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CLAUDE WILLIAMS Catering to a Batter Clientele— Information Direct from the Grounds STRICTLY ONE HORSE A DAY TERMS: DAILY YESTERDAYS ONE HORSE: HYMAN, 0.30, WON I TOLD YOU SO Once again the supremacy of my information was demonstrated to all my followers. Day after day my clients are cleaning up on big-priced WINNERS that nobody else knows a thing about Bookmakers in all parts of the country are In a panic, and I »«£r£*T J£b»™J? mak* their het* M late *■ POMlbto. Remember, I am ki MX ON THE GROUNDS and personally supervise every transaction before it is released. POSITIVELY NO FAVORITES « . .££yJ:onnections have Deen in b«»*ness long enough to know that IT IS JUST AS EASY TO WIN WITH YOUR HORSE WHEN HE IS 10 to 1 as it is when he is the favorite— and that is why they have a national reputation for putting over LONG SHOTS. TODAY IS THE DAY FOR ANOTHER LONG SHOT to wake up. To those who have not yet tried this super-i*!1 V.? informat»on, here is your opportunity to get plenty returns for only a small bet Don t wait until results are published because, remember, THE DAY YOU MISS IS THE DAY YOU LOSE RUSH TO YOUR NEAREST TELEGRAPH OFFICE and wire at once by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and get todays b:* priced WDNNER Address all subscriptions to— CLAUDE WILLIAMS, Arlington Heights, III. Lloyd and Co. TERMS— WEEKLY YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: MISS WISE, 0.20, WON HOMER L., $ 8.78, WON Thursdays Code Parlay: Wednesdays Code Parlay: MINTON, 3.02, 2ND NELLIE FLAG, 0.00, WON MERELY, $ 6.40, WON DARK MIST, $ 9.00, WON SUBSCRIBE TO THE CODE PARLAYS— NO TELEGRAMS, NO EXPENSE PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE Along with the Private One-Horse release we have been releasing a two-horse parlay daily that has been taking the country by storm. Look at the results listed above. These are the kinds of winners you get when you subscribe to this service Remit 15 at once-and we will rush a code card to you, good for six days. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Monta«a-5«-39-28-37. DETROIT— Utah-47-38-26-63. PRIVATE ONE HORSE RELEASE: ARLINGTON— Plerce-11-29-29-34. LLOYD and CO.. 109 N. Dearborn St., Suite 907, Chicago, III. j New Weekly Gut— 35 Cents FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODE: ROCKINGHAM: Top-Vex-Ivy-Caw-Aft. 5 FREE SPECIAL ARLINGTON: Ton-Fog-Aft-ftUy-Gag-Rifht on edge tor a win in this spot. OCCASIONAL CODE: DETROIT: Tip-Met-Pyx-Van-Way. For this FIREBRAND GOOD THING be sure and get theNew Issue of the Master- Clockers Code Card, good for one week. Price, . For sale at all newsstands. LAST WEEKS TOP HORSES: BLACK HAND, 5.60, WON j KINDACORN, $ 5.90, WON , OTHER LONG SHOT WINNERS: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON 1 BACK LOG, 9.82, WON I I CHARLIE DAWN, 9.20, WON JIM ORMONT, 6.80, WON NYACK, 2.40, WON LACQUER, 2.60, WON And a raft of other lone, shot winners. So dont fail to get the New Issue of the WEEKLY MASTER CL0CKER 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS -TURF WEEKLY- For Sale at All Newsstands— Price, 35 Cents rOUAYS FRKF ronE DETROIT— Lee-66-70-30-20. TODAY* TRAINFRS tODKS: ARLINGTON— Brown-56-55-45-46. DETROIT— Black-38-45-45-56. TOhAYS OWNERS CODES: ARLlNGT0N-Green-3S-43-42-44. DETROIT— Blue-37-56-3t-49. RACING WORLD 15c— Sot* at all newsstands. New issue No. 40 out today, get your copy now. Free Phone Specials daily, call Canal 6 7291. Last 8 out of 10 Saturday Free Codes won. Todays Free Code: ROCK.— 7-C-15. Sub-scrifcers Saturday Parlay: ROCK.— Sixth-l-3-1$ and ROCK.— Sev«Bth-19-M. . Last 3 Saturday Subscribers Partays Wo»! RACING WORLD. 217 C«ntr» St., New Ys*k City, 4th Floor. j j 1 I I iTO JOCKEY ffm Gregory4mallMd RACING WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— PRICE, 35c NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY WIN WITH THIS RACING WEEKLY Here Are Just Some of the Winners That Were Advised in Our Last Issue: BOX SPECIALS: POSTSCRIPT, 6.40, WON OUR COUNT, 0.60, WON These box specials have attracted a big following because they have been winning with amazing regularity, and what prices they usually pay! BEST BETS: Illinois: LADY VA VA, .00, WOJf New York: LONGFORD, 5-2, WON And dont forget, ithe above were best bate- that are odds on choices. usually AND HERE ARE SOME OTHER WINNERS: FIRE REEL, 9.20, WON BARTER, 15.90, WON BLUE LBLLlAN, 15.06, WON CABEZO, 13.4* WON BLACK PATRICIA, 10.50, WON And Many More Winners, Too Numerous to Mention [Thats the kind of winners you get when you buy Jockey Gregory and Smallwood Racing Weekly. And bear in mind that you do not get hundreds of horses to watch. The list is small and select and each and every horse advised is information worth following. TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Kelly-48-62-60-i4. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: A R LI N GT0 N — Red-1 8-46-58-54. DETROIT— Green-48-30-30-58. JOCKEY Gregory and Smallwood Racing Weekly 1*0 N. Dearborn Street Chicago, DJ. TUIjF Vpgg? WEEKLY* FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE, 35c TODAYS FREE CODE-ARLINGTON— August-55-5l-57-. TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: ARLINGTON— Service-S-13-23-22. DETROIT— Use-24-1 3-21-1 3. EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: ARLINGTON— June-16-8-1t-13. THE WHIP 15c-SoW at All Newsstands— 15c New issue No. 29 out today. Get your copy now. Free Phone Specials daily, call Ashland 4 9603. Get issue No. 29 to decipher Free 00 Special: ROCK.— Third-25-1-15. Todays Free Subscription Parlay: ROCK.— 16-29 and ROCK.— 10-12. Last Saturdays Free Subscription ■ Parlay Won. THE WHIP, 246 Fifth Ave., Suite 420, " "* * " - New York Cay. POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MAGAZINE IS THE SENSATION OF THE RACING WORLD BIG AUGUST ISSUE NOW ON SALE 20 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WIN WITH RADCLIFF RATINGS! Every day these famous ratings are picking winners, winners, winners! You will be amazed at the long shot winners selected by Radcliff Ratings. These famous ratings are completely revised and brought. up to. the minute in the August issue of POST TIME. AMONG THE HORSES SELECTED RY RADCLIFFS RATINGS WERE: MAC MOON, 3.80, WON SUPERCHARGE, $ 9.80, WON POST TIME FREE CODE PARLAYS First parlay goes July 28. Not a handicappers guess but real information direct from POST TIME trackmen, checked and approved by our Chief Trackman and our Turf Editor. Also EXTRA SPECIAL CODE RELEASES when exceptional Information is available. EXTRA SPECIAL FREE CODE RELEASE TODAY 2nd DETROIT— Pompano-Sausage-Sausage-Cattle To Decipher, See Page 46 of August Issue This horse has the personal endorsement of POST TIMES Chief Trackman and our Turf Editor. Every angle has been checked. The first extra free code special, released last Tuesday, WON EASILY. In addition to these incomparable services for readers, POST TIME offers profusely illustrated, interesting and informative articles by leading turf writers in every issue. In the August issue, Salvator refutes the claims of British thoroughbred supremacy on the American turf in a brilliant article; The Turk discusses the question of "angles" in racing; Charles Hatton, Lewis Y. Hagy, Nelson Dunstan and other favorite writers contribute stories that cannot fail to interest every racing enthusiast GET YOUR COPY TODAY! IF YOUR NEWSDEALER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, SEND S2J50 FOR ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION POST TIME 108 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS * - ■■■■■■ — — — — . .■ryi ifils hm Ak TBr nnniHnTnnnnanav __ TERMS, DAILY I have ridden for some of the most prominent stables on the track. Among my intimate friends are owners, trainers and Jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That is why my Identity must not become known. _...__. YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: PHANTOM STAR, .20, LOST TRACTABLE, 3.20, .20, 3RD TWO HORSES GOING TODAY Here are two horses that I have been waiting a long time for, and I want each and every reader to positively get them. No matter what your experiences may have been with this or any other service, these are two horses that you cannot afford to miss. I am earnestly urging all readers to subscribe at once and save regrets when results are pub-lished. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION City clients call at office. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street, Suite 1106, Chicago, III. ■ j j jmton and co; RACING COMMISSIONERS TERMS, .00 DAILY— 0.00 WEEKLY YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: SSI CHATTER, 3.60, WON HOMER L., $ 8Jg WON „ Thursdays Two Horses: CHARLIE DAWN, 9.20, WON ODERIC, $ 6.20, WON Wednesdays Two Horses: Tuesdays Two Wo«=o«,. NELLIE FLAG, 0.00, WON IMPERIAL MCkT Si 00 WON FLYING CADET, $ 8.90, WON SAMBO BROWN, 100 w£n ANOTHER WIN PARLAY TODAY EXPECT 00 FOR Do you want to win 00 today? This is your ODDortunitv T,,»t ««♦ ♦*- „* • these two horses and win 00 today. You can do SiXm Tfflt mZZLH It J V t? parlay on these two horses. Dont fail. This Z your chance3 IcTnow ***** _ ,. SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE City clients, call at office. Out-of-town clients, at once to the go nearest t*Wr.«». office and wire your subscription by Western Union Zr Postal Telegraph! "ct NOW J. J. HAMILTON and CO. 139 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO, ILL. - SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM -~