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Track Records and Comparative Times TimesHerewith Herewith are the comparative times and track records for the distances more frequently frequentlyfaced faced over on the principal tracks of the United States Cuba and llexico The value of ofEuch Euch information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with the best time timeof of each horse appearing in the entries 12 58 84 78 1 1 116 1 18 1 14 14Track Track Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile Miles Miles Miles MilesAs As a Calicnte 47 58 110 125 138 144 130 203 203Aqueduct Aqueduct 4G 573i 110 123 130 143 148 203 203Arlington Arlington Downs 100 114 127 140 140 35014 200 200Arlington Arlington Park 100 110 123 137 145 350 203 203Aurora Aurora 47 5o 111 138 145 152 203 203Uclmont Uclmont Park 102 110 122 135 142 148 Bowie 4G 101 110 123 130 344 152 152Churchill Churchill Downs 4G 59 111 123 13G 144 140 203 203Dade Dade Park 300 111 4 125 138 145 150 205 205Kmpire Kmpire City 49 59 111 138 144 151 203 203Fair Fair Grounds New Orleans 47 59 311 121 137 144 351 Fairmouut Park 100 111 138 144 151 151Havre Havre dc Grace 47 59 111 138 144 150 205 205Hawtliorue Hawtliorue 48 0 110 125 137 143 149 201 201Jamaica Jamaica 58 311 138 142 149 201 i iJefferson Jefferson Park 47 100 111 138 144 151 200 200Latonia Latonia 4S 59 109 125 130 142 14854 200 200Laurel Laurel 59 111 120 137 143 149 202 202Lexington Lexington 47 58 111 120 137 142 149 203 203Lincoln Lincoln Fields 59a 110 123 135 143 130 204 204Miami Miami 4G 9 110 138 144 150 204 204Oriental Oriental Park 47 VJ 111 127 133 143 150 203 203Iimlico Iimlico 47 100 110 120 137 144 151 204 204Kaccland Kaccland 47 100 112 121 138 144 152 204 204Sa Sa ilosa 47 57 110 123 13G 345 150 201 201St St Johns Park 49 101 113 141 148 15G 211 211JMjuana JMjuana 47 58 110 125 137 143 149 202 202Washington Washington Park 59 111 124 137 144 150 201