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DAILY RACING FORM Americas Turf Authority FOUNDED IN 1894 VOLUME L. NUMBER 152 . Entered as second class matter Juno 15, 1938, SUBSCRIPTION BY MAIL t the post office at Chicago, 111., under the Act Pcr Month. $ 6-S0 S5x Monthl 137,50 of March 3, 1879. Three Months.... 8.75 One Year 5.00 Published daily, except Sunday, By firit class mail, .50 additional per month. j by TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS, Inc. By air mall, .50 additional per month. Kenneth Fricde, Publisher Back number. 25 cents each. DAILY RACING FORM Ad.Jrtsi nil communications, mak8 all remit- ASSOCIATED PAPERS: Uet mid itnd all manuscripts to SX!? V1 vh,lT 5? nA.V RACING FORM 343 w" V ml r iv, f N , 5 S 7 rbwlh Courf, Chicago 5, 111. 50 Richmond Street; East Toronto 1, Ont. iftiitYJ wwi., n.i... Manag" f,n,, 2134 Mami Court, N. W... Miami 37. Fla, V-TO -j-Cs,f,"4-ltullnt" 1540 N. Vermont Avenue... Los Angeles 27, Calif. CUM Mt Kuiiiler vt tint ract run In 1944 Calle Ignacio Mariscal No. 23, Mexico, D. F. Mx. wj C3C6V.