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u ■ ■• ■ ■ i •— •• m. - m w i.-»i j.ooc record. recora..iu .10 0 u 2 o 2 c $ * 500 o»JU 3rd Aqueduct Purse 00 3_Year-Olds. Fillies. Allowances. Ra-62 L- FurlougS moneur, June 13, 1927— 1:17%— 3— 107. Index -BestatDistance- Wt. Claim No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 71259 Canron 119.. 71259 Bird Nest 117.. 71308 Seasaint 115.. 71398 Sheltered 115.. Index /—Best at Distance- Wt. Claim m No. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price :e 71738 Stepping Sister.. 113.. 69385 Austere M 111.. 71657 Stagecraft 119.. 65770 Upturn 115X The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest work t. out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %8tr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. v Best Company Canron 1 1 Q Br* • *• by Catalan — Bona, »7 Sky-rocket. llw Trainer, D. T. Morris. Owner. W. W. Vaughn. May30 32Bel 15 ft 5 114 7 6 5* 14 WkmanR* Allw 11 BoilingWaterl08.Uniquell4,FlagTrkl08 08 May5 325Pim 11=47 ft 7-5 114 2 11* 1* WorkmanR1 Stks 6 Delicacy 113,Late Date 113, Argosie 113 13 Apr27 323HdG % 1:13% ft 2i 105 1 1 II 1* HebertS4 Hdcp 5 ConAmrcl25,Marlcnol04,Mod.Qun 107 07 Apr20 32*HdG 1:12% ft 39 100 4 1 34 34 HebertS1 Allw 7 HyScotllO,TdAvonl08.B.MeMows 110 10 Ape 6 32*Bow 5A f 1:06% ft 39 103 4 3 3* 34 HebertS* Altw 6 OnTap 110. Vacillate 115.Marcasite 106 06 Notl8-31*Bovv i 1:12 ft 55 108 5 4 6* 8* SmithV* Allw 9 D.Seekerl08,Bcobel 108,D.dePiers 108 08 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. *rd. Won.-, ■ Starts* l«t. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1931 record.. 8 2 10 ,450 1932 record. . 5 3 0 2 ,025 " J I 5 | •, ! I l ! f j ! ! 5 r 5 , ; I ] 3 | i | - ] " J | t 5 1 2 3 8 4 7 8 7 5 *• 6 S 2 ? Z 2 Bird NeSt 117 B. f. 3, by Mad Hattsr— Tree Top, by TJltimus. W k- I 11—3-4 * l-14%ft -*-*■• Trainer. W. Brennan. Owner, Greentree Stable. KW30-32 Bel g 1-25* ft 4 108 4 3 34 54 CoucciS Allw 11 Canron 114, BoilingWater 108,Uniquell4 Ma 25-324?el j 1:25 ft 11-5 107 2 1 li l1 CoucciS Allw 8 BoirgWtrll0,Argosiel07,LauraGal 103 Mayl2-32*Bel f 1:25% ft 3-2 102 1 2 2i 21 CoucciS* Allw 5 Uniquel04,Tryndagain 103i,Pintail 109 May 6-32*Jam 5if 106 ft 15 103 3 1 l1 2* CoucciS* Hdcp 5 D.Secretll6,Autumnl 114,PtrPriddll6 Nov4 314Bel f 1:12 ft 6e 112 7 3 44 7" SmithV* Allw 10 Cabezol22,DarkSecret 122,Delicacy 112 0ctl3 31*Lrl 3 1:13% ft 5 116 7 3 1* 1! KsingerC* Maid 12 Boscobel 116.B.Amicall6,D.Chmerll6 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » 1931 record. . 4 10 1 $ 1,050 1932 record.. 4 12 0 ,100 Seasaint R * f • 3- yr s- Tj"" ■*yi«. "y *m* war. -37-ft -*■-*■*- Trainer, W. E. Martin. Owner, J. C. Clark. W k I 11 3 8 May31-32Bel 1 1:26% ft "30 101*16 15 174 17" Sherr J* 300018 AllRowesl07,S.Burdonl09,GartLass 102 May 19-32*Bel i mc 1:14 ft 4 114 3 1 1* l1 Sherry* Maid 12 HyMore 114,J.Imaginell4,AnnaV.L.114 Mayl6-32Bel 3 wc 1:12% ft 20 110 4 2 2* 7* SherryJ Maid 24 WiseMoneyll5,W.PIayedll5,Panax 115 Mayll-32Jam § 1:14 gd 4i 110 3 2 2* 3 RobtsonA* 150012 Afmativel20, Yancey 115,Fas.Show 110 May 2-32Jam 54 f 1K7% gd 6 112 2 1 1 2 LeischnR1* 1500 12 WingWaysll2,Griettell8,Thoughts 115 Sep30 3rAqu 1 1:00% ft 8 117 1 3 6* 84 AmbroseE Maid 13 Playfole 117,Sobieha 117, Nagreta 117 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn.-» 1931 record. .16 0 3 0 * 675 1932 record .. 5 111 ,000 Sheltered 1 1 " "** * 3 by Pennant — Parasol, by Trompe la Mort. Work- June 11 3 4 l-18ft Trainer, K. Patterson, Owner, K. Patterson. Jun.3 324Bel ll:37%ft" 100 SCRATCHED. Hdcp 4 Risque 126.FlagTrickl08,DkCharmer98 Jun.2 324Jel 11:38 ft 20 110 5 5 7* 9" I.shmanR1 4000 13 LauraGal 100,Action llO.Dextenty 102 Ma -30 32Bel 11:25 ft 25 1095 Left at post RobtsonA* Allw 11 Canron 114, BoilingWater 108,Uniquell4 Mav23 -324Bel 1 1:25% ft 60 1061 5 5 34 3* LeischnR3 Hdcp 5 Risque 126. Parry 117, Pintail 108 May20 32Bel 1 1:37% ft 30 1021 8 6 74 7" SmithD5 Allw 8 W.ClorII.106,MtnElk 115,Unique 102 Mayl3-32*Bel I mc 1:28% gd 10 113 111" 14 RobtsonA Stks 7 BestPIayll8,St.Scatdll8,FalTime$ 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » 1932 record.. 5 1 0 1 $ 2,925 ci,m,i!n„ Qisfpr 11Q B. f, 3, by Stimulus— Bonne Etoile. by Wrack. Vo"k June 6-1-2 -49%sv * X 3 Train«. E- J- Bootn- 0wner- E- J Booth- Jun 9-32Bel 11:39% ft 30 103 8 11 15" 14* LongJ4 250018 SnShdwlLGtLasslOO.Affirmve 103* Maj31-326Bel 1 126% ft 50 1031114 10* 5 RenickS11 300018 AI!Rowesl07,S.Burdonl09,GartLass 102 Ma 13-327Pim l70 1-48% si 61 107 5 7 7* 7*» DouertvF* 2500 7 Fervidll5,WilmT.120,Maj.General 110 May 7 324Pim 1 1:47% ft 25 107 1 5 7" 610 DoughertyF2 2500 8 Bubola 110, JoIlyPilot 114,DoubleO. 120 May 5-32Pim 1 1:47% ft 6 108 1 4 44 4" CallahanH4 2500 11 FervidlW.L.MrrymanlOS.PsEncre 107 May 3-32*Pim j 1:13 ft 27 106*6 7 8* 8" GodfreyN* 4000 12 Mexico 114, Fair Jack 120. Fervor 125 Apt29 323HdG 5i f 1:07% ft 22-5 105*1 4 3* 2 GilbertJ4 3000 12 Boscobel 113,BoobyBird 110, Viba 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.—. 1931 record.. 16 3 10 ,450 1932 record .. 8 0 1 0 $ 200 Austere 111 Br. f, 3 M, by Bostonian — Damoris, by Sain. W rk- tune 8 3 4 145% ft Trainer, H. S. Jones. Owner, E, B. Sheffer. Marl5 32F G % 1:15% ft 17 112 7 7 44 « CooperRG* 1500 12 Judan 112, Blow Fly 107, Rita Ann 112 Marl0-32FG 31:14 ft 24-5f 115 2 5 94 94 TildenR" 150011 BayLeafllO.L.MarclellO.M.Snappy 110 Mar 3 32F G 3 1:14% ft 57f 1075 5 9 8* 5° GuerraJ* 10C0 12 W.Child 107,BngLad 110.Wh.Toes 1014 Feb.l9-32F G % 1:15% m 129f 100* 9 10 11** ll4 MartinTP 3000 12 BillOrge 112,HfDayll2,TwdThds 110 Dec 7-31*J.P 31:16 si 129 105 8 8 54 5" GleasonG* 1750 12 Decptivel03,NosPridel09,Maknda 111 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-N 1931 record.. 7 1932 record. . 4 0 0 0 $ 25 SH"eeriir. 11Q B. f, 3, by Fair Play— Franconia, by Sweep. Work June 11— 3 4 MfltH J-** Trainer, J. Y. Christmas. Owner, H. H. Bowman. Jua 7-324Bel 5*wc 1:03% ft "*15 110 3 5 3* 44 GarnerM* Hdcp 6 Microphonel06,Panetianll8,Halcyon 114 No40 3PPim 3 141% ft 7-10 122 6 6 64 64 GarnerM* Stks 8 H.Devinell7,Espinacall7,M.Kniht 117 Nov.7 3PPim 1 1:11% ft 7 111 4 2 2" 2* GarnerM Hdcp 8 SnapBackllO.FallAppIe 109,Mexico 113 Sep.28 314Aqu g 58% ft 9-20 123 5 2 2* 1* GarnerM* Stks 5 Unique 112,Evening lll.Strghtlace 116 Sepl4 31Bel 54wcl:05 ft 11-5 122 7 2 2* 2* GarnerM* Stks 11 Seven Veils 108,Parryll7,DkSeeker 113 JuL 1 314Aqu 1 59% ft 13-10 112 3 2 1* l1 GarnerM* Stks 7 RbitSkin 107,Mareve 112, Brocado 112 Juil20 31*Aqu 44 f 54 ft 13-20 115 5 3 1* 1* GarnerM" Maid 13 Afloat 115.LintonNell 115,Moony 115 Maj29-31*Bel 4*wc :53% ft 9 5 114 5 2 l1 2* GarnerM* Maid 13 Errant 114,Delicacyll4,Ftherwght 114 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. « .».-, ; Starts, lft. 2nd. »** « ■ - -i 1931 record. . 7 3 3 0 ,780 1932 record .. 1 0 0 0 $ 125 TTntnrn V 1 1 r B. f, 3, by Upset— Morion, by Helmet, **0 Trainer, F. E. Feakes. Owner. Woodlawn Farm Stable. w l I in 7 R 1 V2/ft Oct 8r3i4JaU£ 54»l:06%it " 7 110 5 3 54 54 MalleyT Stks 5 Unique lll.Sobieha 110,Straightlacell6 Sep28 314Aqu I :58% ft 8 112 1 1 1* 5s MalleyT* Stks 5 Stagecraft 123, Unique 112,Evening 111 Aug27 31Sar 3 1:14 ft 13 5 115 5 8 104 11" RoseG Stks 11 Brocado 120, Mea 114, Pintail 116 Aug48 31Sar 5ifl06%ft 41 114 13 4 44 34 WallsP" Allw 14 Fr.Duchessll4,B Farrell llO.Mfinislll JuL8 31*Aqu g 59% m 30 115 3 3 14 1* FisherRJ Maid 6 FlagTrickll5,Rohu»fll6.LintonNell 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- ,- Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 5 1 0 1 $ 800