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ffAILY RACING FORM VOLt.ME XLlI. NU.MI1KU 251 FOUNDED IN 1894 ; Entered ifrclid data matter. April Z. 1890. at the .goat ofdca at Ctilraco. lllloola. under Act of llnrcb S. 1 38711. UAILI EXCEll EUNDAt A dallj reflection of ILc American turf tj tclrcraph. , Published tj REGAL PRESS. INC. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 343 W. 26TII STREET NEW X0RK CITY, N. Y. S12 CALHOUN ATE. HOUSTON, TEXAS i 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST TORONTO, ONT. 2134 MIAMI COURT, N. W. MIAMI, FLA. 114i HARRISON ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 2107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE. WASH. TELEPHONE llAltlllSO.N 7S08 For ruiMm-a and circulation urtca only. Tula telephone haa no connection with the newe or .editorial departmenta aod caunot be usrd to coiuinuul cate nllb them. For I r.c Iljvne Itrinlta Call Wabath 7000. SIlltSfltllTION III KIHST CUSS MAIL: J8J IKlt UONTII. 12 CO ESTItA Hilt SIECIAL DB-L1VEIIV. I1S.U0 1EIt MONTH I1Y AIII MAIL. JS.C0 EXTRA FOR SPEflAI. DELIVERY. PAVAUIJ! IN ADVANCE. BACK .NUMRERS BY MAIL. S3 CENTS EACH. To be comldetrd and antnrrrd. all qurrlra to Dally Racine Form mntt tie acnt over Hie full name and with the addrrta of writer. The camea and addrctfea are subject to a local and foreicn director If it. Addresa all cornmunicationa, make all remlttancea and aend all manuscripts to DAILY BAC3NO F. EM 441 Plymouth Coult Cllcaro. 111. 22060 Is First Index of 1936,