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mmmmm-mmm ■■■■■■»■»■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■—■— »■■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ y QAILY RACING FORM *~ ARLINGTON PARK | The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races j at Arlington Park Wednesday Paid 1.64 for j ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL., WEDNESDAY, JULY It, 1934 —Arlington Park 1 18 miles. Twenty first day. Arlington Park Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 30 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather clear. Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission, C. J. FitzGcrald. Steward of Meeting, G. Brown, Jr. Honorary Stewards, C. T. Grayson, A. B. Hancock and Major L. A. Beard. Judges, C. J. McLennan, F. P. Dunne and C. J. FitzGerald, Jr. Starter, R. Dickerson. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Racing str.rts at 2:20 p. m. Chicago daylight saving time. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. * Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQ22 FIRST RACE— 78 M,|e out of chute. Tred Avon, June 31, 1932— 1:22%— 4— 117. ,,,2%fi Purse 06. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5625; second, July 18 -4 A P J100; thjrd 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,900; if for ,500, allowed 4 lbs. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt hi Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt 99215l*RIZLA w 4 109 2 4 2* 34 3s l" 11 KineJ E E Major 239 100 99139 JUDGE JUDY wb 4 111 7 3 6* 51 41 4 24 WrightWD W E Hupp 764 100 99066 STRAIT JACKET wb 4 119 3 1 1* 1* l1 3* 31 WestropeJ Mrs W T Westrope 305 100 99066NORMAN D. wb 3 105 1 6 31 21 2k 21 4* KeesterP J G Goodwin 296 100 99791*BARBARA CAROM wb 3 98 4 5 5* 64 6* 6* 5* HankaW Chappel Bros 14350 100 98504=PAT C. wb 5 115 5 2 41 41 5*1 5k 64 McCrayK G Gorbet 698 100 99924LE MISERABLE wsb 3 110 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 HarbortO P Kelley 3512 100 Time, :23. :46%, 1:11%, 1:24%. Track fast. . S* MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RIZLA .78 .04 .71 239—100 102—100 39—100 JUDGE JUDY 5.94 4.19 197—100 109—100 STRAIT JACKET 2.90 45—100 Winner — Ch. f, by Justice F. — Lydia B., by Sir Martin trained by E. E. Major; bred by Mr. A. B. Gordon. Winner entered to be claimed for ,800. WENT TO POST— 2:20. AT POST— 2* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. RIZLA. well handled, was strongly restrained for half a mile, then moved into the lead under urging, but tired slightly in the closing stages. JUDGE JUDY moved up gradually and closed fastest. STRAIT JACKET showed good form under his impost, but tiied after making a good pace for five-eighths. NORMAN I., on the inside throughout, failed to respond to strong pressure in the drive. BARBARA CAROM was outrun. PAT C. could not reach the leaders. LE MISERABLE showed nothing. Overweight — Babara Carom, 2 pounds. QQOQO SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Black Helen, July 3, 1934— :58%— 2— 114. Purse 00. 2-**ViHj« year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special weights. Net value to winner 25; second, July-18-34-A.P j100; thirdf j50; fourthf jK# Index Horse* * Eqt A WtPPSt "4 ft Ml fin Jockey* Owner* - Equtv. Odd* Btrt NELLIE FLAG w 115 4 3 2" 2* 2k 11 ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable 400 100 994691ROYAL DUCHESS w 115 11 6 3* 3» 31 24 SteffenE Mrs J Hertz 868 100 978161SPANISH BABE w 115 9 8 82 74 41 3* GarnerM Mrs F M Grabner 168-100 96281 EARLY DAWN w 115 12 9 6* 5 51 41 RobtsonA H P Hcadley 1431 100 MINNA w 115 7 5 1» 1» lk 54 JonesR Audley Farm Stable 997-100 99993= BOSSIE EYE wb 115 612 ] 01 104 71 64 CorbettC Brentwood Stable 1669100 98780 BYRDINE w 115 5 10 7* 81 8* 7l TiptonA T Piatt 9463 100 93873 EVENING GOWN w 115 3 7 44 4: 61 81* WestropeJ Milky Way Farms Stable 7221-100 99216 BEHEMOTH w 115 10 11 ll2 91 111 91 HardyL Miss E Bennett 41529 100 9I921MOYBIRD w 115 8 4 9* 11* 101 104 MeadeD E D Shaffer 710 100 92059 TABITHA wb 115 11 51 64 91 ll8 WrightWD A J Sackett 4215-100 99068 MONKS SHAWL wb 115 2 2 12 12 12 12 HerndezF Chappel Bros 12101 100 Time, :22%. :46%. :59%. Track fast. . |S MUTUELS PAID . , OFF1CLAI BOOKIHO ODDS NELLIE FLAG 0.00 .04 .08 400—100 252—100 104—100 ROYAL DUCHESS 6.06 4.26 203—100 113—100 SPANISH BABE 2.80 40—100 Winner — Ch. f, by American Flag — Nellie Morse, by Luke McLuke trained by B. B. Williams; bred by Mr. W. Wright. WENT TO POST— 2:53. AT POST— 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NELLIE FLAG, prominent throughout, raced close up and, withstanding a long drive gamely while wearing down the leaders, won drawing out. ROYAL DUCHESS, mildly urged forcing the pace, challenged gamely in the final sixteenth, then tired. SPANISH BABE, allowed to drop far out of it, closed a big gap and might have been best. EARLY DAWN moved up gradually in a good performance. MINNA quit after showing good speed for half a mile. BOSSIE EYE closed resolutelv. JOYBIRD was outrun. Scratched— 96809Lovito, 115; 98921 Rapere, 115; 97259 Nectarine, 115. AQOOl THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gift of Roses, June 27, 1933— 1:10%— 4— 109. Purse 00. 3-yQjfll™ year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, July 18-34-A.P j50; fourth j25. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PISt % Sir Tin Jockeys Owner* EquiT. Odds Strt 98782 CHIEF PILOT w 115 3 5 5* 3k 24 14 SteffenE G F Woodman 310 100 97330 KASHGAR wb 115 8 4 31 4 34 24 MeadeD J Marsch 5886 100 98553MUCIA wb 110 6 3 21 24 4* 35 WestropeJ Calumet Farm Stable t99 100 97936 SASSABY wb 110 5 2 14 1* lk 44 WrhtWD Warm Stable 385 100 98190CLOVIS wll5 2 9 84 8s I" 5l CorbettC A Baker 2239100 97611 CAROLINE H. w 110 16 61 6* 5k 6 HankaW H Oots 1743 100 86541 COUNT RAE wb 115 7 7 7* 7k 61 7* ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable t 97611 OMAR K. w 115 9 1 41 54 8» 88 PrroseW Mrs M Chakoskk 80224100 98554 HY PHEN w 115 4 8 9 9 9 9 KingJ Mrs J I Dennehy 32029 100 tCoupled rs Calumet Farm Stable entrv. Time. :22%. :46%. 1:12%. Track fast. , M MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHIEF PILOT .20 .76 .74 310—100 138—100 37—100 KASHGAR 23.96 5.96 1098—100 198—100 CALUMET FARM STABLE ENTRY.. 2.34 17—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Monks Way — Teak, by Tea Caddy trained by A. G. Woodman; bred by Mr. W. S. Dudlev. WENT TO POST— 3:26. AT POST— 1J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. CHIEF PILOT moved up fast on the turn and, wearing down the leaders, drew clear gradually. KASHGAR gained gradually, closed gamely, but was not good enough. MLCIA forced the pace for half a mile, then tired. SASSABY quit. CLOVIS, taken back repeatedly, closed resolutely. CAROLINE H. was outrun. COL" NT RAE raced poorly under weak handling. OMAR K., away in motion, went well for half a mile. Scratched— 94611 Quasimodo, 115. QAQOi FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Gift of Roses, June 27. 1933— 1:10%— 4-1097 Purse 00. *7«7« cj 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, July 18 34 A. p 525. Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. I ridei Horses Eqt A Wt PP8t % % Str fin Jockey* Owner* EquiT. Odds Strt 98996JJENS SON wb 109 1 1 2 2k 2* 11 KeesterP C E Davison 548 100 98996*YACOCHE wb 109 3 2 14 14 14 21 LambC Audley Farm Stable 345 100 98996SALAAM wb116 2 5 6 6 6 3* RobtsnA C V Whitney 76100 99139 SIR TEN wb 116 5 4 3 4* 3 4« WestropeJ Calumet Farm Stable 1000 100 98564!Ol R SAMMY w 112 4 6 5* 5* 5 5" GarnerM R Varwig 4703 100 99070 OUR DAVID wb 108 b 3 4* 31 4» 6 WrihtWD M Lowenstein 8650100 Time, :23%. :46%, 1:11%. Track fast. , IS MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKIHO ODDS JENS SON 2-96 .28 .54 548—100 164—100 27—100 WACOCHE 5.1t 2.46 159—100 23—100 SALAAM 2.18 9—100 Winner — B. c, by Spic and Span — Jenny Dear, by Donnacona trained by C. E. Davison; bred by Mr. L. M. Severson. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 3:54J. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. JENS SON. outrun to trft stretch, gained steadily and, lucky to get through on the inside, continued gamely tinder strong pressure and wore down WACOCHE The latter had good speed while making the pace and held on stubbornly, but was not good enough. SALAAM, sharply impeded after the start, was forced to be taken back, then gained gradually and closed resolutely. SIR TEN failed to be dangerous under ;trong riding. OUR SAMMY had no mishaps. OUR DAVID went well. QQOOfi FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile turf course. Big Beau. July 9. 1934—1:39—5—108. Purse 00. iftluiW" 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, July-18-34 A.P 550- fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. Index Horse* BqtA WtPPSt V* Vt *i* Str Kin Jockeys Owner* Bquiv. Odds Strt 99071BLACK MISS w 3 97 7 4 3 24 24 lk 1» ClellandP De Carlo and Quinn 6438 100 99213 AGA RAY wb 3 104 8 5 24 l1 V 24 24 HarbortO P Kelley 1825 100 976795#BLAMELESS w 7 103 3 3 6* 51 5* 5* 31 HankaW Mrs R Sullivan 292 100 99067 MONKS FIRST wb 5 110 4 2 1* 3* 3 31 4 WritWD W F Axton 686-100 99067 DR. LOUIS HAMMAN w 6 110 6 6 4 4l 4* 41 51 McCrayK W A Miller 5397 -100 99072MORPHEUS wb 6 108 1 1 8 71 7* 6* 6 KeesterP Glen Errol Stable 384 100 98186 MINT MEMORIES w 3 102 2 7 5* 6* V 7W V* MeadeD Mrs K ONeil 158 100 98554 POLYPOM w3 105 58 7* 888 8 ArcaroE Chappel Bros 10627 100 Time, 1:40%. Track fast. Continued on fourteenth vaae. 11 ■ . . ■ . — * ARLINGTON PARK Continued from third page. . 82 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB * BLACK MISS 30.76 569.46 6.34 6438—100 3373—100 717—108 AGA RAY 18.22 8.08 811—100 304—100 BLAMELESS 3.90 95—100 Winner— Blk. f, by Whiskalong— The .Missus, by Granite trained by H. Kiser; bred by Mr. J. L. Carrick. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 4:22. AT POST— 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving ; second and third the same. BLACK MISS, a keen factor throughout, saved much ground entering the stretch, withstood a long drive gamely and outlasted AGA RAY. The latter, prominent from the start, disposed of MONKS FIRST and maintaining a clear advantage on the stretch turn, held on stubbornly. BLAMELESS closed well. MONKS FIRST quit. DR. LOUIS HAMMAN, fractious at the post, delayed the start, but was away well and showed good form. MORPHEUS dropped out of it at once. MINT MEMORIES showed nothing. POLYPOM was far back all the way. Scratched— 98623 Polyphote, 103; 98124 Rowdy Boy, 105. Corrected weight — Polypom, 105. 1 QQOOrT SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Crowning Glory, July 2, 1932—1:04—2—106. Lake m « « . » Bluff Purse. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; sec- July-18-34-A.P ond. 50; third, 00; fourth, 0. Indei Horses En 1 A Wt riSi , % Mr Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 939263ST. BERNARD w 114 5 2 1 1 V 1* MeadeD E D Shaffer 346 100 98706 MID VICTORIAN wb 107 2 4 34 32 24 2* WrightWD Warm Stable 509 100 98926FRAIDY CAT wb 117 6 3 24 2" 3s 31 RobtsonA H P Headley 573 100 99140 BYE LO wb 111 3 5 44 43 4 4" ArcaroE Mrs R Carruthers 1508 100 98248 WORLD SERIES wb 114 4 6 6 6 5k 54 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable 140 100 98706 IRKSOME w 109 1 1 54 5h 6 6 WestropeJ Milky Way Farms Stable 1722 100 Time, :22%. :46%. :5£44, 1;04%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB , ST. BERNARD .32 .36 .34 346—100 168—100 117—100 MID VICTORIAN 6.34 4.98 217—100 149— IN FRAIDY CAT 4.74 137-100 Winner— B. c, by Bull Dog— Eager Cissy, by Cicero trained by A. B. Gordon; bred by Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST— 4:59. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ST. BERNARD took the lead at once, continued gamely under mild restraint and drew out in the stretch, winning in a canter. MID VICTORIAN, close up for five eighths, was overmatched, but was easily best of the others. FRAIDY CAT, much used trying to keep up. tired in the closing staees. BYE LO, fractious at the post, began slowly and was outrun. WORLD SERIES showed nothing. IRKSOME was outrun. QQOOQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile Hertz Course, out of chute. Equipoise, June 30. 1932— ,, Jrf » 1:34%— 4— 128. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. July-18-34-A.P Net vaue t0 Wjnner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horsea BqtA WIWBt 4 H "i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 98923*L1LL1AN Z. wb 4 106 2 2 1 1 1 V 14 HankaW Ben bow and Clay 962 100 98623*SISTER ZOE wb9 111 6 6 54 5« 3« 24 24 ClellandP J R Upton 557100 991382BONNIE MARITA wb 4 111 5 4 31 2 2k 3s 35 WestropeJ T C Worden 58 100 98999*HAPPEN wb 5 111 4 1 21 4k 42 4s 4" KeesterP F Wright 595 100 98858vPOLLYS FOLLY w 6 111 1 5 41 3 5* 5« 5* LambC J Rakickas 3643 100 98923*BETTERFLY w5 106 336 666 6 KingJ W O Stone 4346100 Time, :23. :47. 1:11%, 1:37%. Track fast. . S3 MUTUELS PAID . ,— OFFICIAI BOOKING ODDB . LILLIAN Z 1.24 .16 .74 962—100 258—100 37—108 SISTER ZOE 5.48 2.48 174—100 24—100 BONNIE MARITA 2.18 9—108 Winner— Ch. f, by Pennant — Aquamarine, by Verdun trained by R. Benbow ; bred by Mr. A. H. Cosden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST-5:28|. AT POST— J minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. LILLIAN Z. had the most speed, took a short lead soon after the start, continued gamely under mild restraint and won under strong pressure. SISTER ZOE. alwavs close up, moved up eamelv on the turn and closed resolutely. BONNIE MARITA had no mishaps. HAPPEN tired. POLLYS FOLLY failed to keep up. BETTERFLY trailed throughout. QQQOQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-1 Miles. Sun Beau, July 18, 1931— 1:49%— 6— 125. Purse 00. **. .Uri** 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, July-18-34-A.P 0; fourth j25. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horse* -Biit A Wt IPSt % Vt % 8tr Kid Jockey* Owners EquiT. Odds Strt H» MIUTIA wb 4 114 8 5 1* 11 V 1* £ ArcaroE J B Partridge 76 100 90924 PLATINUM BLONDE wb 4 109 5 6 24 2* 21 21 2* WestropeJ J McNamara 369 100 99220 EVELINE F. w 7 109 2 2 6* 6* 3* 3* 3* MeadeD Mrs K ONeil 755100 9892S SUBTLETY w 5 109 4 4 31 3i 4* 44 4 RobtsonA P Reilly 3737100 NOSTSHIitLEY MAY wb 3 97 1 1 51 4* 5*1 5 5* HankaW Chappel Bros 3992 -100 909T1*INTERIOR wb 7 104 3 3 7* 7* V V 6* KingJ Mrs T Marshall 968100 98928 BERT LAHR wb 3 1061 6 8 8 8 8 8 7* WrigfetWD Albert Sabath 8819100 99072 BROWN SINNER w 7 109 7 7 41 51 6* 6* 8 GarnerM W R Kirkpatrick 6118 100 Time, :25, :49%, 1:14%. 1:40, 1:53%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL *00 HIM G OHM MIUTIA .92 .70 :26 76—100 35-100 13—100 PLATINUM BtONDE 2,80 2.48 40—100 24—100 EVELINE F 3J2 5V-100 Winner— Ch. g, by Fair Play— Zephyretta, by Lemberg trained by J. B. Partridge.; bred by Mr. J. E. Wideiier. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 5S3J. AT POST— mimite. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MILITIA, sent to the front early, continued in the lead under clever handling, -stood a long drive. gamely, yet lasted while weakening. PLATINUM BLONDE, never far back after half a mile, closed resolutely in the drive and probably would have won in another stride. EVELINE F., improved, gained rapidly after a half mile and closed with good courage. SUBTLETY raced evenly in a good performance. SHIRLEY MAY had no excuse. INTERIOR was outrun. BERT LAHR was widely outrun throughout. BROWN SINNER went well for a half mile. «■ Overweight — Shirley May, 3 pounds; Bert Lahr, 2j. — ■ OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ARLINGTON PARK Wednesday — 3 Races, 08.82; 5 Races, 86.18; 8 Races, 78.92 - - — ■