 10 108 3 2 24 2* ArcaroE* 1000 8 Spicate 110.QueGatol09,Ad vantage HO J ahjew 3# Was § 141% ft 8 108 3 3 4* 4*1 ArcaroE4 1200 9 CntsBina 113,BeEye 106.Jewelry 110 1934 record 11 2 4 1 $ 1,750 Grand Way X 1 05 B. f, 2, by Baby Grand— Subway, by Eliminator. Julv 2— A P— 1-2 ... -47%ft AVO Trainer, H. Kiser. Owner, L. De Carlo. Jun26-34lA,P 5ifl:12%hy 7-5 115 3 7 9" 9" HardyL* 2500 9 SageGirl 110, Ross 114,FairCountess 105 I Jun22 34Was 1 1.-03% sy 51 110 4 1 1* 1* HardyL* 1800 7 GreyPal 110,Comdantll5.MapleSuell2 , Junl3 34Was g 1O0 ft 13 115 3 6 6* 5" HardyL* Maid 8 BrkHlenll5,Sp"ishBabell5.D vols 115 1934 record .3 1 0 0 $ 600 OYerthrow 1 OR Ch- c« 2- by Upset— Polycenda, by Peter Pan. Julv 3— A P— 5 8 " 104%ft ■*-"" Trainer, C. Porter. Owner. Southland Stable. Jun.4 34*Det § 1KX ft 114 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 1500 7 MgMail 113,GdAim 114,SndCloud 110 5 May25 34Det 1 100% ft 9 115 5 3 3* 4* YoungS* 2000 10 PoilyHdredll2,ArlCrossll5,Bf*dle 106 I May23 34*Det g 1:01 ft 15 113 4 3 4«i 44 YoungS* 2500 6 A.Squadron 112,Synod 110,BillyBee 110 Mayll 34 C.D 44 f :C3% ft 10 113 4 11 34 MeadeD* 1500 7 RedSuntllO,PtPrincell3.CeDawn 109 I Aptl4-341A.D 4Jf :54% ft 12 113 6 3 3* 6" PollardJ* Allw 8 Phildiall6.Chortle HO.BrownHilda 110 Ape 6 34A.D 4A f :58% m 21 112 8 6 6" 74 McDmtL 2000 8 Ch,ieDanll2,A,tMarielQ9,F,tRdup 112 ? Mar30 34A.D 44 f :55% ft 16 118 5 2 3 1" McDottL* Maid 9 MicaRockll8.Phalmoll8,S*reGble 118 J Marl6 34F.G 4 :48% ft 8 109 5 4 3* 34 McDottL* 1000 7 WitchLassl06,UDemon 108,LeanaG. 106 ■ Mar.13 34«F.G 49% ft 36 108 6 7 64 6* FinnertyR 1200 8 Imp.Betsyl09,UDeraonl05,Gr.View 106 . Mac 7 34F.G 34 f 42% ft 30 115 11 9 9" 9* McDottL* Maid 11 DorhyB .112.Sw,pMj-th 112.EddieJ. 115 j 1934 record. .10 1 0 2 $ 645 Byrdine 10 Ch. f, 2 M, by Byrd— Florabella, by Spanish Prince II. Julv 4— A P— 3 8... :35%ft xyju Trainer. J. P. Sallee. Owner. T. Piatt. Jun22 34Lat 54 f 1:08% ft 21 10 115 5 3 2* 34 LegereE* Maid 6 LillianUhl 115,Lucy 115,ElegtMiss 115 5 1934 record.. 1 0 0 1 $ 35 Happy Dawn 1 Oi Ch. f, 2 M, by Happy Argo— Frosty Dawn, by Ed Crump. Julv 4— A P— 3-8 . :37ft * V,*J Trainer, T. Rodrock. Owner, K. E. Hitt. , Mayl7 34Bel 4Jwc :53 ft 50 105 4 12 124 11" RoseG* 2000 14 Cheka 106, Tangerloc 108, Ogle 103 May 2 347Pim 44 f :55 ft 13 107 1 4 7" 7*1 PorterE* Allw 7 KgsPlsurell5,OurTime 107,Cubist 111 , 1934 record.. 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934070501/drf1934070501_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1934070501_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800