Rockingham Park Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-21


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] ROCKINGHAM PARK NOTES | .. $ Roy P. Gates, nephew of John W. "Betcha Million" Gates, one of the original founders of Rockingham Park, accompanied by W. R. Roulstone, came up from New York to take in a few days sport. Ollie H. Gore, assistant to the chairman of the board of directors of the Miami Jockey Club, was a visitor Friday. He" re ports many improvements being made at Hialeah Park. A notice posted in the secretarys office at Rockingham Park is as follows: "The entry of Devonshire is ordered refused, the horse being unfit for racing purposes by order of ♦ he stewards." M. L. Daiger sent word that stake blanks for the Pimlico meeting would be mailed to horsemen at Rockingham Park, within the next few days. E. S. Welter, assistant to starter J. Milton, has been notified of his appointment as starter at the Cumberland, Md., meeting, opening August 21 and continuing to August 25. Welter will also serve as starter at Timonium. The latter meeting runs from September 1 to 7. The stable of J. Badame, which arrived from Fort Erie is made up of the following members: Khorasan, War Plane, Aymond and Bylona. Khorasan has been nominated for the Rockingham Park Handicap, closing day feature. The stable of J. W. Y. Martin is being shipped to Saratoga to await the opening of the meeting at that point. «

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Local Identifier: drf1934072101_25_1
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