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Everyone. MASKEn T "STOP LOOK BEAD" "W By Public Demand I Am Again Offering My Service PAY AFTER YOU WIN "m Just bet on MY "SPECIAL" Pay after you win. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: SOUTHLAND BELLE .82, WON BUD CHARLTON LOST MONDAYS PARLAY: PRINCESS BLACK, 4.60, WON HOT SHOT, $ 7.00, WON Thousands of dollars were WON by my large army of followers on this parlay were you one of them? IF NOT, WHY NOT? "Remember," only a small capital needed to play my two-horse parlay every day. Try it. "Convince" yourself that the racing game can be beaten when you do business with "ONE WHO KNOWS." WT "TWO LONG SHOTS" TODAY "m A Parlay on Both Should Pay Over 50 W "NOTICE" CHICAGO READERS "m. Call at my office. See for yourself that I get the "GOODS." If you cant come phone Franklin 4774-4775. Out-of-town readers telegraph your name and address. "MASKED" MARVEL 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 814, Chicago, III. EASTERN CODE BUREAU No Telegrams! No Wires! No Telephone Calls! No Expense! JUST WHAT THE SMAIX PLAYER HAS BEEN SEEKING STRICTLY TWO HORSES A DAY IN CODE FORM These Codes Are Advertised in This Paper Every Day PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Immediately upon receipt of your we will wire you todays parlay only we prepay telegram and mail you code card by air mail. This card is good for six days six parlays. You need no telegrams. YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: PALATINE, 4.24, WON DEEMSTER, $ 7.88, WON Our Service Is the Talk, of the Entire Country Sensational Information ST NO TELEGRAMS NO TELEPHONE CALLS NO EXPENSE -? W SAVE YOUR MONEY PROTECT YOUR MONEY NO WAITING NO SUSPENSE THIS CONCERN IS ABSOLUTELY m 100 PER CENT FOR THE PLAYER m A Fair and Square Deal Is Assured and Guaranteed All Our Subscribers Remit now. Receive todays parlay immediately by prepaid wire and Code Card by air mail, the first thing in the morning. This Code Card good for six parlays six days service two horses daily. Todays Strictly Two-Horse Parlay: LAUREL Ford-62-9-11. LATONIA Buick-18-36-1. For prompt service, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Be sure to include your correct mailing address. Offio open 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. every day. EASTERN CODE BUREAU 145 WEST 41ST STREET, ROOM 508 NEW YORK CIT Prominent Horseman THE MAN OF THE HOUR, AND THE SENSATION OF THE TURF WORLD ANOTHER WINNER BRANDON ROSE, 6.00, WOK 100 PER CENT WINNERS SINCE RE-OPENING OF OUR EASTERN OFFICE Others come, and others go, but follow "PROMINENT HORSEMAN" and GET BIG DOUGH. The mar of the hour, and the sensation of the turf world. Why? I show results. TODAY ANOTHER HORSEMANS SPECIAL GOES. We have spared no expense to assure its succesi "Need we say more?" NOTICE FREE OUR 5JRIVATE WIRE TO ALL CLIENTS SUBSCRIBING WEEKLY ONLY UNT1 FURTHER NOTICE DAILY SERVICE STARTS IMMEDIATELY DAILY Out-of-town clients, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. PROMINENT HORSEMAN TELEPHONE BRYANT 9-9230 1560 Broadway Suite 1510 New York Citj OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO 3 P. M. EPF ONE WINNER A DAY YESTERDAYS RELEASE: BRANDON ROSE, 6.00, WOK NO MONEY IN ADVANCE All I ask is your promise to remit the winnings of a bet on my daily advice I cannot profit unless I make you profit. FOR FASTER AND MORE PERSONAL SERVICE PHONE FRANKLIN 8057 BOB BURTON, 7th Floor, 64 W. Randolph St., .Chicago, III. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA: Cape-Past-Hard-Bear-Heat. Throw out last race. Strong. LAUREL: Troy-Year-Fold-Heat-Bear. NOTE: MONDAYS TOP HORSE: FINNIC 5.40, Won Given in book of October 8th, and we say, "FOLLOW TOP HORSES for 10 days after date of issue." Paxons Improved Code Card Now Ready TWO WEEKS SERVICE One Dollar A code enabling you to decipher each releasa will appear in this paper daily. Mail all remittances to RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohlf TODAYS TWO HORSES: LATONIA Ohio-4-23-25-20. LATONIA Indiana-3-1-25-23. RAY PAXON is known America over as the best turf informant in the business. If you dont believe it, give his service just one trial.