Mount Royal Park, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-03


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MOUNT ROYAL PARK J The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Third and Fourth Races | at Mount Royal Park Monday Paid 6.85 for MONTREAL, QUE., MONDAY, JULY 2, 1934— Mount Royal 1 mile. Third day. Back River Jockey Clubs summer meeting of 14 days. Weather clear. Steward representing Province of Quebec Racing Association, J. G. Reeder. Stewards, E. C. St. Pere, M. P., and A. Laberge. Judges, W. J. Morrison, E. VV. Ferguson and L. A. Larivee. Starter, W. D. Richey. Racing Secretary, J. G Reeder. Racing starts at 2.45 p. m. Chicago time, 1:45 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. QQqcli FIRST RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Frank K., July 20, 1933—1:44—3—100. Purse £?Ot «-9± 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner July-2-34-M.R 10; sec0nd, 0; third, 0; fourth, 0. Index KMH Bqt A Wt IlSt V* V-j *» Kir Via Jockeys Owners Bjuiv. Odds Strt S8084*WEE TODDLER II. w 8 105 3 1 21 3i 2* 2J l1 JelleyE W T Trenholme 217J-100 98085 FATAL GIFT w 6 102 12 1* H li li 25 HornG Mrs G Green 2280-100 97945 MISS JOHNSTON w 3 107 8 9 10 10 6* 3* 31 ParkcrW G Easthope 3890-100 98223THUNDER LIGHT w 5 102 2 3 52J 41 41 41 4k PedenH L Gentry 745-100 98223*CHATHAM QUEEN w 5 95 7 8 61 6" 51 51 54 WatsonG Miss H Davis 1540 100 97947 PAR EXCELLENCE w 7 108 5 4 T 7*1 71 7» 65 PeakeH Mrs J C Stillman 695-100 98291 CANDY MAN wb 6 108 10 6 3* 21 3J 621 7* SylvesterJ Mrs N McLeod 1240-100 98008STAR CREST wb 7 115 6 5 4" 5* 8!1 8rt 81 LaurinL Mrs B Fisher 165 100 97780 IMADANDY wb 3 99 4 10 9* 9* 9* 10 9* HanauerC W Baldeck 4220-100 98085 OLIVIA D. w 3 100 9 7 8X 81 10 94 10 BurrillJ A Sullivan 4225 100 Time, :25. :49, 1:16, 1:42, :W/S. Track fast. , U MUTUEL8 PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WEE TODDLER II .35 .70 .40 217J— 100 85—100 70—100 FATAL GIFT 14.20 12.15 610—100 507*— 100 MISS JOHNSTON 24.20 1110—100 Winner — Ch. m, by Fitzwilliam — Helen Rogors, by Delhi trained by W. Walsh; bred by Mr. N. Mac-farlane. Winner entered to be claimed for 00 WENT TO POST— 3:01. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. WEE TODDLER II., rated close up for three-quarters, came through on the inside entering the stretch and, wearing down FATAL GIFT, won drawing clear FATAL GIFT set the pace, but tired in the last sixteenth. MISS JOHNSTON, slow to get going, closed a big gap. THUNDER LIGHT raced evenly. CANDY MAN had early speed. PAR EXCELLENCE went evenly. STAR CREST could not reach contention. Scratched— 98223 Mythical Lore, 105; 98034 Hollandaise, 97. Overweight— Miss Johnston, 5 pounds ; Par Excellence, 1 ; Olivia D., 1. Corrected weight — Candy Man, 110; Imadandy, 99. QOQCC SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Cannon Bridge, Aug. 19, 1916—1.-00—2—114. Purse 00. aOOtltJ 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; fourth, July-2-34-M.R . Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt tt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 98224*SILENT DON wb 106 3 4 4si 321 2J l" MitchellM C Bisculca 1321 100 98224 ETHAN ALLEN wb 109 2 2 1" li li 21 WoodJ W G Reynolds 965 100 97703 REPROACH w 109 4 3 3i 4i 3i 3i FatorE J D Rolland 725-100 96462 BLACK ANNA w 104 1 1 2 2i 4i 4l HanauerC P F Stoltz 540 100 I7358J*WCTAT0RIAL wb 98 6 6 54 52 5" 54 WatsonG F Agnello 295 100 96462 CEDARBROOK w 108 77 766 6 PasseroJ G C Brenton 1860-100 96055 CHAUVESOURIS wb 104 5 5 6* Fell. JelleyE Mrs R Arbique 4120100 Time, :24, :48s, 1:02%. Track fast. , atUTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . SILENT DON .65 .75 .70 132J— 100 871—100 35—100 ETHAN ALLEN 7.45 4.10 272| — 100 105—100 REPROACH 2.90 45—100 Winner— B. g, by Dunlin — The Sphinx, by Pebbles trained by E. B. Parsons; bred by Mr. K. N. Gilpin. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO P0ST-3:32. AT POST— 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SILENT DON was rated close to the pace and, closing with a rush in the final quarter, won in the last strides. ETHAN ALLEN, away fast, set the pace and tired in the drive. REPROACH saved ground entering the stretch and outlasted BLACK ANNA. The latter forced the pace to the head of the stretch, where she went very wide. DICTATORIAL raced evenly. CHAUVESOURIS crossd her legs leaving the half-mile post .and fell. Overweight — Chauvesouris, 1 pound. QOOtD THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. S JJoOilO year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, 0; July-2-34-M.R fourth 0. Idc i Horses EqtA WtPPSt % % str Pin Jorkeys Owners ■qniv. Odds Strt 97879FINGER TIPS wb 6 110 4 3 V V ll l1 ChinnH H Adams 600-100 98989 LITTLE WING wb 5 110 5 7 6i 51 44 24 PasseroJ Mrs B F Christmas 245-100 98807 DUN RODE wb 5 lib 9 6 3i 71 3i 31 WoodJ A Hapley 3105-100 97500 SNOOPS wb 3 105 10 4 2l 24 2* 44 StaszukT J F OBrien 685 100 980872SQUEAKY ■ 7 115 8 5 5i 41 51 51 EamesC R Primrose 490-100 98809 EN AVANT w 5 108 3 2 41 31 6k bl FatorE A Sullivan 1365-100 I7859ICHILE GOLD w 5 120 1 1 71 64 7" 71 MooreET F Choquette 295-100 97859 CHIPOLA wb 5 115 2 10 10 10 8i 8l PeakeH O Burgess 2280-100 98225 CANMAS wb 3 105 7 9 8" 91 91 9l RallsC G Patterson 4230-100 98086 CYRANO wb 8 111 6 8 91 81 10 10 LaurinL W N Henderson 2580-100 Time, :23%, :4W. 1:15%. Track fast. . MDTUELS PAID , , OIFIC1AL BOOKING ODDS FINGER TIPS 4.00 .90 .50 600—100 145—100 125—100 UTTLE WING 3.50 3.45 75—109 721—100 DUNRODE 9.55 377J— 100 Winner — Ch. m, by North Star III. — Manicurist, by Ultimus trained by C. Adams; bred by Mr. M. L. Schwartz. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:161. AT POST— 9 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out ; second and third driving. FINGER TIPS, away fast, drew into the lead in the first quarter, was rated along in front and, drawing out in the stretch, tired in the last strides. LITTLE WING was wearing down the leaders at the end. DUN-RODE, away fast and shuffled back on the far turn, closed a big gap. SNOOPS quit. SQUEAKY had no mishaps. CHILE GOLD was shuffled back in the stretch. Scratched— 98086Mintmaei. 120; 98084 Swcepvale, 98; 98290 Kitty Lee, 105; 97661 Go Easy, 110; 98225 Mint Drift, 105; 98225 Transmit. 110 Overweight — En Avant, 2 pounds. QOOC7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. St. Laurent Purse. wOOtl 4 Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, July-2-34-M.R 0 . third, 0; fourth, 0. index Horses Bqt A Wi IlSi v4 sW Fin Jockeys Owners EqoIt. Odds Str t fj8226**STEPONIT wb 5 106 6 3 24 11 34 I* WatsonG R Robertson 185-100 87224 BOLINTY wb 4 111 3 2 52 44 2i 21 PasseroJ W C Morris 995 100 98225BLUE JOHN wb 7 115 11 l1 21 11 34 LaurinL J P Macey 185 100 98226*VISIONARY HOUR w 5 111 7 6 64 6* 51 4» WoodJ D G McGregor 4280-100 96480RIDGE LADY wb 4 108 5 4 3 3" 41 5» SylvesterJ S R Craig 245-100 98006 DON CARLOS wb 4 113 2 5 4 54 64 61 HorvathK C N Lilley 1440-100 97581 TMADUD wb 3 104 47 777 7 RallsC J U Gratton 1925-100 Time, :23%. :47s*. 1:134£. Track fast. , 6* MUTUEL8 PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . STEPONIT .70 .20 .55 185—108 88—188 27*— 100 BOUNTY 6.88 4.05 248— IN 102* — 100 BLUE JOHN 3.00 50—100 Winner — Ch. g, by Beresford — mare by St. Victrix — Catnip trained by R. Robertson; bred in Ireland by Mr. J. Barry. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 4:57*. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. STEPONIT, away fast, drew into the lead icunding the turn, went extremely wide entering the stretch, came again in the last eighth and was drawing clear at the finish. BOLINTY saved ground entering the stretch and outlasted BLUE JOHN in the last sixteenth. The latter set the early pace and tired in the final eighth. VISIONARY HOUR, outrun early, made up ground. RIDGE LADY tired in the stretch. Scratched-97764 Toy Town 108. Overweight — Imadud, 2 pounds. QOOCC FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, July 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. dominion Day I 00»»»I0 Handicap. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 75; second, July-2-34-M.R 5; tnjr|, 0; fourth, 0. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 98226BETTY FARRELL w 5 115 4 1 1* 1» 1* 14 HorvthK M Chaplin 120 100 98009SAND RUNNER wb 4 114 7 3 21 21 24 2* SylvesterJ N Morena 195-100 97224WATCHLITE wb 5 116 3 2 3" 3« 31 31 StaszukT Maple Leaf Stable 460-100 - v fsttWCHRYSMUTE w 3 105 5 5 51 44 4» 4" RallsC J U Gratton 895 100 98486 ELLEN D. wb 5 108 6 4 4* 54 5 51 MooreET O Viau 1450 100 98227 DESPOIL wb 5 107 2 6 61 64 61 bl BarberE M Wilbur 6285-100 97490 NATAMEMOR w 3 110 1 7 777 7 ErwmS H Friedberg 7220 100 Time, 23, :47, 1:12%. Track fast. • . 8* MDTUELS PAID , . OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BETTY FARRELL .40 .00 .45 120—100 60—100 22*— 100 SAND RUNNER 2.95 2.50 47*— 100 25—190 WATCHLITE 2.50 25—100 Winner — Ch. m, by North Star III. — Sweep Prk, by Sweep trained by E. Fecteau; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm. WENT TO POST— 5:32. AT POST—* minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BETTY FARRELL, away fast, drew into the lead at once and, increased her advantage entering the stretch, winning in hand. SAND RUNNER raced WATCHLITE into defeat in the first three-eighths and continued gamely. WATCHLITE had early speed. CHRYSMUTE raced evenly. ELLEN D. had eaily speed, hut tired badly in the final quarter. Scratched— 98227 Protractor, 115; 86294 Sir Michael, 103. Overweight — Despoil, 2 pounds. QOQCQ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Frank K., July 88, 1833—1:44—3—188. Purs* aOOotF 08. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 16; second, 0; July-2-34-M.R third, 8; fourth, 6. Index Horace Bqt A WtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqolv. Odds Strt 98228*COVENTRY QUEEN w 4 106 1 2 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* WilsonT C O Ferguson 370 100 98010*SQUEEZE PLAY w6108 T 5 ? 34 31 31 21 LaurinL C M Stable 995 100 98228 LITTLE JAY wb 5 111 5 I 2* 2* 21 21 31 HorvthK A G Dunlap 785 100 98088GAY PARTY wb 5 116 3 7 61 6* 9 41 4» PasseroJ Miss B J Christmas 345 -100 98088*INVESTOR wb 5 111 2 17 51 4* 5H 5* RallsC P P Calderone 785 100 98223REFINER wb 7 108 4 4 •? 41 « 61 61 PeakeH C J Patchett 350 100 97945,*BAIMWAWA W39366 51 777 7 WatsonG C Robillard 740 100 Time, 24, :48%, 1:14, 1:48, 1:45%. Track fast. , — 4% MDTTJELB PAID-— , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . COVENTRY QUEEN .48 .28 .18 370—100 160—100 105—100 SQUEEZE PLAY 7.00 4.65 250-100 132*— 100 UTTLE JAY 4.50 125—100 Winner— B. £, by Coventry— Princess Royal, by Uncle trained by W. H. Denham; bred by Mr. T. C. McDowell. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 6:83*. AT POST— 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COVENTRY QUEEN took the lead going to the first turn, was rated along and drew away in the last quarter, winning in hand. SQUEEZE PLAY closed gamely, but was overmatched. LITTLE JAY forced the pace and tired in the stretch. GAY PARTY closed a gap. INVESTOR closed a big gap. REFINER quit. Scratched— 98228 Indian Dance, 104; 96738 Social, 101; 98228 Cupboard, 109; 98228 Donie, 116; 98295 Spot Pot, 103; 98295 Logwood, 101. Overweight — Refiner, 2 pounds. ~* OQQsQA SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mites. Bubola, Aug. 23, 1932—1:43—4—114. Purse 00. aOoOU 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 0; third, July-2-34-M.R 0; fourth, 6. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt K % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odd* Strt ~~~ 97778*rEE OFF wb 4 100 5 1 31 34 3* 14 1* MooreET L Boyer 705-100 97948 POPCORN wb 5 112 7 2 54 51 2* 21 24 PeakeH Mrs F RusseU 245 -100 97425*TAOIST wb 5 112 2 4 21 21 11 3* 34 FatorE S Kincaid 190100 98229BACKSTEP wb 4 112 10 5 81 9* 5* 44 4» SylvesterJ A L Taylor 445 100 96655*CRASHER w9107 866*7«6451 51 FaustF W S Sweeney 1295 100 97948 PUNISHMENT wb 8 112 1 7 41 41 41 61 6* LaurinL Mrs R Hall 1185-100 98229 FRANK GROSSMAN wb 5 112 910 71 61 8» 71 74 DovetW Mrs L Jenkins 1845100 97801 UNCLE CHARLE wb 7 112 6 8 8» 8W 9" 81 8l ChinnH Miss L Argenbright 2965 100 97503 BLANCHETTE w 6 110 3 3 14 11 74 V 9* EamesC L Fontaine 6235 100 97788 ANNY w 3 103 4 9 10 10 10 10 10 WilsonT Mrs N McLeod 3650-100 Time, t2and, :49, 1:16, 1:43%, 1:49%. Track fast. r It XUTDELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . TEr OFF 8.16 .40 .96 705—190 220-100 195-100 POPCORN 4.1f 3.90 105-100 95-100 TAOIST 3.15 57J-100 Winner— Ch. c, by Star Master— CourceDes, by Macdonald II. trained by W. Ryan; bred by estate of Mr. J. E. Madden. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 6:43*. AT POST— 0* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TEE OFF, rated close to the pace for three-quarters, moved up with a rush on the inside entering the stretch and outlasted POPCORN. The latter, taken back off the pace, closed with a rush in the last quarter and just failed to get up. TAOIST forced the pace from the start, took the lead at the quarter post and ired BACKSTEPSTEP closed a big gap. BLANCHETTE tired. ANNY ran away half a mile before the start. Scratched— 97862 Chiefs Troubador, 112; 98083 Jolly Gal, 91; 98228 Crenalan, 107; 97422 Chum, 112; 97707 Phil R., 112; 97223 Jean Gaffney, 107. Overweight — Tee Off, 2 pounds; Blanchette, 3; Anny, 4. OQ9CA1/ EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Westys Fox, June 16, 1932—1:12—3—114. Purse 00. SfOe30V/2 3-year-olds and upward. Claiimng. DECLARED OFF.

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