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Thistle Down Past Performances Continued from eleventh page 3rd 1 hlStle Down j irsc 8oo sycnrolds and upward Claiming Baf Mile flin Jul 2r 1925 112 4 118 118NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 If for Sl200 allowed 3 pounds Nonwinners at the meeting Sycarolds 110 pounds older 118 pounds ironwinners since April 28 allowed 8 pounds since March 15 C pounds in 1930 9 pounds poundsThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race lady le Coilltc 1 Br S y Bazos Carpet Sweeper by Swoep SwoepLast Last work 151 12 5Gft JVO Trainer M H Jordan Owner M H Jordan M y l30 = Eeu 5 C lOSft 1910 105 3 1 1 i l GoodichE 8 inuminel01BtyBroirgl09FrncsE 105 C Ai2330Bcu gl02ft 7 101 1 12 3s li GrnbergS 10 TFrchGlrl lOSiBtyBiowngllSJof Io4 C Octl229 Rav g I02gd3110 103 34 CooperR 8 LovePirate 109Lenny 103Vcrdevale 113 C Oct S20 R i 102 ft 7 lit 4s DeliowW 8 Scminola 115Chance HSAnryMood 109 O Oct 529Rav g 102 ft 195 112 21 ConnorJ 7 Panolal07IIolyInVtll2ChtgChtrsl04 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1G 2 3 5 This year 0 0 5 725 Q Q B m 6 by Star Hawk Accelerator by Uncle Last work 129 38 41ft t vV t Trainer T Keatinir Owner Kcatinir Jones Hv2930 = Tdn 3 I19 liy29iq 101 C 4 3 3J EllswthW 9 Roycroftcr lliDrCharlle 113Ritter ill C MajlOSOBcu 3 116 ft 32 105 6 8 SJ Cs GrnbcrgS 9 BnTpsonll4SliaLovcllOIIalUtm 108 C Jhjr 230 Bcu 3115gft 17 JOO 2 2 2l 2 BcrnicrE 8 LMVtinellOnryNatnlluKcnCon 107 0 Are2S30 Beu 55 f lOSft 5 102 2 4 4 3i SandozJ 7 Fallen Leaf 107 Espinoza 105 Pan 109 C MaeieSOHav 2113 12 107 4 5 7 1 7J ColvinA 7 Algol 114TniyLad llSPncingStcp 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won e oi nru Last year 32 2SOO This year 18 332 332B Milano MilanoLast QQ B t 3 by Leonardo II Herkyte by Hen Kermis Last work 142 38 37ft Trainer J Mclntyre Owner R E Bisi Mv3030JTdH 2 l15V sl 10 105 3 4 4J 4J FryeJWs S llrsFoster lOOSIissPgy 98Paquette IOC O JIay23305Aur 3 l16J sl 7 109 3 5 G G11 WardenE 7 jrthaFJorencelOlTitleOakllSEaster 100 C M j1930Aur 5 103 2 1 2 3 WardcnE 10 ScthsCpanlonlOSNaZdarlOjPref red04 C Majl630JAur 3 l14ft 4 94 2 G GI S MoranW 12 Kg o t Spal01JyAgeelOSPriehonl09 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 20 SetllS Companion 1 09 B f 3by Setl Simplicity by Celt CeltLast Last work 138 12 55 I JvAi Trainer G Owens Owner J Leo LeoJun Jun 430Tdn 2 l13ft 3910 103 2 3 3i 35i MulneyJ 11 SlissPcggy lOSWingo llOSpanflow 1100 JDyr3030Tdii 3 116 si 710 109 2 2 H 21 ReddingJ 8 DarkSabrelOOUoylBells98NonenIcer 101 0 M y2l30Aur 3 115 gd C 102 3 3 lh 3 MulrncyJ 9 Roodles lOSPrivately lllWatchOn 112 O Maj 1930 = Aur 2 llSm 175 103 1 2 1 1T MulrneyJ 10 Na Zdar 105 Milano 103 Preferred 101 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 16 222 51275 This year 20 534 3125 Nine Dollars DollarsLast B e 5 by Angon Bernini by Puryear D Last work 113 12 12JUB Trainer I V Bellew Owner J C Ellis JUB 4305Tdii 2114 ft 14 110 3 2 21 2tlRossRi 12 FullSpd IttJGdenTtedlOGChryslcrllS O May 730 Aur 3 115 d 14 10S 2 9 S 8 CarrollW 12 Brunswick lOSSunDance lOSAtcasa 100 0 JiatlSSOSt J 3 l15f t 20 113 12 3 6s CarrollXV 9 Apostlel09WarXymphl09KyColonel 114 C ° MatlOSOStJ 2 l15ft 12 113 11 1 I1 CarrollW 12 Nevermore 113 Uavoc 117 Altura 112 0 02nd f Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 0 0Perrlchon 1 1 5 137 This year 8 2 1 0 785 Perrlchon AQ B g 7 by Koneywood Perrier by F W Barr JL JJ U t U Trainer J Dowcll Owner J Dowell llv2330Aur 2 i15 sl G 106 1 3 3s 4 2 MoranW 11 JckRtkinsl09SIccrelyl02PtlRevcre 1101 C JfajlGSOAuc 2 lHHft 3 109 1 2 21 3 WardenE 12 Kg o t SpalOlJyAgeelOSSlorMaid 99 C JI 7l430Aur jj 111 ft 15f 111 1 3 3H 2 WardenE 12 Atcasa 100 Igor 111 Hoatzin 111 0 Arl230Aur 2 l14VSft 16 108 1 6 G10 4 KeiserP 12 TimekceperlOSPlatoon lOSCommnd 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 38 688 3055 This year 17 3 4 a inu inuKentucky Kentucky Colonel 1 07 Br E 5 by Unaer Firc Hustle lass by CoUar CoUarLv Lv I Trainer H C Boiesen Owner W W Loney LoneyM M j3130 Tdn 3 111 ft 15 111 744 = 4GJ FutrcllJ 11 BrhtFIash95NiKlitCrylOS 15rusuinff 11G C Jfcr29303Tdn 3 l19V hy 12 113 8 7 G 58J FutrellJ 9 Roycrofter lllDrCharlio HSWega 101 C ifaj 9305Beu 1TV 150 8 105 7 G G5J CJ FutrellJ1 7 SansTerre HOKuckolsBoy 1071nula 109 C Jfcj 730Beu Gifl24ft 115109 G 8 7 Gi FatrollJ 8 XotGuiltyl03Kalakauall2LdVtine 1170 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won n TT Last year 25 2 1 3 51905 This year 21 312 1505 1505Paddy Paddy Flaherty MorLvi fA B Sl y Fantomas Dutch Lass by Earla Mor Lvi Trainer J Everest Owner J Everest EverestJtaj3130 Jtaj3130 = Tdn 3 l15V f t 3J 111 11 7 Gi 4J SlkmrM 12 NotGuiltylOGGoldiiTintedlOGWentz 111 C CJLylSSOAur JLylSSOAur V lKft 9 10210 7 4 1 4i BoucherJ 12 BWrack99Mozart lOSGoldHandle 1070 1070JUj JUj S30Aur 2 l14ft 10 10S 755 35i BoucherJ8 11 SlissLterlOSKckaboutlOSNondaga 113 C CMi Mi 530 = Aur 3 l14ft 16 113 2 3 4 21 ReddingJ1 12 Beau Aspin HSMozart 113TlieoFay 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 2 4 2 5 1420 This year 10 1 1 J 990 990Ch Pink Blossom BlossomLast Ch f 3 by Omar Khayyam Bramble Hose by Von Tromp Last work 138 38 40sl t VJ Trainer J J Keith Owner Paradise Stock Farm Stable Jun 230 = Tdn 2 114 ft 9 96 3 7 75i 7 i FryeJW1 8 BrunswickllOBBTpsonllOPLigut 104 C MaySOSOTdu 3 l15V sl 21 111 5 G 771 75i BuckleyR 8 JlrsFoster 109MissPgy 9SPaquette 10G C Maj2330 = Aur 2 l16sl 19 103 G 7 7 7 DePremaR1 7 MthaFlorencel04TitleOakll3Easter 10G C Ma1930JAur 3 l18ra 3 103 8 7 7 7 DePrcmaR5 10 SethsCpanionl03NaZdarl05MiIano 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 552 54375 This year 12 0 2 1 5 343 343Sailor Sailor Maid 101 m y Spanish rince n Hauma by Plaudit or Hessian HessianLast Last work 132 341lGft Trainer F Walker Owner J W Johnson JohnsonMaylG30 MaylG30 = Aur 2 l14ft 21 99 4 5 4 ° 1 4T McLaIinEt 12 Kg o f SpalOlJyAgeelOSPriehonlOO C Maj14SOAur 2 l14V ft 135 106 1 3 2 4i AyraudR 12 EuticEddlllHyfishlllnuOnTimelOG C Vij 230Aur 2 116 si ISf 114 7 9 G 41 ColvinW1 12 LkyDriftll4MissLfterll4SdleSkirtsll4 C Maz2G30 AC 2 l12ft llf 105 9 10 1018 9 DePesoG 12 Frank D 115 Brunswick 112 Don K112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 0 0 1 5 65 This year 4 4Chrysler Chrysler MastermanJLLTC 1 CA n e by El Mahdi Good News by Masterman JLLTC Trainer N B Davis Owner Miss L Davis DavisJun Jun 430Tdn 3 114 ft 45 113 7 G 5 i 41 FutrellJ 12 FullSpdll2NineDrsllOGdcnTted 10G C CHaySlSO HaySlSO dn 3115ft lOf 116 5 G S3 S31 FutrellJ 12 XotGuiltylOGGoldnTintedlOGWentz 111 C CMar Mar S30Beu 5Jfl09ft 10 105J 6 5 4 3 4 = 3 GuerraJ lOVandion 109BIack Boy 107 Barberry 102 0 0Ma Ma 3302Beu 3 llajift 14 109 6 6 51 5 J GuerraJ1 10 StaLve 102EiceAtwll lOSSwJIn 10G 0 0t t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 This year 10 2 0 T 555 555ForeljCC ForeljCC 1 OQ Bp y rou ec Fornia by Prestige PrestigeLast Last work 144 12 55gd JLVt Trainer G E Pruett Owner G E Pruett 6ep2629 LF lff l47ft Gl 106 5 4 3 4si NealP 10 Participate 111 Sanction 111 Pride 10G 0 Bep LF 1 l49sl 195 107 3 3 3 3 NealP 11 IIpyBob 112CngIIouse 112Jullen 109 C CeeplS eeplS eeplSoLF oLF 1 6 146 ft G 109 8 G 5 7 HeigleR T12 Euonymous lOOShady Rest 109Igor 114 C Bep 429LF li l53ft 4110 107 5 4 41 64 SmithV 12 DnaStal09Ry10mar 107RGardnrl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 32 575 54470 54470Seths Seths Premium 101 B m 7 by Seth Miss Waldo by Waldo WaldoLast Last work 153 38 39ft J Trainer D D Bogert Owner D D Bogert Majr2930Tdn 2 118 liy 15 101 9 10 llnO FryeJW 12 Shorty lOGBBillTmpson 113Lcnny 9G C Maj 1430Aur 3 l14ft 13f 106 2 12 11 9 LevelE 12 EnticEddlllHyfishlllnuOnTimelOG O Dctl829VP 1 l49gd CS 106 3 11 li ll HornG S12 Gst ofnonorl09IndralllZelmaONl 109 C Dccl229 JP 11 l57 sd 23 102 2 7 7JJ 8i McysME 9 Krick 102 JimBell lOGi TorchBoy 114 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 28 1225 1050 This year 2 2ClaprOCk ClaprOCk 101 Ch B 5 ty Trap Rock Clarice by Knight of the Thistle ThistleLast Last work 15G 34115 ft JUJL Trainer W H Reynolds Owner W H Reynolds Oct 429 = Rav g l02ft 11 106 G CooperR 8 Barberry 111 Pitchfork 10G Teal 112 C COct Oct 2233Rav l02gd 14 104 7 JIcDottT 8 KinFolksl07lmaFox iOGMaimonides 109 C CBqi2129 Bqi2129 Beu 5Jfl08ft 7 98 9 GoodrhE 10 Amir lOlMissIaradise 102Sucrose 112J C CBfrl223Beu Bfrl223Beu 5J f 109 Bd 64 100 4 1 GoodrhE 10 LrtoDawnlOuBrdBoylOOHighbrgellOl C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 4 4Champ Champ le Mars 1 Ofi Ch h 7 by War star Yell w Blossom by Luke Mcluke MclukeLast Last work 153 12 49ft JVU Trainer 0 L Foster Owner 0 L Foster FosterJIajr2430Aur JIajr2430Aur 3 l15Bd 31 112 910 S3 8ts McLalinE 12 JohnnyAgeell2CarIomanll2Voshell 117 C Clbrl430Aur lbrl430Aur 2 l14V6ft 19 111 12 7 7 i G J McLaMinE 12 EnticEddlUIlyfishlllUuOnTimelOG O OM M yl230 Aur 3 l14ft 19 108 7 10 lOUO McLallnE 12 TimekceperlOSPlatoon lOSCommnd 108 C I IKic2130lSt Kic2130lSt J 2 l15ft 9f 120 5 G 5 5i McLalinE 12 Satisfy 101 Amir 11G Gotta Gonow 101 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 17 2 2 2Pelion 22 5 2045 This year 13 2005 1500 1500I Pelion I B h 10 by Theo Cook Lottie Darr by Ethelbert Trainer A T Cragin Owner W H Hoist Hoist5i ficpL2329Akn 5J f lHft 8 117 117Fqv429yhe 5i Median W G TlieYngll2Kop tCoinll5SillyWirel02 A Fqv429yhe a 3 57V ft 31116 31116Btpi 7 BludauR 7 Se toWinllGChfgChterslllTidlJitlOS C Btpi 329 Wiio a I 58 ft 18 115 115jlDe3129IWhe 4 BrownN 7 SamMgeI110l ocket3Iousell7SIaryG102 C jlDe3129IWhe ag 58 ft 43 117 7 TaylorW 7 PocketJIscinElopemt 115Adorablell2 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 16 16Idealla c ton Water by Argregor Idealla ra ioiVft Trainer V Cloud Owner Mrs V Cloud oTlSVfft G 1063 1 21 5 i LcvelE 12 NotGuiltylOGiColduTintedlOCWentz 111 C 2115ft ° 1 107 7 G G G GucrraJ 7 ShffSethll3LkyPIayl01DryNation 1090 Mar 130Beu 3 aim 1IG ft ft 7 74 107 3 G 7 i X G Gi ClevleyW 10 PhographnSlUnluckylOOFollowMe 101 C Are2SSO Beu 6K f lOSft 2 107 5 5 51 6 J BurneyD 7 Fallen Leaf 107 Espoza 105 Wcga 102 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 12 0 o 2 5 150 This year 19 310 1775 1775Itcd Itcd Grailtre 1 Ot B C by SweepFlying Cinder by Plaudit PlauditLast Last work 15412 51ft Trainer E Davis Owner Kay Deo Stable StableJan GlcnnJ 12 Wcntz 111 Igor 115 Kilty Cat 108 C CB Jan 430Tdn l14ft 25 106 2 1 4 J GJ5 B iv2329Lex fc l10ft 56 115 3 3 41 81 MartinE 11 GysMcCnlOOKrnSIxtylOSISgclartylOj C CB B pLlG29lLeX fcl13m 12 11311 5 8 8 MartinE IJ ysP fcrrcdl07FceDolanl02Drifter 103 C CEfnl429 Efnl429 Ler fc 114 m 14 113 1 4 SMO ClemntsII 12 BnisIilnglOSIadyWittlOOBlkAsate 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 3 11 1850 This year 1