Mount Royal Park, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-26

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MOUNT ROYAL PARK MONIREAL Que.. Tuesday. June 25. 1929 — Mount lto.val Park 1 mile. Second day. Hack River Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding steward. C. W Primrose. Associate stewards, B. l.akcr. K C. St Pere and A. Lab:Tge. Presiding Judge, II. J. Piskin. Associate judges. C»pt. II. IIa es, M. M. SI and R. Doyle. Starter. O. K. Palmer. Baring secretary, IJ. J. Biskin. Raring starts at 2:30 1». m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m. 9QAPQ FIRST RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. 00170 Nellie B , Aug. 23. 1916— 10G— 3—107. Purse 00. 3-ycar-elds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Met value to winner, 00; lecond, 60; third, 5. fourth. 5. E ]. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 37699 Potteiy 111 1« H Gibson 217J-100 38007 -Sol. dity 10* 2» It Feeney 45-100 37S88 Salvathorn 108 31 F Klniry 515-100 37581 Kvrwek 108 4i K Fator t 37888 Flora 103 5 T Grccco 485-100 37282" Haw thorn luj 61 J Bardalea 21180-100 37423 Itoyal Pearl 108 71 II Moore 14C5-100 36446Isohcl C. 103 8i I Hickman 3115 100 37890 Hu kl l.erry IDS I* HTryon MS-MI 36492 Mm Plake 10s. 10J H Price 4110-100 36412 I will E4gM 10-p 11 C Jackson laiVlou tMutuel field. Time. l:12* i. Track sloppy. inutucU paid— Pottery. straight, .r 5 place. *•- 00 show; Solidity, field. . CO place, .80 ■how; KaBathorn, .t 0 show. Kquivalci.t liookmg odds Pottery, 2171 to 100 Btraight. 127$ to 100 place, 30 to 100 sliow; Solidity, field. Ml to 100 place. 40 to 1«»0 sli..w; Salvathorn, 30 to 100 show. Winner Marsonia Stables b. f, 4. by Parisian Diamond Gallipot, by Galatine trained by P. De-laney; bred by Seagram Stable. Winner entered to be claim, d for J*00. Went to post— 3.03. Off at once. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. Scratched— MMS I.easide, 107; 3andW7 Shadow Dance. 114; :*i07 Lily Cup. 105; 3777s Tipsy, 100; 3C376 Al Holder, 108. Overweight. — Flora, 2 pounds; Leading Light. 1. OQA* SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Canon] 1 OOUOO Bridge. Aug. 19. 1916—1:00—4— 114. Purse 00. 2-ycar-olds. Met valu: to winner 00; second. 0, thiid, 5; fourth, 5. E i. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 37U98 Mo.-eile C. 103 l2 H Price 810-100 37767 Hark Simon 117 2?1 N Caruso 135-100 37825 Impertinent 114 3"k W Curran 305-100 37767 Goddess 103 41 N Fouliy MM-MJ 37698 John Bobert 103 U- H Tryon 3115 100 37825 Canaille 96 6» J Bardales 28MOO J7 350 3 Skirt 114 7» F Kiniry 1:5-100 Jungle Imp 111 8 J Snyder 2510-100 Time, 1:05S. Track sloppy. mutu Is paid— Moselle C. 8.20 straight, 95 place. .00 show; D.irk Simon, .90 place, .40 ■how; Impertinent. .50 show. Equivalent booking odds— Moselle C . 810 to 100 straight. 117J to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Dark Simon. 45 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Imperii -Bent. 25 to 100 show. Winner -II. E. Dunhams br. f, by Tryster — Clarice C. by ilencairu trained by U. E. Dun-bam; bred by" Mr. It. M. Eastman. Went to post — 3:40. At post — 1 minute. Start god and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. Scratched Fair Vagary, 10S; Mute, 114; Sorting Silk, 108. * CA*G/fl THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Ischga-iiOuOl: bibb.e, Aug. 25, 1916—1:13—4— 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 0: third, 5; fourth. 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 37885 Herbert 10J l1 F Bryson 470-100 37142 The Code 115 2nk F Kiniry 315-100 37891 !I»ouble Dare 10« 3J M M.tcheU Mi Ml 37G50tOk dona 10G 4« R Dugan 1325-100 37700 IionnaMona 111 5| R Moore 6S0 100 3«447 *Love Pirate 111 6" J Bardales 3f0-100 37827 Russet 110 7« W Curran 1415-100 37946 Dainty Maid 10G 8 R Feeney 2120 100 fSent out as Ul.hihoma. Time. 1:19%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid— Lady Herh-rt, 1.40 straight, 84 15 place. ?2 75 show; The Code. .85 place. 60 show; Double Dare. .75 show. Equivalent booking odds- I.adv Herb« rt, 470 to 100 ■traight. 1071 to 100 place. 374 to 100 show; The Oode. 92 J to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Double Dare. 371 to 100 show. Winner M. M. Shields cb. m. 5. by by Alan a Dale trained by M. M. Shields; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Winner entered to be claimed for M Went to post — 4 09. Off at once. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 37143 Sport Hallahan, 114; 37s.T: Tropelaine. ].»; 37952 -Probate. 110: 30457 Laddie Bin k, 118; 31101 Cyclamen. 113: 32077 Teal. 10*; 27751 Pile Star. 108: 37ss2 I.illie Cane. 99. Overweight — KasStt, 4 pounds. Qfiftt FOURTH RACE— 1 Mils and 70 OOvvltD Yards. Zodiac, Aug. 21. 191G — June-2:.-2!l-M.It 1 44 b— 5— 105. Purse 90. 3-year-olds pnd upward Caimir.g. Net value to winner 00; second. 0; third. 5: fourth, 5. i: l. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 37618 Cut ,n Star 110 1- W Cunan Ml Ml 37770 Fire Yvalch US 2J J Hastie 2P0-10C 378!».TDr Jits 110 .1 W McC.ibe Mi Ml 371 40lathaii 112 4"1 It Mooro ICr.lOl 37830 ■ 1 ullo 10s 5« H Tryon MM Ml 3782C,Kiumam 100 C1 F Faivell BM-BM 36676J Mi si- iiIl HI 7* M Mitclull MMM 37356 Happy Jack 112 S- ■ Fitor PM-MI S70C4 Flit M. Ill 9-1 F Kiniry f 379.50 -Fd lVndlcn 108 10s T Gtecco MS-MI 37885* I. y Essington IDS 11= H Gibson 1830 100 38012 Inipos il.lo 112 12 W Barr f tMutuel field Time, 1:S6V»- Track sloppy. mntiils paid— Cortigan Star. 1.20 straight, $««.-, place, SO show: Fire Watch. .55 place. |3 80 show; Dr. .liggs. 10 show. Eiiuivalent tiooking odds C.irtigan Star. 900 to 100 strn:ght, 232 to WO place, 140 to 1«K show; Fire Watch 127 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Dr. Jigga. 120 to 100 show. Winner H R. Frecks b g. 10. by Irish Ba-h — Maid of Ferinay, by Dunstable tram.-d by W. Mai-holland; bred in England by Mr. J. Noonan. Wia-aer entered to be elaiaaed f"r 1929.sh00. Went to post — 4:41. Off at once. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third easily. ■cnaekad MM Realtor, 112: 37771 John F. OMalley. 108; 3o3!8 Richelieu. 108; 37893 Otcal 109. tverw ights -Cortigan Star, 2 i»ounds; I.adv Es ■lngton. 3. orrected weiglit— I ady Essitigton. 108. Qfi £!£»££ FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Courser. dOVUW July 14. 1927— 1:39*,— G— 98. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 50; second 50; tluid, 1929.sh5; fourth. 5. Ku. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Strai-ht 377012F.ii- Class l"! I1 N l".,tiiiy ITo-ihi 38011 Biiiy Itaughn 103 2J H Price Ma-MI 37«4!i,n | aw 1 3ij 11 Caruso Ma-MI J7»46Maiat 100 41U j Iiardalea 585-100 •37704S..n I c Oro 1U2 and• T Grwco MS-MI 37882 3Joliiniy Agio lu5 6 at |MN 1400-UO Time. 50»%. Track sloppy. iniitucls pi. id Fair la.s. 10 straight. 90 Plaee. .10 show; Billy Baughn, $.3.25 plaee, .30 ahow; llobeaw. .15 show. Equivalent bo.. king oilds Fair Class. 170 to 100 at mi glit, 45 to 100 place, 15 tw 100 ahow; Billy 1 Baughu, 62 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Hob-caw. 7 to 100 show. Winner— W. J. Salmons b. g. 5. by Fair Play — Declas-ee. by Hapsburg trained by J. Tighe; bred by Mr. Edward B. Mcl.eani. Went to post — 5:19. At post — 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Win handily; second and third easily. Scratched— 38011 I.epanto, 103. OQACT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile ar.d 70 OOVU 4 Yards. Zodiac, Aug. 21. 1916— June-2;»-29-M.R 1:44%— 5— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 00, second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 378853Crepe Satin 108 1« E Fator 657-100 37831 »P.ady Edna 110 2J R Duggan 295-100 37585 Eyelash 108 31 N Fodcn 580 100 37287 Billy Beer 110 4s H Feeney 2915-100 37216*Bonny Castle 101 10 W Curran 915-100 36932 =First Dance 107 6! F Kiniry 145-100 3C4. 50* Sporting Life 95 7 J J Bardales OStO-100 31004 Milord 108 8s M Mitchell. 3445-100 37830*Boostor 100 93 G Cowans 29S0-100 37881 Lovera 110 10 W Curan 915-10 Time, 1:55. Track sloppy. mutuels paid- Crepe Satin. 3.15 straight. place, .00 show: Lady Edna. .50 place. .25 show: Eyelash. .75 show. Equivalent book odds Crepe Satin. C57* to 100 straight. 212 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show: Lady Edna. 175 to* 100 place, 02 to 100 show; Eyelash, 87i to 100 show. Winner — H. Gross ch. c, 4. by Morvich — Palestra, by Prince Palatine trained by G. L. Hamilton: lurd by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post — 5:53. Off at once. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. Scratched— 37047 Courser. 107: 30.82 Arsacid. 108: .",7s2ir;Afton. 107: 37480 Foreman, 102; 3727 Atador, 100; 30852 Bethlehem, 110. Overweights — BoosWr. 3 pounds; Lovera, 2. •CrTlaO SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 OolPlJO Yards. Zodiac, Aug. 21. 1916— Jline-2."i-29-AI.R 1:44%— 5— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 0; third. 5; fourth, 5. Eq. Odds Ind norse. Wt. Fin, Jockey. Straight. 37886 Velero 105 1"" E Fator 1910-100 37826*Shup 107 23 S Hickman t595-100 37 827 Fornovo 102 3J T Grecco 455-100 37838 Scissors 102 4J M Mitchell 245-100 37831 Acrostic 108 5 H Pierce 29SO-100 36410 Annie Grace 107 6:i Ii Feeney t 36416 Trifle 108 71 F Kiniry 305-100 29086 Durbcrville 104 8 J Bardales 3965-100 37949 Vie HO 9« II Gibson t 37425 Snowfall 102 10 F Bryson 1480-100 37892 Cora 100 11* H Tryon 695-100 37282 Lord Douglas 111 12 R Moore 2985-100 tMutuel field. Time. 1:56%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid— Velero, 0 20 straight, .35 place. show; Shup, .30 place, .05 show; Fornovo. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds — Velero. 1910 to 100 straight. 3174 to 100 place. 230 to 100 show; Shup. 115 to 100 place, 52 to 100 show; Fornovo, 70 to 100 show. ■Winner— W. J. McAuIeys ch. g. 6. by Under Fire — Evening Song, by Hamburg trained by M. J. Simmons; bred by Mr. Thomas Piatt. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. Went to post — 6:27. At post — 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third easily. Scratched— 38013 Street Lis. 100: 37886 Dr. Mayer. 10C: 30995 Captain Stevenson, 106; 38010 Un. en Bee. 101. Overweights — Velero. 3 ponnds; Lord Douglas, 3; Annie Grace, 2: Trifle, 4; Snowfall, 2. Corrected weight — Annie Grace, 105.

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Local Identifier: drf1929062601_22_1
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