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5th Washington Ollt of clllltc Lincoln Miglway Handicap Purse 1GOO 1GOO3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Misstep June 8 1929 1 Mile 137 4 120 Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 48400 2 Silverdale CD 115 138A 4 109 750 48141 9 My Dandy Haw 115 137 5 12G745 48197 3 Stars and Bars Lex 113 138 4 109 740 48331 1 Ironsides Bel 114 13C 5 99X740 Ind PP Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan AWtHan4S13G 4S13G 7 The Nut Bel 118 139 4 113X735 48331 4 Martinique LB 107 137 5 99X735 48107 G Blackwood Was 112 138 C 103X730 48025 5 Chicago Was 109 l38h 7103X725 7103X7254S091 4S091 8 Plumbago CD 109 138 4 102 725 The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Oatt Crs DisTlrao Tr Odds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts PPStsSilverdale Best Company Class of Race Silverdale 1 OQ ° h hl c 4 by y T Tho ° Port PortLast orcr Margaret Ogden by Ogden Last work 148 1m l45ft V Trainer J F Schorr SchorrJun Ownsr E B McLean McLeanG Jun 4305Waa 2112 ft G 111 1 G 4i 4i AmbroseE 8 SB SBMaj29305CD BrnWMoml25KIEitel HlJPnllolclOT H Maj29305CD 1 l3SVgd 1 115 3 1 1 I1 AmbroseE 5 P PMa21305CD Playtime 1091lumbago 112Chariot 103 A Ma21305CD 1140 si 10 113 2 2 1 1 AmbroscE 0 9L 9LMayl730CD LadyBcastlOSRUulianll3ByBasiI 113 A Mayl730CD 6Jfl20Hft 1 113 2 3 21 1 LennieW 8 811 811Majl2C05CD HotShot 118UncleMattl05ClosDancell8 O Majl2C05CD 2 l12ft 41 108 4 G 4 1 4S ArnbrseE 9 C CApe Cayusa 113 Camp Bess 101 Morsel 104 H Ape 230Bow 5J f lOCft 10 112 5 5 GJj GJ FronkW 8 Si Si3s Stand By 110 Genuine 112 My Sis 107 A 3s 30293Bow i l23 ft 13e 110 5 9 93i 91 RobertnA 411 E Eskiniol08PgsPridel03SunSliadow 110 A A2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 7 3 1 8533 This ye year 6300 3650 My Daildy I O Ch g 5 by Porte Drapean Scepter and Staff by Colin Last work 15G 12 48ift L U O Trainer J Carter Owner W C E W Reichert MaySO30 Was 2 l12ft 35 121 3 4 2 GarrityP 5 Zacaweista lOGFlatlron lOGjCayuga 113 H HMa26SOWas Ma26SOWas 3 l12ft 1910e 120 4 2 2 31 GarrityP 12 Mstepl2GBrnWisdoml23MieFlynn 110 S SMayl730FP Mayl730FP 2 I14syl320 121 2 1 I8 1 GarrityP2 7 QueenTowtonl04AVhiIwayl03Cruro 109 A AMayl430FP Mayl430FP l l43ft 1920 122 1 1 1 12 GarrityII 5 Sr o Mn 112ByProdt 102Uluniu 110 H MaylO30JFP 2 l13ft 1920c 124 4 4 32 22 GarrityP3 11 BwnWonil2GN lieCustisllllCogAirll2 H HMae3030TAG Mae3030TAG 2 111 ft 2 132 G 6 5T S1 ParmleeJ C Ervast 112ShasBulletllGGd aHot 107 H Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 431 38790 This year 17 721 14435 14435Stars Stars and Bars 1 OQ B c y Bennant Remembrance by Hamburg or Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 154 12 49 ft JvJy Trainer E Hanghton Owner Greentree Stable May31305Was 1J l514 ft 185 112 9 10 10 9 JoncsL 10 Toro 121Galahad 103JLadyBrdcast 103 S MaylO30CD IjV l47ft 13 108 7 4 11 1 = 1 JonesL8 10 ErSfcksllSPgnUlelOGCVDsn 110 S Arc3030Lex ll3Sftl310 113 1 2 11 I2 GarnerW1 4 Sydney 105ChancelIor 113 GoldStep 105 A Arr23C05Lcx I1 l43ft 175 118 1 1 1 I4 MoneyJD 5 Galaiadll8BadNewsBobl07LowGearll2 A Aprl9SOJLex 1 146 ft 910 109 1 B G4 7 GarnerW1 8 TtleFyrn 105Niato IQlJPciaMarn 105 3 Aptl730lLex 1 l43ft 2110 113 1 1 2 22 SmithD C Mfnarol22MikeII1122PriciaMrnllO A AMar Mar 430FG 1J l51ft 3910 108 6 8 G3i 5 RussellK 13 L7luniulll01dSlipl02DinahDidUpset 104 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 18 2 33 2575 This year 15 821 16800 16800Ironsides Ironsides QQ by Man o War Bees Wax by Celt CeltTnst Tnst vvnyt 145 3 t 1 l8153ft iR i ri2 t f 7 t Trainsr C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Jun 330sWas 1 142 ft 27 102 4 6 G91 G AforanW1 AforanW1MaySOSOTdn G Misstep 126 Leucitc 103 Morsun 105 H MaySOSOTdn 1 1 = 47 si S3e 109 4 2 31 2 BryantD BryantDJIay2830Tdn 8 Alto95RainorShinelOOBrcakofDawn 109 H JIay2830Tdn 2 115 si 2Jo 110 5 6 6s Gei HayH5 HayH5May 7 Bk ofDnll5HhScel22Rn orShine05 A May 1930 Bel 1 138 ra 3J 110 4 4 4 43J McAtceL McAtceLMay C BlkMajestyl07KaiFeng a7SvpOut 110 H May 730lJam lfg l43ft 35 115 1 2 22 24 McAtecL McAtecLMay 5 Panucoll3QuterDeckl02GoneAway 110 H May SSO Jam l le e l46ft 65 10S1 1 2 1 33 McAteeL G Comstockeryl02 Frisiusll2 Panuco 108 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 352 8730 This year 6021 1000 1000TllC TllC Xut l 1 Q Br c 4 by Mad Hatter Afternoon by Prince Palatine Last work 155 1m l45ft JJLO LJLO Trainer J T Taylor Owner Warm Stable StableMaySOSO MaySOSO Bel 1J 207hy 8 117 2 4 31 42 EllisG1 G PeteeWrfc 122Curatel09DstractionlI9 S SMay2430CD May2430CD 1J 203V4gd4110 11G 10 7 Sl 98 SmithJ4 10 EterStockingsll2Torol22PgnHole 103 S SMaylG30cCD MaylG30cCD 1 l4Gft 19 115 10 8 531 4 = i SmithJ1 10 EsrStkgsll2Whiskeryl08R1lJan 104 H HMaylOSOCD MaylOSOCD 1 l47ft 91 118 1 6 7s 7 GamcrW 10 Ss ad BslOSErSkgsll3PnHoIe IOC S Kb 9295Lat 12 326 hy 4 126 4 2 21 SmithJ 2 5 Curate 12G BenMachree 123 Frisius 12G S OcU929Lrl 1J 203 ft 165 123 12 5 4 2 5 GarnerM H2 Vanity 104 Curate 112 Glen Wild 112 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 526 81595 This year 4 0 0 0 275 275Martinique Martinique QQ B ln y Bue ns nsEn n Petite Marmite by Spearmint SpearmintLast SpearmintLast Last work 151 34114ft Trainer D E Stewart Owner J N Camden 3305Was 1 ° 142 ft 44 101 6 2 4s 5 XealP1 G Misstep 12G Leucite 103 Morsun 105 H Hy730 y730 CD 2 114 sy 32 105 G 7 74 6 YeltonR 7 ClubIIousel07Caynga HSCampBoss 101 H Mayl2COCD 2112ft 43 107 88 S 7 YeltonR1 9 Cayuga 113 Camp Boss 101 Morsell04 H JoilS293Bow 2 l12sy 30 112 1 4 5 1 58 AllenCE 7 Victorian 125Balko 118PrinesTina 110 H Kbt S293Pim 1 145 ft 3910 108 1 6 73 7 ° 1 AllenCE 7 DrFrldlOGHotTdyllSCfExcutivelOS H Xoi 429Pira 2 l14 hy 11 127 G 5 2 2 AllenCE 8 StlingPyerl30Dtractionl30Chianti 127 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 26 6 9 2 19803 This year 3 3BlackWGOd BlackWGOd 10 Blk b 6 by Black Toney Rosewood by Magneto MagnetoTief Tief work ivnrt 15G me Ts 58 1 l03ft Oaf f JL V O Trainer R T Watts Owner Mrs E Danemark May 3130 = Was 1J l51ft 51 10G1 8 9 9S2 7 MeyerC 10 Toro 121Galahad 105LadyBrfdcast 103 S May2430 = CD 1J 2 3G 108 6 3 3i 6s MeyerC8 10 EterStockingsll2Toroi22PgnHole 105 S MaylGSO CD 1 l46ft 64 107 6 2 2l 5J MeyerC MeyerCMaylO305CD 10 EsrStkgsll2Whiskeryl08RlJan 104 H MaylO305CD 1 l47ft 36 112 5 5 5 GS2 MeyerC MeyerCKotl2295Lat 10 Ss ad BslOSErSkgslISPnHole 10G S Kotl2295Lat 2 l18hy 31 115 1 2 3 1 4 MeyerC MeyerCKm 4 Cayuga 114Whiskery 103Bellsmith OS H Km 529Lat 1 ° 154 hy 710 112 2 1 lz I10 MeyerC GSandyShore lOSDevon 112AVhiskery 111 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 760 30628 This year 4 Chicago 10 Br S 7 by GranJte Synthetic by Sir John Johnson JohnsonLast Last work 134 lml43ft Trainer J Lowenstcin Owner F M Grabner May2S305Was ll334ft 65e 113 6 5 B 5 = ParmIeeJ G Galahad lluCanaan 115JnValjean 115 A Uay2630Was 1 139 ft 18 114 6 7 7 718 ParmaleeJ 7 Bobashela 112 Devon 112 Canaan 112 A JIayl630 CD 1 l46ft 89 1061 5 9 9 ° 9 SpshircE8 10 EsrStkgsll2WhiskcrylOSRMan 104 H J 2112ft 50 110 6 7 7 2 G GarnerW 9 Cayuga 113 Camp Boss 101 Morsel 104 H JuL 629 = AP l ic l44ft 135 109 5 2 21 Il PoolE 8 JklligRinslOGWildalelOGBlkBcetlelOS H tstarts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 3 1 1 5485 This year 4 4Plumbago Plumbago 109 Blk c 4 ty BlactToney Treaa lightly II by Tredennis TredennisTnet Tnet Last work rt 15G irf fiJ 341 li72 ff JJ J Trainer A Baker Owner R S Clark May2930 = CD 1 l Agd 21 112 2 3 Si 33 GarnerW1 GarnerW1An52429Haw 5 Silverdalc 115Playtimc 109Chariot 105 A An52429Haw 1 l41ft 2110e 105 1 7 6 6 HalbertF HalbertFAug 4 7 Islam 97 Hcrrick 105 PortHarlem 100 A Aug 529Haw 1 l43ft 2710 107 3 4 4 1 451 PoolE PoolEJuL2329AP 4 5 PrcePat 107MoleUill 102BrnBrutusl09 A JuL2329AP lie 139 ft 31 109 3 6 G31 lh PoolE PoolEJuL17293AP 1 8 Islam 107Amsterdam 110 PLaddie 107 A JuL17293AP 21 = 12 Si 109 C 11 8 6T PoolE 14 BeamgOver lOGBossie lOOjInfinity 110 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 1325 This year 1