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1st FairmOlint PurseSSOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Sly Dandy 34 Mile Sepl 7 lass in3 ice iceJfOTE JfOTE Claiming price 1000 if for loss 3 pounds allowed for each 5200 to 1000 4ycaroIds and upward ivliich have not won since April 1 Weight 116 pounds Nonwin ¬ ners in 1330 allowed 3 pounds Ind TP Horse Wt Hoc AWtIIan AWtIIan4800S1 4800S1 13 Afterglow FP 100 115 g 6 107X725 107X72541G01 41G01 13Yalovian Tij 99 114 C 102X720 102X72042SG1 42SG1 10 Ephosian Mia 111 113 5 110X715 41831 Bllarborton BB 111 113 4 102X710 102X710482SG 482SG G Watchword FP 115 114 5 113 705 7054C095 4C095 4 Hasty Girl HIT 108 113 4 102 700 7004S152 4S152 1 Cucvas Tij 103 113 5 107XG95 48410 5 Matthew JI 111 114 4104XC95 47771 2llenry Sommers FP 103 114 C 99XCOO Ind TP Horse Wt Rec AWtIInn 41823 3 Frightful 8 101XCJ 4S153 7 Lady ONcilFP 100 114 5 102XC90 4S097 9 Uncle Martin 4 101X030 44107 11 Mosque DI 100 114 7 107XC90 107XC904S2SG 4S2SG 12 The Badger Bbg 115 113 8 110XC90 48410 = 14Chris Paschen KP 110 114 4 102 090 0904C10G 4C10G 1C Joan ShlrleyFP 107 111 G 102XG90 The past performancea ot the horses entered In this race tosether with latest workout and racing record Date Crs OisTInie Tr Odds WtSl StrKIn Jockey PPSU Best Company Class of Race Afterglow 1 07 Ch s G y annan Afternoon by Princo Palatine PalatineLast Last work 155 lral4G ft Trainer G R Bryson Owner E K Bryson Kaj2 Kaj230IFP 30IFP 2 114 ft S 113 9 9 7i 3 SerioJ1 9 JnneAdolcl03QunWhimsl01JHndesl05 C Cjar21305FP jar21305FP 3 l14ft 13 111 4 7 5 5 SerioJ S Ossie II 118 Billy HOLady ONcil 10G C CKoi25293Bow Koi25293Bow 1fg l30ft 5 113 13 11 9 S AbclA 13 GrnmlniaGlOOGrabBaglOSSeargton 112 C HbclSaFim 1fg 149 gd SI 111 7 PalumboS 11 FairGoldlOSMefrSpksllOUhPlaycrlll C COct30295Emp Oct30295Emp 1J 208 ft 7 120 3 4 5 5SS KslngerC 10 Whistlerll5SrV qzBelloll5Villagerlll C OcL2129 = Emp 1J l5Gsd i 115 4 2 1 2J HarveyW i ° 10 PaulaL 107Clarifier lOSLastBite 103 C Octl329sEmp 1J155 ft 133 117 5 3 3 i 3 HarveyW 5 WhlstlerllSAngelenalOOSVazBello 113 C Octl529Jam 1 l45ft 12 121 10 4 3 = J 2 HarveyW 13 BoyishBobl09Angelcnal03MissOninel05 C Ct t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 4 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won JLast year 22 15 3 5 2475 This year 2 0 0 1 51 51Yalovian Yalovian 109 SwecpsrJL Bl s y assovian K rra qui Roulc by Swecpsr JL J Lt Trainer G Nugjnt Owner Nugent Bros BrosBTKIOEO BTKIOEO P 1 155 hy2310 1CS 2 2 2 = 3 KdwardsC J 7 GrandKing HSChoChoSan 102Jutcy 100 C Sep 723DP 2 119 m 7 110 4 3 21 2 EdwardsC 11 BkAgate 115GyMch 105NkolsBoy 108 C Sep 429 DP 1140 ft 1S3 107 3 1 4 1 73 EdwardsC 12 EfeIdcel09OurJoan 102QuecnWhims 102 C Ans2329JDP 1 l41ft G 112 S 10 10 9 CarrollW II PrpleSandlOOCarryUplOGNornPass 112 c JuL 59FP 6Jfl09 Bl 31 110 1 2 2 1 JudyJ 11 PunkiellOPocketMousclOSBlackNan 105 C j JuL 1295FP 3 114 ft 31 113 7 5 4J 3 J JudyJ l 8 GovfnorSethll7SagamoI09BrkUHnglOO C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 1 1 2 963 Eplicsian EplicsianLast 110 Ch h 5 by Hourless Oval by Fair Play Last work 151 38 38Oct JJLU Trainer E E Watson Owner E E Watson Oct 720TFP 1 l4GVtffd l4GVtffdGet J 110 5 8 7J 7 FordJ 11 SwpstakeslllBurntlllGnomeSecondl02 C Get 429FP 2 115 si 8 113 12 12 121 12 FelixC 12 Kagabdl09mkAgatellSBurngGrs 115 C C9J i629LF J l2S ft ftAns 9J 112 7 S S1 9 MeyerC 10 PlIlRrerelOSRoycftcr 112SwpNet 109 C C7J Ans 529Bb l43ft l43ftJuL2929AP 7J 110 3 2 5T 5J LoumanH G Marabou 102 Kssie 101 Black Alice 97 C JuL2929AP 1J l33ft 16 110 5 7 10 1010J 10J LoumanH 14 JolinJsCnJrllOCrkldianlOOIhtAirlOl C CCJ CJ 110 4 8 9l 9 LoumanH 11 HySchncidorlOoAviatorllOThistlcStarflS C JuL C233FP I l4Sm 1G5 5 110 5 52nd 2 V 2 LoumanH C SfpdalellSGraydalelOSSport Dross 107 C Starts 1st 1stLast ° 2nd 3r 1 IT Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 24 3 3 G Hsirl0rton Hsirl0rtonLast Cl ° y Chatterton Harbour Light by Sundridge Last work ISO Iml G ft Trainer H D Cox Owner Mrs II D Cox BeiU42 Tii S l27ft 19 110 7 4 4s 5si MannF 12 GrabBasll4BuratSicnnal09CareFreel08 C eppll29 Thf g l27ft 20f 109 5 11 11 121S MannF 512 Lactariusl0301dTimesl03FredPrkr 109 C Bep 529JJB 3 l13sl 2S 110 C G 75i 3si MannF 10 Chafciiee 107Supawna 107JnyAgee 107 C Bfp229CB 2 Ii31 ft 2S 99 G 3 9 J Sei ITannF 11 SVfgaMajelllJCecmVrlOSGrabBglOS C Ans3029BB 3113 ft 32 111 3 2 C3J 3Ji MannF 12 Trappy 112 Dotcaw 112Sn Swper 112 C Ang2729cDor le 148 ft 9f 110 3 8 SilO9 MannF 12 Gaineswd 107kinkajoulOSClioirBoy 102 C Ausl629CP I10 l44ft 70 107 4 2 9 9 McGinisP 11 Catrtsbrgl01GrabI5agl07Gaineswdl07 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won iast year 18 1 1 1 950 VatcIlWOrd I 1 Q s S 5 by St Henry or Ormondale Eileen by Plaudit or Star StarLast Last work 151 12 4Sft JJO Shoct ShoctTrainer Trainer J D Xarkin Owner J Gosdecke Jr JrJun Jun 20FP 2 l14ft 4J 113 6 4 4J Kellumji 12 QunWmslOlTheMajcrllOFlenLeaflOS 0 JUj2630FP S l13ft 8 110 3 2 7SJ 9 JudyJ1 12 OssieHllGFoeMann lllJncAdele 102J C 230 = FP 3 ll3ft 33 113 1 1 1 2J JudyJ 12 ForleMnllOKgHalmallSWdgain 110 C JL J2030 = FP 2 llSVhy 3V 117 G S 81S S = ScurlockH5 8 ForecasterlOSStarchllOGdShepherd 115 C Ujl730FP 3 l16V4sy 52 1M 2 2 4 V JudyJ 9 JackCrain 115Toltec HORobinaScth 10G C C3Ujl3SOFP 3Ujl3SOFP 3 114 ft 88 112 3 3 45i 8 z ScurlockH 12 TheSirwOffl07Highwayl07PatsyH 102 C aiarlO30FP 2 115 ft SS 117 6 SIJ S ThomasH1 8 MryWlnsorll5Ragabaldll7Domina 104 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 11 This year 7 0 1 0 100 100Hasty Hasty Girl 1 Q f 4 by Xucullite Impetueuse by Bibre BibreLast Last work 150 341lGft JV Trainer r C Travis Owner S B Friedlein JlwlSSOIIav 01 f lOGi4ft 2 10S 3 2 2 = 4J KileyG G PatsyHlOSPriratelyllSPrcingStPp 114 C CMir Mir 130Hav 3 113 ft C5 10S 2 1 I3 1 GoodrichE 8 ColFallon 103Chester 10SLuckyDriftl03 C rfcl4305IIav 2 l14ft I 103 1 1 I I1 BryantD 7 Ranch Lass 103 Florinassa 105 Owl 115 C Jinl230IIav 2 l13i ffd S5 J03 2 1 2 lnk JMwdsC G JnyAgeellOCliarbnel lOGLtChargc 107 C j Dec2829IIav 5 f lOSgd 2 101 2 1 1J 1J KdwardsC 12 Owl 112MryWindsor lOJIrishSphc 112 C 6tplG29suP fclllft 41 105 4 GarrityP 8LonMackl02Nondaga lOGFallenLeaf 110 C Bcpll29RP fc l12ft 8i i07 2i OBrienR 8 Son Ami lOOLou Mack 104A1 Latin 105 C Aog 9293Ken 5i f l07ft 3 101 2 3 3i al EdwrdsC 12 SIdyH clil04MBl cheI110GPrcesital03 C CJuL272SJDev JuL272SJDev 5J f lOG ft 3 93 2 1 1J 1 EdwrdsC 12 KathneWlOoNightHkllOWafrgaplOa C Stirts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 This year 4 00 2250 Cncras t rrj Ch g 6 by Runny medo Salathe by Salvation JLU I Trainer W Webster Owner S H Soper Ma73030FP 2 115 ft 7 109 3 6 3 i 71 BradyT 12 SurseonlOoKingHalmallSByBring 103 C CUaj2330FP Uaj2330FP 2113J ft 57 101 3 3 3 4J2 DayWs 8 Arrogant HORagabaldlOlHcadCer 115 C C3SOFP 3SOFP 5 l13Hft 14 111 5 4 4J 4 BelysldA1 9 I FJorelllQunWhimslOGPebsLast 111 C 306FP 2 I19t41iy GI 110 1 1 1J 2 GtlrichE 10 BrmoneyllOGaineswood 115Fascistell3 C CM M jlG30FP 2 l13V ft 51 117 2 3 G ° J 7 SkyrmF9 12 TheMoonl01CmgLadyl07KatArmsll2 C MAC 830 = Hav 5 l14Jift 13 107 3 5 G1 Gi NashE1 9 Criltalll07ScotlamlGirl 102ShortyO 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd WOD Last year 22 535 53470 This year 1G 2 3HattIieW 1 01 Bt e y Paragon II Orange Lady by William tho thoLast JVT Last work 153 58l05 ft Third ThirdTrainer Trainer D Shaw Owner Mrs M Wolff Wolffin in 430 = FP J l14ft GJ 111 G 4 7Ji 8 GianlonlE 9 NlieBartl03ChPclienllOnutliI ngl02 C H j2930FP 3 l141 ft 14 112 3 7 1010 PcETgC8 10 TinUat 112 JimOrmort 109Griff W 115 C CCktl229FP Cktl229FP 3 l18hy 7 111 6 1 2 6 BurnsT 10 Houston lOSUourbon 108 Impcrator 105 C Oct 929FP 2 l14V sl 9f 109 4 4 6i G BurnsT 10 Bocaratonell5SdlcSkirtsl07PatsyH108 C t 723 FP a lltlisd 16f 107 2 2 853 SjTliclssS 12 FfteMnlllBocartonelloArrogant 10G C CBepl729LF Bepl729LF jl14 gd 54 103 6 11 121512 JonesL 12 TmmyLad lOSBrillante 102LeFlore 108 C Starts 1st 2ad 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 3125 2625 This year 2 Henry SoillinerS SoillinerSLast Cn e 6 by Tea Caddy Ssrenata by Ornament Last work 153 58101ft Trainer W P Gaines Owner Murdock McQuillan 2 lUV4ft 225 110 1 3 4 C DayW 12 LutkPiecc 100 Lounger 113SonAml 110 C JL19SOFP 2 l18Uy 2S 110 G 3 2 2J DayW 12 KmphaticlOoGriff W 115Imperator 115 C lUjlGSOFP 2114ft 33 112 12 11 1010 DayW 12 MyBeautyllOFallenLcaflloKgBankm C OctlS29FP 3113 ft 24 107 11 G 8 8 HornF 11 KsHalmalOjLckySwplOlCasliPlaylOO C COctl729FP Octl729FP 2 l13ft 10 101 11 9 9 1 7 = 1 CimerakG 12 IkyUrift lOGKgllalma 1100urBdyll2 C Octl229FP 2 l17hy310 110 1 G 7 i G RootT 1S12 JackUp 100 Waponoca 111 Mcdius 110 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 14 1 0 0 5 700 This year 3 0 1 1l 0 TYifliffnl 1 l Ch Bt 8 by y Drizzle rzze Spiteful peu by y Orlando rlando rlandoLast 155lml45ft Trainer J D Grant Owner J D Grant GrantJ Last work J n2030FG 1 l49sl 12 HO 12 Fell LeylandJ 12 AltimeterlOSIIbAslibyllODareDevil 110 C JanlG30FG 1J l56gd 11 107 5 2 41 75I Smith V 12 Hilary 112 Genial 112 Faddy 112 C CDec319 Dec319 JP 11 2OS ft 1C IOC 12 G 8 8T1 RussellK 12 PatCalhomilllIIehukal lOoRainfall 101 C Dcc2V29 J P 14S ft G 107 3 7 G G51 CarrollW 12 Ifme andKcasonll2Indral09Lemnos 112 C D 20297JP 1 146 ft 9 10S H 8 BGi G SwIgcrtT I12 Emplette lOlPCainoun HGSunBaby 103 C Deci3297JP ISl56 ft 10 111 8 11 11I010 JIayT 12 CottagelJoy 111 Faddy 111 Portal 112 C CSt3rin St3rin 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd AVons AVonsLast Last year 34 344 5 3C48 This year 2 2TTfJv TTfJv OXoil OXoilLast 1 flO Br m 6 to Malamont Grandess by Cesarion Last work 15C12 51ft Trainer J Z Paul Owner A Strdud JU SOSOU P 2 l13j ft 31 HI 433 4Ji WillioitPF1 9 ChgLadyllSSlandGirllllFIenLcafllO 0 Jiaj2S30JFP 2 l13ft 40 101 2 G GJ 0 WilhcrtPFs 7 FtunatcMpllOMyDavylOlKglJanklOj C K2330 FP 2 l14V ft 12 HI 3 7 7 7 PrerassA 8 KingsportlllHrdLcelllLoulsville 11U U Mv2130FP 2 l14ft 19 100 1 1 2J 31 PrerassA1 8 Ossiell HSBilly 1101ebblcsljst 100 0 JUIGM FP 2 l14V ft 214 112 1 12 12IS 8 WilsonL11 22 MyI5eautyllOFallenLeafll5KgBankll2 C JI rl430FP 2 1M ft 23 113 12 12 12IC12 = 3 WilsonL 12 ArroK ntll51dentScth 115KgBnk 115 C H c2830lJP 21lSm 42 110 2 2 35i 4 LoumanH 12 DonTinky 112Btichon HOOneCent HOC Startg Jst 2nd 3rd AVon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 This yearC 9 00 1 CO Uncle Martin MartinMv2930FP 1 fA Ch c 4 by Eir Kaitin 3rrycssa by TTncle JLU i Trainer W C Daly Owner J W Bhoitscr Mv2930FP 2 l14ft G2 112 S 10 9 9J HanfordB4 HanfordB4C5f 10 Tinllat 112 JImOrmont 109GrlffW 115 0 Octll29FP 3 llG m C5f 103 6 7 9I 91 CramerR 12 KhortyO IllNIieBallot 102ChIclero 103 O Jut 623 Rav GJfl27ft 30 111 4 OMalleyJ 7 EmlleFllGBavIcKronklOGBrnLady 111 C Jul lJ3 = Rav a 3 67ft 51 113 G 3 RIccJH 10 IlcSmllell4FacclVm 107RoscSfrk 101 C Junl329 Whe n 3 5Sft 34 101 5 BaiiciR BaiiciR2nd 7 Sol 117 Magnus 115 BudBud 112 C Starts Int IntLast 2nd 3rd W n Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 15 1 This year 1 MOSQUO 1 07 B y Po lo = Hinaret by King James JamesLast Last work 128 38 37ft JV I Trainer L W Johnson Owner W L Johnson JohnsoniVeUMJP iVeUMJP I l50Kd 63 112 5 G 5 J 5 WhltkrU 7 StirFoIixlOSHprtUr sl02RpdSpIdcrl07 0 0Ben Ben 929MP 1154 hy 76 113 5 G Ci G J WhifkcrR 8 SthrdBovllOHnykerl09WeJ tWindlll O OIV IV 395JP 110 i5osl 173 11G 3 2 4J G ThomasJ 10 FkllawleyllGSperFclixlllQnjuIll 101 O ONoT2S9JP NoT2S9JP 1e 159 hy 15 111 7 5 7 7 ThomasJ 10 Open Co Shut 112 Rasull 111 Prig 110 O OSrp Srp 9C9DP 1150 hy U 110 5 1 1 I EdwurdsC 7 Altlmrl07MrIntosh 107SetirsBallot 103 C CSrp Srp G23DP 1 l41sl 3d 112 3 3 2 2 EdwardC 8 Mclntrsh 107 Palolo 117 Sister 1al 101 C CSop Sop 429 DP 1 l39ft 15 11210 11 ll llsll sll SPvcn N 11 Carryfp lOGlImpcratorlllFIorcnda 100 O 2 29DP 2 2113 113 ft 23 112 7 9 7 72 WilsonL 12 Mcriwick llOViolado HOJAWell 114 O Starts 1st 1stLast Won Stcrta 1st 2nd 3rd W Last year 19 2 5 1C75 1C75i i Ch jr 8 by Star Master Basdadine by Flint Rock Last work 148 12 Trainer A J Pershall Owner Blua Star Stabls 2 l V ft 2 113 5 3 5J 7 CavensJ 12 QunWinslOlThcMalorllO FlenLeaflOS 0 2 l13ft 20 117 3 1 5 i 5 CavcnsJ 10 WrnPccssl07Mortanall2Kg atAsll C 3 l14 ft 12 11G 2 3 5 3 KootT 8 KinKsporllllirrdLeclllIoiiIsvilli I1GC 2 lllV ft Gi 117 2 3 9 IlootT 12 MvBiiutyllOFallcnLcafll5KgIankll2 G 2 l13ft 2310 11G 5 2 2 9 SandersC 12 Shorty 110 Buohon 110 Partake 109 U 2117 si 7 113 G 4 31 31 It Lam n 12 Go Away 105 Polton 113 Kajaba 110 C JUc 129JP 2 llGV sd 135 113 G 4 3 1 C Sands 12 Ham 105 Hlpplas 115 Uncle Boot 113 O OStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Woav Last year 4 4101 4101Cliris 1 0 1 8CO This year 4 4en Cliris OxLast Pasclicn en 1 109 Ox C B 7 BuntnS Tw No Trumps by Ballot Last work 133 53 3Jl18ft JUi Trainer L Kindle Owner W M Cain Jun 430FP 3 l14 ft 20 110 S 5 5JLV200FP 43 21 PeggC 9 NHeliartl05RutliLongl02 Webster 10G C C5TJ JLV200FP 3 lSV41iy 4S 103 5 5 5Frit 5TJ G14 PcggC1 8 ForccasterlOSStarchllOGdShephcrd 115 O OGJ Frit 1930 Ha v 53 J f 114 hy 4 110 3 5 5Fch GJ GJ BrjantD 11 FlorinsalOrIrkAate HOJJlVbrkllO O Fch 930IIav 3 ll hy 3J 100 G 3 3Icl 2 3C1 PasseroJ 7 BoblIongllSCoIFlIonllOWildrake 103 O Icl 730Hav 5J f l13m 3i 112 5 3 3Ikt 4J 1 ttoseM1 12 Flamariioll4Alniinisftorll2CkmiPl01 C Ikt 429JP 2 l14Vsd 51 109 7 5 4 3 HoseM HoseMStarts IJMyreautylOlCaptnJSllSAristocrtlOS C CWon Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wcn Last year 13 1 1355 3 5 5 1525 1 This year 5 1 1 1 920 Joan Sliirloy 109 ch m 6 by byLast Ultimatum Arroganca by Golden Maxim Last ivork 153 38 391 ft JV 1 i Trainer H S Sanders Owner M Sanders MaCS30StJ 3 llGsy 10 109 7 9 9 9 91 ° FcrminA 11 Amir 119SirDavidONcil 107Vitalizell4 C JT 2430 = StJ 3 llGsl 33 1081010 7 710 G BouchcrJ UTalkylOS Ilptstcm 113 Amir 118 C K Kanl933 1933 StJ 5J f 111 m 23 113 1 157 7 71J RoscM 8 nalCastalCSRnthlelOSOlemanRIverlOS O Jiatl730 StJ 2 llG7 llGm m 52 115 5 9 91 9 94 RoseM 12 ICcryCorelllCGotGonowl02Obligc 110 O JUcll30StJ 1 147 m 32 IOC 4 G G14 Gl DrjantD 8 Colidon lllToannalllStars aStripcslll C Jl 1030StJ 2115 ft n 71117 117 2 5 9 9s 99 931 RoscM 12 NincDllarsllXNevcrnire 113IIaroe 117 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 37 544