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RIVERSIDE PARK ENTRIES Racing starts at 213 p m Chicago time 315 p m mFirst First Race 12 Mile Purse 100 2ycarolds Allowances AllowancesInd Ind PP Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 483072 2 Heclantoc M Hav 112 49 110 725 48307 4 Sanall M 110 720 48362 5 Miss Susan M Hav 97 50 li071 48307 C Belial M Hav 108 52 110 710 48307 3 Somnambulist SomnambulistM M 110 705 48307 1 Fussy Gal M 110 700 47440 7 Yo Yo M 110 095 8 Marylan Lou 110 0 Fan Air 110 Second Bace 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1CO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Claiming48238s 48238s llCritic llav 115 103 5 100X725 479913 13Charming Shot Tij 102 l09sy 4 100X720 48180 4MolokaI Tij 108 108 4 111 715 71548391s 48391s 5 Kinsman 10116X710 478183 C Pride of Texas 3 102 705 705482C3 482C3 3Shasta La C 101 700 7004S308 4S308 15Clear Star Aur 109 108 5106X693 48258 16 Black Angel 7111X693 48126 lFriendlike Hav 108 110 C 106X690 48126 2 Alice Hughes 7 101 600 47007 8 Ahull M C 111 690 33961 9 Honoynook Tij 110 108 5 1110CSO 47305 10 Little Cook 7 111X090 48394 12 Rock of Ages 8106X690 38017 14 Xick Furlong FurlongM M 4 100 690 7 Ihla 4 IOC Third Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming 48211 12Crispic Seth 5 106X725 106X72548132s 48132s 14 A P Canale 6 107X720 48262 3 MIss Dona 4 103 715 48381 2TwInklc Spangle 4 103 710 48391 13 Miss Fountain C 108X705 48308 7GHnt o Gold r 103X700 48308 1 Porto do Oroi 0110X695 48181 5 Bellarion 5 111X693 18130 15Bobby Duncan 3 102 695 37317 4GoId Boots 5 110 690 48311 CLcvoy 9 101690 48367 8 Redskiri 9108X090 48237 9 Beatrice Morse 6 105X690 48000 101 Told You 5 100 690 48313 11 Ormogirl 5 108XC90 48430 IGGcneral Camp ¬ bell M 3 99 690 690Fourth Fourth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 500 3yearolds Claiming 48237 12 Colonel Winn 11111X725 11111X72548357s 48357s 2San Antonio 5 109X720 48310 1 Stuarts Draft 0111X715 48432 lCVladimir 3 100X710 48213 11 Jove 5116X703 48432 OWaikiki C 100x700 48238 3 Passcnger 7 108X695 108X69548310s 48310s C Windy Ross 3 101X695 48000 7 Black Man 5 111X095 48310 4 Cuban Flag C 106 COO 38555 5 Bill Hickey M 9 108 690 47819 S Bonnie Hughes 5 103 690 48239 10Facsimile 4 1011690 43347 13 Marine Corps 12 110 690 48433 14Smithers 3 99690 483905 loMandic M M 4 103 600 600Fifth Fifth Race Riverside Course 210 feet more than 34 mile 48130 2 Timekeeper S 113X725 48432s 14 Duffs Time 5 113X720 48238 10 Stroller 9114X715 9114X7154S309 4S309 C Make a Wish 4 109 710 48338 12Beiascoain C 99X703 99X70348330s 48330s 9 Verdevale 4 107700 10770048392s 48392s lThistle Glad 5 105XC95 48134 4Dave Hum C 103XC95 48358 7Hesitation 5 102C95 48434 3Showcrs 3 93CQO 47499 5 Miss Fairmount 4 109 690 48261 SJuanita Green 5 105 690 48241 11 Foxy Setb 3102XC90 48431 13 IIam 4 110XCOO 47811 15Sporting Blues 4 110XC90 110XC90Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsNormandy Normandy Hotel Purse PursePurse Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Claiming48359s 48359s 3Elfrieda GBbg 99140 4 IOC X 725 72548392s 48392s 4 Cloud Idolizer C 113 720 72048182s 48182s OGuest of Honor 10 108X715 47357 13 Rosabella 8 103X710 48433 GLeo LampeTij 109 144 7 108 705 70548183s 48183s 2 Shasta Monk Tij 107 143 5 113 700 48432 7King Jack 7 103 C95 48133 12 Sligo Branch 7 113XC93 48358s 14Maid o the theStorm Storm Lat 100 148 4100X695 48186 lShasta Grande C 07X690 4799C 5 Belie of Win ¬ chester 6 108X690 48131 8Uncle Jay 8108X690 8108X690481SC 481SC 10Sea Hawk Mia 116 146 7 102690 48433 11 George Glenn 5 110 690 690Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 400 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Claiming4S18GJ 4S18GJ 3 LIEUT RUST 8 1170723 117072348370s 48370s 2 Buubury 7 107X713 48133 10Colonel Campus FG 107 149 5 109 710 7104S3S31 4S3S31 7Platinnm 5 104 705 48236 4Play Hour Hav 108 148 8 104 700 7004S005 4S005 lBcn Ahamo Uav 103 140 5 104 695 6954812S 4812S 13 Monteagle 6 109 C95 C9548242J 48242J llMr Whiskline 5 107 C93 C934S3S2 4S3S2 15 Mahwell Uav 109 147 6114 695 48337 5Success 4 107XC90 48431 C Beaverwood Aur 97 148 C 1041600 48007 8Irish Pat 10 1O1690 48182 9Doctor Ben M AC 109 149 6 107 G90 481861 llMimmy Brown AC 102 148 7 104x690 104x6904S376 4S376 12 Gay Boy II 10 111XG90 111XG90484S2 484S2 ICPost Dispatch FP 107 150 9 104XC90