4th Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

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4th Belmont Ornament Handicap 1200 Added 3j earolds Jack High 1 Mile 3Tay 24 1930 135 4 110 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan4S1903 4S1903 Starpatic Bel 114 138 1215 725 48274 Dunsany 1231720 12317204719S 4719S Phillip 117 715 71547C911 47C911 Quarter Deck Bel 112 l42m 112 710 71047S593 47S593 Aldershot 121 705 Ind Horse Wt Rec AAVtHan AAVtHan47C19 47C19 Breezing ThrnLex 112 142 120X700 120X70047274s 47274s Buckeye Poet Lex 112 140 125XC93 48270 Hornpipe MBel 109 138 110 090 48137 Susie Jane 114XC90 The past performances ol the horses entered In this race together with latest workout anC racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt i StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Stnrnatic 1 Qfi Ch c 3 ty star Master Simpatica by Friar Rock RockLast Last work 15C 58102 t J Jv v Trainer F E Brown Owner F E Brown y 3130Bel 1 l38V gd 12 118 6 5 55i 35 KelsayW2 G Whichone HSSwinfield 118 Maya 118 S ay27305Bel 1 137iigdl710o 114 7 3 3l 3J KelsayW4 9 Red Rag 110 Maya 110 Snowflafce 114 A Kay 1330 Jam 1 l4Gft 1320 118 3 2 22 2 EllisG3 5 Cesare 105 Khara 108 Frumper 112 S SMa7 Ma7 6302Jam 2 lllft 12 112 2 2 22 1J EllisG1 5 Okaybee 113 Fantad 112 Holiday 118 A AMaj Maj l30JJam 2 l12ft 135 117 3 2 31 11 ElllsG1 C Tuskegccl23Concavcl09GoucAway 114 A AApr29303Jam Apr29303Jam 2 l12ft 35 110 6 3 2i 1 KelsayW 9 RmyBawlOo Martisll4 HolidayllG A Starts 1st 2n 1 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 1 2 2 1800 This year 7313 3750 Dunsany c 3 y Dunboyne Nellie Grey by Book DunsanyLast Last work 15C 34 l20ft Trainer R Waldron Owner Mr Pembroke Jun 230 = Bel 2 me lll ft 7 113 4 2 1 I3 EllisG4 9 QkStcpllOBcyePoetl20DlinsSon 113 A 530 01 2 me lllft 115 109 4 3 331 51 KelsayW2 12 llilaria 100DunlinsSonl05Folking 114 A Maj2230Bel I me l25gd 10 118 5 4 5H 8 ° EllisG llPolygamousllSLimbusllSQucstiore 118 S Mayl3303Jam 2 l12ft 10 11G 3 1 I2 1 KelsayW2 5 QstionnairellCTuskegeol25KcepOn 111 A May 9303Jam 2 l12ft 5 117 4 3 4i 4 J SteffenE 5 Lahor HSCrazyCoot 125QuickStep 11C H KoslS29Bow 2 114 syl310 116 G 3 2 lnk FatorL 3213 Starference llGScotFrcellGFrumpcrllO M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 10 1 2 1 1850 This year 5 2 0 0 1000 1000Phillip Phillip 1 1 17 B c 3 by Peter Pan Washoo Belle by Sweep SweepLast Last work 150 12 50Ct Trainer W E Caskoy Jr Owner W E Caskcy Jr JrMay May 3303Pim 2 l12Vift 24 110 4 2 Il V RobtsnA3 15 Ned 0 112 Mucker 110 Al Green 104 S May 230Pim 2 l13ft 33 110 2 1 1 2h RobtsonA2 G Al Green 110 Sir James 110 Zida 109 A Apn21303HdG 2 113 ft 12 1091 4 1 I2 1 EabyJ2 7 Flimsyl07JniyMoran ilOFnateY thll2 A AJul Jul G29AP 5J f l05ft Glf 116 4 8 13213 ShankJ 1C ThlcAnn 119LostAgncs 113Makcs 113 S Jul 229 AP i 102 e 4 113 1 2 31 41 ShanUsJ C MorselllSJimmyMoranlllWildMint 102 A Jual929JBB i 100 ft 63 115 5 1 1 1 CurranW 9 Rayo llOBrwnThistle 109Wrackell 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 0310 2575 1 This year 3 Q 6840 Quarter Deck 1 If IfLast Br c 3 by Man o War Trace by Tracery Last work 150 12 51ft JL Trainer M Hirscb Owner M L Schwartz Mv2030iBel Ifg 14S m 81C 102 1 2 3 3H RoscG 4 Glotisin 112 Sepoy 112Dcstiny Bay 102 A Alh JUylG30Bcl 1142 m 165 112 1 1 1M lh 2f EabyJ 4 BudBrooml21KaiFcngllOSpcarhead 100 II M r 730 Jam la l45ft 7 102 2 3 3 3 RoscG1 C Panucoll3Ironsidesll5onc Away 110 U UGJ Apc2630Jam 2 l13V ft 8 110 2 5 5Not GJ 7 J WalsP lOSxveepOut 114iudBroomll4PerkIiis 115 H Not 129Pim l lj j 147 m 90 122 11 15 15Oct2329 15 = 13 WullsP 15 Flylnsllcels inSplnarh 119Gnaday 110 S Oct2329 Emp 5J f l05ft 2 111 1 2 2OcL2329Emp 2 2 WallsP 4 Qusfurell2JBudBr iiil22G nI lunicll4 A OcL2329Emp 5J f l09V sl 32 110 4 4 4Oct 3i 31 McAteeL 5 Spinach 111J Martls 110 Dim Ray 110 A Oct S29Mam g l13ft 75 120 1 1 1tDisquallfied V 1 WallsP 10 Spnntaft 117Rassclns 120WeDuuIt 120 A tDisquallfied tDisquallfiedt t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdThis Last year 41 1 l This year 4002 JUdersIlCt I O Ch c 3 by Man o War Coronis by Votsr VotsrLast Last work 152 12 4Sft L JL Trainer H McDaniel Owner G A Coehran JfcjSlWEel 2 lllft 145 1071 C 5 Ci 3l KelsnyW 9 LyCapuletlllJustinlantlGKalFnK 1CSJ A MvlGMBel J me l29f m l2o IIS 12 1 1 1 BurlccJII1 12 Milkman 118 Xcnofol 118 Balmoral 113 S St t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wnn This year 2 1 0 1 4023 4023Breezing1 Breezing1 Thru 1 Of B c 3 by North Star III La Mome by Soninlaw Last work 150 3S 35ft Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradloy Maj1730sCD H 207gd Sic 12G G 14 IS ISo o MayT11 15 GlantFosl2CGlantKnlghtl2CNedO 120 S My SSOLex Ifs l44ft 1710a 115 1 1 2 2J SmithJ 3 Tannery 115 Buckeye Poet 115 A AC Apr263G Lex 1 l10 ft 2910o 112 1 4 5 J 3 SmitliJ C BuekeyePoet 112Sydneyl 15 Dedicate 115 A K i2G29Bow 5125 ft 310 115 2 1 41 41 LegercE 1 7 IIackyIIn3PIickyPlayll3WeDunltlOG A JfoT209Bow 1 l2GV gd 1 111 2 1 1 1 LcgereE 8 Sistony 100 Rain orShine 100 Titns 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9301 2800 This year 3 0 1 0 100 100JJuckcye JJuckcye Poet 1 OfC Br c 3 by Black Toney May Bird by Thrush ThrushLast Last work 150 38 35ft J O Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley Jun 230Bel jj me lllft 12 120 7 7 C31 3 LcgcroE1 S luusanyll3QuickStcp HODliasSon 113 A i Maj27305Bel ll37gd 20 112 4 C 9 ° 9 LcgorcE Ited Rag 110 Maya 110 Starpatle 114 A JIarl7305CD 1J 207gd SJo 12G 5 8 12 13 = = LcgercE 15 5lantKoxl2CGfIantKniBlitl2CNedO 120 S JIa 330 Lex j l14f 1 17lOe 113 3 3 3 3 LesercE 3 Tannery 115 Breezing Thru 115 A AC 2G30 Lex 1 lJO ft 2910e 112 65 ft I1 LegcreK1 C Sydney 115Dodicite 115nayBladcs 112 A Koil229Pim 2 lI2 9i 117 2 2 1 I1 LegercE 9 Sun Falcon 112 Skirl 117 Sistony 112 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 2 10 5 4500 This year 5 1 0 2 800 Hornpipe 1 f B c 3 M by Chantey Balance by Rabelais RabelaisLast Last work 151 34 l18sd JLLv Trainer J Pitzsimmons Owner Whsatley Stable StableJun Jun 230Bol ll37Jift 20 117 5 2 4l 71 BurkcJII1 a Moine 107CleanIlay 118StormyDn 124 H S30 Bel ll36ift 13 100 8 C 5i 51 BurkeJH 8 CoinCollictorlOSGayPastlOGAwakc 115 S Sjj230 jj230 = Bel 1 140 gd 15o 112 1 1 31 3l BurkeJHM 17 Ba Wee lOlMilkman 112Crucifixionll2 A ASep Sep 529Cel ojfwc l0aft 30 109J 6 S S l S i BurUeJH 12 DnlinsSiillOSirJohrn 117Stanion 100 A AApt2G295Jam Apt2G295Jam 102 gd 3e 115 2 5 3Ji 2i MaibenJ 8 Grattan HSShan Tuns 113 Talky 115 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 0 1 0 200 This year 3 0 0 1 100 Susie Jane JaneLast Br f 3 by Wegofol Oktibbena by Eock Sand Last work 150 3S 33 tt irainsr W M Wallace Owner lono Star Stable JLv30C06Be 3 l28hy 53 114 G G G G JlertzII C Kai Feng 121 Voltear 110 Chatford 120 H HJJbrSO JJbrSO lBo v Ije l43 ft 4910f 101 13 14 141 SJ RcnicUS 15 Snowflikcl03S tS tnrtll41 lkyI IaylOS S j Jfoi2721Bo v I l23ft Gi 100 8 4 3 = i 1 LcischnU 14 UubMcFarrdl5Kasselasll2Flamlngll2 M Not 729Pi a 1 l47 ft 12 115 3 4 5i 41 LcgereE 12 Titus 118 Frumper 118 Scot Free 115 A Octl4C9Lr 3 l13ft 51 102 6 5 5JJ 3 = 1 LshmanR J 7 Khara llGMnrky CJoud llGConclave 108 A AStarts Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won = Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Last year 8 1 00 950 This year 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800