Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-21

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■ p. a.iP B* ■-.-.■ ;,b»m-»iiii fg ■ ■ »n . ir u ■-..i!— o-..w ■■.irampi i i ■ fJP —■■- — -- „,* ■■ nn-. .-■■ i ■■ .mmi ...i wi I.I.I— ■ WORKOUTS 7,V*«*l7,s**j?IP*3*%*l**4*; OaJja at MTJ «f kmntTu bum fa tmmk we-kot LaMara Mliwlaii Mom lndlcarJjM ■X lrnring; 4. Mvtec; • m*r; k. TanfatMly; a, all •mt; a, e-JJred; m, aaaael ap. Wmtomt Tlaaa at *aaak IM Batwata Maek laaa Typa i —•————————» »■■■■■■■»■■■■■■■ mj»m»M oa—e ■ ■ ajaeadji FRIDAY/JULY 20 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Barn Swallow :35%b 7-10 Playmore . . . :37%b 6 12 Blackmail .. :36%h 7-1 Shan 38%b 7-19 Dandy Jay.. :36%b 7 -16 Stay :36 b 7-17Dustina .... :38%b 7-16 Sun Chance.. :35%h 7-2 Dust Girl.... :39 b 7 16 Sickle Bill... :35%h 7-17.Evergold ... :36%b 7-18 Toro Blue .. . :36%b 7-16 Entwine .... :35%h 66 today :36%b 7-15 Frisco :37 b 7-16 Toro Bang.. :36%b 7-17 Gay Monarch :37%b 7-15 Upside Down :36%b One-Half Mile. 7 -18 Anarchy .... :49%b 7-18 Lilac Day... :49%h 7-14 Banish Fear. :54%b 7-18 New Deal... :49%b 7-7 Count Adrian :49%h 7-16 Pairbypair. . . :47%b 7-18 Fair Perdita. :49 h 7 17 Penlition ... :50%b 7-18 Good Goods.. :48%b 7-18 Riskulue ... 0 b 7-16 Ima Greenck :52 b . 7-13 Siskin :50%b 7-18 Inlander .... :48%d 7-18 Time Clock.. :49%b 7-16 Jewelry :48%h 7-17 Wedidit .... :50%b 7-17 Knight Man. :50%b 7-17 Watch Him.. :47%b 7-14 Lord Autumn :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 16 Balancer . . ..lKl%h 7-1S Hour Zey . . .1."01%b 7*17Conchita ...1.-06 b 7 16 Jascha 13 h 7 15 Clean Sport. .l:02%h 7-13 Quintal 1.05%b 7-13 Charleigh ..l:02%b 7-17 Red Ensign.. 1K16 b 7-12 Dignitary ...l:01%b 7-18 Softly Come. 1:04 b 7-17 Gov. Laffoonl:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-17 Beginrs Baitl:20%b 7-16 Hagerman ..l:17%d 7-9 Belle Grier. .l:16%b 7 16 Parade Step.l:16%d 7-16 Hot Shot. . . .l:17%b 7 14 Petty Taw. .l:17%h 7 8 Bag Smasher! :17%b 7-18 Romn Soldrl:17 h 7-16 Bridgi* l:17%d 7-17 Rubio 1:15 b 7-18 Giggling . . . .l:15%b 7,17 Sergeant D..l:15%b 7-17 Grnd Prince.l:19%b 7-10 Top Dog 1:15 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Babuska ....1:30 h 7-li Stepoin High1:29%d One Mile. 7-18 Biography ..151 b 7-15 Red John.. .1:45 b 7-16 Colonist ....1:43%b 7 -14 Wagwood ..l:45%h Pairbypair and Watch Him went together. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather clear; track good— Three-Eighths Mile. 7 2 Battling Girl :37%b 7 17 Smoky Mtn J8 b 7-10 Creole Bird.. :38%h 7 Sweet Pearl. :38 b 6-13 Chicasha . . . :36%h 7 16 Well Heeled. :39%b 7-1tMarmion . .. :36 h 6 19 Waywd Lad. :39 b 7 2 Mad Career.. -.39 b One-Half Mile. 7-3 Advisg Anna il b 7-16 Ding Bin.... :52%b 6-9 Anita Ormnt :51%h 5 22 Dusky Devil. 51 h 7-14 Aunt Myrtle. :50 h 7 17 Hustlg Time :51%h 7-8 BrilUant Dee. :50%h 7-18 Howard :49%h 7-17 Booms Pal. .. :51%b 7-12 Impunity . . . :48%h Caroms Girl. 50%h 7 14 Princs Ivory 50 h 7-18Corroon .... 50%h 7-17 Pancoast ... 50%h 7-17 Chief Pilot.. 55 b 7 19 Whirling .... :49%h 7-17 Cf Cherokee :49%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-18 Brnie MrtinlKS h 7-16 Jawapa . . . .l:03%h 7-15 Benevolence 1 M%h 7-1S Knave 1 :01d 7-16 Bobs Buddy. 105 h 7-8 Malolo l:06%b 7-19 Busy Jay. . ..l:03%h 6 30 Marks Girl. .l:03%h 7-16 Cedo lK4%h 7 17 Polvos Pride. 108 b 6-11 Ebony Lady.l.09%b 7 17 Sudway 1.02%h 7-17 High Bottoml03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 5 13 Bridgeport ..1:19 b 7-14 Montaris ...l:16%h 6-29 Cp Douglas. l:18%b 7-15 Saracen Maidl:18%b 6 28Gallerne ....1:22 b 5-23 Vindicated . .1:24 b 7-15 Ms Corinne . 1 :18%b 7-18 Witan 1 :20%b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-2 Curb Bit.... 1:16 h 7-14 Sun Teatime. 1:35 b One Mile. 7-17 Frk Ormont. 1:54 b 7-16 Westko 1:44 h Whirling and Impunity were in company. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track slow; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Bisque Doll. . :43%b 7 15 Nora D :39%b 7-7 Beau Cavalr :40%b North Vale.. :40%b 7-15Crossg Over :37%h 6-27 Princs Leda. 37 h 7-14Claflag :40 b 7 13 R.c Regent. :38%h 6 23 Dr. Parrish.. :40%b 7 18 Royal Rock.. :41 b 7-18 Jere 58%h 7-17 Vesee :40 b 6 8 Linmast .... :41%b 6-13 White Top.. :38 h One-Half Mile. 7-17 Blithe 53%h 7-13 Playsickle .. 56 b 7-4 Helens Alibi. :54%d 7-18 Principio ... :56%b 7 8 Elihu :53%h 7-17 Vonnie 52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-15 Genie Jr 1 :06%b 72 Ragabill .... 1 06%h 7-15 Nay Nay. . . .l:ll%b 7-17 Uma 106%h 7-15 Pr. TrafalgarlOB b Three-Quarters Mile. Almadele ...1:19 h 7-13 Hold Hard.. 1:23 b 7 9 Daddy Bill. .l:29%b 7-15 Morocco ... .l:21%b Golden Bala.l:24%b Training was light this morning. Nothing worthy of comment. DETROIT. Weather clear; track muddy — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Al Jolson... :36%h 7 14 Gd Politian. :39%h 7-17 Ariel Cross.. :40 b 6 26 Light Wave. :38 b 7-14 Brindle .... :38%h 66 Lady Flders. :39%h 2-23 Burnside ... :43 b 7-16 Leana G.... :36 h 7-4 Buster B... :38 h 7-16 Megai -.39 h 7-18 Bing Crosbv. :37%h 7-1 Pish Tush.. :40%h 7-11 Cherokee Sal :38%h 6 26 Royal Linge :38 b 7-18 Demur .... :38%h 7-15 Swt Memrs :36%h 7-16 Glint :39 h 7 6 Station Belle :40 b 7-9 Gallant Miss :40 b 7 18 Ten Law... :38%h One-Half Mile. 7-17 Adirondack . :50%b 7-14 Langdon . . . 55 h 7-13 Careful Kitty 55 b 7-8 More Anon.. :58 h 7-2 Catino 51 h 7-15 Popo :54%h 7-13 Dark Dianne :50%b 7-15 Ridge Mor. . 51 b 7-18Donday .... :50%h 7-5 Ramrod .... 51 b 7-18 Fiji 51%b 7-18 Shoot :50%h Gly Rples. :52%h 6 20 Sassenach . . 54 h 7-19 Inferno Lad. 52 b 5-26 Whgdoodle . :53%h 7-2 Kieva :52%h 7-12 War Pledge. :*9% 7-15 Kiltamond . 53 h 7-17 Wise Bessa. 50 h 7-17Lrel Wrth. 50%b 7-14 Wise Lee... :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-17Amcan Bellel:04%h 7-16 Lady Menifeel.04%b 7-17 Barney All.s.19 b 7-17 Nights End. 1:04 h 7-18 Bob Dozer.. 1:05 h 7-17 Nt Flower. .Ifl4%h 7-18 Flborough .l«3%h 717 Pops Betty.. Jj05%h 7 17 Free Trade. .l:05%h 7-17 Small Play..1.t3h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-17 Brt Melody. 1:1S%h 7 16 Little Egypt. l:21%h 7 18 Gallop Alongl:25 b 7 17 Tumble In.. 1:21 b One Mile. 716 Pari Mutuel .l:54%h ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast-Three-Eighths Mile. 6 29 Character... :36%h 6 16 My Dandy. . :37 h 716Cabouse .... :38 h 7 16 Rustic Joe.. :37%h 7-18 Dark Winter :37 h 7-18 Sarada :37%h 7-15 Hardatit. . . :38%h 7-16 Strenuous. . . :35%h 7 3 Loggia :36%h 7-9 Sun Antioch. :37 h 7 18 Migrate . . . . :38 h 7 11 Zekiel 56%h One Half Mile. 7 14 Bittybit .... :48%h 7 12 Outbound ..51 h 7-3 Blted Hopes :49%h 7-14 Paradisical. . :50%h 7 18 Collateral... :50 h 7 9 Roustabout 50 h 7-17 Friction .... 54%h 7-18 Red Cap n.. 53%h 7 18Heedles Gal. :48%h 7 17 Ruths Hope. :50%h 7-17 Luck In... :49%h 6 23 The Pelican. :50%h 622Moa :50%h 711 Tty Three. . :49%h 7 18 Night Jasme 51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 9 Chse Empsl:05 h 6-27 Newton Belle1:62%h 7 17 Colonel Jr...l:02%h 6 28 Petee Blue. .1.-09 h 7 16 Hasty Belle. l:03%h 7 14 Tiger John". l:02%f. 7-17Leonie 1.04%h Three-Quarters Mile. 717Ace Servicel:15%h 7-19 Juniority ...1:17 h 7-16 Boy Crazy... 1:23 h 7-13 March Step.. l:25%h 7-2 Dark Vision. 1:23 h 7 18 Periodical. . l:15%h 7 17 Fast Chance. I:l7%h 7-3 Pennvwise.. 1:18 h 7 15 Frisky Maidl:18 h 7 17 Rosevolt . .1:19 h 7-17 Jimmy Sutro1:14%h 7 17 Universe. . . l:18%h One Mile. 718Greygladt ..l:47%h 7-18 Sky HavPn. l:45%h 7-18 Jabot l:42%h 7 18 Vestd Pmverl42%h KINGS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 717Blanchette.. :37 h 7 17 Nourrice ...:37 b 7-19 Brown Wren. :36%h 7-17 Pen sweep ... :37 b 6-17Cudlavin . . . :37 h 7-5 Sophron .... :35%h 7 Fk Grossmn :39 b 7 16 Tee Off :38 b 7 17 Indian Dance :37 h 7 17 Whi. I.prig. . . :37 b 7 16 Just Marie. . :37 h 7 17 Wanderoo ..:38 b One-Half Mile. 7-4 Auburndale.. 51 b 7-17 Probate :52 d 7 5 Dorsayi . . . . :50 h 7 -13 Vennie H.. .. :50 h 7-17 Hasty Maidn :50 h 7 16 Vandis :50 h 7 6 Masque Mar. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-17 All Roses... 1:64 h 6 30 Punishment .108 b 7-10 Edith M 108 h 7 3 Soortan Girl.108 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6 17 Dress Circle. 1:24 b 7-1 Go Easy.... 1:16 h 716Diaquri ....1:20 b 7 2 Goln Storm. 125 b 7 17 Eva S. 1:25 b 6 23 Replevin ...1:17 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17JustoId 1:30 h NIAGARA FALLS. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 6-26 Bdway Miss. -.36 h 7 14 Rough Wtrs :36 h 7-18 Desweep . . . :38%h 6 11 Swagr Stick. 59 h 7-9 Kings Bnty. :3S h 7 18 SpeygoU ... 58 h 713Kingswood... :38 h 7 4 Sea Kale.... :39 h 7-16 Papalico .... :38%h One-Half Mile. 5 4 Dunley 51 h 7-3 Master Bbie. 51 h 7 10 Earthen Jar. 52 h 7 17 Royal Recipe :53%h 7 5 Fedl Resrve 51 d 7-10 Pepr Prince. 52%h 7-2 Flyg Hls H. :53 h 7-17 Spey Crest. . M h 7-16 Goggles ..... 51 h 7 5 Uppity :53%h Gathee ..... :52%h 7 12 Zakuska .... :54%h 7-4 Gaffarg 52%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 17 Legionary ..1H6 h 7-9 Lady Hilda. .1*4 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-17 Centermarch 120 h EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 16 Any Chance.. -.36 d 7-3 Longford . . . :37 h 7-17Brit Haven. :36 h 6 26 Morpluck . . . :36 h 7-17 Dark Thots. :36 d 7 3 Middling.... :37%h 7-18 Her Gold .... :36%h 7-16 Our One :37%h 7 3 Ipse DLxit... 57%h 718 Pcs Anthens :36%h 7-2 Infinitude... :37%h 7-18 Towson .... 56 h 7-18 Jns Birthdy :36 h 7-11 Weddg Ring :37%h 7-13 Kungsholm. . :36 d One-Half Mile. 7-18 Befitting . . . 50 h 7-17 Major Genal :54 h 7-16 Black Falcon :49%h 7-5 Morsun 50 h 7-6 Communist.. 51%h 7-17 Miss Firefly. 53 h 7-14 Easy Flight.. 50 h 7 -14 Pretty Night. :49%h 7-16 Guiding Lit. :50%h 7-17 Pompeius . . . :50%h 5 23 Hthr Lassie :53 h 7-18 Stone Martin :50%h 7-16 Koterito . . . . 51%h 7-18 Thundertone. 50 h 7-18 Lady Reigh.. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Angelic 1:03 h 7-13 Little Wackiel:05%h 7 17 Chmd Eyes.l:03 h 7-15 M. A. Suarez1:023£d 7-18 Caught l:06%h 7-16 Mae Skilling.lKM h 7-18Enelish KnitlKB%h 7-18 Wgd Flight.107 h 7-18 Gab 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-17 Briny Deep.. l:17%h 7-16 Flyg Chargrl 26 h 7-1 Broadsword .1:24 h 7 18 Gallette 1:22 h 7-2 Distracting ..1:21 h 7 17 Mad Beth. ..l:17%h 7-17 Friar Mark.. 1:17 h One Mile. 7-5 Buntino ....1:53 h 7-18 Mareve l:46%h 7-14 Legender ...1:45%h 6 19 Propagandist.l:46 h 7-14 My Boss.... 1:48 h «

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