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POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MAGAZINE IS THE SENSATION OF THE RACING WORLD BIG AUGUST ISSUE NOW ON SALE 25 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WIN WITH RADCLIFF RATINGS! Every day these famous ratings are picking winners, winners, winners! You will be amazed at the long shot winners selected by Radcliff Ratings. These famous to the minute in the August issue of ratings are completely revised and brought up POST TIME. AMONG THE HORSES SELECTED BY RADCLIFFS RATINGS WERE: FLYING CADET,. $ 890, WON AGA RAY, 8.22, 2ND ANNARITA, 2.00, 2ND POST TIME FREE CODE PARLAYS First parlay goes July 28. Not a handicappers guess but real information direct from POST TIME trackmen, checked and approved by our Chief Trackman and our Turf Editor. Also EXTRA SPECIAL, CODE RELEASES when exceptional information is available. TUESDAYS PUBLICATION CODE SPECIAL WON In addition to these incomparable services for readers, POST TIME offers profusely illustrated, interesting and informative articles by leading turf writers in every issue. In the August issue, Salvator refutes the claims of British thoroughbred supremacy on the American turf in a brilliant article; The Turk discusses the question of "angles" in racing; Charles Hatton, Lewis Y. Hagy, Nelson Dunstan and other favorite writers contribute stories that cannot fail to interest every racing enthusiast. GET YOUR COPY TODAY! IF YOUR NEWSDEALER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND .50 FOR ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION POST TIME 168 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS fffipHE / y% Y*,- vv, * Apple Sauce is an American slang es- y-i m ieT ««w*- - w. pression meaning hooey, baloney or horse — — 1 feathers. Dont take a tip on a horse race from a crystal gazer — not even Prince Ali Bendo. Maybe they can foresee things in their glass balls but horses cannot read crystals and may, ignorantly and innocently, upset the prognostications of the mystics. SERIOUSLY — The only glass that will give yon any reliable advance information on horse racing is a pair of binoculars. Thats how Weekly Racing Guide obtains its information. Competent dockers and work watchers at all tracks, closely observing morning workouts as well as actual racing, provide Racing Guide with dependable information about each horses condition. They hobnob with owners, trainers and jockeys. They know when horses are being prepped for their best efforts. Compilers of Racing Guides weekly list of "Horses to Watch-are guided by this direct-from-the-track information. Thats why "Horses to Watch" show an amazingly high percentage of winners many of which pay off in four figures. Many players, knowing nothing about actually figuring horse races, have found success in following "Horses to Watch." Others, who prefer to pick their own, find this list valuable in deciding which races to play or to pass up. In any event, this feature alone is worth many times the price of the paper. Write for Free Sample Copy W€€KL.y ©RACING CUID€© C ON SALE WHEREVER MAGAZINES ARE SOLO fc 320 E. Third St. Cmcmmati, Ohio.