Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Fields At Washington Park, Daily Racing Form, 1949-06-11

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Official Charts - ■ Racing r — i LINCOLN FIELDS AT WASHINGTON PARK ————————— Copyright. 1949. by Triangle Publications. Inc. —————————— H0MEW00D, ILL, FRIDAY, JUNE TO, 1949— WASHINGTON PARK 1 1-8 MILES. Twenty-third day of thirty-£ day meeting May 1G to June 18. Lincoln Fields Racing Association, Inc. Automatic starting gate. Pre- cision Camera, Inc. Weather cloudy. Steward representing Illinois Racing Board, W. A. Hamilton. Stewards, W. R. Dahlstrom and J. G. Goode. Placing Judges, Raymond Hoertz, R. P. McAuliffe and W. A. Reagan. Patrol Judges, T. A. Steele, J. J. Klucina, - George Molesworth, Vasco Parke and George Swain. Paddock Judge, J. T. Clark. Clerk of Scales, C. J. Gormley, j Jr Assistant Clerk of Scales. F. A. Alsbury. Starter, Reuben White. Timer, W. J. Cunningham. Racing Secretary r and Handicapper, L. C. Bogenschutz. 5 Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Central Daylight Time. Saturdays and holidays, 2:00 p. m. Percentage of "» winning favorites corresponding meeting 1948, .32; current meeting, .29. Daily Double, first and second races. * Entries run as one; field horses individually. Mutuel take, 13 per cent. State 5, track 8. C § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed, i Seven lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs, i B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed Precision Camera Corp. by Kuprion. C FIRST RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Colosal, April 2J, 1948— 1:48V£— 5— 118. Purse ,300. 4-year-olds 7 Q fi f and uPward- Bona fide Property of a resident of the stale of Illinois. Claiming. / u 7 u U Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; ; June 10-49 — Was one race, 9 lbs Claiming price, ,000. J Net value to winner ,495; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 15. Mutuel Pool, 5,244. - Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St. !A V2 % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to ? 765954 SWELL CHANCEwb 11 106 3 11 9i 6»i 3i V H L Batchler* 2000 J Sands 53 : 761352 OUR BEST wb 6 115 12 6 53 2J 13 23 2* L Hulslder* 2000 Mrs F E McDonald 2.30 765953 KHAYGRAM w 11111 8 10 7n 7 i 6 4« 34 J Richard 2000 J N Nugent 4.00 c 76494 OH BOY wb6111 6 3 3 43 2t 3h 4"* A D Rivera 2000 Rakickas and Gillespie 8.90 : 76239 MY GRACE w 7 105 10 5 2* 3h 44 5«J 5 L WickelJ 2000 H W Ostle 11.30 . 76595 BIG ALBERT wb 7 113i 4 12 115 9J 71 61 61 M Peterson 2000 F M Arrigo 20 20 , 75529 VERO LUMEN wb8108i1 1 8h 8h 83 74 7* D Wagner 2000 Mrs H G Bookman 31.70 : 75005 STEPPIN LIVELY w 6 113J11 4 4J 51 5h 88 82 C Calvin 2000 W Bothwell 89.70 J 76691 PERSIFLAGE wb8 111 7 7 101 112 94 g 9? T Williams 2000 J V DeToIve 42.50 54618 EL DRADO PASSwb5111 2 2 12 12 102 10 10 A Skoronski 2000 R and 0 J Morris 47.10 76026 MOTHER GRACE w4103i5 8 62 101 11 Eas. up. D Scurlock 2000 Caronti and Harbult 117 80 76135 EVER ON wb7117 9 9- 1h ih Pulled up. R Montgry 2000 H D Maggio 9.10 Time, :23and :48, 1:13, 1:40, 1:53%. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid—. , Odds to . U..L..J D:/.««.rSWELL CHANCE 8.60 3.80 2.60 3.30 .90 .30 Mutuel rricesi our best 3.40 240 " 70 20 v KHAYGRAM 2.80 40 Winner— B. h, by Chance Play— Sweepesta, by Sweep, trained by J. Sands; bred by Calumet Farm WENT TO P0ST-2:22i. OFF AT 2:23J CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. SWELL CHANCE, slow to begin went up on the rail on the backstretch to better position, was taken to the outside for the drive and drew away after disposing of the leaders. OUR BEST was forced to lose ground on the first turn, drew into a long lead on the • in lhe drive- KHAYGRAM improved position between horses and just missed for the place. nu OH BOY, impeded going into the first turn, was hustled along to be with the leaders, then gave way in the closing quarter. MY GRACE had brief speed and gave way. VERO LUMEN nearly went down when in close quarters going into the turn. STEPPIN LIVELY quit. MOTHER GRACE bore out going into the first turn, quit badly and was eased up in the closing quarter. EVER ON quit after making the pace, was pulled up on the far turn and came out of the race lame. Scratched— 76595 Russian Action, 115. Overweight— Big Albert, 2 pounds; Vero Lumen, 2|; Steppin Lively, 2£; Mother Grace, 2J. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. Tre Vit, Aug. 25* 194S— 1:09V%— 4— 1 14. Purse ,300. 3-year-olds 7 6 9 0 1 Maidens- Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June t ,« 10-49 in — w Was Mutuel »et, v?,u„e Pool, V 4,746. S£?ne/ 495 second W6°; Mrd, 30; fourth, 15. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to S b«vEA£REEZE WM13 5 5 4h 2h 13 14 J Chestnut 4000 Crosby and Thomas 12.30 c?nXuRinBc„ Wb 5 4 3 3,1 41 42 22JM Peterson 4000 Fischbach and Fogerty 9.20 ™,iE£AE»SI * « 8 6 61 53 54 3$ M Duhon 4000 Mrs C F Taylor 35.60 SSrFfkv J££!« W£ 13 17 9 61 62 4J AD Rivera 4000 P Youkilis 6.40 oA?7nM.0STESS W£ III 2 24 34 2 51 D Wagner 4000 W A Mikel 3.40 762362 RAMONA wb113 9 10 102 8h 73 6" L Grubb 4000 Mrs M Rieser Z90 £5 ElPJifX™ WbT3 61 1h 11 3«1 721 D Scurlock ms R B Allen 75941 BEL QUEEN W108 10 11 11J 112 96 82 L Batchler* 4000 W Buffa 8170 76493 MUCH PLEASURE wb 118 3 8 1 94 8J 9« T Williams 4000 Mrs L Visans 710 SSKif?f RUTH Wb113 11 9 8h 10 1 * 10* A Skoronski 4000 H J SchSE 532? 67705 SHARON S. w 113 12. 12 12 12 12 112$ J Higley 4000 W T Venn 61-80 LYNELLE w 113 7 4 5J 71 11h 12 D Jessop 4000 Burke and Cooper 106*90 Time, :22%, :46and 1:12. Track fast. , r— 52 Mutuels Paid- , Odds to 1 it/c a Dncr7r Muhiel MUtuel PrirPcftoYEpWrREEZE 26-60 IH° 11.40 «8-20 12.30 5.10 T?o »Ces[roxHR.NGE..:::::::.: 11.20 4.70 4.60 2314346* w- 0st,*; bred by John w-Marr- Start good from stall gate. Won handily; second and third driving. LIKE A BREEZE, prominent from the start, displaced the leaders when ready, drew out under punishment in the stretch and won handily. FOX RING dpi ip nA7cT v f bre% Cugtt ti,rcd horses 12 t!?e drive- SIR HARKEE lost some ground on the turn 8E»n»?AZE ,acked speed and should improve off the effort- LADY HOSTESS had brief speed and tired RAMONA was outrun. PERFIDY had speed for a half and quit. MUCH PLEASURE showed nothing LYNELLE Scratched— 75528 Culver Co-Ed, 106. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 97.00— Double Pool, 9,432. THIRD RACE 5-8 MILE. Ky. Colonel, May 22, 1948-:58-2-125. Purse ,300 2-year-olds 7 6 9 0 2 claimi"9- Weight, 118 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000 June t ,/-n 10-49 twt Was wet. va.,u,S *? LVH *495i second W ttird, 30; fourth, 15. — Mutuel Pool, 3,827. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt ft % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 749204 AULD SOD w 113 12 8 2h 2h 21 Ink C Basham 5000 H H Temple Jr 820 76028 MERRIEST w108 9 10 61 5 « 43 2 J L.Batchler* 5000 Shady Brook Farm 1000 ?S 2AcM-rlP,°i-rTY w!]2« 3 34 33 34 31J D Scurlock 5000 T A Thompson a£ 7a135 RUSTY LAD w 113 11 6 1h 14 14 42J H Fthrstn 5000 W Swezey 5340 76234 BRUSH MOUTH w 113 2 2 4h 65 52 54J R Montgry 5000 M L Fallon FIRST TRIAL w 113 4 11 9 9 8J 6" N L Pierson 5000 C Vanscoy 360 76234 fHF1 « 115 7 7 53 44 64 72JFWirth 5000 H C Martin 9$ SHARON w 111 10 9 85 83 7h 82 J Richard 5000 J A Kroeck 7160 74720 BRUN DOR wb113 6 5 7h 71 9 9 D Jessop 5000 Mrs D Hum 875 76234 REDWOOD LASS w 114 5 1 Fell. A LoTurco 5000 J L Gonthier Sr and BANK BANDIT wb 113 8 12 Lost rider. A D Rivera 5000 Corum and Morris 7 90 755303 FANNY WELSH wb110 3 4 Lost rider. L Grubb 5000 L Watkins 3« Time, :22%, :46%, 1:00%. Track fast Mutuel PricesflSiiP .:::::::::::::::::::::::: WM SS 158 *" HS 113 i DAME POLLY 580 on Tempfe""6 Sr Damion—Ki,larney Lass by Torchilla, traMed by H. H. Temple, Jr.; bred by H. H. WENT TO POST— 3:19. OFF AT 3:191 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. # Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. AULD SOD was between the leaders going into the turn, went up on the outside in the drive, took command, then lasted over MERRIEST The £e,rJ0St some ,?round on the turn, went up strongly in the drive and was wearing down the winner DAME E?.y/.awa.y we1.1]"35 yithJhe Pac! ™the nsde, lacked speed to remain with the leader and closed resolutely RUSTY LAD, rushed up on the outside, drew out quickly on the turn, then faltered in the drive. BRUSH MOUTH had early speed, dropped back on the turn, then finished gamely. FIRST TRIAL was taken up when the spill occurred on the turn. BILRONETTE bore out just after the start and was bothered when a jam occurred BRUN DORS rider lost both feet out of the stirrup irons when the jam occurred and was not oersevered Perseverea with witn thereafter. REDWOOD LASS fell. BANK BANDIT and FANNY WELSH lost their riders Overweight— First Trial, 3 pounds; Sharon, 1; Redwood Lass, 4. FOURTH RACE 1 MILE out of chute. Armed, Aug. 3, 1946—1:35—5—130. Purse ,300. 3-year-7 Q H "3 0,ds- c,a,min9- Weight, 119 lbs. Non-winners of three races in 1949 allowed 3 lbs • 1 A* 7 J O two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 10-49— Was Net value to winner ,495; second, 60; third, 30; fourth. 15 Mutuel Pool, 6,988. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Ve. V2 % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 764963 TIMBOO w 111 2 7 4J 4441 42 1J L Batchler* 6000 Mrs J P Keezek TSO 76495 CHANCE VOYAGE w 119 7 4 24 21 32 1J 21 D Wagner 6000 A S Higgins 1600 76496 DAME .DHONNEUR w 103 6 6 34 34 2h 34 34 G Pederson 6000 H Belk 340 75942 COPA CREST wb 109 5 3 H 14 4 2i 42J L Hulslder* 6000 T 0 Campbell 7*10 76029 FAVONIAN w 113 1 1 7 62 64 68 52 E Nelson 6000 Shady Brook Farm 3O60 764964 FROST BITTEN wb.119 3 5 61 51 54 51 613 A Skoronski 6000 W H Bishop 420 56503 FAIR PORTER w113 4 2 5h .7 7 7 7 C Calvin 6000 J Wolf 520 Time, :23$, :46%, 1:11%, 1:37%. Track fast. in* TIMBOO 5.00 3 00 2 40 1 50 50 ?fl Ml UtUel Prices CHANCE VOYAGE . 8.20 3 80 . 3 10 90 ■ DAME DHONNEUR 3.00 50 Winner— B. g, by Blue Pair— Sup Lightly, by Sweeping Light, trained by J. P. Keezek; bred by Fred *B Koontz and R. D. Castello. WENT TO POST-3:46. OFF AT 3:461 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. TIMBOO saved ground while well placed, moved up on the outside for the drive, bore in a sixteenth from the finish and had to be steadied then wore down CHANCE VOYAGE. The latter lost some ground while with the pace, took command in the stretch and just missed. DAME DHONNEUR, a sharp contender from the break, went through on the rail in the drive, was on even terms for the lead thirty yards from the finish and hung. COPA CREST went slightly wide coming out of the turn and weakened. FAVONIAN failed to respond. FROST BITTEN was outrun. FAIR PORTER was taken back under hard restraint and never permitted to extend himself. Fair Porter claimed by J. Simon and R. Wilkerson. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Tre Vit, Aug. 25, 1948—1:091 — 4—114. Purse ,300. 4-year-olds and 7 A Q fl A uPward- Claiming. 4-year-olds, 119 lbs.; older, 121 lbs. Non-winners of three races O v U *f in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. June 10-49— Was Net value to winner ,495; second, 60; third, 30; fourth. 15. Mutuel Pool, 7,406. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va 1A StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 75813 DON PEPPINO wb 6 110 3 8 9 9 4t 1h L Batchelr* 3000 Mrs J L Oglesby 2.30 765894 WONT TALK wb4108 8 7 61 3 Ih 22J L Hulslder* 3000 Mrs F E McDonald 8.90 76026 DARK LACE wb 5 110 1 1 1h 1 1 24 34 T Williams 3000 D J Higgins 8.20 761293 GOLD PROXY w 6 1081 2 2 21 2 3i 4"" G Pederson 3000 Mr and Mrs R Nunnery 17.00 76589 ATREBLA w 4 1081 4 4 3h 44 51 54 D Wagner 3000 N L Raffelman • 5.80 76692 MARKIGHT wb4 105 -5 3 Ah 51 61 61 E Nelson 3000 H W Ostle 38.30 76027 MAKE IT EASY wb6 121 6 9 82 7h 71 74 E J Knappt 3000 E R Moulder 25.10 76589 WILLIS E. w 8 115 7 5 51 61 8 84 A Skoronski 3000 W H Bishop 2.60 76232 HARVD SQUAREwb 11 115 9 6 7h 81 9 9 D Scurlock 3000 A T Pfeiffer 8.30 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22%, :46i/5, 1:12%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , ID DON PEPPINO 6.60 4.40 3.20 2.30 1.20 .60 Mi uruel rricesj wont talk 8.00 5.40 3.00 1.70 C DARK LACE 4.60 1.30 Winner— Ch. h, by Ladysman— Grey Shot, by Chance Shot, trained by J. L. Oglesby; bred by Henry H. Knight. WENT TO P0ST-4:13i. OFF AT 4:14 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DON PEPPINO trailed the opening half mile, went up on the rail and wore down WONT TALK. The latter saved ground while moving up, took command on the outside in the stretch, but was not good enough in a sharp effort. DARK LACE made the pace on the rail, was hard put for the drive and faltered. GOLD PROXY came to the inside on the turn, raced forwardly until the stretch and weakened. ATREBLA swung wide coming out for the turn. MAKE IT EASY, WILLIS E. and HARVARD SQUARE raced wide on the turn and finished in the middle of the track. Scratched— 748164 Thunder Hoof, 111; 76594 Play Eda, 111; 75815 Espiritu, 114. Overweight— Gold Proxy, 11 pounds; Atrebla, 31. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Tre Vit, Aug. 25, 1948— 1:09Vb — 4 — 114. Chicago Coal Merchants Purse. 7 Q 0 urse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of ,650 twice other / O V U J than claiming since September 1 or ,250 since June 19. 4-year-olds, 119 lbs.; older, June 10-49— Was 121 lbs. Non-winners of ,625 in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; ,950 in 1948, 6 lbs.; ,625, 9 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 6,300. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt Va, V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 76133 PROUD RULER wb5116 6 4 1» 12 12 111 m Peterson Mrs A L Rice 4.40 764933 SOUTHRN PRIDEwb 6 118 3 1 21 32 21 2flk E J Knapp M J Dant 14.00 764982 FA VORITO wb6112 7 8 6* 61 5h 3* A Skoronski M H VanBerg 6.10 76351 SUNNY BOO wb4108 5 6 3 4 2* 32 4nk D Wagner F R W Stolp 11.60 756593 ENFORCER wb4114 4 5 4h 5441 54 L Batchler* Mrs E Denemark 1.10 607682 ETRNAL REWARDw 6 118 2 * 71 71 75 62 F Wirth Augustus and Nahm 7.3S 76031 FAST MAIL w6109 8 7 54 4h 6h V E Nelson§ Woolford Farm 15.30 663302 EASY TRADE wb 6.118 2 3 8 8 8 8 D Scurlock Mrs T Ott 45.70 Time, :22%, :45, 1:10. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to x kA..i-..~ D-: fPR0UD RULER 10.80 5.60 5.00 4.40 1.80 1.50 ivlUtuel r rices Southern pride 10.00 6.40 4.00 2.20 t-FAVORITO 5.80 1.90 Winner— Ch. m, by Easy Mon— Rule All, by Teddy, trained by J. W. Smith; bred by Henry H. Knight. WENT TO POST-4:39i. OFF AT 4:40 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. PROUD RULER established a clear lead and came to the inside on the backstretch, was roused in the stretch and won under strong hand urging. SOUTHERN PRIDE was closest to the pace on the inside and showed a good effort. FAVORITO, slow to gain stride, went up on the outside with a belated rush. SUNNY BOO lost some ground on the turn while moving up and held on willingly in the drive. ENFORCER saved ground and had no excuse. ETERNAL REWARD, away alertly, lacked early speed and finished with good courage on the rail. FAST MAIL lost ground. Scratched— 722394 Hot and High, 118. SEVENTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Tre Vit, Aug. 25, 1948— 1:091/5— 4— 114. Frank Reed Purse. Pure ,300. 7£ Q D A 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Starters for a claiming price of ,000 or less O v U O in 1949 who have not won for a claiming price exceeding ,000 in 1949 or a race other June 10-49 — Was than claiming in 1949. 4-year-olds, 119 lbs.; older, 121 lbs. Non-winners of three races in 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Net value to winner ,495; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 15. Mutuel Pool, 2,700. Index Horses EgtAWtPPSt V* V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 748753 KNIGHTS HILL wb 4 110 5 8 8 71 74 1h D Scurlock J Stein 3 50 76033 GREYTOWN wb4119 7 1 24 21 4 21 J Higley Kepler and Eaton 3.40 75815 JESSIES BEAU w7116 3 4 3J1 42 2h 3n L Batchelr* H Belk 4 60 76134 CRALINE wb4111 6 6 7462 51 4h D Wagner M Whitebook 4.80 76589 SALA LOU wb4108 4 7 41 31 31 54 A Skoronski W H Bishop 9.10 764974 HERBIE G. w 5 121 8 3 1h 11 44 61 M Peterson G Gerber 6.00 749253 SANGONE wb7110 15 5h 5h 6h 73 L Hlander* E Rea 7 20 75943 AIR FORCE II. wb 5 115 2 2 61 8 8 8 W Morrisey A Bainton 54.70 Time, :22%, :45%, 1:11%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , . Odds to v D.:„«.f KNIGHTS HILl 9-°° 5M 320 3 50 1-70 .60 M„J..,«I uruel r rices greytown 5.00 3.40 1.50 .70 l JESSIES BEAU 3.80 .90 Winner— B. g, by, Hash— Questive, by High Quest, trained by C. Scott; bred by Mrs. F. P. Lelellier. WENT TO POST— 5:061. OFF AT 5:07 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. KNIGHTS HILL dropped back sharply just after the start, 1st much ground moving up in the stretch and, on the extreme outside, got up in the final stride. GREYTOWN ran wide coming out for the turn while with the pace, took command in the stretch and just missed. JESSIES BEAU saved ground, went up on the rail to be close to the pace in the stretch and faltered near the end. CRALINE lost ground on the turn, then went up between horses with belated speed SALA LOU was forced wide by GREYTOWN. HERBIE G. gave way after making the pace for a half. SANGONE had no excuse. AIR FORCE II. ran out on the turn. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES turf course. Pellicle, Aug. 18, 1 948-1 :43%-5-1 07. Purse ,300. 7£ Q H 7 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of three races in O y J / 1949 allowed 3 lbs.; two races, 6 lbs.; one race, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. June 10-49 — Was Net value to winner ,495; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 15. Mutuel Pool, 0,112. Index Horses Egt A Wt PP St V* Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 75939 MOON BLUE w4 109 7 6 4h 6h 31 1h 1| T Williams 2500 L F VVarby 410 75940 VICTRY BANNERwb5111 5 3 21 21 U 23 25 D Wagner 2500 Phil Glenn Stable 13 20 75133 REAL SWEET wb6 99 12 7 51 41 51 42 34 L Wickel* 2500 Colpo and Oros 7 60 76239 AIR CURRENT wb10111 1 4 72 51 21 3h 44 D Scurlock 2500 A J Peiffer 2 90 763573 PHNTOM HEELSwb 7 117 6 2 34 3h 64 51 53 D Jessop 2500 J McElroy 500 73959 PENANT 0 WAR wb 5 114 4 1111*114 105 71 61 M Peterson 2500 H Kennedy " 12760 657522 VALDINA VICAR wb 9 106 9 9 9h 94 8h 6h 74 L Batchelr* 2500 P L Kelley 320 76135 TWIXT wb 8 115 2 12 12 12 113 1115 8h C Peabody 2500 I Seybold 28 30 75575 INAUGURAL wb 4 114 10 8 104 81 94 81 91 H Fthrston 2500 W Swezey 5600 76595 KNIGHT CAPPY wb7111 8 5 6« 72 71 10 10h J Chestnut 2500 Rakickas and Gillespie 84.50 76129 SEAMANS PAL w6113 3 1 H 11 4h 91 1112 M Duhon 2500 P J Valenti 1390 76026 DEVIL DOG wb4111 11 10 81 102 12 12 12 J Higley 2500 W H May 141.70 Time, :24, :48%, 1:14, 1:39, 1:45%. Track fast , — Mutuels Paid — * / Odds to . 11 , in* MOON BLUE 10.20 6.80 4.60 4.10 2.40 1.30 Mutuel rricesi victory banner 12.80 11.00 5.40 4.50 • l REAL SWEET 5.80 1.90 Winner— Br. f, by Grand Slam— Blue Boonlight, by Blue Larkspur, trained by L. F. Warby; bred by Miss Mary V. Fisher. WENT TO POST-5:34. OFF AT 5:341 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. MOON BLUE, within striking distance from the start, went up on the outside to reach command and outfinished VICTORY BANNER in the drive. The latter was between horses while closest to the pace, took the lead and drew clear after a half, then faltered near the end in a good effort. REAL SWEET went up between horses to be best of the others. AIR CURRENT challenged boldly on the far turn and quit. PHANTOM HEELS saved ground while well placed and quit. VALDINA VICAR was outrun. SEAMANS PAL was used up making the early pace. Scratched— 763572 Gee Teecee, 111; 76128 Gray Marvel, 109; 76232 Sweet Streak, 112; 75535 Wary Mary, 109; 75821 Wee Wee Marie, 106; 76494 Good Look, 111. Overweight— Twixt, 1 pound; Seamans Pal, 2. : NINTH RACE SUBSTITUTE DECLARED OFF Attendance, 8,659; Total Mutuel Pool, 36,755.

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