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1st Belmont Widener course lark Field Purse Purse 1000 2year Mile olds claimnS Distraction June 4 1927 56 2 125 125JCOTE JCOTE Claiming price 7500 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 500 to 6000 Weight 120 pounds Winners of 3000 at any time or of two races at the meeting not to be entered for less than 7500 Ronwinners ut the meeting allowed 3 pounds Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 47092 Abduction 114 725 72547657s 47657s Blind Lane 111 720 48273 Zinn Bel 115 101 111X715 111X71548273s 48273s Kensington Bel 109 100 105 710 48079 Alpine Girl 108 703 Horse Wt Rec AWtHjn AWtHjnHeedless Heedless M 111 700 700Crushed Crushed Stone Bel 110 102 103 C93 C93Beau Beau Jolie M 111G90 111G90Virtue Virtue 114 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workoui and racing record Date Crs DisTlme Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Abduction 111 Bl Cl 2 by Crimper Resist by Ballot BallotLast Last work 15G 38 3SftLLy Trainer P M Burch Owner H E Talbott Jr Ma2030sBcl 4Jfwc 56 m 1110 114 2 1 11 1 ColtilcttlF1 8 GoldenLegendll7PirtomCrdll4Zinn 112 O Jfej 930Plm 4J f 55ft 3 120 2 3 2 1 CollettiF 7 Avalon 120 Forte 120 Panetian 115 A Maj l30 Pim 4J f 53ft 2310 116 2 1 2 IJ ColIettlF 12 Voltabusblll ShieldllO ImaginaryllS 0 Apc2230HdG 4J f 51ft 2e 119 1 1 11 I ColIettiF 13 MIssCanopy 100 Zebra 100 Shield 106 O ArrlS30HdG 4J f 37 m Go 1101 3 1 1 1J CollcttiF1 12 BroadA 104BIackLula lOGCaracalla 11G O Aptl430lHdG 4J 51ft 2o IIS 13 13 13514I 14l ShanUsJ 14 Up 118 Pennate 118 JimmyJingle 118 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd on Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6500 4200 Blind Lane 3 f 2 by Blind Play Silver Lane by Jim Gaffncy MajigSOBel 4Jfwc 52m 5 115 1 4 31 2 WallsP1 9 Risque 115Ladanall2GrandmaLnpp 115 A A3Ly 3Ly S305Pim 4 53ft 81 115 4 3 3 = 1 5tz WallsP 5 Up 118 Happy Scot 125 Gigantic 123 S S3LV 3LV 030Pim 45 f 53f 1 1310 119 1 1 1s I4 WallsP 11 Jolly King 122 Meek 119 Snooty 119 M APc29301Pim 4 51ft 52 111 1 2 3 4 WallsP 12 IlappyScot 118 AllHail 113 Totem 113 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4110 1100 inn f t t Br c 2 by Zev Auray by North Star in inLast Last work 154 58103ft JLL Trainer J H Buscher Owner J H Buscher Jun 230 Bel g vc 100 ft 15 115 9 8 871 S i KummerE 12 XovenallGKensingtonl09RldGrey 115 0 0JLv2G30Bel JLv2G30Bel 4J we 57 si 10 116 6 4 55i 5 = 2 KummerE 9 Cliosa 112 Marvella 109 Traitor 110 O OMaj2030pBel Maj2030pBel 4Jfwc 56 m C 112 8 5 4 4si QnbushG1 8 Abd tnll4GIdenLegdll7l htomCldll4 O OM M 1330sJam g l00ft 8 119 4 3 3J1 3l FatorL 5 Smear 119 Firetop 112 Mortime 115 A AApr Apr SSOJam g 102 ft 5 115 5 5 321 2 1 GarncrM 8 Traitor 115 Westerner 115 Measure 107 0 0AI AI AI2230tJam 2230tJam g l02lisl 31 115 5 2 4J 11 GarnerM 12 Intractable lluOncGrand 115Saki 107 0 tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 13 1 2 4 1350 Kensington 10 C 2 y ° yms an Champ dOr by Mont dOr II IILast Last work 150 34 l20by JVO Trainer W H Travers Owner W H Travers 230 Bel g we 100 ft 15 109 8 5 3J 2 1 LeischnR 12 NovcnallGjRfldGreyll5JimyJingle 1090 Apn2930Jam g lOOV ft 15 107 2 4 G5i 8 RoseG5 14 Morshlonll2 Measurel07 SverCpyl22 S SApcl530HdG Apcl530HdG 4J f 54f t 56 1121 8 9 10l ° 10 WallsP1 15 Equipoise 118Schoonerll2UncleSam 112 A c 530Mia J 48ft 1310 107 6 5 5 = I1 GrnwodC 12 Squall 105Directly 107LadyHogan 115 A FeUlt30MIa i 33ft 40 109 7 97i 5J FieldsG11 12 AlIClumbiallSBdltell HSimagarylla M FA 630Mia i 35ft 30 110 U W618 FieldsG 12 JBelievelluACormbiallOSBcauty 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 1 1 0 950 950Alpine Alpine Girl 108 Br f 2f ty 6aletian lady HilUngton by Garry Herrmann HerrmannLast Last work 144 12 48ft J JvO vO Trainer A J Joyner Owner G B Widener JI j2930sBcl 4fwc 54hy 15 107 6 8 773 5 EabyJ8 11 GdnLegendlWHieawaylllGayPal 111 3 33Uy2G30 3Uy2G30 Bel 4J we 57 si G 108 7 7 4 41J EabyJ1 9 Chosa 112 Marvclla 109 Traitor 11G O OHay Ma Hay 2ajPim 4J 35 35ft ft 235 10S 2 2 Ink 11 EabyJ7 11 BdnlinsLdllOEspIore 102Kalcope 112 O OApc2S305Pim Apn2S305Pim 4J f 55 ft 9 10S 4 3 3s 31 EabyJ 12 Utmost 111 Sustain 11C Tryor 110 O OApclG30HdG ApclG30HdG 4l f 54sd CO 115 14 14 14 9 EabyJ1 14 LleAmcall5OvrShdyll5Hicawayll5 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 5101 1050 HecdlcSS 111 B c M y Headstrong Idle Hour by Hamburg HamburgLast Last work 130 58 l03ft J J J Trainer W Hogan Owner A Alexander AlexanderMaj2930sBel Maj2930sBel 4Jfwc 54hy 12 111 1 5 45i G GarnerM 8 Rideaway 118Fervorll4PrinccPeter 113 A lIv21305Bel 4 fwc 54 s l 30 117 8 4 732 810 ColIinsA5 9 StDonsonll7MkedBall 114Repncell7 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 2Crushed Crushed Stone 1 OR B c 2 by Trap Rock Moisant y Hamburg HamburgLast Last work 154 58 l05ft JVO Trainer A J Goldsborousli Owner C H Thieriot ThieriotMa31305Bel Ma31305Bel g we 101 gd 20 116 3 5 G ° l G61 McAulfeD G Mate 11G Knowlton 112 Opponent 112 A 3by 8305Jam g iOlCt G5 118 1 1 11 13 McAffeD G Flamma lluMoryoung 115GnlToy 118 O AprSSSOJam g l01ft 115 117 1 7 6 571 McAffeD 7 GoldenLegdinStMark 117Traitor 122 A Apcl7COUH 5 47sy 20 118 1 1373U McAulfcD 14 Clio San 115 Zaidee 115 Moonlit 115 fr Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 1 0 0 700 700Beau Beau Jolie 111 Ch Cf 2 M by Bo McMillan Hurry Up II by Phoenix PhoenixLast Last work 147 38 35ft JJ J Tiainer N Tallman Owner Kewtondale Stable StableJun Jun 230sBel 4Jfwc 52V ft GO 113 4 8 851 5 MalleyT 15 BlueLawll7IarIIunterl20Repance 113 A 3Iaj28305Bol 4Jfwc 52 ft 30 117 12 10 10JIO MalleyT 19 Barnterll7Aknahtonll7Repance 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 2YirtuC YirtuC 1 1 A B c 2 M 1 y Paras ° n n Worshipper by Black Tester TesterLast Last work 154 12 53ft JJ t Trainer J H Stotler Owner Sagamoro Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won