untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-05-26


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• 4T I ■!▼■ WW m AcciA.nto "sasBBffT 0Y Evert Nevspapcs NYiTCMflllC WR.SUIUVAN ISSSfS* L /gx „ 4CM And BOOKIES pont u« it | y; — w "tU watch my smoke- Big "Killing" Yesterday YESTERDAYS "TWO BIG SPECIALS": BLACK COMET, .72, WON NITUMA, .96, WON l I told you yesterday that I STAKED MY REPUTATION that I would give out "TWO SPECIALS" yesterday. J "Remember," you dont need large capital to play my PARLAYS— PAY BIG M0NEY$. W "STOP— LOOK— LISTEN" *»8 STODAY! TODAY! TODAY!-*£ I have a Parlay today that comes from the same source which gave out the following Saturdays Parlay: RUNAR. 6.96, WON TUFINUF, 0.06, WON THIS PARLAY WON AND PAID 00- TODAYS PARLAY IS EVEN BETTER— GET ME? TERMS— A DAY . ST" NOTICE— CHICAGO PLAYERS "WB Dont go to the track today before you get my PARLAY or you will be sorry. Conic up iand my office and 1 will show yon "proof" I lia»e the KBAI, SllFK. If you cannot come, phone me, Randolph !ll!.V l1!li, and 1 will send you my pnr-lay with me*wni;pr in sealed envelope. Out-of-town players, telegraph and you will get my wire— NO WAITING. J. SULLIVAN 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 1327 Chicago. III.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932052601/drf1932052601_24_3
Local Identifier: drf1932052601_24_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800