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2nd Thistle Down Purse 800 Syear oIds and upward Maidens Baf ¬ Mile fling July 25 1925 112 4 118 The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest worlcotu and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTimc Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Sun Memory MemoryLast 1 AQ B c 3 M by Sun Briar Pleasant Memories by Ultimas Last work 153 34 l15ft JVO Trainer W A Crawford Owner W S Kilmer Jfcjl730sBcl 1 me l27sl 8 110 4 4 10ill CoItilcttlF4 15 Charon HTDunlinsSon HTGlossin 110 A 31430Jam 3 ll3Jfcft C 122 12 il 12l12 ColIcttiF 12 Awakel21MricsDear 11711ylLight 122 M Ky 530 Pirn 3 l12ft 27 110 8 5 C5J SJ CollettiF 15 Phillip 110 Ned 0 112 Mucker 110 3 HV 230 Pim 2 l13ft 45 110 4 3 3 5 ColtHcttlF1 G Al Green llOPhillip HOSirJaincs 110 A Ausl329 Sar 3 l13Vfcsl 20 103 6 8 11IS10 5 PascmaA 11 DesertLight 114Kilkerryll4Cymbal 103 A Starts 1st 1stLast 2nL 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis Last year 3 This year 4 Easter Morn 1fY8 CJJ C 3 M by Iisllt Brigade Badinage by Cunard CunardLast Last work 140 lml43ft JVO Trainer T P Hayes Owner W S Dudley DudleyMv2230 Mv2230 CD Cifl19V4ft 55 107 G 7 G i 4 2 DellJ 7 Playymel08JrortIIleinl07FairRndlOO A AApr2330Lcx Apr2330Lcx 1 l41ft 165 112 9 7 3JJ 3 GarncrW 12 WdAxtonll2BaWeci07Boldnobin 112 A AArrlS30Lcx ArrlS30Lcx 1 l16ft 35 110 9 3 7T 7 RecvcsG 12 JamesM lluMyLava 102LcahJane 104i O OOcU929 OcU929 Lat 2 113 ft 17f 108 9 12 12 12 DellJ 12 Snooze 105 Tishybo 110 Donora 102 0 0OcUSr OcUSr Lat 2 lllft 97 106 9 9 9 S DellJ 9 FiddlerlluTryToo 115PrceAthelingl08 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 3 This year 3 00 1 50 50Blinilic Blinilic East 108 Ch ° C 3 M by Dunlin Bassinet by Ballot BallotLast Last work 153 38 38ft JVO Trainer E Brown Owner E Brown BrownJun Jun 330Tdn 3 l14ft 39 110 1 1 2h 31 SimpsonR 12 DthyMael07JFChancellOJScootor 110 A AMajrSlSOTdn MajrSlSOTdn 2114 ft 52 101 10 9 91031 RccvcsGs 11 BrhtFlash95NightCrylOSlBrushing 11G 0 MalG30Aur 2 l14ft 32 115 2 3 4 s 5 LeylandJ 8 BhveCslillSWilling HOAlfdTde 115 M Maj13SOAur 3115 ft 22 102 5 8 9J 8 MulrneyJ 12 RadioSvice lOOTrbanoTalOSttaZdarlOO 0 0lt lt 830Aur 2 l14ft 66 102 4 1 3JJ MooneyJ 10 Bunyora 100 RadioServIcel08Lang 105 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 9 This year 6 0 0 2 100 My YernoB B gr 4 II by Forte Drapeau Florette by Everett Apc2430 Beu 5J lOSft 2910 109 3 3 7 7 ShawT 10 OnCdlOlMeSfvnslOdiBnOdkk 109 0 Fclxl330FG 1ic liS ft 106 107 10 11 11 111 RichdsA1 12 nckAbbeyll2nyHarel02RagabaId 107 0 Jaiu2630 Fa 3113ft 83 113 2 5 G i 5 ° RicIidsA 12 ClubllsellCOrmonhtllCBrorKank 110 A 33340 FG 34 l14V ft 31f 114 4 i 8l10tJ J Leyland 11 Mulatto lOSWnlnRome 103Laftar 109 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1 This year 3 3Ballot Ballot Day 1 1 fi Cht Cl 4 M by Ballot Sibola by Rapid Water WaterLast Last work 130 38 40ft O Trainer C Dodson Owner Mrs T J Regan Oct 929Rav Cl f l22ft 42 110 C HayH C ChectelllXucIsBoyl07MsParMise 108 0 23931 Lex 41 f 56 Ed 42 115 1 6 7 J 7 1C Horvth 9 Eskimo 113 Bowler 115 Lamkin 115 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 1 Gallastart B f 3 M by Sir Galiahad HI Bright Start by Star Shoot JL J O Trainer W G Morion Owner Justa Farm Stable KocllZOPlm 2 l13ft 24 116 9 10 101 815 ArnoldG 12 ChattcrwdllGBatonltouEellGMisnotllG M Oct2129Lrl 2 l13ft 11 115 7 7 10nii SlateF 12 PandallCBlackCarse 115Chattcrwdll5 M Octll29Lrl 2 l13ft 24 102 4 7 72 7 CannonW 7 Khara llCMurky Cloud HGConcIave 108 A Oct 229HdG 55 f 1C9 hy 235 114 1 1 2l 4 J OMalleyJ G Enid 114 Aziz 114 Kitty Marie 114 Aas S29 Ken g l00ft 27 10GJ 3 2 2 2n WyattN T12 MiigBmsll2MissRseyl04BtTrl 112 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won r Last year 5 0 1 aO 225 225Lunacy Lunacy 1 fJQ B 3 M by st Germans Crary Moon by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work 153 34120ft J VO Trainer E Lutz Owner Mrs D Hicks HajlO30Bcu 2 l16 ft 39 101 9 8 9 ° 819 McDmtDT 9 RbeSniTnlOSPcsMhlOSSf tCrt 108 A AMaj Maj 2303Bcu 5 f l09ft 95 93 9 10 lOnOJ McDmtT1 10 Tha3P1ckl07AliceAncl01irJohnGcr 102 0 0Apr2830Beu Apr2830Beu 2 l15ft 15 100 G 8 G 5 1 McDottT1 9 JnGrncrl02I oSamIsonl07MeStnsl05 O OM M 2730 JP 1 150 ft 29 96 9 G 31 3 HanaucrC 11 ScyPolIyl07SIiaBalIyl07SpngVein 112 O OMat2130JP Mat2130JP 2 l18sl 114 111 7 9 8 S BurncyD1 10 LdyBnvillell2ClrMnlllDonTiukyllG M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wou Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 0 0 1 S 100 This year 7 0 01 50 50Tlllindcrstrnck Tlllindcrstrnck 10 h C 3 by kunderstorm ° ady by Wrack WrackLast Last work 155 34l1773ft JVO Trainer M V Casey Owner H G Bedwell Maj2S303Tdn 3 118 si 20 106 7 7 77i 7Ji DupuyM11 12 DocConner 113NightCryllOJimMer 10G 0 Ang 229 = Dev lOOV ft IGf 94 7 7 7 10J CarrollW 312 FgnClublOOPkBlsomlOGSwtTidgs 9G O JuL 329Dev g 101 ft Gf 90 9 11 II1 11 CarrollW T12 Sunview UGValdosta llOTheCoach 10G O Jun2729 = Dev 4i f 58hy 245 112 95 6i 7 J PhillipsC U Ignite 112Patsy Lewisll2 Fair Orb 112 A Starts 1st 2nL 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 0 0 1 5 50 This year 1 1Antha Antha S 10 Ch f 3 M by Pandion Jeano by Dick Welles WellesLast Last work 141 341lG55gd JVO Trainer R L Rogers Owner J H Patterson Jun 3GO = Tdii 2 l14 ft G 105 5 4 7i 5 DupuylP 12 DthyMacl07iFChance llOBieEast 110 A Ma3130Tdn 2114 ft G 102 5 5 G 5 DupuyM3 11 BrhtFlash93NightCryl03 Brushing 11G O JIa1729ICD g 102 ft 3 112 7 4 4 1 5S3 HalbertF 15 TRochrllOMabelBasil 112IlylSptll5 O llv 329 Lex 45 f 59 hy4910 112 8 3 2 3 i ConnlyD 8 Morjoy 112 Incubite 112ChicagoLad 115 O Apt2629ILex 4J f 56ft 23iD 106 3 3 21 2J WatsonK 9 LgoLtlllTyFiveSty HOTtleMtylOS O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 4 2 625 This year 2 2JfCW JfCW Money 108 Ch c 3 M ty TIlunflerer Bureee by Pennant PennantLast Last work 148 12 5lm JVO Trainer C W Moore Owner C W Moore Maj3030Tdn 2 1 = 16 si 10 114 5 G 7l ° 7 BerryJi 8 DkSabrelOOSsConipanionl09nBelIs 980 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 1 1Vivian Vivian Wright 1fiQ SweepJLUO Br f 3 M ty Hieh Cost Miss Sweep by Sweep JLUO Trainer 0 Holland Owner Mrs I E Holland Holland3kjr30302Tdn 3kjr30302Tdn 116 si 36 111 S 8 Sl 8 WardenE 8 DkSabrelOOSsCompanionl09RBells 98 0 Mar2S303Tdn 2 118 si 9 106 9 9 9 ° 9 BogskiW 12 DocConner HS ightCryllOJimMer 10G O May 5303Pim 2114 ft 97 10510 9 93 = 9 HildrethW 10 FairOrb 103AlWtonDollyl03Guilder 110 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 3 Doctor T 1 OR Ch c 3 M by Title Annes Pet by Great Britain BritainLast Last work 153 5Sl041ift JVO Trainer T P Barnes Owner T P Barnes Jbr2830JTdn 2 118 si 9f 107 5 4 4s 5si Madden 12 DocConner 113NightCryllOJimMer 10G G MajlO303Bcu 21lGft 15 103 2 6 5 41 SeaboG1 9 nbeSmlnlOSPcsMlilOSSftCrt 108 A AMay May S303Beu 2 l17 ft 39 107 S 8 95J 9i GuerraJ1 10 RobertaL 103Breakaway OSIgnite U3 O Maj G30JBeu 1 l46ft 24 102J G 4 4 a0 SeaboG1 G Paquette 100 Dixie Dan 90 Godiva 10GJ O OMaj Maj 230JBcu 5J f l09ft 2G 102 7 5 54J 5eJ ToaminoL1 10 Tha3Pckl07AliceAnel01JohnGer 102 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 14 0 2 1 5 190 This year 6 6Elizabeth Elizabeth Snllivail l A 3 Bt f 3 M by Omond Simona by Watervale WatervaleLast Last work 15G 38 3Gft JVO Trainer C R Miller Owner C R Miller Miller3t 3t j31303Tdn 2 l14ft 32 102J 4 3 43i 5s BnowskiW 10 Business IOC One Cent 11G Shorty 111 0 Maj1430 = CD GSfl24m 15f 110 2 5 141814 DellJ 14 Zoom 118 HighStorm llSGovPratt 118 d Oct 429 = CD 2 l13ft 12f 115 3 2 131U5 ZcchiniR 15 Elstar 115 Chattering llSLorettaB 115 A Ans3029 DP g l01ft 4110f 105 11 9 93 951 RootT 12 LtleBIrkalOOGoseSteplOSMyDella 107 O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 2 This year 2 2Indian Indian IJOSC II Til M by ose pnce Oneonta by Maintenon MaintenonLast Last work 143 12 50ft J J J Trainer C Manly Owner W G Helfrich HelfrichJfcjr Jfcjr SSOJam I 147 ft 30 114 3 5 G 9 ForceK3 15 ShastaIb el20FkLakel20GtHopes 118 0 0Oct Oct S29 = Jam 1 l45ft 15 111 5 2 41 G McNaeeR lOMintcel 107FredWhithmlllKindlingl09 O OOct Oct 429Jam 2 l15sl 50 109J 4 4 4J 4 McNaeeR 14 ntyTtyll5nGmbrtsl09Sunl5ride 100 O O8qx2S29 8qx2S29 Aqu GJ f l20ft 12 109 8 5 7i 9 i KsingerC 14 Chester 114Kg at Ams HGConfab 118 0 0Ang23297Sar Ang23297Sar 1142 sy GO 105 10 10 101T10 FischerR 10 SeaScampll2nbAshbyl03Son ofjn UO O Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 6 This year 1 Oincn 1 AO B g 3 M by Ormondale Sand Light by Rock Sand JLVO LVJ Trainer R Dollawav Dollaway Owner G W Dollaway Unlln av Maj 530Beu 5i f l097sft 57 104i Refused FutrelU 10 GFrazrll2BdgRklOGLyAssgai 107J 0 Apr23303Who gl01ft 25 107 9 10 101S11 GoodichE 11 SwtTidgsl02Fy ofFatellCIristadosl07 O Apn22303Who g 102 ft 29 109 9 11 11 J10 LoganL 12 Winsome 113 Doc 1C 112 Chantry 112 O Apcl8303Wlio g l03sl 19 107 4 4 5 53 GoodrichE 8 King Pal 115 Lang 107 DocK 112 O Aptl430Who g 101 ft 43 105 8 8 S1 9 LoganL 10 DrHickn llGSurewayl07LyLeBandl04 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 6Bounding Bounding Rock 111 Br f 4 M by Sir Barton or St Rock Bounding Through ThroughLast Last work 151 3810373ft 1 1 1 by Helmet HelmetTrainer WinscherJun Trainer J S Winscher Owner J S Winscher Jun 330 = Tdn 2 l14ft 30 111 10 10 10 = 10 CarrollW 12 DthyMacl07jFChance llOBieEast 110 A MajlO303Beu 2 116 ft 26 103 7 4 7 i 8i SeaboG 9 BBTpsonll4ShaLovellOIIailsfni 108 0 May530 Beu 55fl09ft 8 105 1 2 21 2 SeaboG 10 GuyFrazierll2LyAssgall07iKilby 10GJ C Apt30303Beu 2116 ft 15 107 G 8 913 9 SandozJ 10 WineJuglOSGuyFrerl07PceRnld 10G 0 Apc2530sBeu 2 1 = 16 ft 26 110 5 3 G GTJ DanherJ1 7 DryNtnllOWineJuglOSLdValfe 115 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 70 0 1 20 This year 6 0 1 1 3G5 3G5Attorney Attorney General 1 fiO Ch g 3 M by Upset Occasion by Uncle UncleJLVO JLVO Trainer A W Booker Owner J Allgeyer Jun 430Tdn 3 l13ft 40 115 S 9 9 ni WimerM 11 MissPeggyl03WingollOStsConipn 103 0 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Bootee Bootee 1 HQ B 3 M by Iucullite Galoshes by Tl n3crer n3crerLast Last work 128 12 O ft JVO Trainer D J Scanlan Owner Mrs 0 M Barnes BarnesJun Jun 430 Tdn 2 l13 t 10l112 7 G GJ 54 HanfordP 11 MissPeggyl03AingollOStsCouipn 1030 1030May May 930Pim IMGJfcft 9 1061 2 3 5T 5 McTagtJ1 7 SunFalconllOGnonicBoy 10STailSpinl04 31 31Maj530 Maj530 Pim l 147 ft 102 101J 1 1 a 31 McTagtJ1 10 NaeBreeksl20CIitFirstl22lcsIlrylOO O OApc530IIdG Apc530IIdG 2 114 ft 1t 100 S 12 10 1011 PasseroJ1 15 CalgaryKayllSMissPat 102FairBob 112 G GAprll30Bow Aprll30Bow 3120 ft 2Cf 103 2 10 1013 9 BethelJ 14 Mucker 103 BelliCasus 103 Politen 103 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 6 0 0 1 S 2 Continued on fourteenth pace