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CONNAUGHT PARK OTTAWA ONT THURSDAY JUNE 5 1930 Connatight Park U Mile First day Connaught Park Jockey Club Summer meeting o 7 days Weather clear Stewards representing Canadian Racing Association Francis Nelson Stewards of Meeting D Gillies and J K Paisley Judges E C St Pere W C Morrison and E Baker Starter Marshall Cassidy Racing Secretary W C Morrison Racing starts at 245 p m Chicago time 145 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance AQAf7 t FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 105 3 108 Purse 600 3 TrOTC 4 JL yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third thirdJune530Cl June530Cl 50 Index Horses StrFin Jockoys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 48232 PHOTOGRAPH w 4 114 4 3 2 1 lh lnk I1 J D Colns Mrs J Diebold 420100 47763 MAE BLCHE II w 5 111 7 5 3 3ik ik 31 2 21 F Slate J Bosley Jr flOaO100 47458 PYGMALION WB G 107 11 1 5 4i 4 3 E Fator E F Sanford SanfordSk 343100 47174 IMA HAT w 3 103 5 7 Sk S1 71 41 G Seabo P M Sturm Sturm4h 843101 42879 KNE OF CLUBS WB 5 10612 10 4h 51 5 51 P McGinis W C Baines 330100 47301 HAEL GUMBRTSws 4 100 10 0 047029PAN 61 G 1 G1 L Craver C Simpson Simpsonll1 S53100 47029PAN v 5 109 1 3 ll1 Snk 7nk H Grnberg L Clous Clous1Dk 1355100 47763 SIDNEY W WB 3 92 3 4 1Dk 2k 3 Sl H Howard C L Whiting Whiting7U 1845100 39320 SIR STANLEY w 3 111 S 11 7U 7h gj o3 E Dubreuil Mrs W Walsh t 47945 BROADMOOR WB G 107 2 G 93 91102 10J R Mozer J O Angner 3145100 3145100e 4C149 ECOMA w 3 97 6 12 12 12 12 lll C Brown Highland Stable e 1520100 1520100t 47892 CANAILLE iv 3 87 9 S 10 lOUlll 12 R Cooper Mrs A Monast t tMutuel field Time 23 48 108 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID rEOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS PHOTOGRAPH 1040 590 390 420 100 195 100 95 100 MARIE BLANCHE II Field 85 100 PYGMALION 821 100 Winner Br f by Chatterton Photoplay by Atheling II trained by J Diebold bred by Mr W C Weant AVinner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 249 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same samePHOTOGRAPH PHOTOGRAPH going along in close pursuit of SIDNEY W displaced the latter when reaching the turn withstood a hard drive and under severe urging just lasted to withstand MARIE BLANCHE H The latter going well came to the outside and finished wearing down the winner gradually PYG ¬ MALION broke badly but finished gamely IMA HAT worked her way lip on the outside and closed fast KNAAE OF CLUBS showed early speed but tired HAZEL GUMBERTS lost ground all the way SIDNEY AV quit badly in the final drive driveScratched Scratched 48119Joe McCord 102 47Sy3Hogarty 112 42G85 Pottery 105 47301 Lord Britain 99 99Overweights Overweights Marie Blanche II 1 pound Pygmalion 2 Knave of Clubs 1 Sir Stanley 5 Broad moor 1 Ecoma 4 dOflPTO SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Edisto June 6 1925 1051 3 108 Purse 600 TCOTC d t 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third thirdJUHC530CP JUHC530CP 50 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt SA WB 6 109 11 8 7 = 62 21 1i E Fator H AV Fry 190100 19010047945BALAI 47945BALAI DOR WB 5 112 3 3 11 I1 3 2J AV McCabc A Smith 255100 48174 ILLUMINE w 4 104 12 4 2 21 lnk 3nk S Grnbergr A L Taylor C05100 48230 GRIERSON WB 6 109 4 5 31 3 J 5 4nk R Holland Mrs C Middleton 1635100 163510047943FROSTILA 47943FROSTILA GIRLwB 4 99 6 1 5k 4h 4nk 51 J D Colns Mrs F Sheldon 860100 41261 JUG OF GOLD w 3 98 5 2 G1 73 71 Gnk L Turley P Gorman 1610100 47313 HIGH FLIER WB 5 102 2 9 81 S1 Gnk 7h R Cooper C H Robinson 1375100 47897 ACE OF ACES II w 7 102 10 7 103 9h 81 82 G Seabo AV G Campbell 5070100 42688 ROSE SPOT WB 4 92 1 6 41 51 9 = S J Kenndy Mrs J E Hughes 2SSO100 41781 CANNONADE w 4 93 8 10 9k103 102 104 L Craver Rivcrdale Stable t2515100 46147 TENANT WB 3 102 7 11 1110111I11S II2 F AVhitker Mrs J Zoeller t tGOODFELLOAV GOODFELLOAV w 3 98 9 12 12 12 12 12 H Dawdy D Raymond t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 48 l07s Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS LAS3A 580 370 300 190 100 85 100 50 100 100BALAI BALAI DOR 450 290 125 100 45 100 100ILLUMINE ILLUMINE 415 1071 100 100AAiuner AAiuner Ch g by Ultimatum Lassair by Ormondale trained by J E Hughes bred by Mr J Mac Manus AAinner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 323 AT POST 51 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLASSA LASSA outrun for the first eighth readied the leaders and coming to the outside wore the leaders down and was going away under pressure BALAI DOR setting a good pace and saving ground held on well 1LLUMINH forced a good pace and continued gamely in the drive GRIERSON hard ridden throughout tired after gaining a slight lead on the stretch turn FltOSTILLA GIRL ran a good race JUG OF GOLD ran well The others were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 4G071Coppcr 109 4740Grrincess Much 93 47085 King Charles 105 47895 Little Imp 95 95Overweights Overweights Frostilla Girl 2 pounds Jug of Gold 3 Goodfellow 3 xflQlTO THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Signola Aug 18 1927 145 3 95 Purse 800 3 TcO S 4 O yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 605 second 120 third thirdJunc5SOCr Junc5SOCr 50 fourth 25 Index Horses StrFin Jockeya Equiv Odds Strt 482332DOCTOR FRED w 5 113 2 3 2nk 2 1 lnk 1 I1 R Cooper O Proulx 1821100 48296 SURTEES WB 3 111 31 I1 l lk k 2 2 2 F Slate J Bosley Jr 185100 47896 POMFRET WB 3 101 4 5 31 3 3 3 1 3i P Kefover J Asta 4GO100 4GO100482333MULATTO 482333MULATTO w 4 110 1 2 43 4 4 4 4 M Mitchell T Sullivan 620100 47981 MARLBORO w 6 117 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 C Hnstein AV AVick GS3100 GS3100Time Time 24 494 114 l421s l49i Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSDOCTOR DOCTOR FRED 565 265 240 1821 100 321 100 20 100 100SURTEES SURTEES 260 245 30 100 221 100 100POMFRET POMFRET 320 60 100 100AViuner AViuner B g by Pandion Betty Hanes by AAormleighton trained by W H Denhani bred by Mr L A Lyne AVinner entered to be daimcd for 2250 WENT TO POST 402 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third easily easilyDOCTOR DOCTOR FRED taken under slight restraint early remained within challenging distance of SURTEES SURTEESmoved moved up to the latter took a brief lead on the far turn and held sway to the end SURTEES hurried hurriedinto into a slight lead was rated along steadily and continued well IOMFRET close up in the early racing racingwas was unable to stay with the leaders when put to a drive MULATTO could not make up ground when whencalled called upon MARLBORO would not extend himself Scratched 473793Jcne Rinehart 115 Overweight Surtces 4 pounds r 0 A Qf 7A FOURTH RACE 1 Mile WilkesBarre Aug 29 1924 139 4 108 Queen City rtOTC 4 rt Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner winnerJunco30Cl Junco30Cl 700 second 185 third 90 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 47870 FRIAR CLIFF w 4 103 4 3 41 3 lh 1 1 T Wilson II C Gcenaii 730100 48192STORM w 3 103 3 2 31 I 2 2 2nk F Stevens T Calcina 70100 70100481G42WRACKELL 481G42WRACKELL WB 3 102 155 5 3 3 ° 3 ° N Wall R II New 393100 393100473793JANERINEIIARTWB4 473793JANERINEIIARTWB4 97 5 4 2 41 4 42 4 II Howard 13 A Raymond HGO100 HGO100478962DARIC 478962DARIC ANGEL WB C 102 2 1 lnt 21 5 5 5 G Seabo A L Taylor 543100 543100Time Time 23 48 113 141 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSFRIAR FRIAR CLIFF 1660 520 280 730 100 160 100 40 100 100STORM STORM 345 255 721 100 271 100 100WRACKELL WRACKELL 2G5 321 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Friar Rock Conrcclles by Macdonald II trained by C I Wilson bred by Mr T E Madden MaddenWENT WENT TO POST 437 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and Blow Won driving second and third the same sameFRIAR FRIAR CLIFF much improved and a factor from the start moved into the lead in the last quarter nnd under hard riding was slowly drawing away STORM in close quarters on the first turn raced DARK ANGEL and JANE R1NEIIART into defeat saved ground after gaining command but could not withstand the winner WHACKKLL reserved early made an effort in the last half mile and finished gamely under poor riding JANE RINEHART was used up racing with DAUK ANGEL ANGELOverweight Overweight Dark Angel 1 pound tQir7tZ FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Nicholson July 31 1928 112 4 114 Purse 800 3 TtOTc 6 3 yearolds and upward Maidens Foaled in Canada Claiming Net value to winner winnerluncoSOCr luncoSOCr G05 second 120 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt JiStrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 81G1 = MODEN w 3 101 5 4 42 3 I1 1 T Wilson J C Fletcher 971100 48042 = RETAINER WB 3 102 62 I2 I3 2 22 L Graver Riverdale Stable 193100 193100411933NIP1GON 411933NIP1GON w 3 102 7 1 2i 2h 3J 32 G Seabo II D Macfarlane 930100 47848 TENDER BUD w 3 100 2 G 3 4 4 41 N Wall R H New 1400100 41337 ORE WB 4 104 13 C3 C C Sh L Turiey P Gorman 2730100 48104 GILDED CASINO w 3 100 4 5 53 0 51 G F Wtaker Seagram Stable 14CO100 14CO100ROCKEALON ROCKEALON w 3 107 3 7 7 7 7 7 E Fator J N Day 2210100 2210100Time Time 23 49 117 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSMODEN MODEN 395 240 245 971 100 20 100 221 100 100RETAINER RETAINER 255 250 271 100 25 100 100NIPIGON NIPIGON 270 35 100 100Winner Winner B f by Gauntley or Knights Differ Hidden Crown by Disguise trained by C I WlHson bred by Mr J C Fletcher Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 515 AT POST G minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameMODEN MODEN outpaced for the first threeeighths moved up fast approaching the stretch turn wore down RETAINER at the final eighth post but had to be hard urged for the remainder of the race RETAINER had good early speed moved into a winning lead but tired fast in the final stages NIPIGON beginning from the extreme outside raced close up and was best of the others TENDER BUD had no mishaps ORE fractious at the barrier was placed on the outside of the stall partitions He was never a factor factorOverweights Overweights Modcn 1 pound Rockcalon 2 A Qtf Fffl SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Mr Gaiety Aug 15 1929 143 5 117 Purse TtCJjfc C O 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 605 second 120 120JH1IC530CP JH1IC530CP third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses A Wt PlSt 14 Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 46932 = WHACK WB 4 10S 4 5 32 3 22 Ill1 R Cooper Mrs CM Henderson 47508STERN CHASER WE 4 104 64 22 I3 in 2s 22 J OHara E Nelson 715100 715100470102NOINE 470102NOINE WB 5 109 9 G 9 9 S al 3t E Fator E F Sanford 293100 293100481202POTENT 481202POTENT wn G 103 5 3 5 52 4 43 41 G Seabo E A Raymond 1705100 1705100473492BOB 473492BOB SHANNON WE 3 10G 1 1 1 21 3 3s S3 F Wtaker Mrs O Curtis 85100 48231 GOLD DUST w 5 104 2 2 G1 6t 51 7 61 S Greenbg J M Cattalano 3333100 47943 MADAM EMELIE w 5 108 3 9 S 8 71 6 71 M Mitchell W Elliott 3545100 48233 INSTANT w 3 100 7 7 71 7 C ° S15 S ° L Graver W P Carroll 4470100 48174 ACQUACKANOCK WB 3 89 S 8 43 4 ° k 9 9 9 H Howard L E Hulse 15900100 Time 24 48 114 142 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS WHACK 2170 845 465 985 100 3221 100 1321 100 100STERN STERN CHASER 720 380 260 100 90 100 100NOINE NOINE 310 55 100 100Winner Winner Br c by AVrack La Delivrance by Ajax trained by O M Henderson bred by Belair Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 551 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameWHACK WHACK steadied behind the leaders for threequarters came fast and displacing STERN CHASER CHASERwon won going away STEKN CHASER raced BOB SHANNON into early defeat took a good lead but buttired tired rapidly at the end NOINE far out of it for threequarters closed an immense gap POTENT was under pressure all the way and had no excuses HOB SHANNON lost the lead early and fell back steadily steadilyScratched Scratched 183412Disapproved 103 47897 Cornbelt 100 100Overweight Overweight Gold Dust 1 pound iQAF7f7 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Mr Gaiety Aug 15 1929 143 5 117 rJtOTC 9 a Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 605 second secondJunc330CP Junc330CP 120 third 50 fourth 25 A VtPPStJ4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47948SPANISH ASTER WB 6 102 S 2 3 21 1s 1 1 R Watson I S Shafer 4794 8 WEST POINT w 7 113 3 7 GI 51 5 31 2 G Seabo P M Sturm 4G953 PAT CALHOUN WB 7 110 4 3 5 4 31 2 = 32 A Bulcroft J A Robertson 47948 DONNACO WB 3 100 2 1 1J H 21 4 4i F Wtaker A M Mounce 72S5100 72S51004G952 4G952 SAN DE ORO w 4 107 10 6 S S 7 51 a3 T Wilson T R Perry 2000100 2000100481243ROCK 481243ROCK TRAP w 4 10S 7 8 7 6J Gl G3 6l R Holland C S Kilpatrick 1135100 48122 CUT STEEL w 3 105 5 10 10 9 9 V 1 R Mozer Mrs A A Miller 3033100 48294 CHIPPEWA w 3 9G 1 4 2 3 41 8 8 H Howard C L Whitine J2270100 47893 BROWN CHIEF w G 108 69 9 110 10 91 92 M Mitchell L Clous S10100 S10100481783IDA 481783IDA LEE WB 3 109 9 5 4li7A Si 10 10 J D Clins Mrs F Sheldon t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 49 114 142 147 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS SPANISH ASTER 2000 635 520 900 100 2171 100 160 100 100WEST WEST POINT 300 260 50 100 30 100 100PAT PAT CALHOUN 275 371 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Spanish Prince II Astrology by Star Shoot trained by S S Shafer bred by Nursery tiul Winner entered l i be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 620 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingSPANISH SPANISH ASTER rushed into a forward position opened up a good lead and had speed in reserve at the end WEST POINT in trouble going to the first turn secured racing room on the outside and came fast in the final drive PAT CALHOUN made Ills move on the far turn but tired near the end DONXACO went into a good early lead but tired after threequarters SAN DE ORO closed a big gap ROCK TRAP ran well CUT STEEL was slow to get going CUIPPEWA quit quitScratched Scratched 18177 Gay Isabeau 97 97Overweights Overweights Pat Calhoun 5 pounds Rock Trap 3 Cut Steel a Ida Lee 5