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sc 1200 2yearolds Colts and Geldings Claiming1 Mile Jimmy aforan June 3 1929 5 2 116 3fOTE Clniminp price 2000 Wciglit 116 pounds Xoiitrlnncrs of two races since May 9 allowed 3 pounds two races at any time 6 pounds maidens 10 pounds Ind PP Horse Wt Rec 48328 12 Twill CD 110 101 1014S0291 4S0291 4 Burnam JICD 110 102 48029 1 West Virginia VirginiaM M CD 11G 102 1024701G5 4701G5 5 Sweet Joe M M4G4GG 4G4GG 11 Garlic 48403 14 Gabbo AVas 105 103 1034G742 4G742 10 Beige M 4G8525 17Afrost II 47837 18 Flagg Porter M CD 11G 103 48029 3 Jamocas M CD 110 102 Ind PP Horse Wt KeC AWtHan 48403 C Pere Noel CD 111 102 110 CUO 48029 7 Kings X M CD 11C 103 IOC 690 6904S328 4S328 8 Yoick M CD 110 102 10GCDO 48328 9 Garrick MWas 110 104 IOC COO 4SOSC 15 Grcenwald M Was 1071103 IOC COO COO477S11 477S11 1C Good Friend M Aur 108 102 IOC C90 2 Trycobel 10G 13 Trompe 110 v The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record J Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Bace Twill TwillLast mCh c 2 by Craigangower Madras by Ben Brush Last work 14C 38 ouit Trainer D E Stewart Owner J U Camden Jan 330 = Was g l01tt l01tt5J 10 112 7 G 7 G1 FronUW 12 Opippio 109 XanFace 115 ThcDuke 110 O 5J f l07ft 5 110 5 4 31 JonesL1 14 ElysiumlOSBelle ofBrbonl02Fudge 110 O Maj2830 = CD g l02 ft v 1 11G 6 2 1 V lk Russcll RusscllK 33 BurnamllGWVirginiallCBoylTngcrllG O Majr2230CD g l01f t 115 110 4 5 21 3J Spshlr SpshlreE 9 nyKnlmsllGOswcgollOFIjinsCkee 113 O JLij2030 = CD 3101 by by4i 7JC 111 3 8 G S SpshircE1 15FlygChrkecllGArlPcellGBrctt 11G1I MijMSOC 4i I 56m 56m4J 29 116 5 5 C 7 YeltonK8 8 SphPlayllCEyeWliitcllCPortcodinellO M JLtfiZ30CD 4J 55ft 22 116 8 5 7 J 9 YeltonR9 9 UpriglitllGJrkAnthyllCTWidowerllO A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 7 Burnam I A B e 2 M by Honeywood Lightning Sweep by Sweep BurnamLast Last work 147 38 3Gft J J U Trainer W Sims Owner R C Thatcher g l02ft ICC 11G 10 5 3 2nk IlardyLJ 13 TwillllGWVirginlallGBpyMosnger KG C JIa2030CD 8101 hy 7if 104 13 13 10tlll BryantD 15 FlygChVkeellGArlPcellGBrett 110 II IW 27303AC 27303ACrAi930Ac 5 49m 4Jf 110 12 9 7f 7 7S2 2 LutherT 12 JusticrylOSFlygAce 107MsCheynel23 C rAi930AcFeU13303AC rAi930Ac 5 4Sft 30 113 7 6 7 J 5 1 LutherTi LutherT MyMactalllJusticryllOEMndlinellO C FeU13303AC i 35 ft 225f 112 4 61 6 CorbettC CorbettCg 12 J W Grant lloSundot 115Meutal 112 M JVU C30AC g 35 ft 15 112 5 5 5 OBrlcnR 11 Dnneri 115 SuuThorne 113 Yogano 115 Jl JinlS30AC 1 23hy 18 112 8 lOJlO18 Schuttcll U Wit on llSMyAlice 114MIssXoau 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9 0 1 0 5 200 200West West Virginia 1 Ofi B c 2 M by Westy Hogan Virginia K by Grebe GrebeLast Last work 130 12 ASlst t Trainer C E Gross Owner E F Pricliard J28303CD g l02iift 4 11G 7 4 2l 3J ChvcttaP 13 Twill llGBurnam llGBpyMessenger 11G C JIvlS30CD g 104 m 9 111 8 6 6 J 7 i HcCrosnC 15 KedLikrlOSBEMaryliOStrMary 110 C MjlG30CD 4J f 55 ft C 110 C 7 7 4 SmithJ1 8 Fudge 110 Caddy Boy 109 Upright 108 C CAj Aj 3030Lex 4J f 55 ft 225 113 1 3 53 4 GarnerW 11 IHgliFruitllCSweetJoellSCEarirat 113 C Arr2G30Lcx 4J f 54ft 3310 110 1 2 23 2 GarncrW 8 HyKhns HOTaGrn HOSirPrize 111 C Apr23305Lex 4J f 5G ft 125 114 1 8 7T2 9 i GarncrW1 12 Tack 118 Harry Kuhns 111 Afrost 100 C ApnlS30Lcx i MSft 27 11G 7 5 4 4 GarncrW 8 BkCmtllGDeemstcr HGGodJcst 11G A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 9 0 1 1 200 SwCCt JOG A J B z M by Panhandler Patutie by Ballot BallotLast Last work 154 5S l03ft JvO Trainer J Spencer Owner J Spencer SpencerApr3030Lex Apr3030Lex 4J t 53ft 4110 113 2 G 4 = 2 DePremaR3 11 IlighFruitllGCEarlPatllSWtVga 113 C CAicIGSOLex AicIGSOLex 4J f 51 ft 9 110 2 4 5 513 DcPrmaR1 S nyKhnsllOWtVgiuiallOTaGren 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 2 0 1 0 100 100Garlic Garlic 1 1 A B c 2 by Pot au Feu Miss Palatine by Prince Palatine Last work 15G 12 49ft v Trainer R F Carman Jr Owner Nevada Stock Farm Stable Apr 320Bow J 4Sm 8 113 5 3 3J 1 = MorsonR 12 PessTellllOBrdnDarellS Murchr 113 C Ftb2G303AC J 47ft C5 IIG 9 5 5Ji 3 AllcnCE 12 SuuThorne HGMvShot llGAsphiala 11G M FbLl9303AC 5 4Sft 1S5 11G 9 8 55J G5 MorsonR0 12 MyMnctalllJisticryllOEMadlincllO C rdxl4303AC 0 33ft 7 109 4 431 3i MorsonR 12 MMchatalOlEMadlinelOlAspasia 107 C Frtil2303AC g 34ft 27 115 9 9 8 MorsonR2 10 Msriieynell2Wittora 114JusticiaryllG C g 35 ft g 12j c 7i 5TJ MorsonR 12 Jtisticiaryll5PriccEwdsllOIIshaw 103 C g 3G ft 11 113 3 4 i 4i MorsonR1 10 GldonOriole 112Dancrill5Justiciaryll4 M tarts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von This year 7 1 0 2 1000 1 F B c 2 by Bon Homme Peggy Martin oy Martinet JL JL U J O J Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin IrwinJun Jun 430 = Was H 102 ft 30 105 G 8 G5i G J MoranW1 8 Upright HOMaryCobb 107Toltabush 107 C Jfc23303Aur g 103 si 7 112 G 4 3J lh MoranW 7 Cloiwald 112Valcdictoryll2Chehalis 112 M Majl9303Aur g l01m 15f 103 Z 9 9J1051 KeiserP3 12 Allegretto 113ItedTanj lOGDkPrice 113 C JIa13303Aur 4J f 54 ft 12f 115 11 11 9 9 = MoranW 12 AuntDcb 112Sugarland 112Bclbanc 115 M AptlO30 Tan J 30 ft 115 7 9 10t10 MartinczP 11 Kauka 112 Sam Ischer 115 Strip 112 M MJI JI 29303AC 5 43ft 10 105 1 1 1 5i MulrncyJ1 S Shaver HOnarslmw 113SamGilmore 107 C JUr20303AC 5 47 ft 9Jf IIS 4 5 7 73 MoranW 12 NmanCntll8DnyJonyll5ShLovcrll8 M Starts 1st 2nJ 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 10 1 0 0 625 Beige StalwartJ 1 A B g Z M by Iryster Nutbrown Maid by Stalwart i J V O Trainer W W Taylor Owner H P Headley 5 17ft 7 110 4 3 3s 3 McCrsnC3 5 BillMrisllSDkWeidel 112McFlute 108 A i Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1001 63 63Afrost Afrost T 01 Ch c 2 M by Wise Counsellor Meadrose by Meadowthorpe MeadowthorpeLast Last work 154 5S l03ft JUJ Trainer J Tiguo Owner Paradise Stock Farm Stable StableApr2330 Apr2330 = Lex 4J f 56 itt Ci 109 5 1 I3 3 J MeyrsME10 12 Tack 118 HarryKuhns 114 Fudge 114 C Jiae2730JP 3J f 43 ft 40 118 7 1 I3 2 CavcnsJ 12 Peggy J 115 Zinn 118 Sorry 115 A i iSOJP SOJP 3J 44hy GG 110 555 G CavonsJ 10 Gladelia lOSTeaGreen llOChehalis 112 C 1 36gd 8 113 3 9 931013 FinrtyR 12 BEdMarylluDnpourllSSnyFronkllS M 1 g 35Vift 29 110 12 11 llni MartinE 12 PpleLndyll4ZebralllMtcrnalian 118 C j Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von VonThis This year 8 0 1 2 225 225Flagg Flagg Porter i i Br c 2 M y Th8 Dorter Black Flag by Light Brigade BrigadeLast Last work 152 58 l03ft VJ Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean McLeanJtij23305CD Jtij23305CD gl01ft 40 116 S 9 ll ll s HuffN 12 LaSalle llGBattleSwcep llGAnthro 11G M A t29303Pim 4J f 54f t 132 113 10 10 121912 HuffN4 12 HappyScot 118 AllHail 113 Totem 113 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2Jillll Jillll OCaS HilariousJL 1 Cf Bl s y Unitsd Verde Musical Girl by Hilarious JL U U Trainer C JJ Lewis Owner C N Lewis Jlaj2S30CD S l02V5ft 56 116 9 8 S1 S JonesL 13 Twill llGBurnam llGWestYirginia 116 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 Pere Noel 1 I A B c 2 by Noel Little Indian by Guy Fortune FortuneLast Last work 145 12 52 ft JJ Trainer J Gass Owner C E Hamilton Jun 430Was g l02 ft SO 103 1 3 3J 42 LennieW 8 Upright HOMaryCobb 107VoItabush 107 C JIaj3030CD 5 f lOTft lOf 110 6 1 2t GU TurkC TurkCJiar2G30 14 Elysium lOSTwill HOBle ofBourbon02 C Jiar2G30 Jiar2G30iCD iCD g 101 ft 15f 111 13 5 5U G 2 LandG 15 GoodJest lllTheDnke lllSiigarKiss 103 C JIaylO30CD 4J f 51ft 31 109 8 7 Si 9 NcalP 11 BlackComet lOOBillMorris 118Chub IOG A I JI 2530StJ 50ft 17 103 1 1 1 1 HicksS 8 MastcrEoselloChillWindllSTraitor 118 A Vu2230StJ 50 sy 40f 112 10 11 1111 SraithW 11 Donie 120 BlueBerry 112 PlayEm 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 1 0 0 485 Kings X f fS B jr 2 M by Under Fire Sayno by Ultimus LVU Trainer R Goose Owner Braedalbane Stable g l02Kft 15 116 1 9 99UO2 YeltonRi 13 Twill llGBurnam llGWestVirginla 116 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 oick 1 rC Gr g 2 M MIj Ij st work 153 38 38ft W Trainer J S Middleton Owner W A Hangar Jun 330 = Was g l01ft 77 110 10 7 G ° 4i FinncrtyR 12 Opiopio 109 TanFace 115 TheDukc 110 C Jij22305CD gl01ft 239 110 8 9 8 i GTJ FinnertyR 9 Harry Kuhns 11G Oswego 110 Twill 110 C Jfarl730CD g l6lft IGf 116 4 10 10t10 FinnertyR3 13 Deemster llGPortcodine HGEmpire 110 M J1 1230CD 45f 53ft 49 11G 1 8 8 G FinnertyR1 9 UprightllGMkAnthyllGTWidowerllG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 4Garrick Garrick 1 Ofi Gr B 2 M by stefan the Great Momentilla by McGee McGeeLast Last work 152 12 49ft JU Trainer J Lowenstein Owner J Lowenstein Jun 3305Was 1 l01Hft 158 110 12 11 11 8 ParmaleeJ 12 Opiopio 109 TanFace 115 TheDuke 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1 f B S 2 M by For Fair Da Luxe by Golden Maxim JJJ L J U Trainer M Lowenstein Owner M Xowenstein Jfcj SOWas g 101 ft IS llOi 4 7 9 8 SpshireEs 10 DonAlvaro llSZebra lOOMissChilla 115 C 1 jaj14303CD 41 f 5Giim 37 116 3 4 4 4 SpshireE3 8 SphPlayllOEyeWhitellGPortcodinellG M MvlO30CD 4i f 54 ft 59 103 2 5 5 G SpshireEt 11 BlackCcmet 109BillMorris HSChub IOG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 Good Friend 1 Ofi B c 2 M by Sun Flag Faithful Friend by Ballot BallotLast Last work 133 38 3Gft L Trainer J Bainton Owner T P Hayes Hayes3lAj22303Aur 3lAj22303Aur g l01ft 75 103 7 2 2 2 WardenE 8 Wittoral01MaxieBindcrl07ChehalIs 104 C CJbT2030Aur JbT2030Aur 4J f 56hy G 97 G 3 3 J 33i BouchcrJ 7 MissJoanl01Zebral07WintersMoon 103i C 1 JIajl5303Aur 41 f 54ft 225 103 3 3 3 2J WardcnE3 9 Type 105 Wittora 100 Allegretto 108 C Mi 930JAur 4J f 56 ft 9 113 11 5 4s 5 J LeylandJ 12 MissJoanlOORedTaml07MaxieB5nderl01 C CI I Jla 2303Aur 4J f 5G si 14 115 4 G Gi 5 J WardcnE3 9 PublicafnllOMissJoanl07Allegretto 110 C CApr2530Lex Apr2530Lex 4J f 55 ft 71 116 7 5 6 7 ReevesG 10 Don Leon 11G Leros 116 Fudge 116 A Starts 1st 2nd drd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 7 Trycobel I A B g 2 M by Trystor TTmbel by Uncle J U U Trainer R White Owner Palos Park Si Stock Farm Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Tronipe mCh g Z M by Trompe la Mort October Seven by Hourless Trainer D F Cannon Owner LaBrae Stable Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won