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Automatic Vending Machines Furnish Omaha Programs AK-SAR-BEN. Omaha, Nebr., May 21. — Ak-Sar-Ben. which opened its 35-day meeting: last Tuesday, continues to improve and expand its facilities for horsemen and the race-going- public. In addition to new physical developments on the Ak-Sar-Ben grounds this year, the Omaha civic organization has added to its concessions. For the first time on any track in the nation, automatic vending machines for the daily sale of programs have been installed. The streamlined machines, each of which holds a maximum of 1,500 programs, are equipped to make change on all sales. Patrons desiring field glasses are accommodated at Ak-Sar-Ben this year by a new concession booth which rents the glasses on a daily basis. The booth will also serve as a check room where horsemen and patrons may check their field glasses for the extent of the meeting.