6th Thistle Down, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-06

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6th Thistle Down pnrsc 1000 3ycarolds and upward Claiming 1116 Miles L011J Point July 25 1925 l4d 1 114 1142SOTE 2SOTE Claiming price 51000 Conivlnncrs of two races of 625 since April 25 3year olds 110 pounds older 118 pounds Conwinners of 550 since March 12 allowed 3 pounds poundsThe The past performances ot the horses entered in this race together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race KcntudiT BalC 1 OR B n 6 by Sarmatian Fastella by Strcphon StrcphonLast Last work 150 12 51hy JvO Trainer G Owens Owner J Lee LeeJim Jim 3305Tdn I l42rt G 105 4 2 2 3J MulrneyJ = Business 10G Finnic 108 Alcman 110 C JIajIMSOAur gl15gd 1 108 2 2 2 3J MooneyJ 9 Salta 113 Night Run 113 Pegasus 113 C JIaj21307Aur l lj j l49gd 45 104 3 1 I3 1s MulrneyJ 9 Malcolm HODonnaSanta 104Alloy 10G C JIajlG30Aur IjV l47Vift 95 105 4 1 I1 3J MulrneyJ 11 3iyJICrnl03CodentiallOGBkBart 113 C JLvl330llAur 1TV l4Sft 41 102 2 1 Il 21 MulrneyJ1 10 OmrahllOMyJIcCrnl03Miss3Iarjrd 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Stirts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 19 2215 1490 This year 19 325 2120 2120Malcolm Malcolm t 1 Q Blk Bl 5l y Peter Quince Lucile B L by The Scribe Scribej j ± O Trainer J D Mikel Owner W Mikel Son MajCO30Tdn 1J l56sl 1S5 109 2 3 451 21 LevelE 11 Xama lOlBashfulBeau 105Smacker 107 C CJt Jt y21307Aur 1 l49gd 8 110 2 2 2J 2s LevclE 9 KtuckyBaUclOlDonaSantalOlAlloylOG C CMajl730 Majl730 Aur 1 14G ft 95 113 3 6 5 1 4 ColvinA 9 Nama 105 Prospect 110 GdnClna 115 C CJlajlaSO JlajlaSO Aur l lj j l47ft 22 105 4 2 3 i 4s AVardenE 10 MJAIcNyJrl09BillFirpsl04Finnsrl01 C CJ J jl230cAur 1 l49ift 91 105 9 3 3 1 ColvinA 12 FgLientt 110Ble Wk 9SRdDle 105 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 20 vn R G 63 54500 This year 20 430 3275 3275T Ifnmakani IfnmakaniLast T Br m 6 by War Shot Von lady by Von Tromp Last work 147 34 119 Trainer M H Jordan Owner M H Jordan Jan 4COTdn IJy l47ft 1 1310 10S 9 4 31 21 ReddingJ 11 Smacker 102 Circuit 103 Dynamo 112 C CMay May S30Bcu 1ft 131 ft 4110 110 7 1 1J I1 Hayll 8 PnceRonaldlOOMissPdiseOSDon T IOC C CAiw3030Beu Aiw3030Beu I70 l49ift 1G5 102 6 3 Si lh GoodrlchE1 10 Warfield 105Messidorl05MissPdisel03 C CApc24305Beu Apc24305Beu 2 llaft 53 1121 2 9 9s 912 KingD1 10 LowerFlve HOAgitation 105DonT Ill C B pi2129sBeu 1J ° 148 ft 12 113 1 DoylcR 10 SptRoyal 110Affecte3IarylOOEngelC3 c cStarts Starts 1st 2nl 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 5 425 This year 4 2 1 0 1000 1000Everlasting Everlasting 11 B fi S by Eternal LOrpheline by Prince Palatine PalatineLast Last work 152 4 l17ft JJO Trainer R L Rogers Owner M B Cohn CohnJun Jun 230JTdn g 115 ft 14 111 5 4 41 12 DupuyM5 12 DrCharlielllProspectlllStrryDawn 9C C CJlajlGSO JlajlGSO Aur 3 l14Vift 185 lOt 2 4 8 ° 710 DupuyM5 12 Kg o f Spal04JyAgeel08Priehonl09 C CMay May 730Aur 2 l14gd 135 108 5 2 3 510 DupuyM 12 ChesterlOSMsSourirelOSGoldnColnallS C CJla Jla 230 = Aur 2113 31 4S 106 5 3 G5J 8 DupuyM8 10 MorsChoice99DonTinkyl09SirJnK 112 C CAnsl329 Ansl329 = Haw he l15 ft 11 114 8 8 873 67i HalbertF 12 Salona HSBlueBIood 109GeoGroom 113 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 2015 1725 This year 4 1 0 0 5 650 650Otto Otto 1 CesarionJL 1 0 Ch e y r Martin Dorothy Perkins by Cesarion JL JL U Trainer I A Connor Owner E Murray MurrayJan Jan 4305Tdn 1ft l47ft 4910 107 4 3 3 = 1 33 SlulrneyJ8 12 Sinon 112 Jasonette 107 Ads ApIe 112 C 3Iay G307Beu 1J 158 ft 51 109 3 4 3 lnk ShawT 8 St4nMden97CapLady91CTceLeBus 104 C CMay May 230sBeu 1 l49Hft 5 103 3 4 43i 41 ClevleyW5 8 Hula 1051atOConnor 105NkolsBoy 10G C i 2930Beu I70 14S ft Gl 103 3 1 1i I2 ClevleyW1 8 RockAbylOSGmeSondlOGPatOCorlOG C Arr23307Beu 1J 157 ft 4110 1031 1 4 4 = 1 41 ClevleyW1 G Uula 100 Thistle Coot 107 Paternal 104 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts c 1st 2nd 3rd Last year 9 This year 6 J 0 2 Mad Skctcll 1 1 Br e 4 by Mad Hatter Sketchy by Peter Pan PanJLJLU JLJLU Trainer J M Reed Owner J M Reed ReedJan Jan 430cTdn 1fg l47ft 25f 112 2 5 Gcl 7s RoseM9 12 Sinon 112 Jasonette 107 Otto 107 C CM M j2030JAur 2 l17hy 32t 106 4 7 4 57 DuhonS1 12 DonTinkyllOBrushinglOOTetraGlass 114 C I Mvl2307Aur I70 l44ft SG 111 8 8 8 Ss WardenE 8 TOrleanianl02Tangraml04Facinty 102 C May 830Aur 3 l14ft BSf 113 11 10 812 S DellowW1 11 JlissLtcrlOSKckaboutlOSPdyFrty 103 C CStarts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 91 21 173 173Master 51790 This year 26 330 52375 Master SamoTer SamoTerLast B O 3 hT7 Mantar PtioTKo TT1 TT1ovarvanoh ovarvanoh kn CTnn Last work 135 38 39ft Trainer E McCown Owner E McCown JOB 2307Tdn 1 l43ft 115 107 7 7 Gi 43 Mulrneyjo 9 DkSabrel02Vicksburg108Paaucttc 105 C lUj28307Tdn l lr r l51sl 6 105 2 G 4Ji 3 LcvelE 8 Gotliainll5BumpkInll5StMatlievs 115 C Mvl930Aur I7 ° l52m 10 103 332 Sn MulrneyJ 8 MryMcCln 105CgeBoy llOFinnic HOC MaylG30Aur 1 l44ft 10 91 3 1 31 4 McLalinE 8 TOrrnianl07SirJohnK109Tangram 108 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts c i 1st o 2nd 3rd Last year 8 This year 17 Prince Eonald mB E 7 by Winstanley Ronaldino by Dark Ronald Trainer M Griner Owner Le Mar Stock Farm Stable Jun 4303Tdn 2 l14ft 18 115 5 G G = 3 41 FroggteD2 12 Wcntz 111 Igor 115 Kitty Cat 103 C May S307Beu 1 151 ft 225 109 1 2 2J 2 FatorE2 8 Kamakani llOMissPardlseOSDon T 10G C CMay May G30JBeu 11 158 f t 31 109 2 2 4i 5 FatorE 8 Otto 109Storm Maiden 97Camp Lady 91 C CMay May 330Beu 1153 ft 185 113 2 1 I2 I2 FatorE 10 IsaacLlOSB airJstcelOGYrktown 103 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Vnn Last year 7 This year 6 1 11 425 Boyish Bob BobJJaj2930Tdn 1 1 fi Br n 8f by Merlalan Bobbed Hair by Helmet JLJLU Trainer M S Powell Owner Norvoo Stable JJaj2930Tdn 1 149 hy 215 1101 2 7 710 WardenE 11 Baby Delhi 104 Igor 114 SnowMan 114 O JIaj2830Tdn 1 l47sl 2 1110 1091 2 1 lh 62 WardenE 12 Long Joe 107 Misnomer 112 Sinon 112 O JDiy2030 Aur 17 I49l y4 1710 106 4 2 2 2 KelserP 7 LnckyDftl09BlotGirl 109RmonaS10G O Ma17304Aur I7 146 ft ftStarts 41 105 2 2 351 5 1 KciserP2 9 Kama 105 Prospect 110 GdnClna 115 0 0Starls Starts 1st Starls 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 21 2 2Godiva 5 3975 This year 20 2 3 1 5 215 Godiva GodivaLast Qf7 B f 3 by Coventry Nellie Kelly by His Majesty 1 1l47ft Last work 151 1m l47ft Trainer C Houbrc Owner A N Sacre Jun 230JTdn 1 0 l43ft 32 103 4 G 5J 52J FrycJW8 9 DkSabrel02Vicksburg lOSPaquette 105 Q 3LvlO305Bcu 17 147 ft 20 97 7 7 7 S12 BernlcrE4 9 Thrace 103 Pachcco 103 Shorty 0 Ill O JLV C05Beu 1 l50ft 19 98 4 Lost riderBcrnlerE1 7 SansTerre HONuckolsBoy 1071lliia 109 O Jiaj G305Bcu I70 l4Gft D9 10C1 1 2 3J 3 = 3 BernierE C Paquctte ICODlxieDan 90PatOCnor 112 O Starts 1st 1stLast Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 11 1 1Middle This year 13 Middle Teniplo Teniploaray I f Ch p 6 M by Cellini Temple Bell by Marco JL JL JL JL t U Trainer W Twining Owner 7 Twining aray 330Beu 1 fg 205 ft 45 111 10 10 10I21015 FlynnJ 10 AVcstPointlI2Coquinal03Asliburne 10GJO Apr2G30 Who lfe 152 ft 25 107 7 4 43i 4 = 1 RcedW 8 Misnomer llGPeterlrim lllOrmogl 111 0 Apr22307 Who 1J1 57f t 23 10S 9 5 531 53i RecdW8 9 ElnierII109JPoterPrimll3fPrIccman 108 O Apr19SOWho H l5716gd 23 116 5 4 4 = i 42 OMallcyJ1 C AVappnocalllIlrtache lllAsApple 111 Q Q2nd Starts 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 23 0 0Ronglincck 0 6 580 This year 5 Ronglincck A O B e 3 by Craig an Eran Falina II by Swynford RonglincckMay JLU Trainer J E Lewis Owner J E Lswis Lswis15f May 3130 Tdn 3 114 ft 15f 100 8 8 7 7 KossR 11 BrhtFlash95NightCryl08Brushing 11C O May G30Beu 5J f 110 ft 25 105 8 S S53 C2 SeaboG2 8 Missl cggyl04JohnGnerllOStryDafnlOG O Al2G203Who 2 llGft 19 107 9 4 4i 51 CooperR 10 Timekccperll2SaraRal09BghtFrh 109 O Apr SOWho I71 l4Sft 47 115 7 G G Gr Grl l CoopcrK 7 WdyLongll5 Baltimorellu Waeketllo A A2nd Starls 1st 1stLast 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 23 23Lower This year 15 3 0 0 2250 2250mB Lower Five FiveLast mB B 5 by John P Grier Midnight by TJnclo j Last work 123 38 n Trainer D Emery Owner L M Emery Maj 9305Tdn 1 l49 hy 25 111 1 6 5 1 5 = 1 EllsrthW 8 MyMcClainlOGKanuiclallGGdKing 111 O Jlay28305Tdn 1 l47sl 10 107 4 7 83J10 FrockC 12 Long Joe 107 Misnomer 112 Sinou 112O May 8305Beu 2 llGft 61 10S 10 10 73J Cl CollInsJG 10 LuckyPlaylOSKinFolks 10JMessidor 106 O May 130Beu 2 117 ft 145 112 G G 4 4 = 1 ClevleyW1 7 Billy WclchlOSBillHarelOOJMyDaddylOO O O2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts lt 2nd 3rd Von Last year 21 2 2 685 This year 15 3 1 2 1965 j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930060601/drf1930060601_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1930060601_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800