Long Branch Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06


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I J LONG BRANCH ENTRIES Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 P m mFirst First Race 34 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordDick Dick Whittington Sept 5 1927 113 3 106 106Ind Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtIIan AWtIIan48423s 48423s 4 Billy BozoLB 100 110 4 111 725 7254S057 4S057 9 Noirette 4 109 720 48342 C Sinaste Thf 107 117 5 111 715 7154S1C2 4S1C2 SThcone AC 110 114 3 100X710 48407 1C Danbanm FP 107 114 4 114 705 48215 5 Surface HdG 102 117 4 111 700 4804 1 1 Singlestick LB 101 115 4 111 095 48423 2 Alice Herx M LB 101 118 4 109 695 43234 3 Branch Pom 99 115 3 101X695 48423 13 Scrgeant Major Wdb 102 115 5 105XC95 105XC954CS11 4CS11 7 Anne Boleyn M HdG 111 115 3 105 690 69040147s 40147s 10 Jeannine M Bbg 104 115 3 101 690 48343 ll RosswinMHam 95 118 4 09 COO 46321 12 Wandering Gold GoldM M Bow 108 110 98 COO 48217 14Venarock M HdG 100 116 3 100 COO 48467 15 Dream Daddy Hav 103 113 7 111x690 111x690Second Second Racs 58 Mile MileBrantford Brantford Purse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Philosophy June 13 1927 101 2 103 48216 8 Imaginary Thf 100 103 109 725 48293 0 At Random Thf 100 102 112 720 72048105s 48105s 4 Trice Thf 100 102 112 715 47976 9 Fess Wdb 110 103 102 710 48210 13 Dancing Mack Thf 116 102 112 703 47970 10 Hayloft 102 700 47877 11 Bold Wdb 110 104 102 C95 47790s 12 Sustain AVdb 112 101 112 695 48210 1 Baboo Thf 100 103 109 COO 47070s 2 Candy ManAVdb 110 103 102 600 47815 3 Clcarwing Thf 100 102 112 690 46705 14 Pretty Boy 109 COO 5 Fair Speed 100 7 Spanish Indian IndianThird 100 Third Racs 78 Mile Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record recordCross Cross Word Aug 22 1029 127 48467 5 Watkinson Thf 112 120 1204S204 C 104X725 4S204 2 Noon Thf 100 129 1294S424 C 110X720 4S424 3 Billy AVarrcn LB 110 131 1314C5S9 9 101X715 4C5S9 7 Fenlight C 110 710 48294 10MiIcstone Thf 09128 4 105X705 41519 4 Rhyme and Rca son 5 101X700 48425 SPlucky PalLB 108 132 5 106X095 40740 9 Helen Handsel Handsel4S343 5 102 003 4S343 1 Recognition Thf 100 129 4 112 090 47284 CSun Rock C OOXC90 42SCO ll Dushka Thf 108 128 5 100 090 Fourth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dick AVhittington Sept 3 1927 113 3 100 C PANDORUS 3 107 725 2PIaguer Ham 114 114 5 1041715 4Fair Oil FE 101 110 4 102X710 3Assail Dor 106 113 4 103X703 4 103 700 4S1W2 1 Archipelago M Thf 103 116 3 102 6054S231 693 4S231 9 Magnita 4 4107G95 4107G954S015 107 G05 4S015 5 Twenty One OneShillings Shillings M 3 101 COO COO4S042 4S042 7 Jubilee Star M Thf 107 110 3 101 COO COOFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordKing King Basil Sept 5 1027 145 3 107 48340s 3 Judge Bartlett Lrl 11C 146 5 115 725 18221 2 Lommern Pirn 11G 140 4 115X720 48343 7 Letalone Mia 100 140 4 113 715 48310 4 Rejuvenation Bbg 115 145 7 113X710 48108 1 Blazing Cinch Mia 110 148 4 110X705 110X7054S34C 4S34C S Fair Orb Thf 101 130 3 103X700 103X70048100s 48100s C Fair Thorn HdG 104 140 4 108 605 38010 5 Fair Man Jam 125 l48m 0 108X690 108X690Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Purse 1000 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Ncalon Kay Sept 5 1928 139 1 103 3 Justa Flapper HUG 100 143 3 100X725 5 AVest AVind 5 109X720 CLieutenant II AVdb 113 141 10 101715 14 AVrackster AVdb 105 143 3 105X710 7 Fair Folly 3 100 705 13 Leadgold Aur 107 140 m 3 103X700 8Star MFG FG 110 143 3 91 695 12 Isostasy AVas 110 139 5 106X695 15 Fire Girl Tom 95 141 1411Guarany 3 97 695 1Guarany 4 102 C90 2 Reigh Shot LB 98 113 1134Uppity C 101 690 4Uppity 4 101X690 90n Trial 3 01 COO 10IIigh Dell 3 07 000 11 Ilandiworker StJ 110 145 Ssventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordKing King Basil Sept 3 1927 143 3 107 48429 9Billy Baughn Mia 107 147 6 103X72 103X7248124s 48124s 3 Deronda Hav 108 147 9109X72 48295 0 Corposant Hav 104 147 7 100X71 100X714S110 4S110 12 Dclan Jam 122 147 C 100X71 48107 7Fhir Girt AC 102 148 4101X70 48423 1Joe Adams Ilav 107 140 5 104X70 48105s 4 Sweetest Song CP 94148 5 103 OS 1 I 48107 = 3Thvmon Thf 93 14S 47352 SLucie Ann Dor 105 148 48428 2Magdalcna AC 110 140 4S29S 10 Natures Darling Aur 104 14S 14S4S120 4S120 11 Innkeeper Thf 05 148

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_10_7
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_10_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800