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"SUM" MACKAY Known for Thirty Years Wherever Horses Run And Doing Business With the Most Powerful Connections in Existence Today. Real Inside Information SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: Chicsu 2.82, Won Tela 5.86, Won TAP OUT MUNDAY AT WASHINGTON PARK WIN 50 FOR I expect a 0 and 5 mutuel. Word conies so STRONG on MONDAYS TWO HORSES that I am advising a STRAIGHT PLAY ONLY. OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY TfPMQ 1 STRICTLY TWO * E-rvlVlO, «p» HORSES DAILY IF UNABLE TO CALL PERSONALLY PHONE DEARBORN 8697 FOR MESSENGER SERVICE— NO CHARGE Out-of-Town Clients, Wire S. MACKAY 155 N. CLARK ST. ROOM 414 CHICAGO, ILL.