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FAIRMOUNT PARK COLLINSVILLE. ILL., TUESDAY, JUNE 25. 1929. — Fairmount Park 1 Mile. Twenty-seventh day. Fair-mount Jockey Club. meeting of 37 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards, J. B. Campbell. A. T. Spivey and Capt. E. C. Walker. Judges, Rrowuell Berryman. R. S. Sh. Iley and P. C. Galliger. Starter, W. Snyder. Racing Secretary, J. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00 p. ml. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Figures iii parei. theses following the distance of each race indicate horse, dfite, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicate apprentice allowance. 00/0/4j FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Candy Oueen. June 24. 1926—1:00—2—101. Purse ,000. «3 C? V clt "7.: 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; June-2.".-2!M .P second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 37921 THISTLE LAD w 115 11 11 1» Is 1« V Smith G Collins 4.r L,-100 36465 COAI Y w 115 4 3 5l 51 5 J 2* A Prgrass Oakland Farm Stable 596-100 35650 KI.MB THE GREATw 115 2 2 2"k 2« 21 3f V Wallis P T Chinn 3M7-100 37921 ROYAL SPADE w 115 7 7 61 6« G* 4h T Burns Mis D L Keiffer 12756-100 TALLADY w 115 6 6 31 4» 4l 51 D O Hrdy W F Strauss t2471-100 BLANTON w 115 9 8 41. 31 3= 6" J Parmlee J C Milam 253-100 PANMAN w 115 8 9 7»- 83 7* J Berry G W Belknap t RIVER FOREST w 115 3 4 10 10 91 81 M Meyer Gentry and Curran 604 S 100 37322 JIM iKMONT w 11 i 10 10 8: 7« 8 9J M Knight M J Whalen 1000-100 37677 C.YISY BLOOD w 115 5 5 9 95 10 10 L Trimble Keeneland Stud Stable 255-100 tCoupled as W. F. Strauss and O. W. Belknap entry. Time. :24*i, :50. 1:04. Track heavy. , 52 MUTUELS PAID . ,-EaUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-THISTLE LAD 1.04 .94 .74 452—100 147—100 87—100 OOADY 7.62 4.74 281—100 137—100 ELMER THE GREAT 9.04 352—100 Wii.ner— B. c, by Wrack — Margie C. by Fair Flay trained by B. Haughton; bred by Estate of B. Kirkwocd. Y/ENT TO POST— 2 00. AT POST— 2 minutes. Siart go 1 and si w. Won easily; *•■■ ond and third driving. TIIISII.K I. All, under a food ride, displayed the nio-t speed, set the pace to the stretch, then shook off Ei.MER THE CHEAT and drew cway to win as his rider pleased. COADY raced prominently to the stretch, tie n saved much ground on the inside, wearing down ELMER THE GUIAT in the last eighth. B MB THE CHEAT forced a good pace to the stretch, but tired in the final drive. ROYAL SIAIE finished fast. PALI.ADY tired. RI. ANTON gave way in the final eighth. led ::7i77 Njtus. 115; PJKI Harold Ormont. 115: Bearcry. 115. 8ft1 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. My D.-n;y, Sept. 7. 1928— 1:11 = 5— 3—106. Purse ,000. i-OOvltitJ year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 5700; second. 00; third, Jline-2..-2.l-I.P 00. Claiming price. ,600; if for l:ss. 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,200. Index Horses AWtPISt i; -, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37556 PATSY II w 4 108 5 4 1» 1» l4 1" V Smith W D Lew is BS-MI 37678-M K"i:Y HHH w 5 110 10 1 31 31 31 2« A Plgrass G W Ogle ttt-Wt 37860 ETIFL Oftf JJOBB w 5 110 3 6 2nt 1*1 211 3 M Rose W* M Cain 40T 100 37K05 mjSKRTKEB wr. C 113 4 5 Cl 4* 4* 4J V AVallis G E Pruett 3i9-10 37509 llKV SuM.MHRS W I 110 C 8 74 5» 5 5* L Martin Murdock and McQuillan 61S-100 25191 IUOO BRANCH w 6 113 9 3 8 7= 61 63 T Burns Mrs D I, Keiffer N »-l • 367881 HARRY CARROLL w 6 110 8 9 93 S1 8s 71 J Berry | Louis 8809 -100 37I87* iYI:RI.I:T «B4Mi 2 7 4" G3 71 S11 C Turk J II OMalley SSittl-lOO 30735 STRYCHNINE w I 110 110 10 10 9 9l J ParnVlee R L Logsdon 17281100 37323BLACK NAN w 5 M 7 2 S1" 95 10 10 J D Collins A P Foley 1490-100 Time. :24. :4844. 1:15=;.. Track heavy. r- MUTUELS PAID . -EQITIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PATSY H I 6.66 .54 .94 233—100 127—100 47—100 MARJORY SETH 9.22 4.10 361—100 105—100 ETHFL GALLIGER 3.38 69—100 Wiiuici -1$. f. by Sir John Johnson — Frances Star, by Star Shoot trained by W. D. Lewis; bred by Mr. .1 Spenccrl. Winner entered to l»e claimed for .0X10. WENT TO POST— 2:31. AT POST— 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PATSY II sl.oucd much the in. -t speed and raced away into a long bad to the last eighth, but tired completely and was lucky to win. MARJORY SETH. always a contender, came fast on the out-aide in the final drie. dispwsed of ETHEL GALLICER, almost wore down the winner and would have won in another stride. ETHEL ,AI I.ICKlt raced in closest puisuit of the leader, but began tiring in the last seventy yards. MUSKETEER saved much ground on the inside, finished fast aud close up HENRY SOMMKKS gained giound. COVERLET and BLACK NAN quit. ■mH4a» -CTM Hustle Beauty, 10!l: 37S05 = Doctor Clcnn. 107: 37806 Rundark. 107: 376783Golden Top. 97: n 0 Florence Kranz. 10l: ;:7ii83 Partake, 103; 37678 Lemnos, 110: 37509 Kathleen K., 105. Overweight — Strychnine, 3 pounds. * Of* £i THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Helens Babe. Jvne 16, 1928— 1:14-—5— UlT Purse OOUuvP £1.000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 21; Jiinc-2..-29-F.P third. 14. Claiming price. ,600; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,200. Index norseg A Wt PPM V4 % *4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str"t 87807M.I./.i; wb G 105 2 2 1» 1» 1 lllJG Fowler S Louis Btt-MI 37750 Tl!. I.Y DORAN wb 1 113 1 3 41 4b 4« 3 2»" V Smith J H E.lwards BS-1M 37807 IMNKIR wn 4 110 3 1 2" 3 2 21 3 M Knight ■ McCuan D8-MI 37922*li:K- IIAWLEY w 5 115 7 7 C» 6« 51 41 4« C Turk G F Jenkins CS-M 37928M,irn; wu 4 116 6 6 3« 2"k 31 5» 5» V Wallis G E lruett IM-1M 37809 BQBBT BASIL wu 3 100 4 6 51 5 6,: 6 - G° L Trimble E E Major BS-1M 37678 1RNMAN w G 110 • 4 7 7 7 7 7 O Cblland J Goe.lcke Jr 14101-100 Time, :24%, :49;. 1:16;. 1:43. 1:50. Track heavy. r- MUTUELS PAID — . -EQUIVAL R BOOKING ODDS BEAZE 7.66 .30 .00 2283—100 1065—100 380—100 BILLY DORAN 6.08 3.G2 154—100 81 — 100 PUNKIE 4.88 144—100 W nn r P.r g. by Diazes -Violet Tip, by Fair Flay trained by G. Peterson; bred by Mr. Joshua B. okIIO. Winner cut. red to Im- claimed for .2110. WENT TO POST— 3:05. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start tood and slow. Won easily; ecund and third driving. BLAZE raced into the lead ami i e!d ti.e o.Ihis safe under restraint to the stretch turn, where he •asily Mil.slsxl a I alienee from I[NKIE anil drew away in the final eighth. RII.I.Y DOBAM ried Closed up on the outside, saving much ground and. gaining steadily on the inside In the stretch. ontgamed llNKIE. PUNKIE. always a louteiiuer, challenged the winner repeatedly, but was held safe and tired in the final drive. FRANK IIAWLEY gained some ground in the last quarter. PIUTE wu done in the stretch. Scratched— 37928 Sue Barker. 105; 37985 Boulevardier, 105; 37860 Hesitation, 98. Overweight — Hobby Basil, 4 pounds. —3 OO/Ory FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. False Pride, Sept. 8. 1928—1:05—4—106. Purse ,000. and0J%y 4 2-year-o!ds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Claim- Juue-2. -29-F.P ing price. ,200; if for more, 1 pound extra for each additional 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37402 ANGEL BRIGHT w 112 13 ll 1«| l2 V V Smith B B Rice 16J-100 37921 PERJURY w 106 2 4 3» 3 2J 2* J Higgina A B Hancock 524-100 37744 BARONNE w 107 3 5 2» 21 3i 3J1 J Ford Mullrick Stable 16291-100 37622 ANNEX w 109 5 8 61 4 41 4 1 M Knight A J Pershall 533100 37622 TEXAS LONGHORN w 107 4 7 7 6* 5« 5» C Turk Mrs H G Knott 1033-100 37622 LARGO LIGHT w 109 7 2 4" 51 6« 6« J Berry A L Smitha 760-100 37 744PANIYANA w 105 9 6 8« 71 7» 7« L Trimble Keeneland Stud Stable 7S7-100 37460 BE EASY w 109 6 9 9998"V Wallis Oakland Farm Stable 6171 100 37859 MID MINT w 105 8 1 5" 8« 8» 9 A P*rgrasa Mrs M Wolff 3027-100 Time, :24. :49, 1:02, 1:08%. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , -EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ANGEL BRIGHT .24 .96 .00 162—100 98—100 50—100 PERJURY 4.58 4.68 129—100 134—100 BARONNE 54.40 2620—100 Winner — B. f. by Sweep On— Bright Angel, by St. Ammt trained by B. B. Rice; bred by Himyar Stud. Winner entered to be cla.m. d for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:39. AT POST— 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ANGEL BRIGHT, racing in her best form under a good ride, always displayed the most speed and easily won all the way, hut was ridden out in the late stages. PERJURY, a factor from the start, kept close up to the leaders and. coming gamely at the end. got up to oat finish BARONNE. The latter raced in closest pursuit of the leader, forced the pace to the stretch turn, but tired in the last eighth. ANNEX gained ground and ran a good race. TEXAS LONGHORN ran well. LARGO LIGHT showed some early speed. Scratched— 37622 Valdosta. 118. Overweights — Baronne. 2 pounds; Be Easy, 1. OO/ljOO FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. False Pride. S?pt. 8. 1928—1:05 — 4—106. Highland OOvOO Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner Jiine-25-29-1 .P 50; second, 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt H Mi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37926BEN MARSHALL w 3 106 1 3 P* 9 l" Is T Burns Mra I • L Keiffer 230-100 30280 CHARE BERGIN w 4 107 3 2 2» 2« 2» 21 L Trimble J C Milam 471-100 37681 POLY w 5 105 4 5 5« 5» 4« 3* V Smith Mullrick Stable 594-100 37561 CAROLER wb 5 110 6 4 4 3 3" 4« J Berry E Kane 170-100 34897 CADET wb 4 105 2 6 6 6 6 5» C Miller E E McCullun 4586-100 37463ELLA BANK wb 3 100 5 1 and 4» 5 6 A Prgrass J W Marchbank 1615-100 Time. :23%. :48. l:00*i. 1:07%. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID EUUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-BEN MARSHALL .60 .18 .44 230—100 59—100 22—100 CHARLIE BERGIN 4.76 3.34 138—100 67—100 POLY 2.98 49—100 Winner — Br. g. by Dis Done — Palette, by Peter Pan trained by L. Keiffer; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. WENT TO POST— 4:09. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and rIow. Won easily; second and third driving. BEN MARSHALL raced into the lead, gamely set a fast pace and carried CHARLIE BERGIN along at a fast pace to the stretch, finally outgamed and shook off the latter to wiu going away. CHARLIE BERGIN raced close up on the outside, forcing the pace to near the last eighth, then was outgamed and tired. POLY, outrun in the early stages, gained much ground in the last quarter, outstaying CAROLER, which raced on the outside. ELLA BANK showed early speed. Overweights — Ben Marshall. 1 pound: Ella Bank. 3. — l OOffcOQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Helens Babe. June 16, 1928— 1:44%— 5— 111. Purse OOvOlJ ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claim ng. Net value to winner June-2.*»-29-l .P 00; second. 00; third, 00. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37809*THISTLE TRCESSw 3 99 4 4 lJ 1 1« 1»1 ll G Fowler G F Jenkins 2510-100 37922 *BLUE BLOOD w 4 111 3 3 2* 2» 2* 2» 21 T Swigert W rbillips DO-100 37980 FANTA w 3 103 1 2 5J 5» 31 3» 3* M Rose C OMalley 905-100 37682 SISTER PAL w 3 105 6 5 8 7l 6» 41 4» A Prgraas Oakland Farm Stable 796-100 37750*BARONINA wb 3 98 8 8 41 41 4 6J 5 V Smith Keeneland Stud Stable 7:12-100 37682*BRAY ANNIE w 7 105 2 6 71 8 8 8 6"» G White Irrepressible Stable 6732-1W 37807 JENNY DEAN w 5 110 7 1 3 3» 5* 6l 7» M Knight C W Hay 291-100 37682 EDITH GRAY w 4 111 5 7 6» 6« 7» 7* 8 L Martin Mrs H Otto 1061-100 Time, :24%, :49%. 1:16%. 1:43%. 1:50%. TTack slow. , — MUTUELS PAID s ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS THISTLE PRINCESS 2.20 4.24 .26 2510—100 612—100 313—100 BLUE BLOOD 386 2.86 93—100 43—100 FANTA 5.66 183— 1C0 Winner — Ch. f, by Spanish Prince II. — Atala, by Star Shoot trained by G. P. Jenkins, bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 4:43. AT POST— 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. THISTLE PRINCESS, suddenly improved, raced into the lead on the first turn and. continuing wel! under a good ride, held sway all the way and outlasted BLUE BLOOD. The latter raced in closest pursuit of the leader, but was held safe and. tiring in the final drive, just outlasted FANTA, which, moved up fast entering the stretch and finished well. SISTER PAL also made up ground in the last five-sixteenths. BARONINA and EDITH GRAY were off awkwardly. JENNY DEAN ran well for the first half mile, then tired. Scratched— 37509 Crafty Saint, 105. Overweights — Thistle Princess, 2 pounds; Baronina, 4. Corrected weight — Jenny Dean, 110. QOaTa SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Helens Babe, June 16, 1928— 1:44%— 5— 111. Purse OOVV ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; June-25-29-F.P third. 00. Claiming price. ,600; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37865"FRIGIITFUL w 7 107 6 9 5 3" 3"k 21 11 V Smith J D Grant 820-100 37865FOREBEC w 4 117 5 G 4 4» P 1, 2i V Wallis G E Pruett 712-100 376793MILES TRIOR w 5 114 3 2 1» 1" H 31 3J J Berry E E Major 236-100 378CI MISS MARYLAND w 4 107 2 5 61 61 6 5 4» M Knight Mrs E H Barto 634-100 37807 CANNON CLUB w 4 107 8 1 3» 5» 5« 4* 5" C Turk M M Wallace 3764-100 371881PONIMOI w 8 107 4 10 7 7« 7» 7» 6J L Martin C Irby 2361-100 37861 ERIN GO BRAGHwr. 4 110 1 4 211 2 4* 6! 72 M Rose W M Cain MMM •TM1 "SWOOP wi: 6 105 10 3 91 9« 8 8» 8s G Fowler Nugent Bros 536-100 :;7678 THi: RUNT wb S 111 7 8 8"k 81 9" 9" 9" J Sherry Mullri k Stable 962-100 37514 AL STEBLER wb 9 110 9 7 10 10 10 10 10 O Clelland Three I Stable 17373-100 Time. :24%. :49%. 1:18, 1:42%. 1:49%. Track slow. , MUTUELS PAID , ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- FRIGHTFUL 8.40 0.18 .60 820—100 409—100 130—100 FOREBEC 1106 4.48 453—100 124—100 MILES PRIOR 2.84 42—100 Winner — Ch. g. by Friz7.1e — Spiteful, by Orlando trained by J. D. Grant: bred by Mrs. C. W. Moore. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 5:15. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good aud slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FRIGHTFUL, racing iu his best form under a good ride, steadily improved his position while working h s way up to the leaders gradually and. in a hard final dr.e. just got up to wear down and outlast rOREl.EC. The latter, close up under lestraiut, made a strong move entering the stretch, but was carried wide, got to the fiont gamely, but could not withstand the winner at the end. Mil. US PRIOR set the early pace and held on well to the stretch turn, but tired when FOREBEC headed hiiu. MISS MAKYLAND ran a good race and saved much ground on the inside. CANNON CLUB tired.