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i " ■-•--■- -■ ■ ■-- - ■ , ll WOR KOUTSi Date at left of hones name Is last workout. Letters following tune Indicate: b, breeslnjr; 4. driving; e* easily; h, handily; o. all oat; s, sulked; a, eased up. Fastest Time at Bach Distance Shown In Black Pace Type ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■■■■■»■■■■■-■■■■■■■■■■■■ ii WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 I I ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Brit Shadow :37 b 6 24 Great Haste. :36%b 71 Byrdine .... :35%d 7 2 Happy Dawn :37 b 6-25 Belle Grier.. :35 b 6 -28 Hasty Glnce :35%b 6 28 Chief Chkee :35%b 7 2 Happv Vtre :35%h 6 28 Cavalcade . . :36 b 6-28 Kissinbug . . :36%h 6 28 Eveline F. . . :35%h 7-1 Listening ... :35%b 6 30 Fan :39 b 7-2 Law Maker. . :35%h 6 29 Foggy Night :35%h 6-30 Stricken ... :38 b 6-25 Fort Springs :39 b 6 25 Technocracy. :36%b 6 25Fraidy Cat.. :39 b One Half Mile. 7-1 Dustina :48%b 6 24 Newell :48 h 6-30 Dignitary ..:50 b 6 29 Ron Soldier :52%b 7-1 Entwine ... :49%b 7-1 Sickle Bill.. :49%b 6 27 Glittering . . :48%h 7-1 Shing Jewell :48%h 6-16 Hustlg Time :52%b 6-30 Sir Thomas. :50%b 6-23 Jawapa :48 h 7-1 Special Agent :48%b 6 30 Lady o War :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-1 Bay Sister. .103%b 7-1 Essie Wessiel04%h 6-23 Blessed Agnl:02 h 7-1 Grnd Princel:05%h 7-1 Bronze ....103%b 7-1 Little Reigh.105 b 7-1 Blonde Belle.l:04%b 7-2 Miss Boss. .104%b 6-30 Bitter Bark . 1 :02*f.b 7-2 Nellie Flag..l01%b 7-1 Boiling Pntl:01%h 6-1 Pomparia . .105%h 6-25 Blue Beard.. 102%b 7-1 Single Reganl:03%h 7-1 David S....104%h 6-30 Slim Rosie. .101%d 71 Ding Bin... 1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-3 Albuquerque 1:15 b 7-1 St. Bernard. 1:14 h 6 29 Howard ....l:15%b 6-28 Slapped ...,l:18%b 6 29Prs Camelial:17 b 7-1 Top Dog. . ,.l:15%h 6 30 Royal Trurel:18 b 6-28 Tophorn ...l:17%b One Mile. 6-24 Big Beau. ..1:43b 7-3 Chartres ...l:43%b Nothing worthy of comment. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 29 Ballet Rouse. :40 b 6 28 Mighty Atm :36%h 6-30 Camarilla . . :35%h 6-29 Naughty Ply :40 b 6 23DisDat :42 b 6 8 Polly E :40 b 6 28 Domnt Miss :38%b 7-2 Regardless . :35%h 6 21 Go Son :38%b 6-16 Sweet Prlie :38%b 6 28 Capn Dangr :41%b 7-1 Son Richard. :38%h 7-2 Irish Image. :40%b 6-29 Ternahilla ..:40 b 6 28 Jay Vee.... :38%b 6 27 W. Cookson . :36 h 6 23 Longus . . . . :39 b 7-2 Wild Turkey :35%h One-Half Mile. 6-19 Aliens :51%b 7-1 Deadeve Dick :51%b 5 5 Brilt Queen :49%h 7-1 Edward D.. :51 b 6 29 Happy Lad.. :52 b 7-1 M. Stewart. :51%b 3 5 Interior .... :51%b 6-17 Polly Diskin. :50%b 5-8 I Say :49%h 6-12 Renaissance. :52 b 6-7 Marjorie Kr :50%h 6-28 Sume Sweet :50%b 6-12 My Blonde.. :49%h 6 28Teenya .... :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Deceive ....1:06 b 6-1 Northgalis ..l:04%h 71 Hour Girl... l:05%h 7-2 Panic Strknlittt h 6-30 Knave 146*41 7-2 Wingate ...l:06%b Three-Quarters Mile. 6 29 Sun Teatime.l:20 b 6-12 Trend VM%A 6-21Snaplock ...l:17%b 7-1 Well Heeled. 1:20% b 6-19 Tomfoolery .1:20 b One Mile. 6 29Genal Parthl:43%h Wild Turkey and Regardless showed speed. LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 18 Amazing . . :37%h 6-26 Lonell :36 h 6 14 Bob J :38 h 7 2 Lucky Kate. :39%h 7 1 Brown Witch :36%h 5-31 La Juanita.. :44%h 6-25 Butterfly .. :36%h 6-30 Midwood ... :36%h 6 28 Catch Fly... :38 h 6 27 Occult :36%h 7-2 Charlie Jr... :38%h 6-26 Pacific Coast :40 h Chieftain . . . :39 h 6 21 Roulade . . . . :37 h 6-30 Fair Cynthia :37 h 7-2 Ramus :38 h 6 27Flce Louise :37%h 7-2 Ragty Pants :37 h 5 27 Gay Nan.... :36%h 7-1 Tripp Up... :36 h 7 2 Hiburne .... :38 h 6 29 Zeno Eye... :40 h One Halt Mile. 6 22Alpan :50%h 5-20 Mann ie .... :49%b Adirondack . :51%h 7-2 Mning Fair. :52 b 6 30 Bobbys Son. :53%h 7-1 No Saint.... :50%h 6-25 Bibbies Chce :50 h 6 27 Prince Vic. :51 b 6 30 Bellas Choice :52 h 6 30 Pete ODnell :50%h 6 27 Babeson .... :51%b 6 30 Prinzey :51 h 7-3 Compenstory :51 n 6-29 Perdition . . :52 h 6 28 Eager Belle. :52 h 7-1 Ray Cart... :53%h 6 20 El Puma.... :59 b 7-1 Rolanda ... :55 b 71 First Note... :50%h 6 26 Squire Bob . . :50 b 6 28 Fair Teresa. :50%h 6-28 Shland Lad. :49%h 7-1 Hepseys Bu :49%h 5-30 Scrip Money :54%h 7-2 Kadiak . . . . :50 h 7-1 Top Marks.. :52%h 6-26 Little Conly :50%h 6 24 Tribal Chief. :52 h 6 24 Laura Kiev. :52 h 7-1 Upsets Lsie. :51%h 6 28 Lady Patrol. :51%d Five Eighths Mile. 7-2 Cherry Timel:a3%h 7-1 Paradisical .Iff! h 6-24 Chief PrincelrCB h 6 29 Prince Fluz..l:05%h 6 28Eleanora M..l:08 h 6 29 Service Man. l:03%h 7 2 Merl J 1:04 h 6 29 Wapalina ...l.-04%d 6 23Mtainy Manl.-05%h 6-30 Yantis 1:05 h Three Ouarters Mile. 7 2 Darkest Hurl:23%h 7 3 Ridge Blond. 1:22 h 6 22 Flo Along... l:19%h 6 27 South Bend.l:17%h 7-1 Golden Ray.l:17%h 6-22 Stjensund ..l:17%h 6 28 Meteoric ...1:21 h 6 26 Thtle Cssijl 11% i 6 24 Prince Platol:20 h 6-30 Wotan l:17%b 7-1 Pantaloons .l:17%b One Mile. 7-1 Brimfield ...1:48 d 7 1 Gvro l:44%h 6 28Dorita 1:55 b 7-1 Simon l:44%h One and One-Eighth Miles. 6 29 Fiji 2:02 h Southland Lad and Hepseys Beau went from the gate. Gyro and Simon were together. FAIRMOUNT PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three Ziqhths Mile. 6 28 Espa S :38 b 5-18 Lee Quick . . . :37%h One Half Mile. 6 29 Bob Weidel. :54%b 5-1 Slimaway . . . :52 b 6-29 Macks Pal.. :49%h Top Cloud... :53%b Five Eighths Mile 6 23 Jib Boom... 1 KM h 7-1 Texs Knightl:04 h 5-9 Norwalk ...l:05%h Three ouarters Mile. 5-2 Aquatis ....1:18%h 6 19 Seta 1:19 b DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 7-1 Athol :37%h 6 29Merelv .... :39%h 6-30 Cold South. :36%h 6-29 Spicv Life.. :38 h 6-20 Chicle Ship. :37%h 6 29 Sheratan . . :38 h 5-25Garrick . . . . :40 b 6 29 Sister Vinie. :38%b 7-1 Jane Htings :36%b 6 16 Scircle Blze :37%h 6 26Lan :39 h 6-29 U Demon... :38%b 7-2 Le Bruyere. :36%h 6-30 Unencbered :36 h 6-llLadino . . . . :38 h 6-30 Whine: Chp :36%h 6 26 More Anon. :39%h 6 14 Winifd Ann :39 h One-Half Mile. 5 23Bea M :55 b Marsan :50%h 6-6 Buster B... :50%h Maetico .... :4»%h 7-2 Genipa .... :49%h 7-3 Pleasant ... :53%h 6-16Gcious Gift :50 h 6 20 Princeton . . :53 h 6 22 Flo M :51 h 7 2 Rod Run... :49 h 6 25Hnah Anne :49%h 7-1 Rpreste.. :50 h 6 25 Hidden Dust :49 b 6 23 Sequoia .... :48%h 6 25 Keen :49 h 6-24 Shady Past. :49%h 7 2 Love Sick... :48%h 7 2 Up :50 b Marpal .... :50%h 7 2 Wild Pigeon :48%h 7-1 Mi Rosana. . :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 27 Beau Tod...l:04%h 6 30 Megai lK4%h 6 30Courland ...1:04 h 6 3 Mrily YourslK5 h 6 23 Chifally 17 b 6 5 Mymiss ...1:05 h 6 21 Dinah Vtoryl:03 b 6 21 Mars P tine. 1.03 b 7 1 Essential ...l:03%h 6 30 Monastic .. .l:03%h 6-30 Even Plav..l:02%h 5 22 Melody LanelK5 h 6-27 First Entry. 1:01%h 6 25 On Leave.. 104%h 7-2 Foxiana ...1:03 b 7 2 Owen Mtinezl:05 h 618Frumper ...l:03%h 5 25 Pansy Pple.l:03%h 6-3 Impish ....1:09 h 6-28 Scout Chief. 1:02 h 7-3 Katy 1:06 h 6 30 Son O Swecpl 04 h 6 27Kilmor ...1:02 h 6 20 Ton v Joe...l:05%h 6 29 La Goldrinal:05 h 6 25 The Trainer. l:03%h Three Quarters Mile. 7-1 Dark Mist. .l:17%h 6 24 Rning Heel. 1:18 h 6 25 Exhibition .l:17%h 6 29 Red Roamerl:16%b 7-3 Idle Along.. 1:15h 7-1 Storm 1:21 h 71 Matar l:21%h 6 29 Try Spathy.l:19 h 630 Main Event.l:19=f,b 6 25 Terrain ....l:16%h 7-1 May Stick.. l:25%h 6-27 The Petter. .l:17%h 7 1 Our Justice. 1:17 h 7 2 Watch Toverl:19%h 6 27Peedeeque .l:20%b One Mile. 6-28AI Neiman..1:44%h 7-2 On Sir l:46%h 6 29 Elf Lock... 1:46 b 7-1 Ptom Star. 1:52 h 7 3 Good Ptian.lTih Love Sick and Wild Pigeon went handily together. Elf Lock was given an easy trial. ; I i I , i I 1 I I I I I 3 ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track heavy — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 2 Blast Furnce :40%b 6 19 Merrie Marie :42 h 6 28Bravg Dger :40%h 7-2 Old Judge... :38 h 7-2 Enthusiasm . :37%h 6-27 Pink Bunting :39%h 5 29 Gold Step... :42 h 7-1 Polly Cee... :37%h 6 29 Home Loan. :40 h 6-30 Radiator ... :38%h 7-2 Happy Scot. :36 b 6 30 Strenuous ...:36%h 7 2 Justa Jane.. :37 h 6-1 Yap :38%h 71 Lucky Prince :40 h 7-1 Zorana :38 h 7-1 Manya :37%h One Half Mite. 71 All Forlorn.. :52%h 6 22 Happy Helen :51%h 7-2 Catalano . . . :52 h 7 2 Indian News. :51%h 6 29 Court Gossip :52%h 6 23 Justa Bud.. :52%h 7-2 Douglas F... :49%h 6 26 Liqueur .... :51%h 6 30 French Star. :52%h 7-2 Rocky Run. :55 h 7 2 Goose Creek :52%h 7-2 Spar :55 h 7-1 Hy Message :52%h 6 30 White Bud.. :52%h Five Eighths Mile. 6 30 Brown Twig 1:05 h Leolette ....l:08%h 7 2 Colorist ....107%h 7 2 Legume ....106 h 7 2 Hot Griddle. 1:06 h 7-1 Miss Snow.. 1:04 h 6 30Hardatit ...l:ll%h 5-7 My Kentckyl09 h 7 2 Ilchester ...l:06%h 7-2 Stainforth ..106%h 7 2 Joe Gee.... 1:06 h 6 28 Silverdale ..105%h Jest 1:06 h 7 2 Tool Box... .1:06 h 6 30 Jessie D. M.107%h Three Ouarters Mile. 71 Forage Cap.. l:21%h 6-26 Gov. Sholtz 1:19%b One Mile. 7-1 Jimmy Sutrol:46%h CHARLES TOWN. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 71 Brilliant Girl :38 h 6 24 Lady Lawyer :38 h 6 22Bonsoir :37%b 6-30 Post Brigade :36*£d 6-27 Dunair :39 b 6-12 Sml Change. :38 b Helens Alibi. :39 h Westacton . . :39 h 6 23 Just Rember :39 h One Half Mile. 7-2 Dunwin :52%h 6 5 Muskoday . . :53 b 6 30 Flageolet ... fS b 6-23 Running Play :52 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-2 Concord ....1:21 b FORT ERIE. Weather clear; track fast — Tnree Eiqhths Mile. 6-28 Asperge .... Jl h Miss Worore :38 h 6 26 Boom Days. :39 b 5-26 Miss Monoa. :37 b 7 2 Freethinker . :37%h 6 30 Quatra Bras. :38 h Gorms First :37 h 6 22 Worthing . . . :40 d Gaffarg .... :37 h 5 16 Worthy Chce :39 b Ore Halt Mile. 6 27Caerleon ... :48%h 6-11 Sparn Lady :48 h 6 28 Double Dare :51 h 6 27 Sea Kale. . .. :49%d 6 15 Doer :50 h 7 2 Stirred Up.. :49%d 6 28 Goggles .... :52%d 7 2 Tabson .... :53 h 6 18 Meddle .... :53 h Three Quarters Mile. Attic Bird... 1:15 d MOUNT ROYAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Tnree-Eighths Mile. 6-4 -Dark Altos.. :3« h 5 9 Penster .... :40 b 6 25 Earl Gaar... :36%h 6-23 Sister Clare. :39 b 6 28 Heart Break :36%h 7-1 Vennie H... :39 b 6 30Madelon . . . . :38 b One-Half Mile. 7 2 By Herself. . :52 b 6-23 Happy Lady. :51 h 6 3 Canmas . . . . :52 h 6 24 Secd Story. :52 b 6 29 Dick Porter. :54 b 6-28 Zaidee :50 h Five Eighths Mile. 6 27 Auburndale .107 b 6 28 Kebbie 103 d 6 21 Attribute ...1:03 h 5 20 Old Farmer. .1:07 b 71 Black Anna. 1:03 h 6-11 Rock Vale.. 104 d Three Quarters Mile. 6 27 Niggertoe ...1:18 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-23 Make Belie vel:32 h SYRACUSE. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6 22 Captain Joy. :40 b Mr. Plaid.... :39 b Dutch Flier.. :38 b 6 21 Moon Shy... :38%b 7-2 Finlet :36%h Pat Grand... :38%b 6 2 Grand Porte. :38%h 7 2 Rock Miss... :36%h 6 23 Kurdair .... :36%h 6 27 Swift Exprss :38%b 6-29 Ms Sergeant :39 b One Halt Mile. 7-3 Broad Smile. :51 h 6-21 Lessing :54%b Black Ballot. :48 h 6-19 Masked Prce :51 h 6 18 Foxy Quiller. :49 h 7 3 Swt Lacruse :49%h 5 22Flg Ambasr :53 b Wee Tune... :49%h 6 30 Hrless Wdr :54 b 6 30 Washout .... :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. Puente 105 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-25 Decorate ...l:17%b 7 3 Glen Burnie.l:20%b 7-3 Easy Bid. .. .1:14%h One Mile. 6 30 Claude C l:52%b Easy Bid worked handily throughout. Decorate tired badly in the last quarter. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track slow — Tnree-Eighths Mile. 6 25 General A... :41%b 7-2 Quorum .... :39 b One Half Mile. 6 28Denon :53 b 7-1 Our Senator. :52 h 6 30 Gracias .... :52%b Five-Eighths Mile. 7 2 Garlic 104 d Three Quarters Mile. 6-30 Brown Bab.. 1:20%b 6 27 May O Neil. .1:21 b BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track muddy — Three Eighths Mile. 6-14 Amusing . . . :39 h 6 2 Sing Sing. . . :41 b 6-27 Line of Fire :38 h One Half Mile. 7 2 Bocasette ... :51 h 7-2 Little Argo.. :51 h 6 30 Evasive . . . . :52 h 6-28 Pompeius . . :48%d 7-2 Kawagoe . . . :51 h 7-2 Sweetbropm. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. Pellet 1:04 h Souwester ,104%h Three Quarters Mile. 6 26 0valette ....l:19%h 7-3 Polycletus ..1:16 h One Mile. 7-2 Chatmoss ..1:46 h 6-27 Guidg Lightl:46 h 7-1 Dreel 1:51 b 6 30 Silk Flag. .. .1:54 b 7 2 Follow On... 1:51 b AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track slow — Three Eighths Mile. 7-1 Polly Plum.. :36%h 7-2 Vicar :38 h 6-27 Tangerloo . . :39 h 6-28 Wedding Rg :36 h One Half Mile. 616Dunfox .... :55 h 6 28 McKinley B. :55 h 7-2 My Selection :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-27 Lampoon . . .1:06 h Three Quarters Mile. 616Sengaris ....1:21 h 6-30 Ted Husinq.1:17%r- Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 30 Brit Chancel:30%h One Mile. 1 6 25 Spanish Wayl:50 h