6th Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

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6th Belmont Bright Waters Purso Purse 1000 3yenrolds Claming 1 Mile Jack High May 24 1930 135 i 110 110XOTE XOTE Claiming price 1000 if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 to 53000 Weight 118 pounds Winners at the meeting not to be entered for less titan 1000 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 48321 SPANTAFT Bel 104139 48321 Mombasa Bel 107 130 13047C87 47C87 Mary EloiscFG 107 141 1414S401 4S401 Pauguitch 4S082 Frances St UBel 113 142 Kb 47S28 Rumor Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 41954 Woody Long Hav 1Q5 147 110X093 4S032 Prince Bonnie M Bel 114 143 J m 112 COO COO4C41G 4C41G Chiefs Warrior AC 102 140 1051090 47153 Ardinore M 110 COO The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest workout air racinsr record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race gnnntaft 1 A PT B f 3 by Spanish Prince II Mae Taft By Yankee Gun GunLast Last work 140 12 50m LUO Trainer G W Coburn Owner J A Coburn CoburnJan Jan 330 Bel ll38ft 2i 104J G 2 21 3J Catroner 11 StarFlyertlOMombasal07RayLas3 10110 10110lh20SO lh20SO lh20SOlBel lBel 1 lUhy 10 105 7 1 1 2l JIcKnleA 12 JohnCavshlllAdamasllSJkBiencr 118 O JIv23306Bel Jwc l12 ft 20 101 18 8 8 7 KenickS 19 IuduScoutl20PoiiicianallOJoyRoek 114 O Jlaj 330 Jam 1 14G ft G5 102 3 2 2l BethelJ1 5 Mombasal07Allegel09IjjdyBienvnie 104 O OJUy JUy 530 Jam 1 l15V ft 4J 104 5 2 31 3 McKeceA 5 TheTattlerlI7SeabrightllSDressShlpll3 O Apc3030liJam 1 14G ft 1S5 102 2 1 Ill McKccheA4 12 TheTattIcrl20ScaChartll2Folamile 1110 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won starts l t 2nd 3rd Von Last year 12 0 1 3 550 This year 19 534 4185 Mombasa T 1 Q Br y Pillory British Fleet by Great Britain BritainLast Last work 151 58 l05sd JLJLO Trainer J P Smith Owner Dorwood Stable StableJan Jan 330Bel 1 l38ft 41 107 3 1 11 2J KnlgutM 11 StarFlyerllOSpantaft 101RyLass 101 O 3Iar27305Bel li l51gd 20 103 1 8 1111 McKccheA1 11 Naylorl01GenialIIostlI5BillieLnardllO O Maj23306Bel Jwc l12V ft 12 105 7 4 45i 4J McKccheA1 19 IudnScoutl20PoiufiaaallOJoyRock 114 O JUj 930Jam 1 146 ft 2 107 1 1 I1 I KnightM 5 Spantaft 102AHese 109LyBlenvle 104 O Jl j 530Jara 3 l13ft 115 111 1 1 1J Il McKeccA 10 JIcraorsDear HSVigilla 117LadaIa 1020 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 0 2 2 5 700 This year S 211 1700 Mary Eloise 100 by Ormondale Chctto Girl by Ben Brush i iLast Last work 155 lml5Qft JUU Trainer J H Buscher Owner Mrs J H Buscher 3Iaj2030Bel ll41ni 30 10517 6 475 3s QnbushG 9 Rain or ShiaelOSDiniRay lOGAllese 10G 0 JIajlG30Bel 1143 m 30 107 7 9 S 9 FrgMaxllOBillieLard 109Attamart 102 O Marl430 Jam 1 l4Gsy 5 110 12 10 12sll BetlieU 12 Battler 110 FireBelie FireBelie 105 JIarette 105 O Maj 730 Jam 1 116 ft 12 112 8 G 5 511 ForceK 8 Wrackell llCSliastaPblellOKoIamilellS O OApcl230515ow Apcl230515ow 2 l13 ft 21 105 14 7 6 551 CimcralcG1 li YessmanllOCecliaGroblOSSamboG 113 0 Starts lit 2nL 3rd Won Stints 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 1 51 52250 This year 18 214 2000 Pan nitcll J f j B g 3 by Leonardo II Myrtle V by Cavalcadour CavalcadourLast Last work 154 12 50 ft Trainer A Dudley Owner A Dudley DudleyJun Jun 430 Bel 3 we l12ft 30 101 9 8 52 4Ji GloriosoV 20 IndnSctl22SliipmterllCSunHatter 113 0 Ma2S30 ° Bel 2 me lllft 30 107 3 9 10l10 KermtiiA 12 Hilaria 100DunlinsSonl03Folking 114 A ManSOEel lmcl27sl 20 111 3 3 4Z1 S RobtsonA1 15 Charon 117DunlinsSon 117GIossin 116 A Jt jl430Jam 2 113 ft 30 110 1 1 1 4 SmitliF1 11 SmyDwn 121Chatfrd 121SdyLdy 110 A AJ30Jam J30Jam jtl13Kft 12 112 1 3 41 G SmithF G InfinitUs 120StMarcol5Evrytime 120 A Ar r Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Stalls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 123 51325 This year 6 6Frances Frances St L 1 07 y Baby Grand Slim Princess by Sempronius Last work 155 34 l17ft V Trainer C Raynor Owner J P McGovern Maj23SO ° Bel ll41Vhy 15 10311 9 GTJ 55i HebertS11 12 JuCavanagblllSpantaftl05Adamas 118 O May 9307Pim I10 l4S ft G 107 2 3 2 2 MorsonR 8 CtheFirstlluLtView 123Euphrates 119 0 Jlay 530JPim 1T l4Gft 115 108 2 2 3i 31 ArnoldG 7 Shepherdessll2MyScooiilllIlarrardll7 0 Arc2S30JPim 1 l4G ft 4110 107 1 2 1 2 AmoldG1 9 Naylorl07Sliephdessll4JneRinehartll2 O Arc2130iIIdG 1 l46 ft 2710 107 3 1 1 2i RobtsonA 8 MjScooplOSFlashia lOoJolmRobert 104 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 0 1 5 150 This year 15 141 1900 IlUlllOr T 1 A B s y An assador IV Maybe So by Jach Atkin AtkinLast Last work 150 38 37ft LJLrx Trainer H Goodwin Owner D McCafferty Mar2330 Bel 2wc l12V ft is5ll5 9 G G 5i EabyJ1 19 IndnScoiitl20PoincianallOIoyRoek 1140 1140Majl230Jam Majl230Jam 3 l13V f t 5 113 7 2 1J 1s KabyJ 10 BnMaidll7MyBdGirlll4FlygStart 115 O OArrSOSOJam ArrSOSOJam 2 l13ft 12 115 7 6 5 8 ICenndyE 9 RockDunl07BourbouMaid lOTLindy 118 C CAprll30Bow Aprll30Bow g 126 ft IS 103 4 2 45 4 i McTastJ 14 Mucker 103 BelliCasus 103 Politen 108 M MApe Ape 230Bow 5Jfl06 ft 14 118 G 5 41 3J ICenndyE1 12 BlyBlakellSMasStarllSBlliCasus 118 il Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 1 1 700 This year 5 1 0 1 850 WoOly LOH 1 1 0 Br ° 3 by sP ° rtinE Blood Evil by Rock View Last work 5G 58 l01ft JU Trainer A J Bedell Owner A J Bedell BedellJty27300Bel Jty27300Bel 1J l51gd 50 107 9 11 1010ts BakerF 11 Xavlorl01GenialHostll5BillieLnardllO O A2G lWho 1ff l49ft 5J 113 7 7 761 75J ColvinA 10 DkEnfy 113Baltimrell3ToRchTll3 S Arr2330cWho I10 l48ft 75 115 6 1 1 1 13 ColvinA1 7 Baltimorello Waeketll5 TitleOakllu A Apnl930Who ll47gd 32 100 G 2 2nk 3i CooperRi 10 TmyLadl07SanCrlosllCAgapthus 112 ApcUSOnVhe 1 l47ft 31 10G 3 3 3 32 DycrJ C San Carlos 117 Stanipdalc 114 Hula 109 O Of f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 1 22 1275 This year 17 315 3255 3255Prince Prince Bonnie 1 1 O B c 3 M by Spanish Prince II Bonnie Bonero by Tony TonyLast Last work 150 12 4Sft JLL JLLi i Bonero BoneroTrainer Trainer R B Odom Owner A W WentzeL WentzeLMaj2930Bel Maj2930Bel 1 l41hy 30 11310 8 1011 HarveyW 12 JnCavanaghlllSpantaftl05Adainas 118 O OMaj2030Bel Maj2030Bel 1 l44m 30 114S 9 9 9 9z Harvey V 9 RorSbinelOSUimRaylOOlIaryEloisel05J O OFeUlD30Mla FeUlD30Mla 21llft 40 108 9 6 5 73i McGinisP 9 StPriscallSSuprWSwtllSMegazzallO A AFtixl4305Ma Ftixl4305Ma 2 lllft 60 109 6 4 5 G HalbcrtF C Toki lllSunBroom llCGolden Volt 103 O OFeixlO30tIia FeixlO30tIia 5JflOG ft 10 113 12 10 S S BullmnS11 12 Pauly 115FirstChance llSOverbead 115 U UFdx Fdx 130Mia 2 l12 rt 40 110 9 9 10 10 Fishcrll 10 BlkWalch 110BafnKingll9Cbatovcrll9 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1 This year 6 6Chiefs Chiefs Warrior 10 B ° 3 by Littl ° Chief Cordon Rouge by Sun Briar JVU Trainer M J Dunleavy Owner I B Humphrey Jtu2830AC 2 l12ft 42 101 883 5H RiehsonM S HorsuullOStarferencelOOBrown BkllO 0 0Jtn23SOsAG Jtn23SOsAG ll39ft 18 104 5 G GJ G RichsonN C Jeu de Bar95ArcadnFlagl07LySeth 93 O Mat20COIAC 1 l39ft 21 DC 8 8 7 G BertschyR U Riff Raffl07Tanist lllPersonality 102 O OMai1230AC Mai1230AC ll39ft 35 102 7 3 4 5 = 3 RomanoT I LadvScth J 5SirRaoul 105Jeu deBar 102 O OMar Mar 830 AO 1 l39ift 15 109 4 3 4 i 4 MoranW G LadySethlb7Wahmoniell2AdianFgll2 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd i 0 o Last year 20 0 0 1 100 This year 16 i 1 2 875 875AldlllOre AldlllOre 110 Br C 3 M by Rockminister Inaugurate by Ballot BallotLast Last work 145 38 39Vift LJV Trainer S M Henderson Owner Audley Farm Stable J 330Pim I l4Gft 25 107 8 7 7 G MannJ S Razzle 107 Sun Falcon 110 Joshua 107 Jf JfAptlMSOHdG AptlMSOHdG 1 ° l46ft 59 110 9 8 10 1010J1 10J1 MannJ 11 BelliCasuslllPrincsIIenrylOGAngryllO M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800