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4th Thistl Down parse 800 3ycatolds and upward Claiming Bus 1 M 40 Yds hcssJuntfS1030 142 4 106 106NOTE NOTE Claiming price 800 Nonwinners In 1930 3ycnrolds 103 pounds older 111 pounds Nonwinners In 1929 allowed 3 pounds poundsThe The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs Disiime Tr Odds WtSt StrFln Jockey PPSta Best Company Class of Eace BaVClIC FrOIlk 101 by Escoa E ° sslaro by Semproniu SemproniuLast Last work 148 38 42m JLUJL Trainer E Lutz Owner E Lutz LutzMajSO30Tdii MajSO30Tdii l 0l45sl 8f 103 4 3 2 k 2 S DupuyM1 10 CLeBus HSMnPne lOSNlcCharge 1180 May2S30 Tdn 3 l16sl 25t 107 1 2 31 3 i Wimmcril 12 WatchOnll8NbleCUgell8ShortyO 113 O HajlOCOBcu 2 117 ft 19 99 10 7 7 7 i McDmtT 10 Bob Spalding 93 Apopka 101 Jof 101 O MatlOSOUP l 6l4Sft 43 109 5 6 G 8 CooperR 12 CaptnAplejkll4Trpe ofDnl04Coy 109 O Mat G30JP Ijs IMDft 173 101 8 7 7i C i CooperR1 11 BfulBcaulOGTysNccklOOTofDwnlO O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 22 4 5 2 52020 This year 7 0 1 1 250 Pretty Ron Br m 6 by Rickety Mesquito by Short Grass Trainer H Bensinger Owner Bensinger le Sanford JfM2430 JP 1 201 st 145 101 ll G 4 31 FryeJW Macl930 JP lfe 202hy 2 107 10 4 4 1 4 JonesL1 12 ChoocheelOSlFrctwll llSSrdBrer 115 O Mael730JJP 1J 205hy C5 107 1 1 14 2 JonesL 12 Nausicaa9GKgsRowl02NdyUme 105 C Mac 730JP 1ff l54AliyW10 104 10 S 14 2 FryeJW1 11 Eniplettc 101 TrueBoy 109 Keydet 109 Oi Ftix2S0FG Ife l5Uim 85 10910 5 2 2 McyerC 12 Command 109ColCampusll4Kajaba 114 0 0r r Starts 1st 2nJ 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 41 4365 3000 This year 10 0 4 1 5 550 DlCCrail 1 0 J E y nmcr QKennSi by Red Fox II JLvO Trainer G Alexandra Jr Owner J E Smallman SmallmanN N 25295Bow 3112ft IOC 114 11 14 14 il4 BurnsT 14 JIoscowl09ThcTartar 114LadyMarIe 114 O Mac 329IIav lfglMfttt 2e 105 4 3 51 G F Douy G Viscose 110 Cartago 114 Willie K103 H Fdx22295Hav 1 141 ft 2o 109 5 5 5 G14 J Jones 7 Viscose 109DrSignal 107JckBerry 102 A 551Pim 112233 ft 15 110 3 1 1s 1 F Mann 9 PugctSound 11311ryBeal 95 Valentino 108 49G Pitn 1 116 149 ft 6 110 2 3 3 4SJ E Wattersl2 FriedjofNansen lluDonQ 108IIorologell2 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 3 This year 1 0 1 0 5 80 80Margaret Margaret Flynn QP f 3 by y B BLast Bondage Rose Lee by Granite GraniteLast Last work 150 lml50lir O Trainer C W Moore Owner C W Moore May l30 Lex 1 145 ft 225 109 7 7 G 7 PichonL PichonLApc3030Lex 8 Upscdaisyll2ThtIeJnl09MissElith 109 O Apc3030Lex l ls s l49ft 17 105 9 G 3 4 = PichonL 9 GcnCtonllGGoodmanlllPpIeSand 10G O Ape2430lLcx l l47ft 16 106 5 G 6 G CreesRi 8 LdyWtlOS Irahal08 SwtGevvellS O Apn2130Lex 1 l45ft 36 108J10 9 9 9 DuboisD 12 N ninawaiil07Bkberry 10711gate 107 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 91 0 1 5 700 This year 4 4Friend Friend 10 C e y zze Grace Cole by Ornament OrnamentLast Last work 148 12 49ft JVO Trainer A Miller Owner L J Collins CollinsJIa29301CD JIa29301CD 1V l48sl 22 110 1 I 4 i 4 J HardyL 9 BigSdyllOBk on WtellOLyBasil 103 0 0Maj19303CD Maj19303CD 1J l59 m 12 111 7 G 7 7 LennleW 8 RylSptllOJIyllobbylllLyNancy 106 O ONot30295Bow Not30295Bow 1s 149 ft 26f 107 3 5 2 4 RenlckS J14 Mcricharl02Brabman 107StarFljer 108J C CKbtSG KbtSG Bow 1J l56ft lOf 107 4 8 1010 RenicUS J12 Rockslide 112 Blanco 104 Krick 101 0 0OctSO29Aur OctSO29Aur 1J 202m 8 108 1 3 31 6CJ DeperiniR T12 Revcillon 103 Otilla 101 PatField 1040 1040Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 2 0 5 421 This year 2 2Bond Bond Slave 1 OQ B B 6 y Bon aSe Biddy McGeo by McGeo McGeoLast Last work 154 12 50 ft JLUO Trainer T S Doyle Owner Mrs N E Doyle MaSlSOTdn 1 l43ft 40 110 5 7 7 7 DougrtyF 7 Venezuela 111 Gotham 109 DarFur 110 0 Maj2S30 Tdn 2 l16sl 25C 111 11 12 12 12 KeddingJ 12 WatchOnll8NbleChgell8BlleFrk 107 0 MajlO30Pim 2 l13ft 46 114 10 10 9 9 = CarlisleC lO Wig 108 Guilder 111 Fair Bob 120 C Apc2530 HdG lfe l47ft 12 115 7 10 1313 WkmanR 13 MyMcNeilllOHarvardlloDbnSw 113 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 18 This year 7 7FollOW FollOW Me 1 OQ Bl y ac Atkin Money Mad by Martinet MartinetLast Last work 149 38 38t t 40sy JLVO Trainer C E Davison Owner C E Davison Maj3130Tdn 2 llft 15 111 G 8 lOSllS CunhamL 12 XotGuiltylOCGoldnTintedlOGWentz 111 0 Maj2930Tdn 3 118 hy 20 103 8 G 6 6 CunhamL3 12 Shorty lOCBBillTmpson HSLenny 90 C Maj 930Beu 65fl09ft EJ 104 G 3 24 2 CunhamL 10 Skipaway 102Efeldee lOTLittleCook 105 C Ma 530 = Bcu 2 l17V ft 195 1031 6 3 4 1 41 CunhamL 10 Hailstorm lOSJBlazoner lOlDeviner 100 0 Ma 130Beu 2 116 ft 14 J01 1 3 31J 3 CunhamL 10 PhotoraphllSlUnluckylOO Yktown 112 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 22 0235 400 This year 19 0 4 3 5 490 490Doltairo Doltairo 1 BroomstickJLUO OS B y on ace Annagh by Broomstick JLUO Trainer J McShane Owner J McShane McShaneJun Jun 3305Tdn 1 l42ft CO 106 2 G G Gsi MaddcnL 8 Business lOGFinuic ICSKckyBabe 105 C Ma28SOTdn 2 l16sl 40 112ilO 10 1010 MatthewsT1 12 WatchOnll8NbleCirell8BHeFrk 107 O Koilff29Lat lfs 215m 12 103 5 6 5 5 = ° DePmaR 6 7 Uncle Al 114 Sharon 112 FireUnder 107 C l 1429TLat 1 159 m 14 105 4 3 55i 5 TurkC 7 GrtSportllOElvnSirtyll4McCulchll4 C CKbill29Lat Kbill29Lat 1fe 202hy 125 108 5 2 2s 41 TurkC G DareDevlll03Mynobbyl03FlhgGeml03 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 8 0 1 0 5 200 This year 2 2Blue Blue Caddie 1 Ofi Ch m 7 ty Tea Caday Blua Eacer by Blues BluesJLVU JLVU Trainer W H Carrier Owner Mrs W Heath HeathMaj Maj 330Beu 1 153 ft 17 101 1 9 10I10 McAlstrD 10 PceRonaldllSlBaacLlOSFrJscc 10GC Apc2530Beu 1 l4Sft 103 1031 3 10 10 10 GrnbergS 10 Infanta 104 Frankman 102 Sunset 102 C APc2130lBeu 2 TlG5 gd 50 102 7 G GSJ G10 McAllisrD 8 FallenLeaf 115GoldcnJI105Efeldee 105 C Dct 529 Rav 6J f l23 ft U 106 4 McAllterD 7 Messidor 112FngLnla lOlLlLegion 112 C COct Oct 329Rav 1 148 ft 40 101 Sl McAllisrD 8 JIichaelBU4Cavalryll4AfteMary 100 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 0015 50 This year 3 3FlamarilO FlamarilO 1 CR Cn f 4 by Flammarion Mae Arnold by Thicket ThicketJLvO JLvO Trainer J D Mikel Owner W Mikel Son SonMaj1530JTul Maj1530JTul 2 l19sy 28 101 41 MulrneyP 10 Forlle IOC Lahonton 102 Excellent 104 0 0Maj Maj 7306Tul la 155 si 18 103 Gi MillsW 8 Kiskl llOFkSupterlOGMo tStrm 100 C CJfaj Jfaj 330Tul GJ f l2Shy 16 102 7 RileyHR 8 UncleJay lODuf fsTime 115 Oseda 109 C CApc30303Tul Apc30303Tul 51 f l15m 115 103 GJJ RileyHR 10 WarCastlcl09 VoltlOS SilenUack 103 0 0Macl4305Hav Macl4305Hav ll l53ft 10 103 4 7 6s 55i LongJ 9 MelitalOSMyDestinafn HSFasciste 108 C Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 25 2 0 G 5 945 This year 15 1 2 1 1120 1120Lord Lord Marillion 108 Ct B 5 by we Perrigo by Wormleighton WormleightonLast Last work 128 38 38ft JvO Trainer J J Keith Owner J J Keith KeithMay2430JAur May2430JAur 5J f l07gd 16f 116 11 12 1111 DellowW 12 Watch On 110 Gibbons 111 Hoatzin 112 O Apc2630 Whe l01ft 11 116 6 8 8 i S i BuckleyR 9 Doc K lUStmMaiden 106 Vitalize 111 O ApellSO Who 2 l18VWt 31 Ul 5 4 3J 3 BuckleyR1 10 PhiDelta 104Panorel lOGBlazoner 10G C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 11 0 0 1 S 50 50GaliailO GaliailO 1 Ofi E y Harmonaue Oriental Gold by Hanbridge HanbridgeLast Last work 14G 58 l05ft JLUO Trainer D Bauer Owner Mrs T Phillips PhillipsMay3130Tdn May3130Tdn 2 l15ft 51 111 12 10 9 J 73J RossR 12 KotGuiltylOGGoldnTintedlOCWentz ni 0 0Maj Maj lSOJBeu 2 117 ft 11 105 1 Fell OMalleyJ 10 Not Guilty 102 Jof 10S Devincr 105 n Octl229Rav 6J f 126 gd4310 107 5 i CooperR 8 Toiler 107 Sucrose 105 Agitation 105 Oct 229JRav 1 148 gd 7 103 3 KentyH 8 Jean Bond 105Messidor lOSPickerel 100 0 06fnl629 6fnl629 Beu 6J f l10sl 22 1071 Si CastleW 10 Botch 112 PhiDelta 103 Reminder 103 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 7 480 This year 2 111 Cht B 8 by Marten Far UP JLJLJL Trainer E Lucas Owner B Lucas Lucas3raj2930TTdn 3raj2930TTdn 1 149 hy 50 114 1 5 8 S Maddenl 10 IIyIIanlylllPanoreMOOAmsAple 114 C CApt2430lWhe Apt2430lWhe GX f 123 ft 106 111 S 10 lOnOl RcnickJ1 10 KyColot lllClayPignllGLastCirgellS 0 0Apn23305Whe Apn23305Whe 6Jfl23ft 47 113 G 8 8J3 7 J BarrW1 10 JibelOS Ed ward Gray 113 ReighShotlOSO ReighShotlOSOApclGSOWho ApclGSOWho GX f l25m 33 113 4 G GSJ G1 GucrraJ 10 ClayPigeon USSunolin lOoFlaherty 108 O OApilOSOWlio ApilOSOWlio B l04gd 42 114 G G 5 5 FatorE 12 Lucky Drift 107 Sunolin 104 Lang 99 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 3 1 5 260 This year 10 Flltliro 1 OP B B y Ormon3alo Futurist by Golden Maxim MaximLast Last work 135 58 103 ft JLvO Trailer H Neal Owner Mrs H Neal NealMaj3130 Maj3130 Tdn 1 l43ft 30 109 5 6 G G ReddingJ 7 Bumpkin 1C9 Morley 105 Finnic 109 0 Maj21306Aur Ijfj l4Sgd 150 106 4 G G G0 BoucherJ 9 Kamuela lllSalta lOGIIazclDenson 101 O Majl730 Aur 1 146 ft 94 U5 8 5 7 8 LoganL 9 Kama 105 Prospect 110 GduClna 115 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wen Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 13 1125 825 This year 13 0 2 0 5 300 300Speak Speak Easy 1 1 1 B g 6 M by Johren Doirdre by Celt CeltJL JL JL JL Trainer J Minor Owner J Minor MinorAj Aj 3030Beu 5J C l09ft 47 104S10 10 10 ilOl ToaminoL 10 Capistrnol03Kalakaual05nigliPncel05 0 Ap2330 Beu g l02ft 139 106 10 10 10 = 1051 Madden W 10 LylcCtelOlTFchGl lOSJBBrugllS 0 Mac G29TJP l lj j l52gd 123 105 11 12 12 12 S Dulion t2 PatCalhu 114Jack dOr 109Rcaltor 114 O Mae 129JP 1 l52HKd 123 109 4 12 12 12 O Laidy U2 Jealous 108 Cassie 102 Ferseth 112 n Starts 5st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 This year 2 2Shasta Shasta Lady QQ Br f 4 by Tracer Comfort by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 139 38 40vssy O Trainer J S Ownbey Owner Mrs J S Ownbey May3130 Tdn 1J l54ft 71 101 8 8 8 = 4 J EllswthW8 S LongJoelOGIIappyJIajilylllVuIence 10G 0 Ma 2930 Tdn 1 150 hy 20 106 9 43 31 FutrellJ1 9 Jasonette 109UoutadoslODDarcDevil 109 0 Maj2130TAur 1 l49gd 132 101 8 G 8 S BouclierJ 9 KtuckylSabclOlMalcolmllODnaStalOl O MalSSOAur 2 114 ft 3Gf 105 11 12 11 10 KciscrP 12 Scnora lOJSinccrely laiLuckyDrift 107 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 0 0 2 5 200 This year 11 0 0 1 75 75Billie Billie N QQ Ch tf 3 M Mf f y Bunga Buck Winnoconno by Mcelicic Last work 15G 38 40ft Trainer J Hi Nicholson Owner Mrs J H Nicholson NicholsonJun Jun 230Tdn 1 l43ft 30 103 5 5 S53 8 i DupuyM 9 IkSabrel02Vicksburg lOSPaqucttc 105 0 ApelSSOIIdG 5J f lOSm 39 110 7 8 8 S SerloJ S IKliPollvllSntylSenullSKedCStcrllO A AMan Man G30Mla 3 i13V ft 1G5 101 5 3 3 2J HIlcyG 8 Wingo 114 Itoyal Casta 114 Saluta 105 O OMae Mae 330Mia 3115 gd 7 113 9 G G1 31 FouhyN 12 MyDellalOSBdonBrderllGEmulatorlU 0 Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 3 This year 70 2 1 375 375Shasta Shasta Bally 1 1 1 Br B 7 by BaUy Beaumont Bolle by Ornament OrnamentJJJ JJJ Trainer W St Vincent Owner W St Vincent VincentMajr2030 Majr2030 TuI 1fa 155 ft 12f 102 811 TcrhuneG 10 WtWlrardl09CorralBoss lllPccpO104 0 0Are2G30ttTul Are2G30ttTul 1 l53sl 1910S 7 WoodJ 8 SliastaKock 110 PccpO107 Jimltell 1050 1050Mae27208JP Mae27208JP 1 150 ft 71 107 3 7 4J 21 FryeJW 11 ScyPonyl07Lun cj9GSportingVetn 1120 Rb2130FG l jl49Bd 3S 107 911 9 S WillardC 12 OncCcnt 112MatMcGoeyll3IJImBell 112 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 37 3 35 52150 This year 5 0 10 10