Fairmount Park Fall Meeting is Uncertain, Daily Racing Form, 1934-07-03


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[ FAIRMOUNT PARK FALL ] j MEETING IS UNCERTAIN j COLLINSVILLE, 111., July 2,— The thirty-four day spring meeting, almost at an end, plans for a fall session at Fairmount Park are indefinite, according to general manager R. S. Eddy, Jr. "Under the laws of Illinois, every track in the state is allowed sixty days," said Eddy today. "But Mr. Cattarinich part owner of Fairmount and I have not decided as yet whether w» will come back and avail ourselves of the twenty-six days we can have in the fall. We will wait and see how business conditions come along. "Needless to say, the present meeting has been far from successful. But conditions as they are all over the country are much to blame. People havent the money they used to have. And, too, the torrid weather here this season has been a serious item in keeping the crowds away. Outside of Saturdays and Memorial Day, the attendances have left much to be desired. "As far as the sport is concerned, I believe we have had one of the best meetings in the history of the track. There were some fine owners, horses and jockeys present throughout the meeting, and the sport was cleanly and keenly contested. "I want to take this occasion to thank the fans in St. Louis and vicinity for their patronage, and also to thank the press, which has been so liberal in its news of our meeting."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934070301/drf1934070301_29_1
Local Identifier: drf1934070301_29_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800