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Only Active Stables Get Approval at Fairmount Many Horses to Race at Meeting Beginning Decoration Day COLLINSVILLE, 111., May 5.— Fairmount Park patrons will have the advantage of making a good check on the caliber of horses to run during the 26-day meeting, beginning Decoration Day, is the view of racing secretary Rollie Leigh, following a check of stall assignments Saturday. He points out that horses which have been allotted stall room for the meeting will bei j running at either Churchill Downs, Sportsmans Park or Beulah Park until practically one week before the Fairmount opening. "Although we have been deluged with applications this spring," said secretary Leigh, "okays have been given only to I active stables. Instead of cluttering up the barns a month in advance with inactive horses, it was decided to give the accommodations to those stables which have horses in regular competition. In this way there will be little chance of horses popping up in the entries which have not raced since last year." j Some of the owners now racing at Sportsmans Park who will race at Fair- | mount include: E. B. Shipp, Al Gaal, E. I Denemark, D. C. Wilhelm, W. T. and C. V. Sparks, H. C. Hoffman, J. C. Ellis, C. B. Gooch, Wesley Sears, H. Hockenbury, D. Stone and C. J. Gamble. At Churchill Downs; J. F. ONeil, Carter and Titus, Byrum Brothers, Jack McAtee, Al Smitha, C. W. Pershall, Rivermont Ranch, C. Botham, •O. B. McCamey, W. Wilkinson, J. C. Ellis, ic. N. Finch and others. Among the nominations received during the last week for the Fairmount Inaugural Handicap include W. Z. Martins Mr. Ambassador, which won the July 4th Handicap at Fairmount last season. Mr. Ambassador, which holds the mile and 40- j yard record at Dade Park in l:39y5, has been rested during the winter. G. W. Churchs Quiz Kid, which was a starter in the recent Arkansas Derby, is another nominee. The others to date are: Espino ! Gold, Fergies Count and Par Avion.