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FAIRMOUNT PARK COLLINSVILLE ILL THURSDAY JUNE 5 1S30 Fairmount Park 1 Mile Twentythird day Fair mount Jockey Club Spring meeting of 49 days Weather cloudy Stewards J T Ireland and A T Spivey Judges J G Reeder It Leigh and C Campau Startei G It AVingfield Racing Secretary J G Reeder Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig tires in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance AQlKff FIRST RACE 34 Mile My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 Pursa 8CO 3 ztOTctPvP yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 850 second 100 third 50 Claiming ClaimingJunc5uOFP Junc5uOFP price 1250 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 47970 GEORGE VAN S WB 103 9 2 I3 1 = lh lh E Goodicli C Aran Schoick 331100 33110047970OLEMN 47970OLEMN SSHINE WB 110 57 21 23 2 G Cimerak J H Edwards 400100 48099 ANGEL BRIGHT w 106 3 3 71 Gl 3 31 M Meyer BBRice 920100 92010047792SOUTHLAND 47792SOUTHLAND PAL w 105 G 6 3h 5 = 4h 4 AV Day Mrs G Diebold 1742100 174210048039GOOSE 48039GOOSE STEP iv 103 8 1 4h 4 = 51 5 B Hanford G L Palmquist 1030100 1030100482913THISTLE 482913THISTLE JEAN wn 105 25 S 31 6 = 61 R Cramer G Collins 151100 45873 PICADOR w 110 4 8 9 9 711 7s C Edwards S S Friedlein 11693100 48214 TOM ORMONT w 110 1 4 6 711 9 8h T Swigert M J AVhalen 282G100 48287 HONEST TOM wsn 110 79 8 8 81 9 J Kellum Mrs L M Holmes 22090100 22090100Time Time 24 48 l145s Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIV ALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSGEORGE GEORGE VAN S 902 506 464 351 100 153 100 132 100 100OLEMAN OLEMAN SUNSHINE 486 382 143 100 91 100 100ANGEL ANGEL BRIGHT 568 184 100 100AAinner AAinner B c by Bomba Lithuania by The Finn trained by S Judge bred by Mr S H Aelie AAinner entered to be claimed for 12T 0 0WENT WENT TO POST 204 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good out ot machine AVon driving second and third the same sameGEORGE GEORGE ArAN S close up throughout drew away into the lead after reaching the stretch and gamely withstood the challenge of OLEMAN SUNSHINE The latter saved much ground while moving up drew on even terms with the winner and was gradually wearing him down ANGEL BRIGHT gained steadily and finished gamely SOUTHLAND PAL had no mishaps but showed a gcod perform ancc GOOSE STEP tired after going a half THISTLE JEAN prominent for threeeighths dropped far out of contention and was outrun thereafter thereafterScratched Scratched 17524 Sheila Byrne 105 48103 Avarice 100 100Overweight Overweight Angel Bright li pounds 6QAK t SECOND RACE 58 Mile Candy Queen June 24 1926 100 2 101 Purso 800 rJbOTcOJL 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner S50 second 100 third thirdJune530lil June530lil 50 Claiming price 15CO if for more 2 pounds extra for each additional 250 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48335 BILL ORANGE w 1081 8 7 7482883LEXINGTQN 11 11 1 1 W Kern C Clay 1345100 1345100iv 482883LEXINGTQN GIRL w 107 3 6 2i 2 = 2h 21 L Gevins J E Mclntire 978100 978100VD 47936 AMOUR VD 105 1 2 4h 3 3 3n J Serio P M Burch 221100 221100iv 476813THISTLE DEE iv 115 11 4 3 4 = 4 4h F Sharpe G Collins 127G100 127G100w 48288 MOLLY HOG AN w 107 91 51 5 = 5 M Meyer B B Rice 29G100 29G100iv 48335 JOAN G iv 101 73 8h 9 7h 6 G Cimerak F Scoville 2116100 2116100iv 43288 AAHITE SPOT iv 101 12 8 61 6 S 73 M E Meys J H Edwards t2147100 t2147100iv 47851SETHLETTE iv 101 6 10 71 83 6 = 8 B Hanford E E Major 152G100 152G100iv 479713ATLAS iv 111 2 12 ill 11 9 9 H Morgan 0 Seremba 896100 896100w 479713ATLASSHASTA SHASTA AVOLF w 10G 45 12 12 10s 10to A Prgrass Bn Shta Sk Fm St Est 42G21DO 42G21DOw 48288 PHIL REUTER REUTERNAPA w 110 10 9 10 101 11s H10 J Judy Simmon Stk Fm Sta t tiv tiv NAPA iv 111 5 11 93 7 12 12 J Cavens Blue Star Stable f tMutuel field fieldBILL Time 241s 48 102 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS BILL ORANGE 28SO 1470 636 1315 100 635 100 218 100 LEXINGTON GIRL 1052 464 426 100 132 100 AMOUR 292 46 100 AVinner Ch c by Peter Quince Fair Bet by Decamerone trained by J 0 Whitlow bred by Mr C F Clay AVinner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 235 AT POST 11 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same BILL ORANGE close up from the start withstood a long stretch drive and outgamed LEXINGTON GIRL The latter hard ridden from the start came over sharply in the first quarter continued with good speed and was going fast at tha end AMOUR had no mishaps THISTLE DEE was forced back sharply soon after the start but held on gamely under severe punishment MOLLY HOG VN showed a good race raceScratched Scratched 1S2S3 Drastic Celt IOC 4S205 Charlotte II 112 112Overweights Overweights Thistle Dee 1 pound Phil Renter 4 Bill Orange 2J White Spot 1 Sethlette I ASJ 2 THIRD RACE34 Mile My Dandy Sept 7 19281 ll3106 Pursa 809 ClaimJniicS30FP XCy xU Ad 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 third 50 Claim JniicS30FP mg pries 1250 Index Horses Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48287 JIM ORMONT wn 110 1 7 748291IIATTIE 2 23 1 11 T Swigert M J Whalcn 1201 12013h 48291IIATTIE SETII WB 100 4 4 44828G 3h 3 3 2 AV Day Missouri Stable 10171 4828G MORTON iv 110 8 5 1 1J 2 3 G Cimerak D Denham 4321 43216h 47970 BETTY GIRL iv 100 2 6 648291BRIGHT 6h 51 41 4 C Calhan M E Casey 50771 48291BRIGHT FLAG wn 103 3 3 7 G 5 B Hanford J G Demarest 4631 48152 S J GILLFILLAN w 110 5 2 5 4h 51 G10 D Duboia Trailscnd Stable 31S110 48099 IGNITE WB 110 7 1 41 71 7 7s C Pegff Mrs C Garrigan J971 SHY KENNEY w 103 G 8 8 8 8 8 E GoodIch II Weiss 239010 2 MUTUELS pliD pliDCk Ck EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS MORTON l AVinner 15cby6rmont Sister Susie by Galveston trained by M J Whalcn bred by Mr V B Campbell AVinner entered to be claimed for 1230 WENT TO POST 310 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine AVon driving second and third the same sameJISI JISI ORMONT forced a fast pace for a half disposed of MORTON and gamely outstayed HATTIE SETII in a hard drivo The latter gained gradually made a game effort and was gradually wearing the winner down MORTON ran off threeeighths before the race displayed good speed from the start but tired in the final quarter and gave way readily when challenged BRIGHT FLAG made up some round to finish fast BETTY GI11L and S J GILLFILLAN showed early speed i iScratched Scratched 18133 Annex 103 482S9 Cliee Chie 103 43044 Margaret P 103 48098 Hades 110 Continued on thirteenth page i FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page A Q A K O FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 4 100 tOTCtDO Purss 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second secondJunc530Fr Junc530Fr S100 third 50 Claiming price 2500 if for less 3 pounds allowed for each 250 to 2000 AWtPPStJ4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48158 3 THE SHOW OFF w 5 107 8 1 3 31 23 I2 Il B Hanford A G Woodman 848100 48100PENARC WB 4 118 5 5 7i G 31 23 2s J Cavens Blue Star Stable Stablew 339100 48155BAR1TONE w 4 118 2 2 101 9i 81 5i 31 J Ford E E Watson 534100 48334 LE FLORE WB 4 105 7 7 5 5S 4 41 45 G Cimerak P O Anderson Andersonw 197100 48337ETONARDO w 3 103 9 4 1 1s I2 3h 51 H Morgan F Seremba 5345100 48339 ARCTURUS WB 5 114 1 9 71 62 6J 61 W Kern C Graffagnini t912100 48 100 2 BLIND HILLS WB 4 110 11 11 11 11 101 71 7i H Thdcax F Wright 2718100 47973STAMPDALE w S 109 4 3 42 41 51 S 8h E Goodich II W Miller 1457100 44642 3 TROLL w 5103 310 SJ 8111 11 9h W Day Murdock McQuillen t 47940 WATCH T TIME w 6 114 6 G 9 101 71 91 10 J Pevic Mrs H D Cox 2812100 48212 BATTLER WB 3 108 10 3 21 23 9Z 101 11 M Meyer Mullrick Stable 1877100 1877100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 47 113 139 143 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS THE SHOW OFF 1896 894 474 848 100 347 100 137 100 100PENARC PENARC 454 356 127 100 78 100 100BARITONE BARITONE 394 S7 100 100Winner Winner B g by ArchGift Wasps Nest by Jaeger trained by A G Woodman bred in England by Mr It Rogers Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 344 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won handily second and third driving drivingTHE THE SHOW OFF close up throughout followed the pace to the stretch raced into the lead and easily held PENARC safe The latter made up some ground to finish fast BARITONE far out of contention closed an immense gap LE FLORE failed to improve his position under severe punishment KTONARDO quit badly after setting the pace for threequarters BATTLER gave way after racing prominently for a half BLIND HILLS allowed to drop far out of it was always outrun STAMP DALE and WATCH THE TIME were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 48412 Jack Grain 103 481553Bearcry 97 48030 Black Dancer 108 47715 Old Bill 103 AQAKA FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards Anaconda Aug 27 1927 142 4 100 ytOTCtfTC Watash Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to toJU1IC530FP JU1IC530FP winner 725 second 200 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 47887 BEAU WRACK WB 4 109 3 1 1 1 1 I2 1 M E Meys C Graffagnini 237100 476342MOLE HILL WB 4 109 1 3 3 2S 23 23 2 G Cimerak Mrs O Chancy 572100 47889 GOOD AND HOT w 3 101 4 4 2 33 3 3 3 A Prgrass Mcadowbrook Stable 903100 48157 BANNER BRIGHTwB 3 93 5 5 4h 41 41 4 4i C Calliaa Audiey Farm Stable 526100 482115ORMONBIRD w 5 109 2 2 G1 51 5 5 5 ° C Ponce Miss E F Fullerton 213100 48211 BY PRODUCT WB 3 100 7 7 7 7 72 Ch G2 G Arnold J G Dcmarest 3CS3100 47937 FIDELIA O w 4 1101 C Cw G 52 G G 7 71 T Root J II OMallcy 13934100 48157 CORBEAU w 4 110 8 8Time 8 8 8 8 8 8 F Skyrm F Dunn 7493100 Time 23 47 112 138 142 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS BEAU WRACK 674 440 378 237 100 120 100 89 100 MOLE HILL 602 406 151 100 103 100 100C14 GOOD AND HOT C14 207 100 Winner Br g by Wrack Belle Jardiniere by Fauclieur trained by 0 GraffngniHi bred bj Mr A B Hancock HancockWENT WENT TO POST 415 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingBEAU good out of machine Won easily second nnd third driving BEAU WRACK showed the most speed raced into command soon after the start and easily hold sway to the end MOLE HILL in closest pursuit of the leader held on well when put to a drlre GOOD AND HOT had no mishaps and raced evenly BANNER BRIGHT hard ridden throughout failed to improve his position ORMONBIRD was badly outrun and failed to get into serious contention although severely punished punishedOverweights Overweights Banner Bright 2 pounds By Product 1 Fidelia 0 3 Corbeau 1 4Q A CTfir SIXTH RACE 34 Mile My Dandy Sept 7 1928 111 3 106 Purse 800 OTctP 3 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 11950 11950Junc5fOlr Junc5fOlr third 63 Claiming price 35CO if for less 2 pounds allowed for each 250 ta 2250 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strl 4 209THOMAS SETH w 3 107 4 5 56 5 31 lnk G Cimerak Nugent Bros 7631M 7631Moh 47 73 = GERE CHVELOT w G IOC 54 oh 31 ib 21 j Cavcns E McCuan 57610 48337 V1RADO wn 4 111 17 Ch 62 4h 3n W Kern C Graffagnin 395101 3951014i 47851 IIERADE w G 108 C 1 4i 4 52 41 L Geving Mullrick Stable 1543101 48209 ULTIMATE VOTEw 3 107 7 2 32 22 22 5 B Hanford C Morris 27G10C 48209 VANQUISH w 4 115 2 6 648209THEO 7 7 7 62 E Gelloni 1C Wolff 17098101 17098101ink 48209THEO ROCHSTERw 3 107 3 3 ink ih ci 7 w Day B B Rico 252101 Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSTHOMAS THOMAS SETH 1726 GG4 334 763 100 232 100 67 100 100GERMAINE GERMAINE CHAUVELOT 614 596 207 100 198 100 100ViRADO ViRADO 452 126 100 100Winner Winner B g by Seth Maud Bacon by Tony JJonero trained by G Nugent bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to he claimed for 3500 3500WENT WENT TO POST 443 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good out of machine Won driving second nnd third the same sameTHOMAS THOMAS SETII outrun to the stretch gained gradually and continuing gamely wore down the leaders to win in the final strides GEUMUNE CHAUVELOT up close all the way drew into the lead but failed to withstand the challenge of the winner VIKADO far out of contention closed an immense gap to finish fastest of all 1IEKADE showed a good performance and held on well under punishment TIIEO ROCHESTER and ULTIMATE VOTE were done after going a half halfScratched Scratched 170C9 Gold Mint 110 4S33SiIudgc Dixou 104 104Corrected Corrected weight Gcrmaine Chauvelot 100 A Q I CTfiJ SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles Helens Babe June 16 1928 144 5 111 Pursa TtOTbtP 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 650 second 100 Tlinc530FI 100Tlinc530FI third S50 Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 pounds Index Horses AVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 48213 ASPIN LAKE w 4 110 4 S 3 1 1J 1 1 E Goodich Huntingdon Stable 48289 UNCLE PARKS wn 7 108 2 2 46 43 21 21 J Cavcns Blue Star Stable Stable47212EMPLETTE 47212EMPLETTE WB 4 105 1 1 5h 52 5 5 3 W Day Mrs C Garrigan Garrigan48334BUNTHORNE 48334BUNTHORNE w 6 113 7 3 21 21 2i 3J 41 T Brady Mrs J Keller 48040SPORTING VEIN WB 5 103 3 4 4 3 31 41 5 B Hanford W Bryan 47890 FASCISTS w 7 113 5 7 8 8 8 C G2 C Pegs J J Conway 9W100 48367 3 EDITH GRAY w 5 103 656 7 G 71 71 G Cimerak H Otto 1961100 47886 NAUSICAA WB 3 100 S 6 7 61 71 8 8 D Dubois Kins Bruce Stable 7639100 7639100Time Time 25 49 114 141 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID rEQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSASPIN ASPIN LAKE 594 388 300 197 100 94 100 50 ICO ICOUNCLE UNCLE PARKS 584 418 192 100 109 100 100EMPLETCE EMPLETCE 676 238 100 100Winner Winner B c by Aspinwall Lady of the Lake by Macdonald II trained by A V Thomas bred by Mr J H Rosseter Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 510 AT POST 21 minutes minutesStart Start good out of machine Won driving second and third the same sameASPIN ASPIN LAKE away slowly was rushed into contention continued gamely under hard urging aiul easily withstood the challenge of UNCLE PARKS The latter dropped back after going a half and came again to finish fast EMPLETTE outrun to the last quarter gained steadily and would have been second in a few more strides BUNTIIORNE tired badly after raring prominently to the final eighth SPORTING VEIN was done after going threequarters EDITH GRAY was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 1833G = Billy 110 48103ThistIe Spray 108 4S153 = Scotland Girl 107 47720 Post Horn 103 48158 Arabian 111 482893Pebbles Last 107